Issue with Synchronous Sequential Circuit using Flip Flop D - vhdl

Right now i'm working on a project concerning the use of D Flip Flop on Falling Edge, with x and y being the inputs and z being the output.
The Circuit will only give z ='1' only if x and y are both 0 and also if they were both 0 in a previous clock cycle, and the transitions only occurring in the clock's falling edge.
Variables a and b will represent states Q0(a) and Q1(b).
The Mealy machine is of two states : Q0 and Q1, and the transations are as follow:
x y z
0 0 1
0 1 x
1 0 0 --> goes to next state (Q1)
1 1 x
x y z
0 0 0 --> goes to next state (Q0) only this time z='0'
0 1 x
1 0 x
1 1 0 --> stays in current state (Q1)
The problem is that when the transition from Q1 to Q0 happens, z is still '1' instead of '0'.
Is there any advice on how could i manage to get around that fast transition?
Here is the code so far:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Mealys is
Port (
inicio: in std_logic;
clk: in std_logic;
x: in std_logic;
y: in std_logic;
z: out std_logic;
a: out std_logic;
b: out std_logic
end Mealys;
architecture behavior of Mealys is
type nombres_estados is (Q0, Q1);
signal estado: nombres_estados;
signal entrada_aux: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
entrada_aux <= x & y;
FF_D: process (clk)
if (inicio = '1') then
estado <= Q0;
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
case estado is
when Q0 =>
case entrada_aux is
when "00" => estado<=Q0;
when "10" => estado<=Q1;
when others => estado<=Q0;
end case;
when Q1 =>
case entrada_aux is
when "00" => estado<=Q0;
when "11" => estado<=Q1;
when others => estado<=Q1;
end case;
when others => estado<=Q0;
end case;
end if;
end process;
next_decode: process(estado, entrada_aux)
case (estado) is
when Q0 =>
a <= '1';
b <= '0';
if entrada_aux <= "00" then
elsif entrada_aux <= "10" then
end if;
when Q1 =>
a <= '0';
b <= '1';
if entrada_aux <= "00" then
elsif entrada_aux <= "11" then
end if;
end case;
end process;
end behavior;
And here is the state diagram
Thank you for you time.

I assume that you are learning VHDL, that you are starting with the VHDL subset for synthesis and that the final goal is to synthesize your design.
Your design comprises two processes: a synchronous one and a combinatorial one. Both are bogus for synthesis.
Your synchronous process does not correctly handle the reset. If your reset is asynchronous (that is, is taken into account immediately when asserted), it should be in the sensitivity list:
process(clk, inicio)
if inicio = '1' then
<initialize things>
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
<do things>
end if;
end process;
And if it is synchronous (that is taken into account only on the clock falling edge), it should not be in the sensitivity list but the reset part of your process should be under the scope of the clock edge test:
if falling_edge(clk) then
if inicio = '1' then
<initialize things>
<do things>
end if;
end if;
end process;
Your combinatorial process has 3 outputs: a, band z. They must all be assigned a value during any execution of the process. This is what combinatorial means: each time an input changes, the signals propagate and all outputs finally get a new value. The new value can be the same as the previous one but this must be by accident, not because the output has not been assigned. Else, it would mean to a synthesizer: "keep the previous value", which usually leads to the inference of latches to store the previous value... Not what you want in a true combinatorial process. In your process, when estado or entrada_aux change, a and b are assigned but not always z (I let you understand why).
There is another problem in this process: the equality test operator is =, not <= which is the less or equal test operator. Note that your code should not even compile as it is.
It is not easy to propose a fixed version of this process because your specification is not 100% clear. What do these x mean in the transition table? For instance, what happens to z if we are in state Q0 and xy is 01 or 11? If the answer is "z does not change", then its computation must involve a memory element and you must describe this in your synchronous process. Else, if it means "z takes any value" (we don't care), then you must decide yourself before coding and add this to your combinatorial process (for instance with an else statement).
I will assume that it means "z does not change". So, you need a memory element (a D-flip-flop) to store the previous value. Add another signal (previous_z) and assign it in your synchronous process:
signal previous_z: std_logic:
process(clk, inicio)
if inicio = '1' then
previous_z <= '0';
<initialize other things>
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
previous_z <= z;
<do other things>
end if;
end process;
There is a potential problem here because we are reading the value of z which is an output port of your entity. In VHDL versions previous 2008 this was forbidden. If you are using a pre-2008 version of VHDL you must declare another internal signal (local_z) that you can read and assign, use it everywhere, and assign it to the output z, for instance in a concurrent signal assignment (outside any process):
signal previous_z: std_logic:
signal local_z: std_logic:
process(clk, inicio)
if inicio = '1' then
previous_z <= '0';
<initialize other things>
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
previous_z <= local_z;
<do other things>
end if;
end process;
z <= local_z;
Now, you can use this previous_z signal in your combinatorial process to compute local_z (or z in VHDL 2008):
next_decode: process(estado, entrada_aux, previous_z)
case estado is
when Q0 =>
a <= '1';
b <= '0';
if entrada_aux = "00" then
local_z <= '1';
elsif entrada_aux = "10" then
local_z <= '0';
local_z <= previous_z;
end if;
when Q1 =>
a <= '0';
b <= '1';
if entrada_aux = "00" then
local_z <= '0';
elsif entrada_aux = "11" then
local_z <= '0';
local_z <= previous_z;
end if;
end case;
end process;
Note that previous_z must be added to the sensitivity list. Do you see now how the local_z output of the process will always be assigned?
There is an even better option which consists in assigning a default value to each output, unconditionally, at the beginning of the process and change this if and only if needed:
next_decode: process(estado, entrada_aux, previous_z)
a <= '0':
b <= '0';
local_z <= previous_z;
case estado is
when Q0 =>
a <= '1';
if entrada_aux = "00" then
local_z <= '1';
elsif entrada_aux = "10" then
local_z <= '0';
end if;
when Q1 =>
b <= '1';
if entrada_aux = "00" then
local_z <= '0';
elsif entrada_aux = "11" then
local_z <= '0';
end if;
end case;
end process;
This works because, in a combinatorial process, when a signal is assigned several times, it is the last assignment that wins. And this coding style has a good property: you cannot forget to assign an output.
There is another good option: concurrent signal assignments (outside any process):
a <= '1' when estado = Q0 else '0';
b <= '1' when estado = Q1 else '0';
local_z <= '1' when estado = Q0 and entrada_aux = "00" else
'0' when estado = Q0 and entrada_aux = "10" else
'0' when estado = Q1 and entrada_aux = "00" else
'0' when estado = Q1 and entrada_aux = "11" else
Concurrent signal assignments, when the logic is simple enough, are maybe even better than the two other options because there is no need to worry about sensitivity lists and always assigning the outputs. Probably very good points, at least for beginners.
One last remark: you use the std_logic resolved type without any good reason. This is unfortunate and error prone. You should use std_ulogic, its unresolved parent type instead (u for Unresolved). But this is out of scope your question.


How do we set FSM Initial State in VHDL?

While implementing a state machine on VHDL I was wondering how can I set the output / current state initial condition. I read on one of the questions on here.
One of the answers said we do the initialization before the case structure:
process(currentstate, a)
b <= '1';
c <= '1';
case currentstate is
when s1 =>
if (a = '1') then
c <= '0';
end if;
nextstate <= s2;
However doesn't that make us automatically set b<='1' and c<='1' whenever we get into the process? So if we are at a state say A and we are at the conditions of moving to B whenever we enter the process this directly puts b<='1' and c<='1' isn't that true ?
Or does it actually just run once we start the program and then gets bounded in the case structure ?
Also check this link.
In their FSM implementation they did not specify the initial state how does the compiler or FPGA determine the start state ?
The lines you are looking at are not performing initialization.
b <= '1';
c <= '1';
Remember that VHDL is a hardware description language, not a programming language. What those two assignments do is to set a default assignment for those signals, unless something else contradicts these assignments later in the process. You can assign to the same signal several times in one process, and whichever assignment happens last will take priority. This saves having to write code like:
case State is
when s1 =>
a <= '0';
b <= '1';
c <= '1';
when s2 =>
a <= '1';
b <= '0';
c <= '1';
when s2 =>
a <= '1';
b <= '1';
c <= '0';
end case;
It can end up being quite repetitive and error prone to have the same assignments in many states, so default assignments can really tidy it up:
a <= '1';
b <= '1';
c <= '1';
case State is
when s1 =>
a <= '0';
when s2 =>
b <= '0';
when s2 =>
c <= '0';
end case;
The same pattern works for if statements where you don't want to cover every output signal in every logical branch.
If you want an initial state, there are two approaches that may be applicable depending on the scenario. Here you would assert reset at start-up to set the initial state. Note that the case statement is inside a clocked process:
process (clk)
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (reset = '1') then
State <= s1;
case State is
when s1 =>
State <= s2;
when s2 =>
State <= s1;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
The other option is to define your state signal with an initial value:
signal State : state_type := s1;
I won't go into the pros and cons of using initial values as there are existing questions that explore this.

FSM Mealy Machine Sequence Detector. How to use multiple flip flops?

Right now I am working on a small project in Vivado, a Mealy FSM. The program must detect a 6 bits sequence 001011, and output "1" when the sequence is detected.
The code concerning the sequence detection is doing just fine, but besides that, it must also use Three Flip Flops: JK, D, and T.
Any advice or suggestions on how to add them?
Thank you for your time.
This is the FSM code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity sequence is
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
x: in std_logic;
z : out std_logic;
a : out std_logic;
b : out std_logic;
c : out std_logic;
d : out std_logic;
e : out std_logic;
f : out std_logic);
end sequence;
architecture behavioral of sequence is
type state_type is (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5);
signal state, next_state : state_type;
state_register: process (clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then --if reset is high, goto state Q0
state <= Q0;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then --if not, and rising
state <= next_state; --edge, go to next state
end if;
end process;
next_state_func: process (x, state)
case state is
when Q0 =>
if x = '0' then
next_state <= Q1;
next_state <= Q0;
end if;
when Q1 =>
if x = '0' then
next_state <= Q2;
next_state <= Q0;
end if;
when Q2 =>
if x = '1' then
next_state <= Q3;
next_state <= Q2;
end if;
when Q3 =>
if x ='0' then
next_state <= Q4;
next_state <= Q0;
end if;
when Q4 =>
if x = '1' then
next_state <= Q5;
next_state <= Q2;
end if;
when Q5 =>
if x = '1' then
next_state <= Q0;
next_state <= Q1;
end if;
end case;
end process;
-- This process controls the output of the sequence detector.
-- Each state has it's own output along with 'z' which indicates
-- the entire sequence 001011 has been detected.
output_func: process (x, state)
case state is
when Q0 => z <= '0';
a <= '1';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q1 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '1';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q2 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '1';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q3 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '1';
e <= '0';
f <= '0';
when Q4 => z <= '0';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '1';
f <= '0';
when Q5 => z <= '1';
a <= '0';
b <= '0';
c <= '0';
d <= '0';
e <= '0';
f <= '1';
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;
[1]: - and here is the table that contains the State Diagram Table of the FSM.
Your code is wrong. Take a look at the output_func process; this is combinatorial, and just decodes the current state, without looking at x. The a to f outputs aren't necessary, and are just a 6-bit decode of the current state - why? The z output is set when the current state is Q5, which isn't what you want - the whole process is redundant. You need to set z in your main FSM, when the current state is Q5, and x is 1 - ie. on the next_state <= Q0 transition.
On your actual question - you can't force selection of any particular F/F type with this code - the synthesiser will do whatever it wants, which means that it will implement the whole thing in D types, since JKs have been obsolete for the last 20 years. The same is probably true of T types. You need to start again, and pretend that you have a technology and a library with T, D, and JK. Write these yourself as separate entities, and re-write your code to instantiate these components, instead of allowing the synthesiser to infer them. Re-write your FSM to use JKs - the diagram you gave shows you how. In other words, derive the J and K inputs to each F/F. The z output can be a D-type. You should be able to fit in a T somewhere - I've left that as an exercise for you.

Finite state machine VHDL reset

I am new to VHDL and I have a question about the implementation of a FSM.
I would like the behaviour shown in the picture (where I implemented the same FSM with AHDL). When I implement it in VHDL I have a different behaviour of the reset : if it detects reset=1 and at the same time there is a rising edge the FSM does not go on but it keeps on putting PS at S0.
I know the problem is that if... elsif (it detects right the 1st condition and does not enter in the 2nd I suppose).
I have tried in many different ways but still is not working and the output stays at 00 also after the 1st rising edge.
Waveforms of AHDL implementation:
Waveforms of VHDL implementation:
LIBRARY ieee; -- Bibliotheksvereinbarung
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
ENTITY sumconvol IS -- Schaltungssymbol
x : IN STD_LOGIC; --input of 1st FF
clk : IN STD_LOGIC; --clock of all the 3 FFs
clrn : IN STD_LOGIC;
y : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0) --vector of output data
END sumconvol;
ARCHITECTURE a OF sumconvol IS -- Creation of architecture
--SIGNAL output_tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); -- temporary variables (e.g. input/output between FFs)7
TYPE state_type IS (S0,S1,S2,S3);
SIGNAL NS,PS : state_type;
sync_proc: PROCESS (clk,clrn)
if ((clrn='1')) THEN
y <= "00";
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
PS <= NS;
when S0 =>
if ((x='0'))then
NS <= S0;
y <= "00";
NS <= S1;
y <= "11";
end if;
when S1 =>
if (x='0') then
NS <= S2;
NS <= S3;
y <= "01";
end if;
when S2 =>
if (x='0') then
NS <= S0;
y <="11";
NS <= S1;
y <= "00";
end if;
when S3 =>
if (x='0') then
NS <= S2;
y <="01";
NS <= S3;
y <= "10";
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process sync_proc;
END a;
One thing you might not noticed, is that you put both PS (previous state) and NS (next state) in a clocked process. That means registers are inferred for both signals. Thus, NS will be set to PS one clock later that you would probably expect. This can be solved two ways:
1) remove the PS->NS part, and just use state.
sync_proc: PROCESS (clk, clr)
if clr = '1' THEN
state <= S0;
y <= "00";
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
CASE state IS
when S0 =>
if x = '0' then
state <= S0;
y <= "00";
state <= S1;
y <= "11";
end if;
when S1 =>
if x = '0' then
state <= S2;
state <= S3;
y <= "01";
end if;
when S2 =>
if x = '0' then
state <= S0;
y <="11";
state <= S1;
y <= "00";
end if;
when S3 =>
if (x='0') then
state <= S2;
y <="01";
state <= S3;
y <= "10";
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process sync_proc;
2) separate the process into a clocked and a combinatorial process.
clk_proc: PROCESS (clk, clr)
if clr = '1' THEN
PS <= S0;
y <= "00";
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
PS <= NS;
y <= next_y;
end if;
end process;
comb_proc : process(PS, x)
when S0 =>
if x = '0' then
NS <= S0;
next_y <= "00";
NS <= S1;
next_y <= "11";
end if;
when S1 =>
if x = '0' then
NS <= S2;
next_y <= "10";
NS <= S3;
next_y <= "01";
end if;
when S2 =>
if x = '0' then
NS <= S0;
next_y <="11";
NS <= S1;
next_y <= "00";
end if;
when S3 =>
if x = '0' then
NS <= S2;
next_y <="01";
NS <= S3;
next_y <= "10";
end if;
end case;
end process;
Next, I don't understand what you want with reset. The VHDL code is doing exactly what it should do. This is the proper way to use a reset: as long as the reset is asserted, y should display "00". Then, once it is deasserted, y should change on the next clock edge. That is proper design. What the first (AHDL) picture shows is not good: activity of y during reset.
But anyhow, if you are really stubborn, you can get the behavior that is in the first image using some tricks.
sync_proc: PROCESS (clk)
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if clr = '1' THEN
state <= S0;
y <= "11";
case state is
p.s. you are calling the process sync_proc, as in "synchronous process". But this is not true, as the reset in your code is asynchronous...
p.s.2: give your signals some proper names, instead of e.g. x...

VHDL. Why doesn't my "rdy" value change to 1? Still confused

In my waveform diagram, I am wondering why my "rdy" value does not change to 1 after 400ns.
And why does my "d" value not output anything after the first two outputs? I've tried finding the error for hours but to no avail. Please help, thank you in advance.
Here is my waveform diagram:
And here is my main code.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
entity GCD is
port(st , clk: in std_logic; --clk temporarily taken out
d1, d2 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
dout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
rdy : out std_logic);
end GCD;
architecture behav of GCD is
type state is (S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7);
--temporary clk
--signal clk : std_logic;
signal new_state : state;
signal eq : boolean;
signal eq1 : boolean;
signal lt : boolean;
--State transition
process is
variable curr_state : state:= S0;
if clk = '1' then
case curr_state is
when S0 =>
if st = '1' then curr_state := S1;
end if;
when S1 =>
curr_state := S2;
when S2 =>
if eq and not lt then curr_state := S7;
elsif lt and not eq then curr_state := S4;
elsif not eq and not lt then curr_state := S3;
end if;
when S3 =>
curr_state := S4;
when S4 =>
curr_state := S5;
when S5 =>
if eq1 = true then curr_state := S7;
else curr_state := S6;
end if;
when S6 =>
curr_state := S1;
when S7 =>
if st = '0' then curr_state := S0;
end if;
end case;
new_state <= curr_state;
end if;
wait on clk;
end process;
--Asserted Output Process
process is
variable M, N, dout_val, tmp: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable rdy_val : std_logic;
variable lt_val, eq_val, eq1_val : boolean;
rdy_val := '0';
case new_state is
when S0 =>
M := d1;
N := d2;
when S1 =>
if (to_integer(M) = to_integer(N)) then eq_val := true;
elsif (to_integer(M) < to_integer(N)) then lt_val := true;
end if;
when S2 =>
when S3 =>
M := N;
N := M;
when S4 =>
if (to_integer(M) = 1) then eq1_val := true;
end if;
when S5 =>
when S6 =>
N := (N - M);
when S7 =>
rdy_val := '1';
dout_val := M;
end case;
dout <= dout_val;
rdy <= rdy_val;
lt <= lt_val;
eq <= eq_val;
eq1 <= eq1_val;
wait on new_state;
end process;
end behav;
And here is my testbench:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.all;
entity test_GCD is
end test_GCD;
architecture testbench of test_GCD is
signal m, n ,d: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal clk, st, rdy : std_logic;
--Component Instantiation
device : GCD
port map( clk => clk, st => st, d1 => m,
d2 => n, dout => d, rdy => rdy);
--Process to Generate Test Data
process is
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns;
m <= "00001001"; --9 , 15
n <= "00001111";
wait for 10ns;
st <= '1';
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns;
m <= "00001111"; --15, 9
n <= "00001001";
wait for 10ns;
st <= '1';
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns; --15 , 14
m <= "00001111";
n <= "00001110";
wait for 10ns;
st <= '1';
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns;
m <= "00010010"; --18 , 36
n <= "00100100";
wait for 30ns;
st <= '1';
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns;
m <= "01011011"; --91 = 01011011 , 39 = 00100111
n <= "00100111";
wait for 10ns;
st <= '1';
--wait for 10ns;
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns;
m <= "01111111"; --127, 127
n <= "01111111";
wait for 10ns;
st <= '1';
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
end process;
process is
clk <= '0', '1' after 15ns;
wait for 30ns;
end process;
end testbench;
You're the second one to ask a question here today with the same assignment.
In the third st/rdy set you've upset the timing relation:
st <= '0';
wait for 10ns;
m <= "00010010"; --18 , 36
n <= "00100100";
wait for 30ns;
st <= '1';
wait until rdy = '1';
wait for 10ns;
The previous two sets have wait for 10 ns. This one has 30 ns. What does that do?
You're state machine in the unlabelled state transition process is missing the st <= '1', because it's not looking for it when it occurs, add waveforms down in GCD, try new_state.
There's a fine balance between helping someone and doing their assignment for them.
Can you elaborate what you mean by I am missing the st<='1' in my state transition? I've declared st as a std_logic so I can't use the "<=" assignment for it. Do you mean I am missing the st<='1' in my testbench?
The idea was to get you to look at the operation of the state machine spread across two unlabelled processes.
Your state machine is operating on the positive clock edge even though your code is not written to be synthesis eligible. The process is driven by only one event, clk and the expression clk = '1'is evaluated in the first if statement condition.
if you add new_state to your waveform dump (show it in the waveform display):
(you can open the image in a separate tab or window, it's a link to itself)
(And notice the first GCD 'answer' is all U's. The second 'answer' also doesn't appear to be the greatest common denominator between 15 and 9, either.)
You'll see your state machine quits transitioning, remaining stuck in S2 which evaluates ltand eqbut doesn't modify them in the Asserted Output Process (and you could use labels instead of comments, any statement can be labelled in VHDL).
We look to the previous state S1, where eq_val and lt_val are assigned. They are dependent on M and N, which are assigned from d1 and d2 in S0.
Back in S2 notice:
when S2 =>
if eq and not lt then
curr_state := S7;
elsif lt and not eq then
curr_state := S4;
elsif not eq and not lt then
curr_state := S3;
end if;
And if you look at eq and lt in the above waveform you see they are both true. How can that be? There is to transition condition for that, you stick in S2.
So how can both conditions be true at the same time?
when S1 =>
if (to_integer(M) = to_integer(N)) then
eq_val := true;
elsif (to_integer(M) < to_integer(N)) then
lt_val := true;
end if;
You are only assigning one of them.
However, the other one remains in it's previous state, latched by new_state.
As a short term demonstration I assigned eq_val and lt_val both false right before they are evaluated. That will leave at most only one true.
Unfortunately that reveals another flaw in your design:
And that's not the subject of your question.
You appear to use a Euclid (GCD) algorithm shown in the flow chart (figure 1) in the PDF found in the link. The Boolean types appears to be an assignment requirement (the other student used them as well). The resulting VHDL expresses this algorithm with at least one more error.
You use N as an accumulator in finding the GCD, and you also change the contents of M. N has three sources, d2, the result of N-M in S6 and swappingMandNinS3(which has the effect of assigningNtoM, andN` to itself, variable assignment is immediate). M and N should be signals, or you need an intermediary value to swap through. (They should be signals).
You can use your waveform display to troubleshoot your design. You should also be aware when you are inferring latches, which occur when you have conditional assignments without the equivalent of an 'else'.
The open source tools I used looking at your design (ghdl and gtkwave) don't capture variables in waveform dumps. I'd suspect DesignWorks 5 doesn't either (and could be wrong).
The impact of this is you can't see what the data is doing during the simulation. Your design is small enough you could have used signals throughout without impacting simulation time significantly. Assigning to eq and lt directly in S1 would require else assignments (false). If you're required to use variables for the assignment you can assign them to signals so they are visible, should DesignWorks 5 not display variables. Once you're done you can remove the signals.
The answer to Why doesn't my “rdy” value change to 1? is that you have inferred latches creating a case you don't detect for branching out of S2.
Once you straighten out the M and N swap in S3 it looks like it may have a good chance or working (there could be another gotcha or two in there).
And when you use tmp to hold the value of M (not using signals):
when S3 =>
tmp := M;
M := N;
N := tmp;
You start getting the right answers:
Without seeing the handout you were given for your project I'd anticipate you worked from pseudo code like found in the linked PDF's figure 1. It may have been written in the anticipation of the use of signals.

Undesiderated 1-bit latch (VHDL)

I'm programming a N-bit non-restoring divider, but I faced a little problem.
I have an Operative Part (combinatorial) and a Control Part (Finite State Machine).
The Control Part has a 2 processes FSM, 1 for updating the next state and 1 for the "state sequence".
update: process(clk_in, next_state)
if rising_edge(clk_in) then
current_state <= next_state;
end if;
end process;
And this is the second process:
control: process(current_state, start, S_in, counted)
variable sub_tmp : STD_LOGIC := '0';
sub <= sub_tmp; -- sub is an output signal of my entity that goes in the Operative Part
case current_state is
when idle =>
if start='1' then
next_state <= init;
next_state <= idle;
end if;
when init =>
-- [...]
next_state <= subtract;
when subtract =>
en_A <= '1';
sub_tmp := '1';
next_state <= test;
when test => -- shift
en_Q <= '1';
if S_in='0' then
sub_tmp := '1';
sub_tmp := '0';
end if;
if counted=N/2-1 then
next_state <= finished;
next_state <= operation;
end if;
when operation =>
en_A <= '1';
next_state <= test;
when finished =>
stop <= '1';
next_state <= idle;
end case;
end process;
As you can see, I need to change the value of the sub ONLY in 2 cases (subtract and test), while I don't have to change in the other cases.
The problem is that when I try to synthesize this code it turns out that sub_tmp is a LATCH, but I don't want a latch.
I need to do something like this:
state 1 => set sub to '1' or '0' (depending on another input)
state 2 => do other operations (but sub must remain the value set before) and return to state 1
To clarify more: in certain states of my FSM (not all of them) I set the value of a variable (let's call it sub_tmp). In other states I don't change its value. Then let's say I have an output PIN called "sub_out". Now, independently of the variable value, I want to output its value to this pin (sub_out <= sub_tmp; or similar).
What am I missing?
What you are missing is the behavior you describe IS a latch. Anything with memory (ie: "in other states I don't change it's value") is either a latch or a register (flip-flop). If you don't want a latch or a register, you need to assign a specific value to the signal in each and every code path, and not let it 'remember' it's previous state.
