Extract nth column from a variable - bash

i have a variable Firstline with value FHEAD,0000000001,STKU,20150927000000,201509270000000000,1153,,0000000801,W from which i need 5th field alone.
Can any one help me to resolve this.
I have used the below command but it is giving me an error
echo "FHEAD,0000000001,STKU,20150927000000,201509270000000000,1153,,0000000801,W" | awk -f ',' '{print $5}'
awk: fatal: can't open source file
,' for reading (No such file or directory)

As you tag it as bash and not awk (which is also a valid solution), you can do
IFS=, read -a a <<< "FHEAD,0000000001,STKU,20150927000000,201509270000000000,1153,,0000000801,W"
echo ${a[4]}
to obtain the same result without spawning a new process (note that bash arrays are 0-based).

Try -F not -f.
-F is for the field separator
-f is for the filename of the awk program.

You can use sed too
echo "..." | sed -E 's/([^,]*,){4}([^,]*).*/\2/'


Variable getting expanded which is used inside another command?

I am new to shell scripting .I am stuck with a very basic issue .I have a variable which I want to use with awk command to extract certain values .sample eg is below
sbt_value="1.0.1 analy 2.12.12"
#I want to extract each values out of this variable to three separate variable
version= $(echo $sbt_value |awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')
imagename= $(echo $sbt_value |awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
scala_version= $(echo $sbt_value |awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
I did as above but the issue I am facing is sbt_value variable get expanded on executing above script and I got error ../databricks_deploy/test.sh: line 9: 1.0.1: command not found.
Any help on this will be appreciated
Use the read command.
read version imagename scala_version <<< "$sbt_value"
If you are using a stricter POSIX-compliant shell that doesn't support here strings (the <<< syntax), you can use a here document:
read version imagename scala_version <<EOF

give a file without changing the name in script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to pass parameters to a Bash script?
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
At the beginning I have a file.txt, which contains several informations that I will take using the grep command as you see in the script.
What I want is to give the script the file I want instead of file.txt but without changing the file name each time in the script for example if the file is named Me.txt I don’t want to go into the script and write Me.txt in each grep command especially if I have dozens of orders.
Is there a way to do this?
grep teste file.txt > testline.txt
awk '{print $2}' testline.txt > test.txt
echo '#'
echo '#'
grep remote file.txt > remoteline.txt
awk '{print $3}' remoteline.txt > remote.txt
echo '#'
echo '#'
grep adresse file.txt > adresseline.txt
awk '{print $2}' adresseline.txt > adresse.txt
Using a parameter, as many contributors here suggested, is of course the obvious approach, and the one which is usually taken in such case, so I want to extend this idea:
If you do it naively as
you have to supply the name on every invocation. You can improve on this by providing a default value for the case the parameter is missing:
But sometimes you are in a situation, where for some time (working on a specific task), you always need the same filename over and over, and the default value happens to be not the one you need. Another possibility to pass information to a program is via the environment. If you set the filename by
it means that - assuming your script is called myscript.sh - if you invoke your script by
MOOFOO=myfile.txt myscript.sh
it uses myfile.txt, while if you call it by
it uses the default file.txt. You can also set MOOFOO in your shell, as
export MOOFOO=myfile.txt
and then, even a lone execution of
with use myfile.txt instead of the default file.txt
The most flexible approach is to combine both, and this is what I often do in such a situation. If you do in your script a
it takes the name from the 1st parameter, but if there is no parameter, takes it from the variable MOOFOO, and if this variable is also undefined, uses file.txt as the last fallback.
You should pass the filename as a command line parameter so that you can call your script like so:
script <filename>
Inside the script, you can access the command line parameters in the variables $1, $2,.... The variable $# contains the number of command line parameters passed to the script, and the variable $0 contains the path of the script itself.
As with all variables, you can choose to put the variable name in curly brackets which has advantages sometimes: ${1}, ${2}, ...
if [ $# = 1 ]; then
echo "USAGE: $(basename ${0}) <filename>"
exit 1
grep teste "${filename}" > testline.txt
awk '{print $2}' testline.txt > test.txt
echo '#'
echo '#'
grep remote "${filename}" > remoteline.txt
awk '{print $3}' remoteline.txt > remote.txt
echo '#'
echo '#'
grep adresse "${filename}" > adresseline.txt
awk '{print $2}' adresseline.txt > adresse.txt
By the way, you don't need two different files to achieve what you want, you can just pipe the output of grep straight into awk, e.g.:
grep teste "${filename}" | awk '{print $2}' > test.txt
but then again, awk can do the regex match itself, reducing it all to just one command:
awk '/teste/ {print $2}' "${filename}" > test.txt

Trimming a textfile

i want to trim a textfile and delete all lines from line n to the end of the file. I tried to use sed for that. The sed command for n=26 should look like that:
sed -i '26,$d' /path/to/textfile
So in my textfile i don't know n beforehand, but i know that there is a unique text in that line. So i tried it that way:
myvar=`grep -n 'unique text' /path/to/textfile | awk -F":" '{print $1 }'`
sed -i "${myvar}"',$d' /path/to/textfile
That works and deletes all wanted lines but it throws the error message:
sed: -e expression # 1, character 1: unknown command: »,«
So i tried changing my command to:
myvar=`grep -n 'unique text' /path/to/textfile | awk -F":" '{print $1 }'`
sed -i "${myvar},$d" /path/to/textfile
With that i get the same error message but it doesn't delete the lines.
I tried some variations with ' and " and how to put the variable in there, but it never works as wanted. Does someone knows what i do wrong?
I would appreciate other methods for trimming the textfile as long as i can do it in a bash script.
You can replace the fixed line number with a regular expression matching the line to start at.
sed -i '/unique text/,$d' /path/to/textfile
You can also use ed to edit the file, rather than rely on a non-standard sed extension.
printf '/unique text/,$d\nwq\n' | ed /path/to/textfile

Bash awk append to same line

There are numerous posts about removing leading white space and appending an entry to a single existing line in a file using awk. None of my attempts work - just three examples here of the many I have tried.
Say I have a file called $log with a single line
and I want to add a fourth entry,
awk '{ print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log
output seems to be a newline
whereas, I want all on the same line;
BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; awk '{ print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log
or, this - avoid a new line
awk 'BEGIN { ORS=":" }; { print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log
no change
awk is placing a space after c: and then writing d to the next line.
EDIT: | tee -a $log appears to be necessary to write the additional string to the file.
$log contains 39 variables and was generated using awk without | tee -a
The actual command to write $40 to the single line entries
awk '{ print $40"'$imagedir'" }' $log
+ awk '{ print $40"/home/geoland/Asterism-DEVEL/DSO" }'
but this does not write to the $log file.
How should I append d to the same line without leading white space using awk - also looking at sed xargs and other alternatives.
Using awk:
awk '{ print $0":d" }' file
Using sed:
sed 's/$/:d/' file
Using only bash:
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "$line:d"
done < file
Using sed:
$ echo a:b:c | sed 's,\(^.*$\),\1:d,'
Thanks all... This is the solution I went with. I also needed to write the entire line to a perpetual log file because the log file is overwritten at each new process instance.
I will further investigate an awk solution.
while IFS=: read -r line; do
echo "$line$imagedir"
done < $log | tee $logname
This places $imagedir directly behind the last IFS ':' separator
There is probably room for refinement.
I too am not entirely sure what you're trying to do here.
Your command line, awk '{ print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log is problematic in a number of ways.
First, your awk script tries to print the 4th field, which is empty. Unless you say otherwise, fields are separated by whitespace, and the string a:b:c has no whitespace. So .. awk prints "d". And tee -a appends to your existing logfile, so what you're seeing is the original data, along with the d printed by awk. That's totally expected.
Second, it appears to have tee appending to the same file that awk is in the process of reading. This won't make an endless loop, as awk should stop reading the input file after whatever was the last byte when the file was opened, but it does mean you may have repeated data there.
Your other attempts, aside from some syntactical errors, all suffer from the same assumption that $4 means something that it does not.
The following awk snippet sets the input and output field separators to :, then sets the 4th field to "d", then prints the line.
$ echo "a:b:c" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {$4="d"} 1'
Is that what you want?
If you really do need to append this data to an existing log file, you can do so with tee -a or simple >> redirection. Just bear in mind that awk will only see the content of the file as of the time it was run, and by appending, you are not replacing lines.
One other thing. If you are actually hoping to use the content of the shell variable $imagedir inside awk, you should pass the variable in rather than exiting your quotes. For example:
$ echo "a:b:c" | awk -v d="foo/bar" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {$4=d} 1'
sed "s|$|$imagedir|" file | tee newfile
This does the trick. Read 'file' and write the contents of 'file' with the substitution to a 'new file', so as to read the image directory when using a secondary standalone process.
Because the variable is a directory with several / these need to be escaped, so as not to interpret as sed delimiters. I had difficulty with this using a variable.
A neater option was to use an alternative delimiter. Not to be confused with the pipe that follows.

How to capture first column values of a command?

I am new to shell scripting. I am trying to write a script that is suppose to run a command and use for loop to capture first column of the output and do further processing.
command: tst get files
output of this command is something like
FileA.txt 30 adminA
FileB.txt 21 local
FileC.txt 9 local
FileD.txt 90 adminA
Here is what I have tried so far : UPDATED also want to run additional commands
for f in $(tst get files)
echo "FILE :[${f}]"
tst setprimary ${f} && tst get dataload
the output I am seeing is something like
FILE :[FileA.txt]
FILE :[30]
FILE :[adminA]
FILE :[FileB.txt]
FILE :[21]
FILE :[local]
FILE :[FileC.txt]
FILE :[9]
FILE :[local]
FILE :[FileD.txt]
FILE :[90]
FILE :[adminA]
I am looking for an output something like
FILE :[FileA.txt]
FILE :[FileB.txt]
FILE :[FileC.txt]
FILE :[FileD.txt]
What should I modify in the shell script to only capture NAME column values? Am I executing the tst get files command correctly in the for loop or is there a better way to execute a command and loop thru the results?
EDIT (Samuel Kirschner): you can do without the for loop entirely and just use awk to print the lines you're interested in
tst get files | awk 'NR > 1 {print "FILE :[" $1 "]"}'
If you want to keep the for loop for some reason and just extract the file name from the lines while skipping the header, you have a few choices. Awk is probably the easiest because of the NR builtin variable (which counts lines) and automatic field-splitting ($1 refers to the first field in the line, for instance), but you can use sed and cut as well.
You can use awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}' to get the first column (using any whitespace character as a delimiter while skipping the first line) or sed 1d | cut -d$'\t' -f1. Note that $'\t' is bash-specific syntax for a literal tab character, if your file is padded with spaces rather than using tabs to delimit fields, you can't use the sed ... | cut ... example.
for f in $(tst get files | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}')
echo "FILE :[${f}]"
for f in $(tst get files | sed 1d | cut -d$'\t' -f1)
echo "FILE :[${f}]"
to avoid unnecessary splitting in the for loop. It's best to set IFS to something specific outside the loop body to prevent 'a file with whitespace.txt' from being broken up.
for f in $(tst get files | sed 1d | cut -d$'\t' -f1)
echo "FILE :[${f}]"
You can just do:
tst get files | awk 'NR > 1 { printf "FILE :[%s]\n", $1 }'
Update: To answer extended problem as per comments below by OP:
while read -r file _; do
tst setprimary "$file" && tst get dataload
done < <(tst get files)
Or perl:
tst ... | perl -lanE 'say "File: [$F[0]]" if $.>1'
the variable $. contains the current line number
