Visual Studio debugger - Displaying integer values in Binary - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and I need to look at the binary representation of integer variables.
How can this be achieved from the Visual Studio debugger?

Type 'var, b' in the watch, for example:

According to the Visual Studio debugger documentation:
You can change the format in which a value is displayed in the Watch, Autos, and Locals windows by using format specifiers.
This note on debugging engine updates and compatibility is also worth noting:
When the Visual Studio native debugger changed to a new debugging engine, some new format specifiers were added and some old ones were removed. The older debugger is still used when you do interop (mixed native and managed) debugging with C++/CLI.
Although it mentions it can be applied to Autos and Locals windows, it is unclear how it is done as the variable names cannot be edited in those windows.
A <variable>, <format> syntax may be used in Watch and Immediate windows, like so:
Here is a direct link to the complete list of format specifiers.

Right-click the value it’ll show a menu list, but it only give us the option of Hexadecimal Display.
To display the variable with binary value in watch window, I suggest you write function to covert it :
The function that in my code is:
public static string ToBinaryString(uint num)
return Convert.ToString(num, 2).PadLeft(32, '0');


Visual Studio Intellisense describing the property/method not working

I was using Visual Studio 2012 and it used to give the description of a property/method, which doesn't seem to work in VS2019. Is there an option that I will have to enable for this to work?
Below screesnhot is an example of File Input/Output operation:
When I scroll/hover over ios::app, it should give a description "Append to the end of the file" which it does not.
Second concern is that it is giving me a lot of other options as well (marked as * in VS). Is there an option to disable that permanently?
Final concern is that, when I hover over a function, it will display the parameters that the function is expecting (Or list of suggestions if the function is overloaded). But for some reason, in the below case, it is displaying along with namespace. Is there an option to disable that?
public static constexpr std::_losb::_Openmode std::_losb::app = (std::_losb::_Openmode)8

Autocompleting parentheses in Visual Studio Code for Go

While using of Visual Studio Code I've noticed that when I write function from autocomlete it never autocomlete with parentheses. For example:
fmt. //now select a function Print(a ...interface{}) from autocomplete
fmt.Print //why the parenthesehas have not been inserted automaticaly?
Is it always so in VS code or it is somehow related to the golang setting for VS code? Is there a way how to fix that?
In your VSCode settings (JSON) add the following line;
"go.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest": true
Or if you are viewing your preferences/settings as the UI version, search for useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest and set it to true. This will
Add parentheses to the tailing end of function names.
Complete function suggestions with parameter signatures, including the variable types.
There is also the setting of go.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggestWithoutType which does the same, but omits the variable types.
You need the Visual Studio Code (Google Go Team maintained) Go extension installed which can be found here.

Visual Studio Extension for Custom Memory Window

My custom tool window in a Visual Studio Extension package is supposed to evaluate custom expressions during debug sessions for VS2012 and VS2013. The final goal is to build a graphical watch window. Therefore, I must fetch the value of the expression result from the debug engine.
The evaluation works fine via
IDebugStackFrame2 -> IDebugExpressionContext2 -> ParseText
IDebugExpression2 -> EvaluateSync -> IDebugProperty2
The first problem here: On Visual Studio 2013 ParseText() does not correctly report errors. But the IDebugProperty2 retrieved is valid (for valid expressions). On VS2012 I get proper errors for invalid expressions.
This is where the real problem starts. The result Property2 represents a complex custom object. In order to visualize it, a specific property from one of its base classes needs to get retrieved. In my current attempt, I am using IDebugProperty2.EnumChildren() to walk along its members up to the right place in the class hierarchy, similar as one would do in the Locals window in Visual Studio:
[result] -> base -> Raw -> base -> Non-public Members -> [private field] ... a.s.o.
This is somehow working but introduces the following problems:
Problem 1: Get an internal member of some complex object
The members and their order received from EnumChildren() seem to depend on some factors, which are not obvious to me:
* Does the object has a Debug Visualizer attached? (VS2013 ignores enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE_RAW in EnumChildren and gives back the beautified version + a "Raw View" node, VS2012 works as expected)
* Is a 'Non-public Members' node shown? Sometimes it is, sometimes not - dunno from what it depends on
* Setting of 'Just my code' (? I read about it in several posts but couldn't really figure out a reliable rule)
* ... there must be other dependencies ?
This turns out to be a really hacky way of aquiring an internal member of some complex expression result object. What could be a better way? Using IDebugProperty3 and some Debugger Visualizer tricks? Any pointer would be great.
Problem 2: VS2012 fails to give memory bytes
Once I have the private member of the result object, I use IDebugProperty2.GetMemoryBytes() in order to 'serialize' its value (a plain System.Array) and transfer it to my Custom Tool Window. While this is working in VS2013, in VS2012 IDebugProperty2.GetMemoryBytes() always returns VS_Constants.S_FALSE. I am really out of ideas here. Since there is a Memory Window in VS2012, there ought to be some way to get this working here also? What am I missing?
The code used to query the memory API:
IDebugMemoryContext2 memCtx = null;
IDebugMemoryBytes2 memBytes = null;
// getting the memory context is working ok
if (tmpProperty2.GetMemoryContext(out memCtx) == VSConstants.S_OK
// VS2012 fails here, always returns S_FALSE, memBytes remains null:
&& (tmpProperty2.GetMemoryBytes(out memBytes) == VSConstants.S_OK)) {
Some more context:
OS: Windows 8 and 8.1
Visual Studio: 2012 / 2013
Tool Window built with MPF (C#) in VS2013, (removed all vers. 12 references from the package before deploying to VS2012)
Debug engines: C# and Visual Basic

Can I change code/values while in debugging mode?

In Visual Studio 2010 (Ultimate), is it possible to step through some code, and, if a variable is not correct (e.g. you want to get all records beginning with 'A' but there is none, so you want to try 'B' instead), is it possible to change the code while in debug mode, to do this (change variables while in debug mode)?
It is quite annoying to have to stop debugging, change a value, then debug again and see the result. It'd be much easier to do it all in debug mode, anyway.
In the watch window just enter the statement you want executed. For example if you want to set the variable prefix to "B" then just type prefix = "B" and hit enter.
You may also change code while running, however there are a number of limitations to this feature. See Microsoft's Edit and Continue documentation for details:
In the Solution Explorer view, right-click on each reference of References, choose Properties. In the Properties view, sign False to the field of Embed Interop Types. This works for me.

Search Value in VS2010 Debug Locals and/or expand all Nodes

does someone might know how to search for a value in the locals
in visual studio 2010
or at least how can I expand all nodes, subnodes?
if you record a macro on activating locals tools window on VS2010 it will generated this line of code,
after debugging this code and inspecting DTE.Windows'ActiveWindow when the active window is local I unfortunately couldn't find anything helpful, but give it a try and you may find sth helpful
if you just need parameters of a method you can use MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() in System.Reflection namespace and it will serve you well by this private memeber
that you can read programmatically by reflection or just quick watch it
There are several items here that would let you do what you need, but you'll likely have to tweak the code first:
