Distributing company apps in Microsoft Teams - microsoft-teams

We are looking into the opportunities of apps within Microsoft Teams. We are using Microsoft Teams extensively and believe it can be the application to use as a single entry point to all relevant information. For example, we want to show the internal company news within Teams.
We are currently envisioning what the preferred way for us would be, based on O365. There are however a number of challenges we currently face with Microsoft Teams and wonder if there is a solution for these or if there are items on the roadmap that can help in this scenario:
Show the app on the left menu bar
Currently personal apps can be added on the left navigation bar. We
would like to add a button which is not hidden behind the ellipsis
but right on the menu bar itself. If possible even change the order.
Will this be a possibility or will the apps remain behind the
Deploy the app within the company only We would like to create company specific apps which work with company data.
We can create apps like this, but from a deployment view, we can only use side loading or the online store. For company specific apps this will not be a valid option (5000+ users). Will this become available?
Automatically deploy the “personal app” for all users
When deploying an app to the left bar, it is considered a personal app. Will it be possible to provision this app for all users within the company?

All three of these are on the roadmap, with item 2 (duplicate post) being the first one likely to appear in the first quarter of calendar 2018.


Microsoft Teams | Expand Tab using JS

Hi my organisation has been creating an app on microsoft teams that allows users to view glpi website inside of a teams tab. The app in itself is just a shortcut to make it easier for the users to navigate through teams.
We need to use an html file with java script in it so that the app redirects to the website in a tab as microsoft teams doesn't allow us to show external website inside of a teams app.
My question is the following : Is it possible that when as a user i click the app button and the redirection to the website tab happens, that this tab automatically expands so that it take all the space inside the teams client. I want it to trigger the "expand the tab" option. (I accept whatever solution you may find because i haven't been able to find something relevant)
This was my first post i thank you for you time and effort and for reading me, have a nice one.
(I tried my best to review this before posting but i'm not sure that i haven't made any mistakes).
I have tried a bunch of useless edits...
There doesn't seem to be any graph API available for pin an App.
We have app related graph API available for add app to team and install app to user.
Ref Doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-post-installedapps?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
To redirecting your Tab in application you can use deeplink to Tab of an application.
Reference Document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application?tabs=teamsjs-v2#generate-a-deep-link-to-your-tab

Microsoft Teams Development linking to desktop apps

In Outlook, excel and Word I’ve created context menus, which when chosen by the user, allows the user to jump to a desktop application (passing along the context of course as well). It all seems old school these days but think VSTO, Addins or even vba.
Is something like this possible from a Teams conversation?
EDIT - Example:
In a conversation in MS Team John types a message to Fred "Hey Fred please look at file number 123456." Now currently Fred has to highlight and copy this number, open a Desktop app and paste the number to search for the information.
If John writes the same message as an EMAIL to Fred, then because Fred has my addin installed, the addin recognizes the number 123456 and Fred simply right clicks on the number and chooses a context menu. (The addin sends a message through a WCF connection to the Desktop app) The Desktop app springs up to the foreground and displays the file to Fred.
So far from my reading of MS Teams I only read and see things about the http protocol which is nice but I am hoping there is something more.
From what I can understand developing with Teams currently means web only addons/extension or whatever they call them now. Communication with native applications is not possible for developers, even Microsoft is still trying to link documents in Teams to their own desktop apps.
I never want to open the document in Teams, or in Office Online. I always want to use the native desktop program. Would be nice if there was a global setting so documents always opened in desktop applications. (Microsoft Teams UserVoice December 2017)
It appears that Microsoft Teams does not support any of the coding opportunities currently available for Outlook, Word or Excel as according to the comments above these are "Advanced Threat Protection blocks unsafe protocols".
Sadly web only addons/extension and the requirement for them to be centrally uploaded effectively makes things very difficult for people working within a corporate environment where there is
an IT department who creates so much red tape that your application for something ends with a negative result. Gone are the days where people can code up something for a few people to use in their organization.
If you have landed here from a Google Search my suggestion would be to create a browser extension with a native host. You can do whatever it is you want with the Teams user interface and
send the information through the native host to your desktop applications. This will not work with the Microsoft Teams App, however as this app is simply the website in a window it is possible that people will just use a browser anyway.

How can I pin a Sharepoint's WebPart app?

I have developed a Sharepoint's WebPart. This app works fine and now I need something similar to integrate with Teams.
I have been researching about the best way to develop the app for Teams. As far as I know, there are two ways of doing this:
1. I can develop a new app only for Teams
2. I can "reuse" the Sharepoint's Webpart.
According to the second one option, I have made some little changes and now the app based in the WebPart is working in Teams.
My doubt is the next one. The application is a "Tab" associated to a channel and the client wants that the app icon appears in the menu of the left side.
When I try to add the icon in: https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/app-setup, this new application based on the WebPart, never appears and I don't know the way to add the icon in the menu.
Could somebody help me?
Kind regards
You can pin only Personal Apps to the left rail. Please add your SharePoint page as personal (static) tab in your App and then pin it.

How to add an app to a group chat in MS Teams

The What's New for MS Teams on November 13, 2018
Apps on apps on apps
Why let channels have all the fun? Now your private group chats can
add dozens of apps as tabs to make working together even more
seamless. Manage project deadlines with Trello, readily access notes
with OneNote, track business analytics with PowerBI, and so much more.
Check out all the apps available by selecting the + at the top of any
group chat.
However, the + button does not exist in the group chat screen in the desktop application ( or the Office365 web interface.
How do I do this?
I have explored further and found that this may be affecting on your case.
Assuming if you have admin access
Go to https://portal.office.com/adminportal/home#/Settings/ServicesAndAddIns
Click on Teams. Under the Apps. Make sure you have enabled the following settings to see the + icon
The checkbox "Allow External Apps" let you When this setting is turned on, users can add external apps that are available to your organization.
Here is the official link.
Hope it helps
Tick the checkbox Allow external apps or sideloading of apps in Teams settings. You can go through the documentation.

Dynamics 365 home menu not showing sandbox apps

I have the Sales app plus two custom apps in a production instance. I have created a sandbox instance and done a full copy from production to sandbox. https://home.dynamics.com however is only showing tiles for the apps in production, there is nothing there for sandbox. The same is true of the Dynamics 365 drop down that shows available apps, nothing for sandbox.
I know the sandbox apps are present because I can navigate to them by modifying the URL for the production app to point at the sandbox instance. I have tried clearing cache, syncing on the home menu and logging off/on.
I have an outstanding request open with Microsoft, but they don't seem to know much about this.
You can't see the sandbox there because sandbox is a separate "Instance" of CRM not a separate "App" of CRM. I believe that you don't want users to have access to the same data on Sandbox and on Production? Apps are simply a way to allow you to group your data into different set of entities (you can specify which entities should be available for an app), providing different sitemap etc. but the underlying database is the same. Sandbox is different database (a separate organization) which can (and most likely is) on separate server. That's why you won't see it under your apps (as it is technically not an app)
Don't know why I thought you are talking about this pane on the left when you are exploring Dynamics 365. https://home.dynamics.com should indeed show you a tile for different instances. It's clearly a bug, so this is a task for Microsoft Support team, not Stack Overflow question
You should be able to see the Sales app and the custom Dynamics 365 instance using the following steps
- click the chevron on the right of Dynamics 365 label on the upper left
- click the chevron on the right of My apps label
- Sales app is shown
- Custom app is shown
If you still can't see it using those steps, then you might encountered the issue that I have also encountered before where my apps are missing. I just reinstalled a new sandbox, and all my previous changes are gone. Hopefully this won't be your last resort and someone could post a better alternative. For me I just recreated it since it's just a sandbox anyway.
