I have a connection session pool, through which the listener class receive the message being published on the topic using StompJMS selector via apollo (apache-apollo-1.7.1).
Say I've 4 objects (ob1, ob2, ob3, ob4) listening from the topic using the same connection session pool,firstly the registration request has been sent for all 4 objects using the 4 selectors (s1, s2, s3, s4) to receive a set of features (a, b, c) from topic.
The DeliveryMode is set to Persistent for jms Producer.
The selectors look like:
Another java application is publishing the features a, b, c for ob1, ob2, ob3, ob4 on a topic.
The listener class is receiving the values for any 3 say (ob1, ob2, ob3) , but its' not receiving the values for ob4, and sometimes it's receiving for (ob1, ob3, ob4) and not for ob2. The object its' not receiving for is not fixed.
One reason I can think of is the jms selector failed to pick up features for ob4 or other can be the apollo connection broke down, later seems to be very unlikely because in that case other objects would also have been affected.
Please let me know if there's an issue with the selector.
I need to implement the following architecture:
I have data that must be sent to systems (Some external application ) using JMS.
Depending on the data you need to send only to the necessary systems (For example, if the number of systems is 4, then you can send from 1 to 4 )
It is necessary to wait for a response from the systems to which the messages were sent, after receiving all the answers, it is required to process the received data (or to process at least one timeout)
The correlation id is contained in the header of both outgoing and incoming JMS messages
Each new such process can be started asynchronously and in parallel
Now I have it implemented only with the help of Spring JMS. I synchronize the threads manually, also manually I manage the thread pools.
The correlation ids and information about the systems in which messages were sent are stored as a state and update it after receiving new messages, etc.
But I want to simplify the logic and use Spring-integration Java DSL, Scatter gather pattern (Which is just my case) and other useful Spring features.
Can you help me show an example of how such an architecture can be implemented with the help of Spring-integration/IntregrationFlow?
Here is some sample from our test-cases:
public IntegrationFlow scatterGatherFlow() {
return f -> f
.scatterGather(scatterer -> scatterer
.recipientFlow(m -> true, sf -> sf.handle((p, h) -> Math.random() * 10))
.recipientFlow(m -> true, sf -> sf.handle((p, h) -> Math.random() * 10))
.recipientFlow(m -> true, sf -> sf.handle((p, h) -> Math.random() * 10)),
gatherer -> gatherer
.releaseStrategy(group ->
group.size() == 3 ||
.anyMatch(m -> (Double) m.getPayload() > 5)),
scatterGather -> scatterGather
So, there is the parts:
scatterer - to send messages to recipients. In your case all those JMS services. That can be a scatterChannel though. Typically PublishSubscribeChannel, so Scatter-Gather might not know subscrbibers in adavance.
gatherer - well, it is just an aggregator with all its possible options.
scatterGather - is just for convenience for the direct properties of the ScatterGatherHandler and common endpoint options.
I create kafka stream with the following codes:
val streams = (1 to 5) map {i =>
Map( .... ),
Map(topic -> numOfPartitions),
val unifiedStream = streamingContext.union(streams)
I give each stream different group id. When I run the application, only part of kafka messages are received and the executor is pending at foreachRDD call. If I only create one stream, everything works well. There aren't any exceptions from logging info.
I don't know why the application is stuck there. Does it mean no enough resources?
You want to try set the parameter
SparkConf().set("spark.streaming.concurrentJobs", "5")
I have a single ActorA that reads from an input stream and sends messages to a group of ActorB's. When ActorA reaches the end of the input stream it cleans up its resources, broadcasts a Done message to the ActorB's, and shuts itself down.
I have approx 12 ActorB's that send messages to a group of ActorC's. When an ActorB receives a Done message from ActorA then it cleans up its resources and shuts itself down, with the exception of the last surviving ActorB which broadcasts a Done message to the ActorC's before it shuts itself down.
I have approx 24 ActorC's that send messages to a single ActorD. Similar to the ActorB's, when each ActorC gets a Done message it cleans up its resources and shuts itself down, with the exception of the last surviving ActorC which sends a Done message to ActorD.
When ActorD gets a Done message it cleans up its resources and shuts itself down.
Initially I had the ActorB's and ActorC's immediately propagate the Done message when they received it, but this might cause the ActorC's to shut down before all of the ActorB's have finished processing their queues; likewise the ActorD might shut down before the ActorC's have finished processing their queues.
My solution is to use an AtomicInteger that is shared among the ActorB's
class ActorB(private val actorCRouter: ActorRef,
private val actorCount: AtomicInteger) extends Actor {
private val init = {
def receive = {
case Done => {
if(actorCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
actorCRouter ! Broadcast(Done)
// clean up resources
ActorC uses similar code, with each ActorC sharing an AtomicInteger.
At present all actors are initialized in a web service method, with the downstream ActorRef's passed in the upstream actors' constructors.
Is there a preferred way to do this, e.g. using calls to Akka methods instead of an AtomicInteger?
Edit: I'm considering the following as a possible alternative: when an actor receives a Done message it sets the receive timeout to 5 seconds (the program will take over an hour to run, so delaying cleanup/shutdown by a few seconds won't impact the performance); when the actor gets a ReceiveTimeout it broadcasts Done to the downstream actors, cleans up, and shuts down. (The routers for ActorB and ActorC are using a SmallestMailboxRouter)
class ActorB(private val actorCRouter: ActorRef) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Done => {
context.setReceiveTimeout(Duration.create(5, SECONDS))
case ReceiveTimeout => {
actorCRouter ! Broadcast(Done)
// clean up resources
Sharing actorCount among related actors is not good thing to do. Actor should only be using its own state to handle messages.
How about having ActorBCompletionHanlder actor for actor of type ActorB. All ActorB will have reference to ActorBCompletionHanlder actor. Every time ActorB receives Done message it can do necessay cleanup and simply pass done message to ActorBCompletionHanlder. ActorBCompletionHanlder will maintain state variale for maintaining counts. Everytime it receives done message it can simply update counter. As this is solely state variable for this actor no need to have it atomic and that way no need for any explicit locking. ActorBCompletionHanlder will send done message to ActorC once it receives last done message.
This way sharing of activeCount is not among actors but only managed by ActorBCompletionHanlder. Same thing can be repeated for other types.
A-> B's -> BCompletionHanlder -> C's -> CCompletionHandler -> D
Other approach could be to have one monitoring actor for evey related group of actors. And using watch api and child terminated event on monitor you can chose to decide what to do once you receive last done message.
val child = context.actorOf(Props[ChildActor])
case Terminated(child) => {
log.info(child + " Child actor terminated")
I need to setup a client which will send sqs to a server:
client side:
sqs = AWS::SQS.new
q = sqs.queues.create("q_name")
m = q.send_message("meta")
but how the server could read the message of the client?
Thank you in advance.
First you need to have your server connect to SQS then you can get your queue.
Do a get_messages on your queue. Go to boto docs to get more information on the attributes. This will give you 1 to 10 message objects based on your parameters. Then on each of those objects do a get_body() then you'll have the string of the message.
Here's a simple example in python. Sorry don't know ruby.
sqsConn = connect_to_region("us-west-1", # this is the region you created the queue in
QUEUE = sqsConn.get_queue("my-queue") # the name of your queue
msgs = QUEUE.get_messages(num_messages=10, # try and get 10 messages
wait_time_seconds=1, # wait 1 second for these messages
visibility_timeout=10) # keep them visible for 10 seconds
body = msgs[0].get_body() # get the string from the first object
Hope this helps.
I've written a Continuous JMS Message reveiver :
Here, I'm using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE because I don't want this thread to acknowledge the messages.
session = connection.createQueueSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
queue = session.createQueue(QueueId);
receiver = session.createReceiver(queue);
While (true) {
message = receiver.receive(1000);
if ( message != null ) {
// NB : I can only pass Strings to the other thread
sendMessageToOtherThread( message.getText() , message.getJMSMessageID() );
// TODO Implement criteria to exit the loop here
In another thread, I'll do something as follows (after successful processing) :
This is in a distinct JMS Connection executed simultaneously.
public void AcknowledgeMessage(String messageId) {
if (this.first) {
this.session = this.connection.createQueueSession( false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE );
this.queue = this.session.createQueue(this.QueueId);
QueueReceiver receiver = this.session.createReceiver(this.queue, "JMSMessageID='" + messageId + "'");
Message AckMessage = receiver.receive(2000);
It appears that the message is not found (AckMessage is null after timeout) whereas it does exist in the Queue.
I suspect the message to be blocked by the continuous input thread.. indeed, when firing the AcknowledgeMessage() alone, it works fine.
Is there a cleaner way to retrieve 1 message ? based on its QueueId and messageId
Also, I feel like there could be a risk of memory leak in the continuous reader if it has to memorize the Messages or IDs during a long time.. justified ?
If I'm using a QueueBrowser to avoid impacting the Acknowledge Thread, it looks like I cannot have this continuous input feed.. right ?
More context : I'm using ActiveMQ and the 2 threads are 2 custom "Steps" of a Pentaho Kettle transformation.
NB : Code samples are simplified to focus on the issue.
Well, you can't read that message twice, since you have already read it in the first thread.
ActiveMQ will not delete the message as you have not acknowledge it, but it won't be visible until you drop the JMS connection (I'm not sure if there is a long timeout here as well in ActiveMQ).
So you will have to use the original message and do: message.acknowledge();.
Note, however, that sessions are not thread safe, so be careful if you do this in two different threads.