MST in unDirected graph - algorithm

i have an undricted graph G=(V,E) and weight function w:E->R+. also, i have the MST T of G.
I have to build an algorithm that does the follow:
if we add a new edge e' that has the weight w(e') to E. suggest an algorithm that updates T in a way that it will be MST of the new graph G'=(V,EUe').
complexity: O(V).
what i suggested is:
1) Add e' to T. we get a new graph call it T' that include one cycle.
2) Run DFS on T' and mark every vertex that you visit. and in addition save
every vertex and every edge weight in stacks.
3) When we visit a vertex that we already visited we stop running.
4) and start withdrawing from the stack till we get to the vertex we stopped at.
5) while withdrawing we save the maximum edge weight we withdraw ed from the
6) if the maximum edge weight is bigger that w(e') we replace them.
7) otherwise we remain with the same T.
i hope it's clear.
i would be very grateful if anyone could till me if it works or give me other
solutions and suggestion.

Yes the solution you suggested is correct because a graph with the same number of edges and nodes (like T) consists of a simple cycle with trees rooted at some (maybe none) of the nodes of this cycle.
You need to delete exactly 1 edge from T such that the remaining graph is still connected. Obviously the best choice is to delete the largest edge. The only edges you can delete while keeping the graph connected are the ones in the cycle (the ones you are adding to the stack).
Another solution would be to find the bridges in the graph, then finding the maximum non-bridge edge and deleting it. However since this is a special graph the solution you mentioned would be much easier (the non-bridge edges are the ones on the cycle) .


How to traverse on only a cycle in a graph?

I'm attempting ch23 in CLRS on MSTs, here's a question:
Given a graph G and a minimum spanning tree T , suppose that we decrease the weight of one of the edges not in T . Give an algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree in the modified graph.
A solution I found was to add this new changed edge in T, then exactly one simple cycle is created in T, traverse this cycle and delete the max-weight edge in this cycle, voila, the new updated MST is found!
My question is, how do I only traverse nodes on this simple-cycle? Since DFS/BFS traversals might go out of the cycle if I, say, start the traversal in T from one endpoint of this newly added edge in T.
One solution I could think of was to find the biconnected components in T after adding the new edge. Only one BCC will be found, which is this newly formed simple-cycle, then I can put in a special condition in my DFS code saying to only traverse edges/nodes in this BCC, and once a back-edge is found, stop the traversal.
Edit: graph G is connected and undirected btw
Your solution is basically good. To make it more formal you can use Tarjan's bridge-finding algorithm
This algorithm find the cut-edges (aka bridges) in the graph in linear time. Consider E' to be the cut-edges set. It is easy to prove that every edge in E' can not be on circle. So, E / E' are must be the cycle in the graph.
You can use hash-map or array build function to find the difference between your E and the cut-edges set
From here you can run simple for-loop to find the max weight edge which you want to remove.
Hope that help!

How to determine whether removing a given cycle will disconnect a graph

I have seen ways to detect a cycle in a graph, but I still have not managed to find a way to detect a "bridge-like" cycle. So let's say we have found a cycle in a connected (and undirected) graph. How can we determine whether removing this cycle will disconnect the graph or not? By removing the cycle, I mean removing the edges in the cycle (so the vertices are unaffected).
One way to do it is clearly to count the number of components before and after the removal. I'm just curious to know if there's a better way.
If there happens to be an established algorithm for that, could anyone please point me to a related work/paper/publication?
Here's the naive algorithm, complexity wise I don't think there's a more efficient way of doing the check.
Start with your list of edges (cycleEdges)
Get the set of vertices within cycleEdges (cycleVertices)
If a vertex in cycleVertices only contains edges that are part of cycleEdges return FALSE
For Each vetex In cycleVertices
Recursively follow vertex's edges that are not in cycleEdges (avoid already visited vertices)
If a vertex is reached that is not in cycleVertices add it to te set outsideVertices (stop recursively searching this path)
If only vertices that are in cycleVertices have been reached Return FALSE
If outsideVertices contains 1 element Return TRUE
Choose a vertex in outsideVertices and remove it from outsideVertices
Recursively follow that vertex's edges that are not in cycleEdges (avoid already visited vertices) (favor choosing edges that contain a vertex in outsideVertices to improve running time for large graphs)
If a vertex is reached that is in outsideVertices remove it from outsideVertices
If outsideVertices is empty Return TRUE
Return FALSE
You can do it for E+V.
You can get all bridges in your graph for E+V by dfs + dynamic programming.
Save them (just make boolean[E], and make true.
Then you can say for O(1) the edge is bridge or not.
You can just take all edges from your cycle and verify that it is bridge.
Vish's mentions articulation points which is definitely in the right direction. More can be said though. Articulation points can be found via a modified DFS algorithm that looks something like this:
Execute DFS, assigning each number with its DFS number (e.g. the number of nodes visited before it). When you encounter a vertex that has already been discovered compare its DFS number to the current vertex and you can store a LOW number associated with this vertex (e.g. the lowest DFS number that this node has "seen"). As you recurse back to the start vertex, you can compare the parent vertex with the child's LOW number. As you're recursing back, if a parent vertex ever sees a child's low number that is greater than or equal to its own DFS number, then that parent vertex is an articulation point.
I'm using "child" and "parent" here as descriptors a lot because in the DFS tree we have to consider a special case for the root. If it ever sees a child's low number that is greater than or equal to its own DFS number and it has two children in the tree, then the first vertex is an articulation.
Here's a useful art. point image
Another concept to be familiar with, especially for undirected graphs, is biconnected components, aka any subgraph whose vertices are in a cycle with all other vertices.
Here's a useful colored image with biconnected components
You can prove that any two biconnected components can only share one vertex max; two "shared" vertices would mean that the two are in a cycle, as well as with all the other vertices in the components so the two components are actually one large component. As you can see in the graph, any vertex shared by two components (has more than one color) is an articulation point. Removing the cycle that contains any articulation point will thus disconnect the graph.
Well, as in a cycle from any vertex x can be reached any other vertex y and vice-verse, then it's a strongly connected component, so we can contract a cycle into a single vertex that represents the cycle. The operation can be performed for O(n+m) using DFS. Now, we can apply DFS again in order to check whether the contracted cycles are articulation vertices, if they are, then removing them will disconnect a graph, else not. Total time is 2(n+m) = O(n+m)

How to detect if the given graph has a cycle containing all of its nodes? Does the suggested algorithm have any flaws?

I have a connected, non-directed, graph with N nodes and 2N-3 edges. You can consider the graph as it is built onto an existing initial graph, which has 3 nodes and 3 edges. Every node added onto the graph and has 2 connections with the existing nodes in the graph. When all nodes are added to the graph (N-3 nodes added in total), the final graph is constructed.
Originally I'm asked, what is the maximum number of nodes in this graph that can be visited exactly once (except for the initial node), i.e., what is the maximum number of nodes contained in the largest Hamiltonian path of the given graph? (Okay, saying largest Hamiltonian path is not a valid phrase, but considering the question's nature, I need to find a max. number of nodes that are visited once and the trip ends at the initial node. I thought it can be considered as a sub-graph which is Hamiltonian, and consists max. number of nodes, thus largest possible Hamiltonian path).
Since i'm not asked to find a path, I should check if a hamiltonian path exists for given number of nodes first. I know that planar graphs and cycle graphs (Cn) are hamiltonian graphs (I also know Ore's theorem for Hamiltonian graphs, but the graph I will be working on will not be a dense graph with a great probability, thus making Ore's theorem pretty much useless in my case). Therefore I need to find an algorithm for checking if the graph is cycle graph, i.e. does there exist a cycle which contains all the nodes of the given graph.
Since DFS is used for detecting cycles, I thought some minor manipulation to the DFS can help me detect what I am looking for, as in keeping track of explored nodes, and finally checking if the last node visited has a connection to the initial node. Unfortunately
I could not succeed with that approach.
Another approach I tried was excluding a node, and then try to reach to its adjacent node starting from its other adjacent node. That algorithm may not give correct results according to the chosen adjacent nodes.
I'm pretty much stuck here. Can you help me think of another algorithm to tell me if the graph is a cycle graph?
I realized by the help of the comment (thank you for it n.m.):
A cycle graph consists of a single cycle and has N edges and N vertices. If there exist a cycle which contains all the nodes of the given graph, that's a Hamiltonian cycle. – n.m.
that I am actually searching for a Hamiltonian path, which I did not intend to do so:)
On a second thought, I think checking the Hamiltonian property of the graph while building it will be more efficient, which is I'm also looking for: time efficiency.
After some thinking, I thought whatever the number of nodes will be, the graph seems to be Hamiltonian due to node addition criteria. The problem is I can't be sure and I can't prove it. Does adding nodes in that fashion, i.e. adding new nodes with 2 edges which connect the added node to the existing nodes, alter the Hamiltonian property of the graph? If it doesn't alter the Hamiltonian property, how so? If it does alter, again, how so? Thanks.
I, again, realized that building the graph the way I described might alter the Hamiltonian property. Consider an input given as follows:
1 3
2 3
1 5
1 3
these input says that 4th node is connected to node 1 and node 3, 5th to node 2 and node 3 . . .
4th and 7th node are connected to the same nodes, thus lowering the maximum number of nodes that can be visited exactly once, by 1. If i detect these collisions (NOT including an input such as 3 3, which is an example that you suggested since the problem states that the newly added edges are connected to 2 other nodes) and lower the maximum number of nodes, starting from N, I believe I can get the right result.
See, I do not choose the connections, they are given to me and I have to find the max. number of nodes.
I think counting the same connections while building the graph and subtracting the number of same connections from N will give the right result? Can you confirm this or is there a flaw with this algorithm?
What we have in this problem is a connected, non-directed graph with N nodes and 2N-3 edges. Consider the graph given below,
/ \
B _ C
( )
The Graph does not have a Hamiltonian Cycle. But the Graph is constructed conforming to your rules of adding nodes. So searching for a Hamiltonian Cycle may not give you the solution. More over even if it is possible Hamiltonian Cycle detection is an NP-Complete problem with O(2N) complexity. So the approach may not be ideal.
What I suggest is to use a modified version of Floyd's Cycle Finding algorithm (Also called the Tortoise and Hare Algorithm).
The modified algorithm is,
1. Initialize a List CYC_LIST to ∅.
2. Add the root node to the list CYC_LIST and set it as unvisited.
3. Call the function Floyd() twice with the unvisited node in the list CYC_LIST for each of the two edges. Mark the node as visited.
4. Add all the previously unvisited vertices traversed by the Tortoise pointer to the list CYC_LIST.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more unvisited nodes remains in the list.
6. If the list CYC_LIST contains N nodes, then the Graph contains a Cycle involving all the nodes.
The algorithm calls Floyd's Cycle Finding Algorithm a maximum of 2N times. Floyd's Cycle Finding algorithm takes a linear time ( O(N) ). So the complexity of the modied algorithm is O(N2) which is much better than the exponential time taken by the Hamiltonian Cycle based approach.
One possible problem with this approach is that it will detect closed paths along with cycles unless stricter checking criteria are implemented.
Reply to Edit #2
Consider the Graph given below,
/ \ \
B _ C \
|\ /| \
| D | F
\ / /
\ / /
According to your algorithm this graph does not have a cycle containing all the nodes.
But there is a cycle in this graph containing all the nodes.
So I think there is some flaw with your approach. But suppose if your algorithm is correct, it is far better than my approach. Since mine takes O(n2) time, where as yours takes just O(n).
To add some clarification to this thread: finding a Hamiltonian Cycle is NP-complete, which implies that finding a longest cycle is also NP-complete because if we can find a longest cycle in any graph, we can find the Hamiltonian cycle of the subgraph induced by the vertices that lie on that cycle. (See also for example this paper regarding the longest cycle problem)
We can't use Dirac's criterion here: Dirac only tells us minimum degree >= n/2 -> Hamiltonian Cycle, that is the implication in the opposite direction of what we would need. The other way around is definitely wrong: take a cycle over n vertices, every vertex in it has exactly degree 2, no matter the size of the circle, but it has (is) an HC. What you can tell from Dirac is that no Hamiltonian Cycle -> minimum degree < n/2, which is of no use here since we don't know whether our graph has an HC or not, so we can't use the implication (nevertheless every graph we construct according to what OP described will have a vertex of degree 2, namely the last vertex added to the graph, so for arbitrary n, we have minimum degree 2).
The problem is that you can construct both graphs of arbitrary size that have an HC and graphs of arbitrary size that do not have an HC. For the first part: if the original triangle is A,B,C and the vertices added are numbered 1 to k, then connect the 1st added vertex to A and C and the k+1-th vertex to A and the k-th vertex for all k >= 1. The cycle is A,B,C,1,2,...,k,A. For the second part, connect both vertices 1 and 2 to A and B; that graph does not have an HC.
What is also important to note is that the property of having an HC can change from one vertex to the other during construction. You can both create and destroy the HC property when you add a vertex, so you would have to check for it every time you add a vertex. A simple example: take the graph after the 1st vertex was added, and add a second vertex along with edges to the same two vertices of the triangle that the 1st vertex was connected to. This constructs from a graph with an HC a graph without an HC. The other way around: add now a 3rd vertex and connect it to 1 and 2; this builds from a graph without an HC a graph with an HC.
Storing the last known HC during construction doesn't really help you because it may change completely. You could have an HC after the 20th vertex was added, then not have one for k in [21,2000], and have one again for the 2001st vertex added. Most likely the HC you had on 23 vertices will not help you a lot.
If you want to figure out how to solve this problem efficiently, you'll have to find criteria that work for all your graphs that can be checked for efficiently. Otherwise, your problem doesn't appear to me to be simpler than the Hamiltonian Cycle problem is in the general case, so you might be able to adjust one of the algorithms used for that problem to your variant of it.
Below I have added three extra nodes (3,4,5) in the original graph and it does seem like I can keep adding new nodes indefinitely while keeping the property of Hamiltonian cycle. For the below graph the cycle would be 0-1-3-5-4-2-0
/ \ / \ /
As there were no extra restrictions about how you can add a new node with two edges, I think by construction you can have a graph that holds the property of hamiltonian cycle.

Minimize set of edges in a directed graph keeping connected components

Here is the full question:
Assume we have a directed graph G = (V,E), we want to find a graph G' = (V,E') that has the following properties:
G' has same connected components as G
G' has same component graph as G
E' is minimized. That is, E' is as small as possible.
Here is what I got:
First, run the strongly connected components algorithm. Now we have the strongly connected components. Now go to each strong connected component and within that SCC make a simple cycle; that is, a cycle where the only nodes that are repeated are the start/finish nodes. This will minimize the edges within each SCC.
Now, we need to minimize the edges between the SCCs. Alas, I can't think of a way of doing this.
My 2 questions are: (1) Does the algorithm prior to the part about minimizing edges between SCCs sound right? (2) How does one go about minimizing the edges between SCCs.
For (2), I know that this is equivalent to minimizing the number of edges in a DAG. (Think of the SCCs as the vertices). But this doesn't seem to help me.
The algorithm seems right, as long as you allow for closed walks (i.e. repeating vertices.) Proper cycles might not exist (e.g. in an "8" shaped component) and finding them is NP-hard.
It seems that it is sufficient to group the inter-component edges by ordered pairs of components they connect and leave only one edge in each group.
Regarding the step 2,minimize the edges between the SCCs, you could randomly select a vertex, and run DFS, only keeping the longest path for each pair of (root, end), while removing other paths. Store all the vertices searched in a list L.
Choose another vertex, if it exists in L, skip to the next vertex; if not, repeat the procedure above.

Find whether a minimum spanning tree contains an edge in linear time?

I have the following problem on my homework:
Give an O(n+m) algorithm to find that whether an edge e would be a part of the MST of a graph
(We are allowed to get help from others on this assignment, so this isn't cheating.)
I think that I could do a BFS and find if this edge is a edge between two layers and if so whether this edge was the smallest across those layers. But what could I say when this edge is not a tree edge of the BFS tree?
As a hint, if an edge is not the heaviest edge in any cycle that contains it, there is some MST that contains that edge. To see this, consider any MST. If the MST already contains the edge, great! We're done. If not, then add the edge into the MST. This creates a cycle in the graph. Now, find the heaviest edge in that cycle and remove it from the graph. Everything is now still connected (because if two nodes used to be connected by a path that went across that edge, now they can be connected by just going around the cycle the other way). Moreover, since the cost of the edge was deleted wasn't any smaller than the cost of the edge in question (because the edge isn't the heaviest edge in the cycle), the cost of this tree can't be any greater than before. Since we started with an MST, we must therefore end with an MST.
Using this property, see if you can find whether the edge is the heaviest edge on any cycle in linear time.
We will solve this using MST cycle property, which says that, "For any cycle C in the graph, if the weight of an edge e of C is larger than the weights of all other edges of C, then this edge cannot belong to an MST."
Now, run the following O(E+V) algorithm to test if the edge E connecting vertices u and v will be a part of some MST or not.
Step 1
Run dfs from one of the end-points(either u or v) of the edge E considering only those edges that have weight less than that of E.
Step 2
Case 1
If at the end of this dfs, the vertices u and v get connected, then edge E cannot be a part of some MST. This is because in this case there definitely exists a cycle in the graph with the edge E having the maximum weight and it cannot be a part of the MST(from the cycle property).
Case 2
But if at the end of the dfs u and v stay disconnected, then edge E must be the part of some MST as in this case E is never the maximum weight edge of the cycles that it is a part of.
Find if there are any paths that are cheaper than the current one (u,v) that creates a cycle to u and v. If yes, then (u,v) is not on the mst. Otherwise it is. This can be proved by the cut property and the cycle property.
