Ansible check if variables are set - ansible

I want to automate the installation process of our software for our client. Therefore I wrote an Ansible playbook which has a task which should check if all the mandatory variables are set:
- name: Check environment variables.
hosts: all
- required_vars.yml
- fail: msg="Variable '{{ item }}' is not defined"
when: item not in hostvars[inventory_hostname]
- required_vars
The required_vars.yml looks like this:
- APPHOME: /home/foo/bar
- TMPDIR: /home/foo/bar/tmp
When I execute the playbook via ansible-playbook -i inventory/dev.yml playbook.yml I get the following error:
TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ok: [localhost]
TASK [fail] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************failed:
[localhost] (item=required_vars) => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "item": "required_vars", "msg": "Variable 'required_vars' is not defined"}
It is obvious that I am doing something wrong, but I cannot point to the error. Can you help me please?
Edit: the accepted answer helped me out. Thank you.
But I have two more questions:
The executed task says:
TASK [fail]
skipping: [some_ip] => (item=/root)
skipping: [some_ip] => (item=TMPDIR: /home/foo/bar/tmp)
It is getting skipped because all variables are set, correct?
I think I figured out how to print the correct message, if the variable is not set:
- name: Check environment variables.
hosts: all
- required_vars.yml
- fail:
msg: "Variable '{{ item }}' is not defined"
with_items: "{{ required_vars }}"
when: item is undefined
Correct? Or is there a better solution?

Two problems here:
You want to iterate over the value of required_vars variable value, so you need to provide it as an argument to with_items: "{{ required_vars }}":
with_items: "{{ required_vars }}"
Currently you are providing a list of a single element with a statically defined string required_vars.
You need to change the data type of the elements in your required_vars list to strings:
- "APPHOME: /home/foo/bar"
- "TMPDIR: /home/foo/bar/tmp"
Currently (because of : followed by space) you defined dictionaries, so for example in the first iteration item will have a value of { "APPHOME": "/home/foo/bar" }, which will then always fail on the when condition.
Bonus problem:
you defined a message in the form "Variable '{{ item }}' is not defined";
Ansible reports Variable 'required_vars' is not defined;
the above is not an error, as you think ("I get the following error"), but a correct result of the fail module with the message you defined yourself.

Since you have only one value for 'with_items' I think it should look like this:
with_items: "{{ required_vars }}"
On one line and with the brackets and quotation marks. Once you have more then one item, you can use the list like you did:
- "{{ one }}"
- "{{ two }}"


Ansible: how to fetch a value from a dictionary if the dictionary MIGHT be undefined

I need to fetch a value from a dictionary, that might be either defined or undefined, but I can't find a proper way.
Let's assume we have a dictionary:
- name: Define the dictionaty
my_key: my_value
Then let's assume that we had to drop the dictionary at some point in some case:
- name: Drop the dictionary
And then I need to check if the dictionary defined and assign a variable from one of this dictionary's keys:
- name: Fetch the parameter from the dictionary or set the default value
my_var: >-
(my_dictionary != None) | ternary(
{{ my_dictionary.my_key }},
Wrong move!
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'None' has no attribute 'my_key'\n\nThe error appears to be in '***/test.yml': line 16, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: Fetch the parameter from the dictionary or set the default value\n ^ here\n"}
As I understood, Ansible tries to compute the values of the parameters of ternary() in any case. Well, I understand that Ansible is not a programming language, so I shouldn't expect that it will act like a programming language. :-) But, anyhow, how to fetch a value from a dictionaty if the dictionary might be set to None?
The only (ugly) way I've found is something like that:
- name: Fetch the parameter from the dictionary
my_var: "{{ my_dictionary.my_key }}"
my_dictionary != None
- name: Set the default value
my_var: 'my_default_value'
my_dictionary == None
Though I'd rather use some shorter form.
Would anyone be so kind as to share a hint, please?
That's what the default() filter is for.
- hosts: localhost
bar: not the default
- debug:
msg: "{{ | default('my_default_value') }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ | default('my_default_value') }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ | default('my_default_value') }}"
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "my_default_value"
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "my_default_value"
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "not the default"
Hope I understood all your requirements correctly but the code seems to be way more complicated that it needs to be.
How about define dict:
1: one
If dict is defined grab the value
my_var: "{{ my_dictionary.1 }}"
when: my_dictionary is defined
Else set it to value of your choice:
my_var: two
when: my_dictionary is not defined
Slava Ukraini!

In Ansible, how to query hostvars to get a specific value of a key from a list item based on the value of a different key?

I found a way to achieve what was trying to do, using the index_of plugin. The following code outputs what I need.
- hosts: CASPOSR1BDAT003
connection: local
gather_facts: no
become: false
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
mac_address: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][int_idx|int]['mac_address'] }}"
int_name: 'PCI1.1'
int_idx: "{{ lookup('ansible.utils.index_of', hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'], 'eq', int_name, 'name') }}"
- debug:
var: mac_address
PLAY [CASPOSR1BDAT003] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [ansible.builtin.set_fact] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] =>
mac_address: 20:67:7C:00:36:A0
What I am trying to do:
Use the Netbox dynamic inventory plugin (this works, brings back all the info I need)
Query hostvars for a particular host, and get the value of the MAC address for a particular interface called PCI1.1
What I have tried:
Converting the hostvars to JSON and using json_query: this hasn't worked, and having looked at some issues on GitHub, hostvars isn't a "normal" dictionary. I've logged a couple of issues anyway ( and
Use a sequence loop and conditional "when" to get the value - this sort of works when using the debug module, but still not just returning the value
What works:
I have tried the following, which outputs the mac_address variable as expected. The length of the list is found, and then the conditional matches the name. I do get an warning about using jinja2 templating delimiters but that's not the target of this question.
- hosts: CASPOSR1BDAT003
connection: local
gather_facts: no
become: false
- debug:
var: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][{{ item }}]['mac_address']
with_sequence: start=0 end="{{ end_at }}"
- end_at: "{{ (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'] | length) - 1 }}"
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][{{ item }}]['name'] == "PCI1.1"
The result is:
TASK [debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found:
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][{{ item }}]['name'] == "PCI1.1"
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=0)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=1)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=2)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=3)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=4)
ok: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=5) =>
ansible_loop_var: item
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][5]['mac_address']: 20:67:7C:00:36:A0
item: '5'
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=6)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=7)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=8)
skipping: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] => (item=9)
I'm trying to use set_fact to store this mac_address variable as I need to use it in a couple of different ways. However, I am unable to use set_fact on this (or any other hostvars data, it seems). For example, the following:
- hosts: CASPOSR1BDAT003
connection: local
gather_facts: no
become: false
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
interfaces: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][item]['mac_address'] }}"
with_sequence: start=0 end="{{ end_at }}"
- end_at: "{{ (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'] | length) - 1 }}"
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][{{ item }}]['name'] == "PCI1.1"
- debug:
var: interfaces
results in:
fatal: [CASPOSR1BDAT003]: FAILED! =>
msg: |-
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'list object' has no attribute '5'
The error appears to be in '/Users/kivlint/Documents/GitHub/vmware-automation/ansible/prepare-pxe.yml': line 19, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
# when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][{{ item }}]['name'] == "PCI1.1"
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
^ here
If I hard-code the number 5 in, it works fine:
TASK [ansible.builtin.set_fact] ******************************************************************************************************************
TASK [debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [CASPOSR1BDAT003] =>
interfaces: 20:67:7C:00:36:A0
If I use '5' as a var for the task, it also works.
- hosts: CASPOSR1BDAT003
connection: local
gather_facts: no
become: false
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
interfaces: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][int_index]['mac_address'] }}"
- int_index: 5
So I'm wondering, is this a "bug/feature" in how set_fact does or doesn't work with loops (meaning, the same loop worked fine with debug? Or do I need to re-think the approach and consider trying to use set_fact to set a variable with the index of the list (e.g. 5 in the above example)? Or something else?
There's a lot going on in your code, and achieving the result you want is simpler than you've made it.
Firstly, don't use hostvars[inventory_hostname]; plain variables are the ones belonging to the current host, and going through hostvars introduces some exciting opportunities for things to go wrong. hostvars is for accessing variables belonging to other hosts.
Secondly, using Jinja's built-in filtering capabilities avoids the need to worry about the index of the item that you want.
- hosts: CASPOSR1BDAT003
connection: local
gather_facts: no
become: false
int_name: PCI1.1
mac_address: "{{ interfaces | selectattr('name', 'eq', int_name) | map(attribute='mac_address') | first }}"
- debug:
var: mac_address
there is a confusion between the [5] (6th item of a list) and ['5'] (a key named "5") ,
you see in your error: The error was: 'list object' has no attribute '5'.
with the module debug you have not error because [{{item}}] is replaced by [5] and not by ['5']. Its not the same thing with set_fact.
its the reason you have to use filter int to clarify the situation.
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
interfaces: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][item|int]['mac_address'] }}"
with_sequence: start=0 end="{{ end_at }}"
end_at: "{{ (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'] | length) - 1 }}"
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][item|int]['name'] == "PCI1.1"
so i suggest you to use loop instead with_sequence:
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
interfaces: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][item]['mac_address'] }}"
loop: "{{ range(0, end_at|int, 1)|list }}"
end_at: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'] | length }}"
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['interfaces'][item]['name'] == "PCI1.1"
set_fact works with loops, but not in a way you expect.
This example constructs list with loop from lists of dicts:
- set_fact:
foo: '{{ foo|d([]) + [item.value] }}'
- value: 1
- value: 2
Basically, each execution of set_fact creates a fact. You may refer to the same fact in jinja expression for set_fact, but you can't expect it to automatically build lists or something like that.

is there any way to strip ansible output caused by with_items

I'm new to ansible.
I have a problem when using ansible 'with_items'.
For example, the following code:
- assert:
- ...
with_items: "{{data_array_with_big_elements}}"
The running effect is
TASK [assert] ***************
ok: [] => (item={}) => else_output.
What I want is to strip the item body to a short one.
Is there any idea to make it?
You can control the info displayed by loops using the loop_control attribute for your task.
- name: A looped task with controlled label
command: /bin/true
loop: "{{ some_list }}"
label: "Whatever you like, references to {{ item.some_attribute }} possible"
Check the above documentation link for more examples.

Ansible environment variable or default

How do I get a value from an environment variable, but use a default if the environment variable is unset?
This is an example that does not work
- name: a playbook
hosts: all
build_dir: "{{ lookup('env','BUILD_DIR') | default('builds/1.0.0/LATEST') }}"
- debug: msg="{{ build_dir }}"
Running this playbook returns an empty string instead of the default.
$ ansible-playbook build.yml
TASK [debug] ********************
ok: [amber] => {
"msg": ""
However, it works as expected to obtain the environment variable.
$ BUILD_DIR=LOL ansible-playbook build.yml
TASK [debug] ****************
ok: [amber] => {
"msg": "LOL"
Discovered this that is more concise and easier to read than some other options I have seen
"{{ lookup('env','BUILD_DIR') or 'builds/1.0.0/LATEST' }}"
The last parameter to Jinja's default template built-in function should be true, like this:
build_dir: "{{ lookup('env','BUILD_DIR')|d('builds/1.0.0/LATEST', true) }}"
Better not to have too many sources of truth, but I always try to set intelligent defaults in defaults/main.yml. I also make frequent use of the default() filter, like this:
db_url : "{{ DB_HOST }}:{{ db_port | default(1521) }}:{{ DB_SVC | default(SID|default('')) }}"
Then a playbook can always overwrite a role's variable with a lookup that defaults to a literal -
db_port: "{{ lookup('env','db_port')|default('9999') }}"
or with a value dynamically written into a vars_file before the play begins, or into the hosts file or groups file, or on the ansible command-line with --extra-vars, etc.
Look at the variable precedence rules, but be careful not to get too complex if it can be avoided. Flexibility is good, but KISS, else "that way lies madness..."

iteration using with_items and register

Looking for help with a problem I've been struggling with for a few hours. I want to iterate over a list, run a command, register the output for each command and then iterate with debug over each unique registers {{ someregister }}.stdout
For example, the following code will spit out "msg": "1" and "msg": "2"
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: "first"
int: "1"
- name: "second"
int: "2"
- name: Register output
command: "/bin/echo {{ }}"
register: result
with_items: "{{ numbers }}"
- debug: msg={{ item.stdout }}
with_items: "{{ result.results }}"
If however, I try and capture the output of a command in a register variable that is named using with_list, I am having trouble accessing the list or the elements within it. For example, altering the code slightly to:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: "first"
int: "1"
- name: "second"
int: "2"
- name: Register output
command: "/bin/echo {{ }}"
register: "{{ }}"
with_items: "{{ numbers }}"
- debug: var={{ }}
with_items: "{{ numbers }}"
Gives me:
TASK [debug]
> ******************************************************************* fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "'unicode
> object' has no attribute 'stdout'"}
Is it not possible to dynamically name the register the output of a command which can then be called later on in the play? I would like each iteration of the command and its subsequent register name to be accessed uniquely, e.g, given the last example I would expect there to be variables registered called "first" and "second" but there aren't.
Taking away the with_items from the debug stanza, and just explicitly defining the var or message using first.stdout returns "undefined".
Ansible version is on Centos 7_2.
Thanks in advance.
OK so I found a post on stackoverflow that helped me better understand what is going on here and how to access the elements in result.results.
The resultant code I ended up with was:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: "first"
int: "1"
- name: "second"
int: "2"
- name: Register output
command: "/bin/echo {{ }}"
register: echo_out
with_items: "{{ numbers }}"
- debug: msg="item.item={{}}, item.stdout={{item.stdout}}"
with_items: "{{ echo_out.results }}"
Which gave me the desired result:
"msg": "item.item=first, item.stdout=1"
"msg": "item.item=second, item.stdout=2"
I am not sure if I understand the question correctly, but maybe this can help:
- debug: msg="{{ item.stdout }}"
with_items: echo_out.results
Please note that Ansible will print each item and the msg both - so you need to look carefully for a line that looks like "msg": "2".
