How to run only one role of an Ansible playbook? - ansible

I have a site.yml which imports several playbooks.
- import_playbook: webservers.yml
- ....
Every playbook "calls" several roles:
- name: apply the webserver configuration
hosts: webservers
- javajdk
- tomcat
- apache
How can I run only the javajdk role ?
This would run all roles...
ansible-playbook -i inventory webservers.yml
I know that there are tags, but how do I assign them to a role in general?

Tags are natural way to go. Three ways of specifying them for roles below:
- name: apply the webserver configuration
hosts: webservers
- role: javajdk
tags: java_tag
- { role: tomcat, tags: tomcat_tag }
- include_role:
name: apache
tags: apache_tag
You can explictly specify the tags to run:
ansible-playbook example.yml --tags "java_tag"
Reference to docs


How to run a task only once during entire Ansible Playbook?

I have a Ansible playbook which does multiple things as below -
Download artifacts fron nexus into local server (Ansible Master).
Copy those artifacts onto multiple remote machines let's say server1/2/3 etc..
And I have used roles in my playbook and the role (repodownload) which downloads the artifacts I want to run it only once because why would i want to download the same thing again. I have tried to use run_once: true but i guess that won't work because that only works for one playbook run but my playbook is running multiple times for multiple hosts.
- name: Deploy my Application to tomcat nodes
hosts: '{{ target_env }}'
serial: 1
- role: repodownload
- repodownload
- role: copyrepo
- copyrepo
- role: stoptomcat
- stoptomcat
- role: deploy
- deploy
Here target_env is being passed from the command line and it's the remote host group.
Any help is appreciated.
Below is the code from main.yml from repodownload role -
- connection: local
name: Downloading files from Nexus to local server
get_url: url="{{ nexus_url }}/{{item}}/{{ myvm_release_version }}/{{item}}-{{ release_ver }}.war" dest={{ local_server_location }}
- "{{ temps }}"
This is a really simple one that I battled with too.
Try this:
- connection: local
name: Downloading files from Nexus to local server
url: "{{ nexus_url }}/{{item}}/{{ myvm_release_version }}/{{item}}-{{ release_ver }}.war"
dest: "{{ local_server_location }}"
- "{{ temps }}"
run_once: true
Just something else, unrelated to your main question;
When you run a module that has really long args, like in your example above, rather break the params into their own lines nested under the module. It makes for easier reading, and it makes it easier to spot any potential typos or syntax errors early.
Okay extending from your converstation with Zeitounator. The following workaround will work without changing your vars files. Just remember that this is a workaround, might not be the most efficient way to do the job.
- name: Download my repo to localhost
# Executes only for first host in target_env and has visibility to group vars of target_env
hosts: '{{ target_env }}[0]'
serial: 1
- role: repodownload
- repodownload
- name: Deploy my Application to tomcat nodes
# Executes for all hosts in target_env
hosts: '{{ target_env }}'
serial: 1
- role: copyrepo
- copyrepo
- role: stoptomcat
- stoptomcat
- role: deploy
- deploy

roles overides tasks in playbook

I have ansible playbook which look similar to the code below :
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: "Create custom fact directory
path: "/etc/ansible/facts.d"
state: "directory"
- name: "Insert custom fact file"
src: custom_fact.fact
dest: /etc/ansible/facts.d/custom_fact.fact
mode: 0755
- role1
- role2
once i am running the playbook with ansible-playbook command
only the roles is running ,but the tasks is not getting ran
if i am remarking the roles from the playbook,the task gets ran
how can i make the task to run before the roles ?
Put the tasks in a section pre_tasks which are run before roles.
You may also find post_tasks useful which run tasks after roles.
Correct the indentation
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: "Create custom fact directory
path: ...

How do I make sure a role is run host A before running a task on host B?

Lets say I want to setup 1) Apache webserver and 2) a repository of Tarballs on host A and then download those tarballs over http in some tasks on host B. How would I set up that dependency in Ansible?
So you can create two playbook files:
- hosts: hosts-A
gather_facts: yes
- { role: apache }
- { role: repo_of_tarballs }
- hosts: hosts-B
gather_facts: yes
- { role: download_tarballs }
Afterwards you can create a site.yml file which will be contains:
- import_playbook: hosts-A.yml
- import_playbook: hosts-B.yml
To execute playbook: ansible-playbook site.yml

How to add host to group in Ansible Tower inventory?

How can I add a host to a group using tower_group or tower_host modules?
The following code creates a host and a group, but they are unrelated to each other:
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- tower_inventory:
name: My Inventory
organization: Default
state: present
tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg"
- tower_host:
name: myhost
inventory: My Inventory
state: present
tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg"
- tower_group:
name: mygroup
inventory: My Inventory
state: present
tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg"
Docs mention instance_filters parameter ("Comma-separated list of filter expressions for matching hosts."), however do not provide any usage example.
Adding instance_filters: myhost to the tower_group task has no effect.
I solved it using Ansible shell module and tower-cli. I Know that create a ansible module is better than it, but to a fast solution...
- hosts: awx
- name: Create Inventory
name: "Foo Inventory"
description: "Our Foo Cloud Servers"
organization: "Default"
state: present
- name: Create Group
inventory: "Foo Inventory"
name: Testes
register: fs_group
- name: Create Host
inventory: "Foo Inventory"
name: "host"
register: fs_host
- name: Associate host group
shell: tower-cli host associate --host "{{}}" --group "> {{}}"
This isn't natively available in the modules included with Tower, which are older and use the deprecated tower-cli package.
But it is available in the newer AWX collection, which uses the awx CLI, as long as you have a recent enough Ansible (2.9 should be fine).
In essence, install the awx collection through a requirements file, or directly like
ansible-galaxy collection install awx.awx -p ./collections
Add the awx.awx collection to your playbook
- awx.awx
and then use the hosts: option to tower_group:.
- tower_group:
name: mygroup
inventory: My Inventory
- myhost
state: present
You can see a demo playbook here.
Be aware though that you may need preserve_existing_hosts: True if your group already contains other hosts. Unfortunately there does not seem to be an easy way to remove a single host from a group.
In terms of your example this would probably work:
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- awx.awx
- tower_inventory:
name: My Inventory
organization: Default
state: present
tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg"
- tower_host:
name: myhost
inventory: My Inventory
state: present
tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg"
- tower_group:
name: mygroup
inventory: My Inventory
state: present
tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli.cfg"
- myhost

Run a playbook on hosts with a specific parameter

In my host file I have:
[web] master="yes" master="no"
and in my playbook I would like to run roles only on the server with master=yes like:
- name: Switch MySQL master
hosts: web[master=yes]
remote_user: andy
become: yes
- replication_setup_switch_server
Is it possible to do that with Ansible ?
In Ansible you can create ad-hoc groups based on facts using group_by module.
Add a new play before Switch MySQL master and create a new group in it. I called the new play Create groups by role in the example below. You could maybe rename the variable master to role to make the playbook more intuitive. So, the inventory and the playbook would become:
[web] role="master" role="slave"
- name: Create groups by role
hosts: web
- name: Group by web role
key: "web_{{ role }}"
- name: Switch MySQL master
hosts: web_master
remote_user: andy
become: yes
- replication_setup_switch_server
