Visibility of buildnumber-maven-plugin property ${buildNumber} - maven

I am trying to use buildnumber-maven-plugin to append the SCM build number to the WAR artifact name and then use tomcat7-maven-plugin to deploy it but in a context path that doesn't include the build number. So I am making foo-r1234.war where foo is my project and 1234 is the revision number in Subversion but I want to deploy it in a Tomcat context foo.
I got the war generation to reflect the build number but the problem is that the Tomcat plugin doesn't see the ${buildNumber} property assigned by the buildnumber plugin:
I get
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:deploy (default-cli) on project foo: Cannot find war file: /my/path/target/foo-r${buildNumber}.war -> [Help 1]
Which indicates the tomcat plugin doesn't see ${buildNumber}. How can I make it visible in order to deploy foo-r${buildNumber}.war to a context foo in Tomcat?
How to deploy war with automatic buildnumber to tomcat using maven tomcat plugin
timestamp and buildNumber properties not set during deploy goal

Add build final name in configuration


Maven liquibase plugin change log file

Using liquibase-maven-plugin inside a project :
<phase>some maven phase</phase>
<!-- other configurations -->
The changeLogFile is in /src/main/resources/liquibase.
It works when bound to any phase in the range validate - prepare-package.
When bound to a later phase, i.e. package - deploy, it fails with the error :
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:3.5.3:update (default) on project ...: Error setting up or running Liquibase: liquibase/changeLogFile.xml does not exist
It will find the changeLog file if the path is specified as src/main/resources/liquibase/changeLogFile.xml but that's beside the point.
Why binding the plugin to a later phase makes it fail ?

maven-dependency-plugin analyze - "Skipping project with no build directory"

I'm running mvn dependency:analyze-only & im getting the error below. Can someone point me to the correct config for running the maven dependency analyzer?.
FYI, my project builds fine with maven, so im not sure what its looking for. I also listed my pom.xml for the plugin.
this is the error im getting
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:analyze-only (default-cli) # MFC ---
[INFO] Skipping project with no build directory
This is my pom.xml for the dependency plugin
Note that the dependency:analyze-only goal is used in preference to dependency:analyze since it doesn't force a further compilation of the project, but uses the compiled classes produced from the earlier test-compile phase in the lifecycle.
The project's dependencies will then be automatically analyzed during the verify lifecycle phase
If you have not compiled or run your tests before, you will get that message.
Then you must execute as follows
>mvn verify dependency:analyze-only
or simply
> mvn verify
Your pluging goal must be <goal>analyze-only</goal> not <goal>analyze</goal> plugin then must be
do the change and execute mvn verify dependency:analyze-only or verify and it should works.

Maven: build war but deploy a different artifact?

I have a maven project which builds a WAR and then packs it into a zip file which targets a specific deployment tool. I don't want to upload the WAR as it will be a waste of space.
Is it possible to build the WAR but only upload/deploy the zip in the same pom file?
No, the "duplicate" question suggested above does not help the slightest. I have to specify <packaging>war</packaging> and even if I don't, as soon as I use the maven war plugin, it's going to make the war as part of the deployment.
And I also want the other artifacts in the build (source, tests, etc.). I just do not need the war.
Here is a suggested approach to deploy the war or the zip, depending on the need:
The default build will still provide a WAR as output
A profile is added to skip the normal Maven Deploy Plugin execution as part of the deploy phase and add a further execution (obviously not skipped) deploying only the ZIP file via the deploy-file goal, as suggested by #Michal, but not via command line (better as part of the build).
Depending on the need you can of course switch the default behavior from the profile to the default build or even get rid of the default build (just the WAR) at all.
An example:
Note the global configuration for the Maven Deploy Plugin and its skip to true. It will effectively skip the deploy goal. A further execution will take care of the ZIP file.
With the approach above, executing the normal build, Maven will keep on deploying the generated WAR, while switching on the profile as following:
mvn clean deploy -Pdeploy-zip
Maven will skip the default execution of the Maven Deploy Plugin (its deploy goal) and execute instead the deploy-file goal during the deploy phase.
As part of the build you will then have:
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) # test-war-zip ---
[INFO] Skipping artifact deployment
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy-file (deploy-zip) # test-war-zip ---
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Maven 3 - Distribute custom plugin in a .jar?

Complete Maven newb here, so forgive any abused terminology, etc.
I've built a custom plugin in Maven 3 (one that defines goals for git rebase). I'm able to:
mvn install
No problem. I can then invoke the goal from the command line:
mvn edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin:rebase
Everything's golden. I have this lovely git-plugin-XXX.jar file sitting in my target directory.
I'd like to make my custom goals available to another project such that when other members of the dev team pull down that project's source, they get my plugin for free (or at least, after a mvn build).
My understanding is that the purist solution is to set up a maven repo for the group and load my plugin there, but that seems overkill for a single hacky plugin.
I've played with doing it via three different plugins so far:
Gives me this error during mvn build:
[ERROR] Error resolving version for plugin 'edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin' from the repositories [local (/home/hamptos/.m2/repository), central (]: Plugin not found in any plugin repository
It also causes my later formatting plugin to fail. (Clearly it's read the jar and determined the group name/plugin name, but then it goes and looks for it in my local repo? Of course it's not there--I'm trying to install it.)
Gives me this error during mvn build:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:attach-artifact (attach-artifacts) on project RESOLVE: Execution attach-artifacts of goal org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:attach-artifact failed: For artifact {edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:RESOLVE:12.09.01a:jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.
(RESOLVE:12.09.01a being the main project. Clearly something's gone awry here because the plugin and main project definitely have different artifactIDs. Trying to attach the project on top of itself maybe?)
Seems to work fine until I try to invoke one of the goals like mvn edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin:rebase, at which point it gives me this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin:0.1.0a:rebase (default-cli) on project RESOLVE: Execution default-cli of goal edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin:0.1.0a:rebase failed: Unable to load the mojo 'rebase' (or one of its required components) from the plugin 'edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin:0.1.0a': Guice provision errors:
[ERROR] 1) Error in ComponentFactory:ant-mojo
[ERROR] at ClassRealm[plugin>edu.clemson.cs.rsrg:git-plugin:0.1.0a, parent: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#e776f7]
[ERROR] while locating org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo annotated with
You may think it is hacky, but it is the maven way. It needs to be deployed to a maven repo.
If you keep it in a groupId that you can demonstrably own and it's open source you can publish it to central

maven plugin ignored from local pom plugins

I am new to maven, and cannot figure it out.
I have this configuration for the plugin in my pom.xml file, but it looks like mvn does not use my configuration.
I am getting the same error when I comment out this plugin. There are old discussions on the blogs that maven was ignoring configurations inside the execution. Is it still an issue ? How can I make maven to read my plugin declarations instead of something else? What does it run when my dependency is commented out?
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install- plugin:2.3.1:install-file (default-cli) on project core: The parameters 'file' for goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install-file are missing or invalid -> [Help 1]
From the error message and the information above, one possibility is that you are running mvn install:install-file on your project. Run mvn install instead.
