Jersey ( how to do initialisation at page level ONLY not at application level - jersey

I need to do a lot of initialisation for few pages when they are called for only first time. Here is a decent post that addresses this: Initialize database on Jersey webapp startup
But the problem with the above approach is that the initialisation is done at application level which I don't want. I am not sure if and when a particular page will be called and so I want to go with initialisation only when the page is called for the first time.
Any thoughts on how to achieve this when using jersey. (Spring has #PostConstruct and #PreDestroy for this purpose at controller/page level... so some thing similar is what I need). A small example or code will help greatly.


Spring design pattern for common update service or module

I have a use case where I would like build a common interface or service which can update entities of application. Example case is shown as below:
Now every application has to handle update functionality of entities. Rather than implementing update functionality in n application module. I would like to build a common interface or server in spring boot.
Service will be like below:
My question is how to design service/interface which can used for above scenario. Any api or tool which can help me to achieve this. I dont want to write code for update in every application module.
Thanks in advance.
Last year I was thinking about the similar concept to yours, but in Apache Camel framework context. I haven't got enough time and motivation to do so, but your post encouraged me to give it a try - perhaps mostly because I've found your concept very similar to mine.
This is how I see it:
So basically I considered an environment with application that might uses N modules/plugins that enriches application's features, i.e. processing feature etc. Application uses module/plugin when it is available in the classpath - considering Java background. When the module is not available application works without its functionality like it was never there. Moreover I wanted to implement it purely using framework capabilities - in this case Spring - without ugly hacks/ifs in the source code.
Three solutions come to my mind:
- using request/response interceptors and modifying(#ControllerAdvice)
- using Spring AOP to intercept method invocations in *Service proxy classes
- using Apache Camel framework to create a routes for processing entities
Here's the brief overview of POC that I implemented:
I've chosen Spring AOP because I've never been using it before on my own.
simple EmployeeService that simulates saving employee - EmployeeEntity
3 processors that simulates Processing Modules that could be located outside the application. These three modules change properties of EmployeeEntity in some way.
one Aspect that intercepts "save" method in EmployeeService and handles invocation of available processors
In the next steps I'd like to externalize these Processors so these are some kind of pluggable jar files.
I'm wondering if this is something that you wanted to achieve?
link to Spring AOP introduction here:
link to repository of mentioned POC:

Design Issue with Automated Test (Selenium WebDriver + Spring Boot + Cucumber + Page Object Model + PageFactory Pattern)

I am building an automated test framework using these tools and concepts -
Selenium WebDriver
Cucumber (For BDD)
Spring Boot
Page Object Model
PageFactory Pattern
Everything is working fine and I am happy with what I have built. Following Page Object Model, I have created PageObject classes which are basically models of actual web pages. I am also using PageFactory pattern to automatically instantiate WebElements.
I have leveraged Spring Boot, for awesomeness. By awesomeness I mean stuff like auto injecting configurations throughout the application, dependency injection required to achieve sharing of the test world between Step Definition classes while performing Cucumber Tests, and other goals which would have been a bit tedious to achieve without it.
Given the background, let's now come to my question.
I want my Page Objects to be Spring managed beans/components. I am initializing my Page Objects using PageFactory.initElements(WebDriver driver, Object page) method from the constructor. As far as my knowledge takes me, if page objects are initialized before the pages are actually loaded in browser, then any attempts to invoke action on their web elements will result in StaleStateException. Correct? So, if I make my page objects Spring managed beans, how do I control the initialization of its web elements? I can remove the PageFactory's initialization method from the constructor and put it in some other method which I can later call to instantiate it. But I wany to know if there is any better approach to this.
The program should be able to autowire page objects in Step Definition classes of Cucumber, but elements of those objects should be instantiated whenever the actual page is loaded in the browser or some action method is called to interact with the web element.
Is it good idea to make PageObjects spring beans, if you are following Page Object Model and PageFactory?
It seems that PageFactory.initElements() method only creates proxies of actual web elements rather than caching them. So, no matter when I do the initialization, every time when a method is called on a WebElement, the driver will first find it on the current page and then simulate the action on the WebElement.
The only thing that will cause state state is if the page changes or reloads. Thank you for pointing this out.
But whenever we use #CacheLookup annotation, we will be losing one of the page factory benefit as it will find the element once and then keep a reference to it, hence, we are more likely to see StaleElementExceptions.
This blog might help others -

Good strategy for Spring Framework end-to-end testing

So this is a rather "big" question, but what I'm trying to accomplish is the following:
I have a Spring application, MVC, JDBC (MySQL) and JSP running on tomcat.
My objective is to test the entire "stack" using a proper method.
What I have so far is Junit using Selenium to simulate an actual user interacting with the application (requires a dummy account for that), and performing different validations such as, see if element is present in the page, see if the database has a specific value or if a value matches the database.
1st concern is that this is actually using the database so it's hard to test certain scenarios. I would really like to be able to mock the database. Have it emulate specific account configs, data states etc
2nd concern is that given the fact that I use what is in the database, and data is continuously changing, it is hard to predict behavior, and therefore properly asserting
I looked at Spring Test but it allows for testing outside a servlet container, so no JSP and no Javascript testing possible.
I saw DBUtils documentation but not sure if it will help me in this case
So, to my fellow developers, I would like to ask for tips to:
Run selenium tests on top of a mocked database
Allow different configs per test
Keep compatibility with Maven/Gradle
I have started with an ordered autowire feature to support this kind of stubbing.
It's basically an idea that i took over from the Seam framework i was working with in the past but i couldnt find yet a similar thing in spring.
The idea is to have a precedence annotation (fw, app,mock,...) that will be used to resolve the current implementation of an autowired bean. This is easy already in xml but not with java config.
So we have our normal repository beans in with app precedence and a test package stubbing these classes with mock precedence.
If both are in the classpath spring would normally fail with a duplicate bean found exception. In our case the extended beanfactory simply takes the bean with the highest precedence.
Im not sure if the order annotation of spring could be used directly but i prefered to have "well defined" precedence scopes anyway, so it will be clear for our developers what this is about.
! While this is a nice approach to stub so beans for testing i would not use it to replace a database definition but rather go with an inmemory database like hsql, like some previous answers mentionned already. !

Spring MVC and Backbone.js Integration Issue

I am trying to understand the integration of Spring MVC with backbone.js as its view technology. I find a couple of examples online such as here and here too However, in both of these samples, I am facing the same issues that the Spring MVC controller (the TodoController in the first link and TaskController in the second) does not seem to get called.
First, there are no log messages printed (even if I do a desperate System.out.println() in the controller class). Second, when I try to set break points in the controller classes and go into debug mode, it was not stopped at all, but the example is accessible through localhost:8080/todo (Assume that is the url of the deployed war file). In both examples, a code based configuration approach is used (there is no web.xml). So I am wondering, does the controller class ever got called?
I have been stumbling on this for the weekend. So I would really appreciate it if someone can point me the right direction. Thanks!!!
Thanks for your answer soulcheck :)
I went back to the old fashioned web.xml as opposed to the code-based configuration approach, and I am able to see that the controller class gets properly scanned and called, as printed by the log!! I do not know why though, but i just have new respect for web.xml :)

Example use-cases for using Dependency Injection with the Play Framework

I am a big fan of Dependency Injection and the Play Framework, but am having trouble seeing how the two could be exploited together.
There are modules for Spring and Guice, but the way that Play works makes it hard for me to see how DI could be beneficial beyond some quite simple cases.
A good example of this is that Play expects JPA work to be done by static methods associated with the entity in question:
Person extends Model {
public static void delete(long id) {
So there is no need for a PersonManager to be injected into controllers in the way it might for a Spring J2EE application. Instead a controller just calls Person.delete(x).
Obviously, DI is beneficial when there are interfaces with external systems, as the concrete implementation can be mocked for testing etc., but I don't see much benefit for a self-contained Play application.
Does anyone have any good examples? Does anyone use it to inject a Manager-style class into Controllers so that a number of operations can be done within the same transaction, for example?
I believe from this sentence you wrote:
"Does anyone have any good examples? Does anyone use it to inject a Manager-style class into Controllers so that a number of operations can be done within the same transaction, for example?"
that before answering the DI question I should note something: transactions are managed automatically by Play. If you check the model documentation you will see that a transaction is automatically created at the beginning of a request, and committed at the end. You can roll it back via JPA or it will be rolled back if an exception is raised.
I mention this because from the wording of your sentence I'm not sure if you are aware of this.
Now, on DI itself, in my (not-so-extensive) experience with DI, I've seen it used mainly to:
Load the ORM (Hibernate) factory/manager
Load Service classes/DAOs into another class to work with them
Sure, there are more scenarios, but these probably cover most of the real usage. Now:
The first one is irrelevant to Play as you get access to your JPA object and transaction automatically
The second one is quite irrelevant too as you mainly work with static methods in controllers. You may have some helper classes that need to be instantiated, and some may even belong to a hierarchy (common interface) so DI would be beneficial. But you could just as well create your won factory class and get rid of the jars of DI.
There is another matter to consider here: I'm not so sure about Guice, but Spring is not only DI, it also provides a lot of extra functionalities which depend on the DI module. So maybe you don't want to use DI in Play, but you want to take advantage of the Spring tools and they will use DI, albeit indirectly (via xml configuration).
The problem in my humble opinion on the static initialization approach of Play! is that it makes testing harder. Once you approach the HTTP vs Object Orientation problem with static members and objects that carries the HTTP message data (request and response) you make a trade of having to create new instances for each request by the ability of make your objects loosely coupled with the rest of your project classes.
One good example of a different design are servlets, it also extends a base class but it approaches the problem with a single instance creation (by default, because there are configurations that enable more instances).
I believe that maybe a mix of the two approaches would be better, having a singleton of each controller would give the same characteristics of a full static class and would allow dependency injection of some kinds of object. But not the objects with request or session scope, once the controller would need to be created every new request. Moreover it would improve testability by inverting the control of dependency injection, thus allowing arbitrary injection points.
Dependencies would be injected by the container or by a test, probably using mocks for the heavy stuff that much likely would already have been tested before.
In my point of view, this static model pushes the developer away from testing controllers because extending FunctionalTest starts the application server, thus paying the price of heavy objects like repositories, services, crawlers, http clients, etc. I don't want to wait a lot of objects to be bootstrapped just to check if some code was executed on the controller, tests should be quick and clear to make developers love them as their programming assistant/guide.
DI is not the ultimate solution to use everywhere... Don't use DI just because you have it in your hands... In play, you don't need DI to develop controllers/models etc... but sometimes it could be a nice design: IMO, you could use it if you have a service with a well know interface but you would like to develop this service outside Play and test it outside play and even test your play project with just a dummy service in order NOT to depend on the full service implementation. Therefore DI can be interesting: you plug the service loosely in play. In fact, this is the original use case for DI afaik...
I just wrote a blog post about setting up a Play Framework application with Google Guice.
I see some benefits, especially when a component of your application requires a different behavior based on a certain context or something like that. But I def believe people should be selective about what goes into a DI context.
It shows again that you should only use dependencies injection if you really have a benefit. If you have complex services it's useful, but in many cases it's not. Read the chapter about models in the play-documentation.
So to give you an example where you can use DI with play. Perhaps you must make a complex calculation, or you create a pdf with a report-engine. There I think DI can be useful, specially for testing. There I think the guice-module and spring-module are useful and can help you.
As of a year and some change later, Play 2.1 now has support for dependency injection in controllers. Here's their demo project using Spring 3, which lays it out pretty clearly.
Edit: here's another example using Guice and Scala, if that's your poison.
