Different Login View in Different SubDomain - laravel-5

I would like to have different login view for different subdomain.
My system has 2 modules for login.
-Member: www.example.com
-Agent: agent.example.com
I would like to implement 2 different login layout also different flow but using same users table.
-Member: www.example.com/login
-Agent: agent.example.com/login
inside my routes/web.php
Route::domain('agent.example.com')->group(function () {
Route::get('/login', 'AgentController#showLoginForm')->name('agent.login');
However, it still show my member login screen.
But if I changed to
Route::domain('agent.example.com')->group(function () {
Route::get('/agent-login', 'AgentController#showLoginForm')->name('agent.login');
It display the correct controller and view.
I already added the Route::domain to filter up. But how come Laravel still pick up the original login route?
How do I separated it? I prefer to have agent.example.com/login instead of agent.example.com/agent-login

It is because I am using acacha/adminlte-laravel packages. It has the login route included in the package.
Laravel route is organized based on priority of matching. So you want your route match first, you have to put in on the top.
And due to acacha/adminlte-laravelset the Auth::route inside the package. So I can't manually set the route priority in web.php.
What you have to do is remove the Auth::route in vendor. Fork your own repo. and do the customization.


Laravel 8 Redirect Authenticated User Until Data is Changed

Seems like there are a lot of posts related to authentication and redirects, but I can't seem to find exactly what I need. I feel like it should be simple.
So, we have a system whereby we want users to enable 2FA and change their passwords every 60 days. We are using Laravel 8 with Jetstream. I am doing a check on login (via modifying config/fortify.php), which works fine, if the password needs to be changed or if they don't have 2FA they get directed on login to their profile page and they see a message saying they need to update their details.
The problem is they can then navigate to any other page without updating anything. Ideally I want them to be redirected back to the profile page until they update their info.
We have the routes inside a middleware group:
Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'verified'])->group(function() {
routes here
I thought I could just add a check before any routes load using Auth::user(), but the array is empty and therefore any vars accessed are null.
I was hoping for something like:
Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'verified'])->group(function() {
if (pass needs resetting and current route isn't profile) {
I'm assuming that Laravel doesn't authenticate the user until after the middleware has run? Not sure, but that would explain the null values.
So, how would you guys accomplish this? Do I need to modify a controller instead? I just need the user to stay on their profile page until they have updated their data, then they can proceed as normal.
Many thanks for your help.

How to avoid overwriting routes in Laravel?

Sorry in advance, I know it has been asked before but I did not figure out the solution.
I am new to Laravel, still learning and stuck with this issue:
My objective is to add pages in admin and show these pages in frontend.
For the Front part of the website I have this route:
Route::get('/{page}', 'PagesController#show');
so the when you access /about, /contact, /another-page I use the same view
For the Admin part of the website I have this route:
Route::get('/admin', 'AdminController#show');
My problem is that the first route overwrites the second route and I don't know how to avoid this.
I have tried with namespaces and grouping routes, but I get the same outcome.
Thank you
To make it simple this is happening because you have the route with the parameter before the admin route so is going to send the "admin as a parameter of page"
The Simple fix is just put admin route before your "/{page} so it will find admin route first,Something Like this:
Route::get('/admin', 'AdminController#show');
Route::get('/{page}', 'PagesController#show');
But I do not recommend building your routes this way and have specifics pages setup if possible, This way of building routes will mess around with the 404 route not found aswell.

Building on Laravel API backend and Vuejs frontend

I would require a little help here if this method will work out well.
Firstly, I have a backend API server created using Laravel and Laravel Passport. Secondly, I have also created the frontend with Vuejs within the same project. As such, I will be required to use both the api.php and web.php routes. I am also redirecting these routes using vue-router.
Inside the web.php routes, I have used two different routes because I want to display generic contents on my landing site and the other as an authentication required dashboard.
As above, this is to capture the routes which are 404 Not Found that are directly manipulated in the address bar to redirect correctly to their respective pages. I also ended up having two different blade templates named as dashboard.blade.php and home.blade.php respectively. Is this an okay practice for a Laravel-Vuejs project? Or are there ways that you would like to recommend?
Login related problem with login page using the layout of the landing page into another layout of the dashboard page
The problem that I am faced with when doing an API login with the password grant is that the login page does not redirect to the dashboard page properly. The URL route does change but the page is rendered as blank.
The login using axios here:
I have managed to fix the problem.
In web.php, since we have
Route::get('/dashboard/{any?}', function () {
return view('dashboard');
})->where('any', '^(?!.*api).*$[\/\w\.-]*');
Inside of my Login.vue redirect handler, I use location.href = '/dashboard' instead of this.$router.push('dashboard').

Laravel - can we create a master route that redirects every link to the profile page if the same has not been filled in as yet

In laravel, I want the users to create their profile before they can access any other link of the application. Can we create a master route that redirects every link to the profile page if the same has not been filled in as yet.
You would have to wrap all your routes in a middleware that checks if their profile has been filled, if this fails then redirect them to the profile page.
one Possible solution would be this :
Create a variable for each user to say true if his profile is filled or false if not.
then create a middleware to check that variable. if its false to redirect to profile page... your logic. read here for middleware https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/middleware
wrap all your routes with that middleware
in your route file
Route::group(['middleware' => 'yourmiddlewarename'], function() {
//all routes

How do I change the index page in a CodeIgniter anchor?

So, I have two different applications in my CodeIgniter installation. One is admin, the other is frontend. I basically just copied the index file, renamed it "admin.php", and changed the application directory to "application/admin". I then changed the application directory in index.php to "application/frontend".
What I would like to do is create a link on the frontend application that takes you to the admin application. The variable config['index_page'] in the frontend application is set to "index.php" and in the admin application it's set to "admin.php".
Is there a way to set the url helper to use "admin.php" instead of "index.php"?
You don't need to do that way.
you should make or use an authentication library and you set different roles for different
you just after login can put the redirection to your admin controller.
and for other users and viewers you can redirect them to any other controllers.
for viewers you can just use something like this:
In your users function you just check different roles and redirect according.
I think you are missing some codeigniter concept, and you are trying to do it the normal way, i suggest you to read this article , you will how you can use MY_Controller as same concept of front controller and how you will be able to give every use specific roles
another way is to use a ready made authentication library as #medhi said
I would recommend Tank Authentication or Ion Auth
