JPA #Query annotation does not seem to be using paramter - spring

I have a Spring Boot application using JPA/Hibernate as entity management/modeling. I have the following user class:
public class User {
private Long Id;
private String name;
//more fields, getters and setters below
I want users of my application to be able to search for users by name. So in my repository interface, I have:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT u from User u WHERE lower( LIKE lower(:name)")
List<User> findByNameLike(#Param(value="name") String nmae);
Then in my UserController, I have:
#GetMapping(value = "/users/")
public #ResponseBody List<User> search(#RequestParam String name) {
return this.userRepository.findByNameLike(name);
This always returns an empty list. I know the name parameter is coming in correctly.
Moreover, I do know that it is recognizing the #Query annotation, because if I change the query to something like
it will return me all users. Or if I change it to
SELECT u from User u WHERE = '%Bob%'
and remove the parameter from the method, it will return all users whose name is Bob. I've tried other variations of the query, such as
SELECT u FROM User u WHERE lower( LIKE CONCAT('%', lower(:name), '%')
SELECT u FROM User u WHERE = :name (even a simple equals doesn't work)
and so on and so forth. Every source I look at whose syntax I copy seems to say I'm writing the query right, so I think something else must be going on.
I've also tried letting Spring generate the query for me, using
public List<User> findByNameLike(String name);
public List<User> findByNameContaining(String name);
which also don't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated here!


How to get the specific property value from .properties file in Spring Data Repository interface method #Query

I am able to get the property value in Spring classes like below:
private String databaseName;
I have to execute a native query by joining different tables which are in different databases.
#Query(value="select t1.* FROM db1.table1 t1 INNER JOIN db2.table2 t2 ON t2.t1_id1 = t1.id1")
Instead of hard coding database names i.e., db1 and db2 here, I have to get them from properties file.
how to get the property value inside the #Query annotation in Spring Data JPA Repository ?
I don't know if it is possible, but if not, you can consider this approach:
Instead of using properties in Repository's #Query directly, you can use params in the query but when you call the actual method - you can provide values from .properties.
Imagine you have simple repository:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
// query with param
#Query("select u from User u where u.lastname = :lastname")
User findByLastname(#Param("lastname") String lastname);
Then, let's say you have some Service or Controller where you need to use your Repository - you can inject properties there and pass them to your method:
public class UserService {
// this comes from .properties
private String userLastName;
private UserRepository userRepository;
public User getUser() {
// you pass it as param to the repo method which
// injects it into query
return userRepository.findByLastname(userLastName);
This is just an example. But I believe it may be useful.
Happy hacking :)

Spring mongodb repository returns 0 entries for query on field which is of type list

I am trying to get list of users whose comments are matching specific input keyword from mongodb document collection.
My User document defintion looks like
public class User {
private String id;
private String name;
List<String> comments;
And my Spring Repository code looks like
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "user", path = "user")
public interface UserRepository extends
MongoRepository<User,String>,CustomUserRepository {
#Query(value = "{'comments': ?0} ")
List<User> findByComments(String username);
List<User> findByCommentsIn(List<String> comments);
List<User> findBycomments(String username);
When i query it from mongo shell it works fine,
db.user.find({"comments": /test/}) returns the expected result .
But same is not working with Spring Data mongodb.
And i also tried using Custom Repository , to use mongo template.
The code snippet is as follows
Query query = new Query()
List<User> result = mongoTemplate.find(query, User.class);
After little more research , it works if i use $regex in my query method.
#Query(value = "{'comments': {$regex:?0}}")
List findByComment(String comment);
Additional, would be interested in knowing how to debug such issues.

Annotations are not allowed here

I'm creating a UserRepository which implements JpaRepository and works with User entity. I need a method to update username. I decided to do it with the help of #Query. But it's marked by Intellij. Here is my code for repository:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query(value = "update User user set %?username"))
void updatingUser(#Param(value = "username") String username);
And for Entity:
#Table(name = "users")
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "user_id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "user_name")
private String username;
And I faced with such a problem: "Annotations are not allowed here" says Intellij Idea and marks the line with #Query annotation. And it made me confused
In my case, I accidentally typed ";" at the end of #Query. Might help someone else.
Sorry, guys. It was so stupid for me to write double quotes in the end of this line. But I actually don't understand why Intellij didn't notice that but started to mark this line with another mistake
In my case, I accidently typed an ';' at the end of the #Query sentence.
#Query("SELECT a FROM Author a")
#QueryHints(value = #QueryHint(name = HINT_FETCH_SIZE, value= "" + Integer.MIN_VALUE));
Stream<Author> streamAll();
After I removed the ';' from the #QueryHints, then it worked perfectly.
#Query("SELECT a FROM Author a")
#QueryHints(value = #QueryHint(name = HINT_FETCH_SIZE, value= "" + Integer.MIN_VALUE))
Stream<Author> streamAll();
Sorry this was 4 years too late, but you have an extra ')' at the end of your #Query line
Using the #Query annotation in this place is absolutely appropriate. But your query is not quite correct.
Query parameters can be named - ':name' or indexed - '?1'.
You should use update queries with 'where' clause otherwise you will update all records.
You code should be like this:
#Query("update User u set = ?1 where = ?2")
void updateByName(String value, String name);
Or like this:
#Query("update User u set = :value where = :name")
void updateByName(#Param("value") String value, #Param("name") String name);
Pay attention - while the 'name' field is not unique you will update ALL users with given 'name'. To update only one user you must use unique field or primary key in the 'where' clause, for example:
#Query("update User u set = ?1 where = ?2")
void updateById(String value, Long id);
By the way if you need to update all user which have specific name pattern - use 'like' operator:
#Query("update User u set = ?1 where like '%'||?2||'%'")
void updateByNameLike(String value, String name);
Useful info:
Spring Data JPA - Reference Documentation
JPQL Language Reference
SQL Tutorial
P.S. Annotation #Repository is not necessary
Well, I got this issue with the following query after copying from SQLyog.
SELECT id FROM (SELECT * FROM departments ORDER BY id) dpt_sorted, (SELECT #pv := '2') initialisation WHERE FIND_IN_SET(parent_dept, #pv) AND LENGTH(#pv := CONCAT(#pv, ',', id));
But when i typed the query, the error message disappeared. May be copy and paste issue in my case. This could be helpful.
In my case, I was trying to use it in the constructor...

Spring Data: "delete by" is supported?

I am using Spring JPA for database access. I am able to find examples such as findByName and countByName, for which I dont have to write any method implementation. I am hoping to find examples for delete a group of records based on some condition.
Does Spring JPA support deleteByName-like delete? Any pointer is appreciated.
Regards and thanks.
Deprecated answer (Spring Data JPA <=1.6.x):
#Modifying annotation to the rescue. You will need to provide your custom SQL behaviour though.
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#Query("delete from User u where u.firstName = ?1")
void deleteUsersByFirstName(String firstName);
In modern versions of Spring Data JPA (>=1.7.x) query derivation for delete, remove and count operations is accessible.
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
Long countByFirstName(String firstName);
Long deleteByFirstName(String firstName);
List<User> removeByFirstName(String firstName);
Derivation of delete queries using given method name is supported starting with version 1.6.0.RC1 of Spring Data JPA. The keywords remove and delete are supported. As return value one can choose between the number or a list of removed entities.
Long removeByLastname(String lastname);
List<User> deleteByLastname(String lastname);
2 ways:-
1st one Custom Query
#Query("delete from User where firstName = :firstName")
void deleteUsersByFirstName(#Param("firstName") String firstName);
2nd one JPA Query by method
List<User> deleteByLastname(String lastname);
When you go with query by method (2nd way) it will first do a get call
select * from user where last_name = :firstName
Then it will load it in a List
Then it will call delete id one by one
delete from user where id = 18
delete from user where id = 19
First fetch the list of object, then for loop to delete id one by one
But, the 1st option (custom query),
It's just a single query
It will delete wherever the value exists.
Since in 2nd option it is making multiple DB query, try to use the first option.
Go through this link too
If you take a look at the source code of Spring Data JPA, and particularly the PartTreeJpaQuery class, you will see that is tries to instantiate PartTree.
Inside that class the following regular expression
private static final Pattern PREFIX_TEMPLATE = Pattern.compile("^(find|read|get|count|query)(\\p{Lu}.*?)??By")
should indicate what is allowed and what's not.
Of course if you try to add such a method you will actually see that is does not work and you get the full stacktrace.
I should note that I was using looking at version 1.5.0.RELEASE of Spring Data JPA
If you will use pre defined delete methods as directly provided by spring JPA then below two queries will be execute by the framework.
First collect data(like id and other column) using by execute select query with delete query where clause.
then after getting resultSet of first query, second delete queries will be execute for all id(one by one)
Note : This is not optimized way for your application because many queries will be execute for single MYSQL delete query.
This is another optimized way for delete query code because only one delete query will execute by using below customized methods.
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "Abc.deleteByCreatedTimeBetween",
query = "DELETE FROM abc WHERE create_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2")
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "Abc.getByMaxId",
query = "SELECT max(id) from abc")
public class Abc implements Serializable {
public interface AbcRepository extends CrudRepository {
int getByMaxId();
void deleteByCreatedTimeBetween(String startDate, String endDate);
It works just
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
Long removeAddressByCity(String city);
Yes , deleteBy method is supported
To use it you need to annotate method with #Transactional
here follows my 2 cents. You can also use native queries, like:
#Query(value="delete from rreo r where r.cod_ibge = ?1 and r.exercicio= ?2", nativeQuery = true)
void deleteByParameters(Integer codIbge, Integer exercicio);
#Query(value = "delete from addresses u where u.ADDRESS_ID LIKE %:addressId%", nativeQuery = true)
void deleteAddressByAddressId(#Param("addressId") String addressId);

Spring data JPA query with parameter properties

What is the simplest way of declaring a Spring data JPA query that uses properties of an input parameter as query parameters?
For example, suppose I have an entity class:
public class Person {
private long id;
private String forename;
private String surname;
and another class:
public class Name {
private String forename;
private String surname;
[constructor and getters]
... then I would like to write a Spring data repository as follows:
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long> {
#Query("select p from Person p where p.forename = ?1.forename and p.surname = ?1.surname")
findByName(Name name);
... but Spring data / JPA doesn't like me specifying property names on the ?1 parameter.
What is the neatest alternative?
This link will help you: Spring Data JPA M1 with SpEL expressions supported. The similar example would be:
#Query("select u from User u where u.firstname = :#{#customer.firstname}")
List<User> findUsersByCustomersFirstname(#Param("customer") Customer customer);
Define the query method with signatures as follows.
#Query(select p from Person p where p.forename = :forename and p.surname = :surname)
User findByForenameAndSurname(#Param("surname") String lastname,
#Param("forename") String firstname);
For further details, check the Spring Data JPA reference
What you want is not possible. You have to create two parameters, and bind them separately:
select p from Person p where p.forename = :forename and p.surname = :surname
query.setParameter("forename", name.getForename());
query.setParameter("surname", name.getSurname());
You could also solve it with an interface default method:
#Query(select p from Person p where p.forename = :forename and p.surname = :surname)
User findByForenameAndSurname(#Param("surname") String lastname,
#Param("forename") String firstname);
default User findByName(Name name) {
return findByForenameAndSurname(name.getLastname(), name.getFirstname());
Of course you'd still have the actual repository function publicly visible...
You can try something like this:
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long> {
#Query("select p from Person AS p"
+ " ,Name AS n"
+ " where p.forename = n.forename "
+ " and p.surname = n.surname"
+ " and n = :name")
Set<Person>findByName(#Param("name") Name name);
if we are using JpaRepository then it will internally created the queries.
findByLastnameAndFirstname(String lastname,String firstname)
findByLastnameOrFirstname(String lastname,String firstname)
findByStartDateBetween(Date date1,Date2)
findById(int id)
if suppose we need complex queries then we need to write manual queries like
#Query("SELECT salesOrder FROM SalesOrder salesOrder WHERE salesOrder.clientId=:clientId AND salesOrder.driver_username=:driver_username AND>=:fdate AND<=:tdate ")
List<SalesOrder> findAllSalesByDriver(#Param("clientId")Integer clientId, #Param("driver_username")String driver_username, #Param("fdate") Date fDate, #Param("tdate") Date tdate);
The simplicity of Spring Data JPA is that it tries to interpret from the name of the function in repository without specifying any additional #Query or #Param annotations.
If you are supplying the complete name, try to break it down as firstname and lastname and then use something like this -
HotelEntity findByName(String name);
My HotelEntity does contain the field name so JPA tries to interpret on its own to infer the name of the field I am trying to query on and create a subsequent query internally.
Some more evidence from JPA documentation -
Further details - here
Are you working with a #Service too? Because if you are, then you can #Autowired your PersonRepository to the #Service and then in the service just invoke the Name class and use the form that #CuriosMind... proposed:
#Query(select p from Person p where p.forename = :forename and p.surname = :surname)
User findByForenameAndSurname(#Param("surname") String lastname,
#Param("forename") String firstname);
and when invoking the method from the repository in the service, you can then pass those parameters.
for using this, you can create a Repository for example this one:
Member findByEmail(String email);
List<Member> findByDate(Date date);
// custom query example and return a member
#Query("select m from Member m where m.username = :username and m.password=:password")
Member findByUsernameAndPassword(#Param("username") String username, #Param("password") String password);
private EntityManager entityManager;
public List actionAutherMulti(#PathVariable("fname") String fname, #PathVariable("lname") String lname) {
return entityManager.createQuery("select A from Auther A WHERE A.firstName = ?1 AND A.lastName=?2")
.setParameter(1, fname)
.setParameter(2, lname)
