Secure Rest Apis Using Okta + Oauth - spring

currently am Creating Rest Apis in Spring Boot I want to secure Those Apis Using Okta Wit Oauth.
Can Any one Help On this....

You can use Okta's Spring Boot Starter for this.
Warning: there is an issue where you can't use devtools with this starter.


Migrating from Spring Boot Oauth2 to Spring Security 5

Today I'm using Spring Boot OAuth2 to grant correct use of OAuth2 in my project, so I have the following:
I have API A calling API B
API A generate JWT Token and calls API B.
API B validate the JWT Token using two ways: Online (Introspection) and Offline (with RSA keys).
So, migrating to Spring Security 5 I got the following problems:
I didn't found any samples ( using Spring Cloud OpenFeign. All my project use it (Feing) and change to Spring WebClient can be very problematic.
Documentation just talk about WebClient (, nothing about RestTemplate or Feign.
Joe Grandja wrote an OAuth2 application and the corresponding migrated Spring Security application.
You can check the examples here:
Spring Security OAuth 2.4 Migration Sample
Also, docs about configuring Spring Security are here:
OAuth 2.0 Resource Server

How do I disable csrf protection for springfox Swagger UI without Spring Security or Spring Boot?

We have a REST API using Spring MVC that doesn't use Spring Security or Spring Boot. The rest API url is {domain}/product/rest/v1/{controller}. We also have a regular web GUI using Struts2 that is just at {domain}/product/{action}.
We're currently researching autogenerating API documentation using Springfox-swagger and springfox-swagger-ui. It was fairly easy to get Swagger to work using minimal configuration, but the problem is that Springfox by default tries to do a CRSF token request, which we don't use in the rest API. I've googled how to disable this, but every article I can find talks about how to disable it using the Spring Security WebSecurityConfigurationManager. We don't use Spring Security and would rather not have to add it.
Is there a way to disable the Springfox Swaggger UI CSRF token check without using Spring Security or Spring Boot?
For disable the csrf () you need to add spring security in your project follows these link how to disable csrf() in spring.

How to secure different Spring Boot rest APIs Using OAuth2

I want to secure different Spring boot rest APIs using OAuth2 authorization server.
What is the best solution to achieve this?

How do I handle OAuth2 in back-end microservices and front-end?

I’m developing back-end services and securing it using my custom OAuth server. At front-end I’m planning to support facebook, google and username and password OAuth. How can I implement this using spring boot ?
Spring Boot and OAuth2
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Spring Boot app that leverages OAuth2 authorization via Facebook and GitHub.
Spring Boot + Spring Security + OAuth2 + Microservices
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a microservices architecture with a Spring Boot stack that separates your concerns into the following apps: UI, Auth, Resource.

how to add spring security oauth2 with web security

I can build REST services with spring-security-oauth2
I can build website security with spring-security
And as you know, oauth2 has oauth-server, resource and client side. But I cannot put them together. I want to know how to build oauth2 website that I can login(session) with browser and I can use it as secure REST services(with access token). Any help? Thanks very much.
I'm not expert in Spring, but Spring security examples link has some examples how to implement OAuth2.0 servers and resource servers.
