IBM MQ service on Windows not starting - ibm-mq

What's the difference of amqsvc and strmqsvc?
I have installed IBM MQ and configured for multi instance. It uses amqsvc.exe to start the service as installed, the service is logon from a domain account, and the account is a member of group mqm.
It was working fine but yesterday for some unknown reason the service is not starting properly, here is what happened:
when amqsvc is run on automatic or manual, amqzxma0 runs on full cpu usage until timeout and windows prompted the service not starting with error 1053, but the MQ service is started, then I tried to start the queue manager but fail to start, however it can be started on interactive.
However I can start the service fine with strmqsvc and can start the queue manager normally. So what's the difference between these two and what is the problem behind it?

amqsvc is the actual windows service.
strmqsvc is the command used to start the above service.
The IBM v7.5 Knowledge Center documents the error 1053 as:
Windows: amqmsrvn.exe process removed
The amqmsrvn.exe DCOM process was replaced by a Windows service,
amqsvc.exe, in Version 7.1. This change is unlikely to cause any
problems. However, you might have to make some changes. You might have
configured the user that runs the IBM® WebSphere® MQ Windows service
MQSeriesServices without the user right to Log on as a service.
Alternatively, the user might not have List Folder privilege on all the subdirectories from the root of the drive to the location of the
service amqsvc.exe.
If you omitted the Log on as a service user privilege, or one of
the subdirectories under which IBM WebSphere MQ is installed does not
grant the List Folder privilege to the user, the MQ_InstallationName
IBM WebSphere MQ Windows services in Version 7.5 fails to start.
If you did not give the user the List Folder privilege, the Windows Service Control Manager adds an event: 7009: Timed out waiting for the
service to connect. The strmqsvc command reports error 1053.
Ensure that you have provided List Folder privilege on all the subdirectories from the root of the drive to the location of the service amqsvc.exe. This should resolve the issue.


Websphere nodeagent and server1 stops everyday

I have a IBM WebSphere ND on Windows 2016 standard edition with JDK 1.7 enabled. I see that, node agent and server1 (application server) are getting stopped everyday but the deployment manager is still up and running (i.e. admin console can be accessed). So, I have to start nodeagent and the associated server manually everyday. Investigation done so far
Checked if the windows servers are getting restarted everyday? No they are not
Checked nodeagent start and stop server logs but there are no entries to see, some command was issued for stopping
Checked application server profile (server1) logs but nothing is there.
FYI, I don't have clustering done on WAS but it is planned for the future.
I don't no where else I can look for the reason the node agent and server1 is getting stopped everyday.
okay, this is what I found out. In my case I have
Dmgr01 - registered under windows service
Node agent - not registered under windows service
application server - no need or never register application server if you have deployment manager
Since my node agent was not registered under windows service, whenever I log-off or my session is killed due to in-activity, the default behavior is that, all running processes (jave.exe) associated with WebSphere will be crashed and there will not be any trace of it. This is why, I was unable to find the any logs.
I registered my node agent as windows service and everything worked.

IBM Websphere 6.1 start up with limited user access

I have successfully installed IBM websphere on my windows 7 machine as administrator user.
Now, when I am trying to run the server using limited access user login, it is exiting with message .
However, when I try to run it using administrative login, server runs successfully.
Since my user Id is of limited access, what needs to be done for starting successfully the server with user login.
Do I need to first create a profile associated with user login.
If yes, then how to create new user profile.
Since IBM Websphere was installed as administrator user, its installation directory (c:/Program Files/IBM/Websphere/*) was not accessible by limited access user. Since log files were also in the same directory, system was not allowing to start the server.
Also, I needed admin access on my system for starting/stopping the server.
I got read-write access on the installation folder and then again tried to start server using command prompt (serverStatus.bat server1).
The server started successfully on ports 9060/9043.

How to start a windows service on local computer

I have created a windows service.
When I install msi, this service goes to local services, but doesn't start. When i try to start it, it gives this error:
Windows could not start this service on Local computer.
Error 1053: The service didnot respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
One more thing is, that when I install msi as a service, it goes to local services, but doesn't start and gives warning that you don't have privileges to start this service.
Once you have created the service, go to "Services", and find the service you just created.
Right click on the service name, and select Properties. Under Log On, make sure the service is using an account that has permissions to the machine and anything your service needs. The default account is a Local System account, which has access to the following .
Microsoft has a couple of fixes to this problem here and here. They might help you.

Debugging Topshelf service that won't run under restrictive account

I have a Windows service written using Topshelf. I'm trying to configure it to run using a Windows account with restricted privileges rather than using LocalSystem. That's also necessary as I'd like to connect to a database using integrated authentication.
The service works when run as LocalSystem (albeit with a database connection string containing credentials) and running the console application as my limited account (using runas) also works.
However, when I try to start the service the service control manager times out waiting for a response:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
I also get the following in the Application Popup event log:
Application Error : The exception unknown software exception (0xc06d007e) occurred in the application at location 0x77e4bef7.
The first thing that the application does is writes to a log file but it doesn't reach that when I start the service. The logging works if I run via the console.
Any suggestions what I might be missing or what I might try next?
This problem seems to be related to the server (a domain controller) rather than TopShelf. A service built with the .NET service component also exhibits the same behaviour.
The service runs successfully on a different machine (in the same domain).
Unfortunately this doesn't help diagnose the problem but gives me an acceptable workaround.
Check the MSDN article Debugging windows services which describes how you debug windows services.
I've just started seeing this on a few of my services written in .net 2.0. They'll start fine when the server boots, but if I were to restart them throughout the day, they would not start, and give this error message.
They currently ran under a domain account which has admin rights on the box, but for kicks, I switched it to Local System, and the service started normally. I stopped it, changed it back to the domain account (reentering the password), and it started normally again as expected.
Don't know if this counts as a 'fix' so much, but that's what worked for me.

Service Controller not able to start service - Access denied

I am using a service controller in a win forms application to start and stop a service which listens to a message queue and processes the messages. I get an access denied error when the service is started from the win forms application.I am using Vista Home Basic and an account which is of type administrator and I have used Log As - Local System Account. The service can be started and stopped normally using the Service Management Console but I get an error when I try to Start the service programatically.Can someone provide some guidance as to how to fix this issue.
Probably you have elevated when opening the services console, but not for your own app.
Add an "Application Manifest File" (that is the name of the template in Visual Studio) and set the requested execution level to "requireAdministrator" (there are comments in the manifest file that will help).
