Laravel - Multiple Arrays for Multiple Recipients (Mailable/Notifications) - laravel

I'm looking for advice for a project and an interesting predicament I've put myself in.
I have multiple fields in my shipment model, they are:
They all link (through different relationships) to my customer model:
public function billtoAccount()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Customer', 'bill_to');
public function shiptoAccount()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Customer', 'ship_to');
public function shipfromAccount()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Customer', 'ship_from');
and these customers (in reality would likely be better described as customer accounts (these are NOT USER ACCOUNTS, they're more just like a profile for each company that business is done with)) can have a multitude of users associated with them.
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);
Now, while I know how to send off mailables and notifications, I was curious to know how I would go about sending off those to multiple user's emails. So let me describe the following: Something is created and the following customers (and in turn, their users) are referenced.
(billto_id) - Customer Account 1 - User 1 (
(shipto_id) - Customer Account 2 - User 2 ( & User 3 (
(shipfrom_id) - Customer Account 37 - User 6 (
Now, how would I go about moving the emails of the users over to an array of emails to have a notification or mailable sent to them?
So it should pop out:,,,

Elaborating on #Devon 's comment:
This is business logic. You could have a method on your Shipment model that returns the customer instances to be notified as an array, e.g. getNotifiables() : array
Then in your Customer model you may use the Notifiable trait
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
And looping over your Notifiables, i.e. Customers
$notification = new ShipmentWasCreated()
foreach ($shipment->getNotifiables() as $notifiable) {

Better alternative:
Notification::send($shipment->getNotifiables(), new ShipmentWasCreated());


Creating a structure with Jobs, Events, Listeners, Queues in Laravel 8

I have a flow about that. I can solve the problem on paper. As a system admin, we have the following models: Clients, Departments, Users, Visitors, Calls, and Meetings.
Clients are our customers.
Departments are customers' departments.
Users have many roles, but we inspect the "Agent" role to define the
agent as a call center worker.
Visitors are those who want to meet
with an active agent by selecting a client and department.
Calls are a log table. If visitors can find the agent and send data to the
agent, I store data in the call table.
Meetings If the agent accepts the call, I store it in the meeting table and notify the
agent and visitor.
Client.php (Model)
public function users(){
return $this->hasMany(User::class);
public function departments(){
return $this->hasMany(Department::class);
Department.php (Model)
public function department_users(){
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'department_user');
public function client(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Client::class, 'client_id');
User.php (Model)
public function departments(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Department::class, 'department_user');
Visitor.php (Model)
public function department(){
return $this->belongsTo(Department::class);
So as you can see, we define the relationships, and we want to do something like that:
Here is the flow...
The question is, how can I do that in Laravel 8?

Laravel restrict content based on customer/user/tenant

I'm in a dilemma to find some sort of logic to restrict user access to content within the same model.
For example, a supplier only can see products that they supply and the customer only can see a product which they buying. (note: Each product can have multiple supplier or customers. We call id a product node)
Now, I have the relationship set to a product belongs to many suppliers and a product belongs to multiple customers.
Currently I have the spatie roles and permissions in my site, which works great for 1 tenant (mainly our office(50-150 users)). It is not a problem if our office user can see details of multiple customers or products, but the problem starts when the customer logs in. I only want to show the product pricing or data that belonging to them. It is a big no no to see any other customer or supplier data.
I looked multi tenancy implementation, but I believe this wouldn't cover my need.
I apologise if I've overlooked something, but I try to keep the data as secured as possible.
Could you please shed some light on this dilemma and direct me to the correct path?
Many thanks for your input!
I'm assuming that all of the models you want to restrict have a relationship directly to the customer, so you can actually add a global scope that adds a default parameter to the query.
Take the following scope:
namespace App\Scopes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class CustomerOwnedScope implements Scope {
public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model) {
if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) {
$builder->where('customer_id', '=', Auth::guard('customer')->id);
public function extend(Builder $builder) {
protected function addWithoutCustomer(Builder $builder) {
$builder->macro('withoutCustomer', function (Builder $builder) {
return $builder->withoutGlobalScope($this);
Any model that has this scope will automatically add the clause WHERE customer_id = ? where ? is the id of the currently authenticated customer, if one is authenticated. Assuming that you're using Laravel auth this would prevent you from having to do anything specific to achieve your goal.
It also adds the scope withoutCustomer() that would prevent the where clause from being added.
The simplest way to add this to a model that belongs to a customer would be to create yourself a trait (concern) like so:
namespace App\Concerns;
use App\Scopes\CustomerOwnedScope;
trait OwnedByCustomer {
public static function bootOwnedByCustomer() {
static::addGlobalScope(new CustomerOwnedScope);
public function customer() {
$this->belongsTo(Customer::class, 'customer_id');
This would add the customer relationship as well as add the scope to automatically query based on the current customer.
You can obviously modify this further to include other relationships, or you can add some more conditions to only apply for customers with a certain flag set, or not set (for internal users, etc).
This whole approach does assume that your internal admin users and your external customer users are using different auth guards (which would be the ideal approach in this situation).
I should add that the code above is taken from an article I wrote on the subject of multi-tenancy, specifically the part about dealing with tenants in a single database. If you would like, you can read it here:

How to limit access from pivot table? Laravel

I have tables:
Tables has Many To Many relationships.
As it complicated relationship for me, I can't find way how to make this limit, when user can see companies that was created by this user. (probably not well experienced)
Now I have this, but user can see any company
public function show($company_id)
$company = Company::where('id', $company_id)->firstOrFail();
return view('company.settings', compact('company'));
So tip me please how to make user can see only companies created by this user.
You can do this:
public function show($company_id)
$company = auth()->user()->companies()->findOrFail($company_id);
return view('company.settings', compact('company'));
It will scope the company to the currently logged in user (through the many-to-many relationship on the User model). If none is found, it will return 404.
Since it many to many relation, you can map one company to many users, also map one user to many companies. Check if you have not mistakenly assign the company to many user
Also the above code can be written the way
public function show($company_id)
$company = Company::findOrFail($company_id);
return view('company.settings', compact('company'));

Laravel get related data from 3 tables

I have three tables: users, emails,attachments. User table is connected with emails by user_id. Emails table is connected with attachments by email_id.
My question is: How should I make it look eloquent in laravel to get all users their emails and their attachments? (I know how get all user and they emails but I don't know how to add attachments.)
Depending on your database relationship,you may declare a relationship method in your Email model, for example:
// One to One (If Email has only one attachment)
public function attachment()
return $this->hasOne(Attachment::class);
// One to Many (If Email contains more than one attachment)
public function attachments()
return $this->hasMany(Attachment::class);
To retrieve the related attachment(s) from Email model when reading a user using id, you may try something like this:
$user = User::with('email.attachment')->find(1); // For One-to-One
$user = User::with('email.attachments')->find(1); // For One-to-Many
Hope you've already declared the relationship method in the User model for Email model using the method name email.
Note: make sure, you have used right namespace for models. It may work if you've done everything right and followed the Laravel convention, otherwise do some research. Also check the documentation.

Laravel 4: How to add more data to Auth::user() without extra queries?

I'm rather new to Laravel 4 and can't seem to find the right answer, maybe you can help:
A User in our application can have many Accounts and all data is related to an Account, not a User. The account the User is currently logged into is defined by a subdomain, i.e.
We added a method account() to our User model:
* Get the account the user is currently logged in to
public function account()
$server = explode('.', Request::server('HTTP_HOST'));
$subdomain = $server[0];
return Account::where('subdomain', $subdomain)->first();
The problem is that there is always an extra query when we now use something like this in our view or controller:
When we want to get "Products" related to the account, we could use:
$products = Product::where('account_id', Auth::user()->account()->id)->get();
And yet again an extra query...
Somehow we need to extend the Auth::user() object, so that the account data is always in there... or perhaps we could create a new Auth::account() object, and get the data there..
What's the best solution for this?
Thanks in advance
Just set it to a session variable. This way, you can check that session variable before you make the database call to see if you already have it available.
Or instead of using ->get(), you can use ->remember($minutes) where $minutes is the amount of time you wish to keep the results of the query cached.
You should take a look at Eloquent relationships :
It provides simple ways to get the account of a user and his products. You said that a user can have many accounts but you used a first() in your function I used a hasOne here.
Using Eloquent relationships you can write in your User model:
public function account()
// I assume here 'username' is the local key for your User model
return $this->hasOne('Account', 'subdomain', 'username');
public function products()
// You should really have a user_id in your User Model
// so that you will not have to use information from the
// user's account
return $this->hasMany('Product', 'account_id', 'user_id');
You should define the belongsTo in your Account model and Product model.
With Eager Loading you will not run a lot of SQL queries :
You will be able to use something like
$users = User::with('account', 'products')->get();
To get all users with their account and products.
I think this is a good example for the purpose of Repositories.
You shouldn't query the (involved) models directly but wrap them up into a ProductRepository (or Repositories in general) that handles all the queries.
For instance:
class ProductRepository
protected $accountId;
public function __construct($accountId)
$this->accountId = $accountId;
public function all()
return Product::where('account_id', $this->accountId)->get();
//now bind it to the app container to make it globaly available
App::bind('ProductRepository', function() {
return new ProductRepository(Auth::user()->account()->id);
// and whenever you need it:
$productRepository = App::make('ProductRepository');
$userProducts = $productRepository->all();
You could group the relevant routes and apply a filter on them in order to bind it on each request so the account-id would be queried only once per repository instance and not on every single query.
Scopes could also be interesting in this scenario:
// app/models/Product.php
public function scopeCurrentAccount($query)
return $query->where('account_id', Auth::user()->account()->id);
Now you could simply call
$products = Product::currentAccount()->get();
