IBM Bluemix account with Email Address - outlook

IBM or their billing company won't allow any accounts with an email address. My question, does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone have a IBM cloud account with an email address?
As we do not support the Outlook Domain, would you mind creating another email to use?
Thank you
Representative, Revenue Services
IBM Cloud infrastructure

I verified with management that the information in the email is correct. You cannot create an IBM Cloud platform account using an address due to historical issues with that domain. As recommended, please use an email address with a different domain.


How to send report/story by e-mail in SAP Analytics Cloud

We are using SAP Analytics Cloud and since many users didn't have a license, we simply used to published the Stories and send them to their email address by providing their office email addresses in the non-SAP Analytics Cloud Recipients text box while in the Publish window.
These users now have their own licenses and we can now send them the reports (stories) so they can receive an alert in SAC and directly view the stories in SAP Analytics, but now we are unable to also send the stories to their office email addresses.
We are also now using SAP Cloud Foundry so could that be related?
All good now. After trying once again it worked. Thanks.

Hosting company will not allow Office 365 SMTP connection to send emails. What are possible solutions?

For our domain( , we have an Office 365 account that takes care of emails and the website is hosted with a hosting company on a shared server. From my shared server Laravel App I was sending emails using the office 365 SMTP server. The hosting company now blocks this connection to office 365 SMTP server:
"Please note that your account is hosted on a shared server where outgoing SMTP connections are restricted. This is to protect the reputation of the server IP address and prevent potential spamming.
You canconsider upgrading to a cloud server plan"
I do not wish to upgrade to a cloud server plan, are there any other options for an SMTP server ? , that my Laravel app could use ? I have a reseller account with many cpanel accounts on the shared server. So i could use another one of my domains smtp server but I need the emails sent out to be from an office 365 email address. So Possible solutions ?
If you are sending emails, its actually not recommended to use the SMTP server used by your normal email provider (e.g. Office 365, GMail).
Instead you should use a transactional email service, which is designed for sending a large number of emails programically.
Amazon SES
If you are unable to send emails using a particular port (which seems to be your issue), feel free to send emails user their respective API's:
Amazon SES:
This will still use the usual HTTP ports, and use different ip's, therefore bypass any port & ip restrictions when sending emails.

Dynamics 365 CRM connect with Phone Company Website

I'm trying to find the address of my company Dynamics 365 CRM, and wanted to know if there's any way to get it just with admin privileges on Dynamics 365 CRM.
My boss put me on the task of checking if it's possible to connect our crm365 to this phone company since they said their website can connect to crm365.
The problem is that we have a contract with a microsoft certified company that is in charge of crm365 (which means I don't have access to the code) and they said that such connection is impossible to do.
We have a bit of doubts about this company since the job with crm should have been done 3 months ago and right now it still has lot's of problems.
Phone company requirements for Address:
Address of the destination server.
Port of the destination server.
Folder on the server where CRM notifications are deposited.
Example: https://server:port/folder
They also ask for username and password (which I assume it's from an user).
Unfortunately you cannot access any server of your CRM online instance as its hosted in Microsoft Cloud. Probably you can access CRM data from any external system using Dynamics 365 CRM Web API (or SDK Tooling Connector)

Authentication/Authorization For Self-Hosted Exchange Servers

This page states that before an application can access the API (I'm particularly interested in the Calendar API), it must be registered with Azure AD. Is this also true for organizations that may host their own Exchange servers?
Could someone provide a breakdown of what's necessary for me to get started with accessing the API to access the users' Calendar? I'm aware of the API reference, but I'm not entirely sure what's necessary to do before I can use the API.
That page is for Office365, not self hosted ones.
You can access your local/self hosted Exchange server with Exchange Web Services by using username/password, or even your local AD if you set it up correctly.
The API it is talking about is not available to on-premise Exchange Server, it is only available to Exchange Online in Office 365. This may change in the future, but currently you cannot use it in on-premise. Exchange Web Services is the way to go for on-premise.

Configuring CRM with an Exchange Server outside O365 using SSS

I have a requirement where I need to configure my CRM Online with an Exchange Server which is hosted out of my organization's Office 365 to sync Emails for Incoming and Outgoing profiles.
Of the steps, I understand that I need to setup and Email Server Profile of type Exchange that has Server Location pointing to the Exchange Server which I have been using currently. However, I get an error saying that the configuration is invalid and I don't get to save the Incoming and Outgoing server locations. Also, do I need authentication for the same? If yes, of whom should it be? The current Incoming and Outgoing is set to the URL. (Without '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' which is used by default for hosting it on O365.
Any help / links to blogs that effectively explain this would really help.
Thanks !
Supported email service configurations for server-side synchronization
CRM Online only supports Server Side Synchronization with:
Exchange Online in the same tenant in Office365 (mail, tasks, etc.)
Gmail or Yahoo! Mail via POP3/SMTP (mail only)
Anything else is not (yet1) supported.
1 Online to On-Premise SSS is supposed to become supported at some point in the future
There are three ways of handling email processing in CRM:
Server-side synchronization
CRM for Outlook
Email Router
Server-side synchronization does not support hybrid deployments (e.g. CRM Online with Exchange On-premise), as Alex mentions.
I suggest looking into the Email Router. You install it on a machine which is then responsible for synchronizing email messages between CRM and Exchange. For an in-depth explanaion, see Email Router Demystified.
If you also need to synchronize Outlook contacts, tasks and appointments have a look at CRM for Outlook.
