Differences between Apple LLVM and LLVM - macos

I have Apple's command line tools version 9.1 installed and am working through an LLVM tutorial. I need to use some libraries like llvm/ADT and llvm/IR but get an error when I run the code.
main.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'llvm/ADT/APFloat.h' file not found
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
1 error generated.
I also don't seem to have tools such as the assembler. Are these things not usable with Apple's version? And can I install LLVM without conflicting with Apple's version?

Apple's fork misses most of the library,headers and command-line tools in the llvm trunk.
I suggest you compile a new llvm copy from trunk.
Conflicting depends on how you configure everything. You can:
Install your new copy to global location, where your $PATH configuration is responsible for choosing which version to use.
Install as a separate Xcode Toolchain.
Here is a build script I've been using:
Running ninja install will install to global location, otherwise run ninja install-xcode-toolchain to install as a separate toolchain
In your case I suggest installing to global location to avoid the trouble of messing with CFLAGS/LDFLAGS/Header Search Path. Then remove the installation manually after you are done with the tutorial
EDIT: You might also want to check out the official build guide https://llvm.org/docs/CMake.html
For your use case, in-tree building is also a feasible option(Providing you are familiar with write cmake configs)

Actually, there is no need to build the LLVM yourself. You can get prebuilt version for your platform here: http://releases.llvm.org
In your case it would be something like this:
cd /opt
wget http://releases.llvm.org/5.0.0/clang+llvm-5.0.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
tar xvf clang+llvm-5.0.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
mv clang+llvm-5.0.0-x86_64-apple-darwin llvm-5.0.0
After that you will have everything under /opt/llvm-5.0.0, e.g.:
P.S. I use /opt just as an example, feel free to pick any other directory that fits you best.


how to use cmake that installed in a non-standard path?

I am on Ubuntu 14.04.3 platform. While I was compiling a project it asked cmake version 3.2 which is not present in my system. I compiled the latest version of cmake from source code and installed it into /usr/local/bin directory. When I attempt to compile project again, its cmake detects the cmake in /usr/bin which is lower version. Then cmake ..
process aborts with lower version error. Is there any built-in cmake variable or environment variable for setting path of the cmake?
I just found a cmake variable CMAKE_COMMAND that supposedly does what I want.
But when I insert CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/local/bin/cmake line into cmakelist.txt then I go to build directory and issue /usr/local/bin/cmake ..
I get :
Expected a command name, got unquoted argument with text
I searched for it on the net but didn't find a solution.
If you have different versions of a software or library installed you may use stow to install and switch between the two. Especially if you want to install a newer version of a software that is not available in one's Linux distribution. So in case the new version is not yet stable you can still switch to the previous one. For example while building cmake 3.2 you can specify the prefix as
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/cmake-3.2/
and then
cd /usr/local/stow
sudo stow cmake-3.2
and if you want to remove the links you can use the following command
sudo stow --delete cmake-3.2
Please keep in mind stow does not delete files. It only makes and deletes links.

build libzmq on mac os x

I am trying to use ZMQ library to communicate between python and c++ code.
I downloaded the source zip from http://zeromq.org/area:download and built it for the windows by using visual studio 2010.
I need to support MAX OS X also. So I tried the same above process by using xcode.
-> I downloaded the code from http://zeromq.org/area:download "POSIX tarball".
-> extract content of zeromq-4.0.4.tar.gz which is downloaded in the above step
-> created the project on xcode
-> included all the files from zeromq-4.0.4/src and zeromq-4.0.4/inc in the xcode project
-> build
Xcode is giving an error while compiling i.e. Unsupported browser in file poller.hpp (77).
I tried to understand from the zmq website but I could not built it.
Can anybody pleas help me building the static lib for the MAC OS X
Thank you.
As per official documentation
brew install zeromq
On the zeromq download page that you reference:
To build on UNIX-like systems
If you have free choice, the most comfortable OS for developing with
ZeroMQ is probably Ubuntu.
Make sure that libtool, autoconf, automake are installed. Check
whether uuid-dev package, uuid/e2fsprogs RPM or equivalent on your
system is installed. Unpack the .tar.gz source archive. Run
./configure, followed by make. To install ZeroMQ system-wide run sudo
make install. On Linux, run sudo ldconfig after installing ZeroMQ. To
see configuration options, run ./configure --help. Read INSTALL for
more details.
Tells you pretty clearly that on Mac OS X compilation uses automake/autoconf. Instead of importing the files into Xcode, install the Xcode command-line tools and do a simple ./configure --enable-static && make to build the static library. The configure script will generate the right headers for you. This is pretty much the default way most libraries that use automake/autoconf are built...
Just use cmake described here:
git clone https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq
mkdir cmake-build && cd cmake-build
cmake .. && make -j 4
make test && make install && sudo ldconfig
I failed 2 test, 1 exception, the other time out.
But building is fine except ldconfig is not on Mac, so need to use dyld
(i am not sure this part)
But it seems working
P.S. Read INSTALL doesn't not give much info

How can I setup linux to compile FORTRAN code into windows binaries?

I'm working on a FORTRAN project and I would like to build all of the binaries that I want to maintain on a linux machine that is dedicated for automated builds. I have successfully used mingw to build 32-bit and 64-bit binaries from C source for windows machines on the linux machine with the following packages on Ubuntu.
apt-get install mingw32
apt-get install mingw-w64
Then I run the following commands to actually compile:
gcc -b amd64-mingw32msvc -V 4.4.4 -o <...other options>
However, the mingw packages that I've obtained via apt-get do not include FORTRAN compilers.
Anybody got any ideas on what I can do?
if you got mingw32 and the Gnu C cross compiler is working for you ... when why not just get the Gnu Fortran cross compiler, too?
EXAMPLE apt-get install mingw32-gcc-fortran
I know this is an old thread but a few things seem to have changed and people might still be interested in the topic.
Problem: I want to use my linux machine to compile some code and create a .exe that I can send to people using Windows.
Solution: Essentially here: http ://mxe.cc/
What I did:
Check to see if your system has all the software you need here
git clone -b stable https://github.com/mxe/mxe.git
It will download a few small things and create the directory "mxe" (probably in your home folder)
cd into that mxe directory and run "make". HOWEVER: this would take hours and take up a few GB on your hard drive so instead run something like
make mpfr eigen opencsg cgal qt
For more ideas on how to shorten that all see this or the mxe tutorial or somewhere else ;)
The easiest way to compile stuff then seems to be something like:
~/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gfortran -c main.f95
~/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gfortran main.o -o outfile.exe
Of course you can chose something other than fortran, just consult the mxe/usr/bin to see what its called.
You can always download and install a prebuilt compiler from the MinGW(-w64) project itself:
Windows 64-bit: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/4.6.2-1/
Windows 32-bit: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/4.6.2-1/
Just unpack somewhere and add the cross*/bin directory to PATH.
I include (obj)c(++) and fortran.
On Ubuntu 18.04 I use
apt install gfortran-mingw-w64
Then use the compiler x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran in place of gfortran. If you're using cmake, you can configure the compiler from the build directory like so:
FC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran cmake ..

XCode: Where is GCC installed?

I've installed XCode v3.1.3 and am having difficulties using the rumored GCC that is installed along with it. -- I'm certainly able to use the XCode IDE to compile my programs but would like the flexibility of also using the command line...
Where's GCC?
Look in /Developer/usr/bin
The most likely explanation is that when you installed the Developer tools you unchecked "UNIX Development Support", so the command line tools were never installed. Delete your /Developer/ directory and do a clean install of the tools; make sure to select "configure" during the installation process and ensure that the appropriate items are checked.
In /usr/bin you should find gcc-4.0 and gcc-4.2 and then there will be a symbolic link gcc which points to one of these (usually gcc-4.2).
As always, you can find out where any available command in your PATH is located using which, e.g.
$ which gcc

Is it possible to install 2 different versions of GCC at the same time?

I am using Ubuntu 9.10
For a particular piece of code I require GCC 3.2 but I have a higher version. Is it possible to install multiple versions and use whichever one I want to ?
Have you searched the Ubuntu package archive for gcc ?
If gcc 3.3 is ok, you could download the gcc-3.3 and related .deb packages for dapper and I suspect it will install and happily co-exist with the gcc 4.4 you get with karmic. (You'll have to be sure to invoke it as gcc-3.3.)
Otherwise you would have to:
download the relevant gcc source bundle
build it yourself with an installdir some place out of the way like /opt/gcc-3.3
make sure to set your PATH correctly when you need it.
yes, you can have multiple installations. You can invoke specific version using gcc-3.2.
you can search repository using apt-cache search gcc-3 to find a package to install using apt-get install. quick search shows only gcc-3.3 in repository, if that version does not work for you, you have to dig a bit more or install by hand. Other poster gave more details
Consider accepting previous answers to questions you have been answered, otherwise you will not get responses.
It is possible to have more than one, but they need to be named differently and installed to different folders. See tutorials for building cross-compiling GCC but do not build for different architecture. However, note that compiling GCC yourself is rather difficult, so fixing the application that you need to compile might be easier.
It is possible to install several versions of gcc on the same machine, where the default version is located here:
Then your alternate versions could be located here:
Certainly adding packages is a simpler way to do it, but if you are interested in installing from source you can download the specific version you want from here:
Then to easily distinguish the versions you can add a suffix or prefix:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc --program-suffix=-10
So in this case your alternate executable would become gcc-10. Then simply perform make and make install as usual.
Please note that if you get an error about GMP, MPFR or MPC files being missing then install them using:
For details please see https://gcc.gnu.org/faq.html#multiple and Building GCC requires GMP 4.2+, MPFR 2.3.1+ and MPC 0.8.0+
Then you should have the new gcc program installed in /usr/local/gcc/bin instead of the default /usr/bin/gcc, so you have to add it to your PATH in your .bashrc file (this is how I did it for bash):
export PATH=$PATH/usr/local/gcc/bin
So now I can so that I have both the default gcc and the gcc-10 by doing:
$ which gcc
$ which gcc-10
