installation of in visual studio 2017 - visual-studio

i did not find Test extensions in visual studio 2017 so what are the other possible ways to find it? or what if i install

Here is a complete guide, I only quote the main steps
Open your solution
Right click on the project and select Manage NuGet Packages...
Pick the tab Browse
Search for xunit.
Click install
Additionally, you might want to install xunit.runner.visualstudio. so the test runner will recognize the tests.

while adding a new item search for
under the online tab, if you cant find it under the installed tab. Then install the template. After installation again search for xunit under the online tab or you can find the template at online/templates/visual c#/visual studio essentials. This time you were able to use the template.


Integrate ESLint with Visual Studio 2015

I am using ESLint for JavaScript. I installed it in my machine and am able to run and check for the errors in the file that I want to. Everything is good but if I have to use it only from command prompt I have to manually run this for each file or a folder. I am thinking about integrating this into Visual Studio so that when I run it like "Run ESLint on solution" it will give a list of warnings/errors for all the JS files in the solution. Even if we can't do that, is it possible to select a file and to run ESLint on that file in Visual Studio 2015?
I added ESLint to external tools in Visual Studio:
But when I run it, it's not showing any errors or anything. It is just showing the details of the help command. How do I run this on a particular file?
Web Analyzer extension has now been built in to Visual Studio in the .NET Core Tooling Preview 1
Follow the link to download the installer for
.NET Core Tooling Preview 1
You can install Web Analyzer extension as well, but after the restart you will get a prompt:
You can use WebAnalyzer plugin for Visual Studio, which does JavaScript linting through ESLint. It should highlight javascript errors every time you save your file, so it's a bit nicer then doing it through the menu. If you don't want to use plugin, you can setup a new menu item in the Tools > External Programs menu. Make sure to use ESLint's visual studio formatter that should allow you to double-click on the error and have Visual Studio take you to the line where the error occurred.

Visual Studio 2015 Cordova Application template creation error

I've just installed the VS 2015 and want to start creating Cordova application,
firstly when try to create app I get this error
"The template specified cannot be found. Please check that the full path is correct."
Does anyone got this and solved it ?
Click Start,
click Control Panel,
and then click Programs.
Click Programs and Features
and then select the Visual Studio Edition you installed.
Click or right click and select Uninstall/Change.
In the setup wizard, select modify and then click Next.
You will see a list of extras to install.
Find the mobile tools and cross development tools. I can't remember what they are all called but you will know what you want when you see them there's quite a few options for mobile development .
10.Then proceed to install the missing packages that you need.
It takes quite a while for them to install
You will then be able to start a project like you tried to before

How do you install the unit test generator extension in Visual Studio 2013 express

Ways of doing this that don't work
'tools' -> 'Extensions and Updates...' and search for it and press download. - The problem with this is it doesn't come up with a unit test generator option.
Download it from then double click on the download, which auto installs it. - Unfortunately double clicking does nothing, I then installed a zip extractor (the file is a renamed zip file), but that didn't help.
download it, then 'tools' -> 'extensions manager'. - There is no extensions manager option.
There is no extensions folder in the visual studio 2013 folder, but I tried pasting the folder (zipped and unzipped) and the contents in the packages folder.
This is what the unzipped folder looks like
Visual Studio Express does not support 3rd party extensions. Even though this was produced by the VS Rangers it's still considered 3rd party.
Willy-P. Schaub -
The Unit Test Generator extension is supported on Visual Studio Pro, Premium and Ultimate. We do not currently support VS Express.
From the extension's Q & A Tab
This is how I did it on VS 2013 Ultimate, if you have a different edition, it may be missing some options, but I would assume something like Extensions should follow the same process
Go to Tools -> Extensions & Updates -> Online
Search Unit Test Generator, should be top one I think
Click Download
After Download completes accept License and hit Install
Click on Restart Visual Studio on the bottom right of the Extension Manager Window

How to debug YAF with visual studio 2010 Express

I am building a membership provider for use with YAF. I want to be able to debug YAF to understand and follow the process through.
I downloaded and installed YAF sucessfully. I then installed the YAF sources and built them sucessfully.
So, I have a website under VS2010 express that works, and the new YAF binary DLLs from the build.
I cannot see how to "attach" the source files to enable debugging the website.
A simple answer (found somewhere on stackoverflow,lost where but thanks anyway):-
Just needed to add the project to the website solution
By default, the solution is not shown in the solution explorer window
To get the solution added to the soluton explorer:
tools->Options -> Projects and Solutions
then check the "Always show solution" box
Then right click the solution in the solution explorer window to add the project.

How do you reference EPPlus dll?

Sorry to ask but how do you refernce EPPlus dll in a .NET project
Usually i just do something like using EPPlus; but did not work this time.
my research show
using OfficeOpenXml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;
I did not find it.
I fixed this by targeting the .net framework version 4
using OfficeOpenXml; is correct for EPPlus. Check the Object Browser :)
If Visual Studio is giving you grief over the using OfficeOpenXml;. You need to install NuGet Package Manager.
Simply go to the Visual Studio 2010 Menu > Tools
Select Extension Manager, Enter NuGet in the search box and click
Online Gallery. Let it Retrieve information…
Select the retrieved NuGet Package Manager (you may have to do some
scrolling to find it), click Download. Let it Download…
Click Install on the Visual Studio Extension Installer NuGet Package
Manager. Wait for the installation to complete, and answer any
After the Package Manager is installed, you need to follow the prompt
at the bottom of the Extension Manager window to restart Visual
After it opens back up, go to Visual Studio 2010 Menu > Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... And install EPPlus - Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET.
This should get you set up reading Excel files!
