I am dragging a Label with the Pan gesture and dropping it on a Button, then i want to activate some function after the drop occurs, but I couldn't find any drop gesture/event in the native script documentation. I just need the element that the drop occurred on,
so if it is possible to get it by the drop state of the Pan gesture it will be also helpful.
In NativeScript the Pan event hast state argument returning state number (1 === Pan gesture started, 3 === Pan gesture finished). So based on the state that the event returns you can execute your custom logic as done here
The PAN gesture has four states as follow:
args.state === 0 // "unknown"
args.state === 1 // "start"
args.state === 2 // "change"
args.state === 3 // "end"
So the "drop" would be when args.state returns 3.
I have a task on Unity 3d that if the player doesn't move for 5 seconds, a pop-up shows on the center of the screen and if the player moves, the pop-up disappears. How can I write the logic for this task please ?
Here is code that will check the mouse position of the user and see if it has moved in the last 5 seconds. If it has not, then the popup window will show up. If it's hard to read here with the comments (I kind of think it is) copy and paste this code into Visual Studio so the colors will help distinguish code from comments.
[SerializeField] GameObject popupWindow = null;
float totTime;
float timeBeforePause = 5f;
Vector3 updatedMousePosition;
private void Update()
// Add the time delta between frames to the totTime var
totTime += Time.deltaTime;
// Check to see if the current mouse position input is equivalent to updateMousePosition from the previous update
// If they are equivalent, this means that the user hasn't moved the mouse
if (Input.mousePosition == updatedMousePosition)
// Since the user hasn't moved the mouse, check to see if the total Time is greater than the timeBeforePause
if (totTime >= timeBeforePause)
// Set the popup window to true in order to show the window (instantiate instead it if if doesn't exist already)
// If the user has moved the mouse, set the totTime back to 0 in order to restart the totTime tracking variable
totTime = 0;
// Check to see if the popup window is visible (active)
if (popupWindow.activeSelf == true)
// Check to see if the user has pressed the Esc button
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
// Hide the window
// Update the updatedMousePosition before the next frame/update loop executes
updatedMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
If you want to track different user input (key presses) you can use a similar method. Also you will have to implement some sort of button on the popup window that will allow the user to exit out from the popup window once they return. Hope this helps!
I have this sprite: spr_meteoriteLv3, which has two sub-images with index image_index 0 and 1 respectively.
I have these objects: obj_meteoriteLv3, obj_tempMeteoriteLv3, and obj_score. Object obj_meteoriteLv3 spawns from above with random position, random amount, and random sub-image. Object obj_tempMeteoriteLv3 makes obj_meteoriteLv3s spawn. When player clicks on a meteorite, the program checks the value of image_index for that object.
obj_meteoriteLv3 has these events:
Create Event: change sprite_index into spr_meteoriteLv3, and start moving downwards.
Left-pressed Mouse Event: destroy the self instance, and check image_index: if image_index == 0 then score += 5; else score -= 5).
obj_tempMeteoriteLv3 has these events:
Create Event: set Alarm 0 to 3600, set variable exist to 1, and set variable add to 1.
Alarm 0: set variable add to 0, and destroy the obj_meteoriteLv3 instance.
Alarm 1: set variable exist to 1.
Step Event: if (exist == 1) then, if (add == 1) then create instance of obj_meteoriteLv3, set variable exist to 0, and set Alarm 1 to 10.
obj_score has these events:
Create Event: set score to 0.
Draw Event: draw the value of score.
The problem is, no matter which sub-image the meteorite image_index has when clicked, the score will always be incremented by 5 points. It's like the else condition isn't working. How can I fix this? Please explain your answer. Thanks.
I add some images for better understanding. Link 1. Link 2
In obj_meteoriteLv3 it's being destroyed before it can execute the rest of the code blocks. Move "Destroy Instance" to the bottom.
In obj_tempMeteoriteLv3 both variables "add" and "exist" are not necessary, instead have-
Create Event-
alarm[0] = 3600
alarm[1] = 10
Alarm[0] Event-
Alarm[1] Event
Create_instance of obj_meteoriteLv3
alarm[1] = 10
Potentially, when you click, every single meteorite is triggered.
On the left click event of the meteorite, you did not check if the cursor was on the sprite. You have to use the position_meeting function, to which you pass the mouse position and the instance to click.
it would look like :
if (position_meeting(mouse_x, mouse_y, id))
//your destroy code
Moreover, when the instance_destroy(); line is read, the following code is ignored and the program jumps to the destroy_event. William explained it well and suggested to change the order of the lines of code, but you can also change the score in the destroy event directly.
I would like to add that checking for clicks in every instance of the meteorites is not optimal for performances.
My recommendation would be to use a single object to check for clicks (your player or your meteorite spawner, for example), in which you would check for clicks, and if a meteorite is touched, you would trigger it's destroy event. And in this event, you would increment the score and check the sprite.
Your click event would look like :
with (instance_position(mouse_x, mouse_y, obj_meteoriteLv3))
and in the meteorite destroy event, you would check the image_index and change the score accordingly.
EDIT : why the score doesn't change
I believe you didn't declare the score as a global variable, but as an instance variable. So when you write "score = ..." in an other object, it creates a new score variable, unrelated to the precedent.
You have 2 options :
1 - Declare the score a global variable in the create event of obj_score:
globalvar score;
score = //your starting score
Be aware that a global variable can't be set on it's initialisation line.
2 - Change the score through the score object :
whenever the score has to change :
obj_score.score = ...
I am programming a highly responsive web application and came across the issue that most time is used to recognize double taps.
I am using this code from the website:
var singleTap = new Hammer.Tap({ event: 'singletap' });
var doubleTap = new Hammer.Tap({event: 'doubletap', taps: 2 });
hammer.add([doubleTap, singleTap]);
This basically works quite fine. However, due to the timeouts/intervals the recognition of a double tap takes quite "long". I guess its about 2 times the interval - one for each tap.
The waiting for the last interval (waiting for a third tap) is senseless in my scenario.
Is there any "ok tapCount == 2, we fire now and don't wait any longer"-TapRecognizer option?
Update, I have done some logging:
First column: passed ms since first event
0 input: mousedown
74ms input: mouseup
145ms input: mousedown
218ms input: mouseup
520ms double tap
0 input: mousedown
64ms input: mouseup
366ms single tap
This confirms my theory that double tap is waiting for a third click but I don't think there's an option to disable this.
I share my solution to the problem:
I copied the TapRecognizer and named it DblTapRecognizer. The interesting source code lines are:
if (tapCount === 0) {
// no failing requirements, immediately trigger the tap event
// or wait as long as the multitap interval to trigger
if (!this.hasRequireFailures()) {
} else {
this._timer = setTimeoutContext(function() {
this.state = STATE_RECOGNIZED;
}, options.interval, this);
"if (!this.hasRequireFailures())" seems to misbehave in my situation, since the comment hints at immediate firing... So just "return STATE_RECOGNIZED;" and delete the rest for the DblTapRecognizer.
We ran into similar slowness issues. Apparently there is an inherent lag on tap action on touch devices.
We ended up using FastClick
All you need to do is FastClick.attach(document.body);
This improved the "tap performance" for us.
I was wondering how to handle the fact that an interrupted transition within d3.js does not trigger an end event. As the API doc says
Note that if the transition is superseded by a later-scheduled
transition on a given element, no end event will be dispatched for
that element; interrupted transitions do not trigger end events.
from: https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Transitions#control
In my case transitions are triggered by user interaction. These transitions might be interrupted when the user triggers a new transition through mouse click. Let's say in the first transition an element was meant to fade out and be removed at the end of the transition. If this transition is interrupted the element will never be removed. I could disallow further user interaction during the time a transition happens yet that is not really what I want (particular as i have back and forward buttons which allow the user to click through previous states of my svg graph quickly ... ) Basically I would need an "Interruption Event"
I think there is no really satisfactory way to do this. A little bit painful workaround would be counting the number of transitions currently taking place and reasoning from that.
So, initialize:
var transitionCount = 0;
And whenever you schedule new transitions:
if ( transitionCount != 0 ) {
// handle interrupted transitions here somehow
transitionCount = 0;
var myTransition = selection.transition().... ;
transitionCount += myTransition.size();
myTransition.each('end', function() { transitionCount --; });
If you can handle manually cleaning up interrupted transitions like this, this would be fine. Notice, that you can't use 'start' events to increment the counter as there is a delay between scheduling a transition and it being started so you'd get a race condition there.
I would like to make a tooltip that will respond to the keys (left / right). How do I add an event in a similar way:
$.jqplot.eventListenerHooks.push(['jqplotClick', handleClick]);
I need to get the 'plot' object in event.
You might want to start by checking out one of my other answers and see the code sample there. It presents a way of listening for keyboard events.
It comes down to the following code:
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 37) {
//on left arrow key down
else if (e.keyCode == 39) {
//on right arrow key down
Remember that to have the sample respond to keys the 'Result' area on the jsfiddle must be selected.
Personally, for the tooltip I would use a custom one, to have a better control over it. How to do it is, for example, presented in this answer.