Ambari agent is not exist - hadoop

I'm trying to setup the Ambari agent in each node in my cluster and it works fine for almost all my nodes unless one, when I try to retray the Ambari wizard to fix the problem for this one I get this error:
Running setup agent script...
Command start time 2017-12-01 14:52:13
Server error attempting a GET to /rhsm/ returned status 503
Repository HDP-UTILS- is listed more than once in the configuration
sed: can't read /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini: No such file or
directory('', None)
So obviously this error means therer is no ambari-agent installed in this machine,
so I verified if the agent is installed or not with "yum repolist ambari-agent" it replays that the service is already installed
and when I tried to install "yum install ambari-agent", I could not, also there is No directory called /etc/ambari-agent/
I thought about reinstall the ambari agent for this node but I m not sure if this is going to be the good decision.
what should I do??

Removing the agent then reinstalling the agent should resolve the issue. The following commands (run on the node that is failing to register) should achieve that:
sudo yum remove ambari-agent
sudo yum install ambari-agent
You should then be able to retry the installation in the Ambari UI using the cluster setup wizard.


How to fix docker vulnerabilities (USN-4048-1) in ubuntu 18.08 LTS

I have AWS EC2 ubuntu 18.04 LTS machine. I want to fix the docker vulnerabilities (USN-4048-1).
Installed package : docker.io_17.03.2-0ubuntu7~ppa1
Fixed package : docker.io_18.09.7-0ubuntu1~18.04.3
How can i do that ? What's the steps to fix it ?
The simple way is to follow below step:
If the update-notifier-common package is installed, Ubuntu will alert you about pending updates via the message of the day (motd) upon console or remote login.
After logging in, you can check for and apply new updates with:
When performing an update, first review what apt is going to do, then confirm that you want to apply the updates (this is particularly true when running the development release).
If you would prefer to have updates applied automatically, make sure the unattended-upgrades package is installed, then run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades'. Please note that updates may restart services on your server, so this may not be appropriate for all environments.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
source :

how to uninstall sonarqube-6.4.1 from ubuntu

h all ,
i am trying to uninstall sonarqube from the ubuntu machine using command "sudo apt-get remove --purge autoremove sonarqube-6.4.1" but I am getting error as no packages foun some one kindly help me with uninstalling soanrqube complaetly from ubuntu machine
Your purge isn't working because SonarQube likely wasn't installed via apt-get. So how was it installed? The docs offer clues:
Installing the Web Server tells you to download the SonarQube zip, expand it, and configure the properties file. So your first step would be to wipe out the SonarQube directory.
Of course, if SonarQube is running as a service on your machine, just deleting the diretory could lead to errors at the next startup, so you'll need to unwind that part too. For setting up a service, the docs advise you to:
create /etc/init.d/sonar
create a link in /usr/bin/sonar to the SonarQube start script
update your defaults
So you'll want to back those things out too.

apache mesos is not recognized as a service in a ubuntu linux environment

Hi I am trying to install apache mesos in my ubuntu based system. I have installed zookeeper and marathon along with this setup.
apt-get install mesos marathon
it says its success but when i try to see available services systems does not show mesos-master or slaves as available services. also
service mesos-master/slave start
says unrecognized service. any idea?
I had the same issue, so after trying multiple tricks .. I found that you can start the mesos-master using the following command:
mkdir ~/workdir; sudo mesos master --work_dir=/home/azureuser/wokdir&
Some documentation has not matched actual installations for me - Mesos may installed to be managed by upstart/systemd kinds of commands rather than service. Most recently for me, a CentOS 6.6 install of Mesos has landed in upstart-managed territory, e.g.:
start mesos-master
stop mesos-master
status mesos-master
YMMV, but that's what I've recently seen.
I faced same issue, I was not able to start mesos-master on UBUNTU-14.04 although I double checked installation and zookeeper service started successfully and tested well.
I found work around to start mesos-master service.
$ cd /usr/sbin/
$ sudo ./mesos-master --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos --log_dir=/home/rajeev/logs/mesos/
above command run mesos-master service successfully [But sudo service mesos-master start command failed to start mesos master node]

Redis installation error ./redis-trib.rb not found

I am trying to install redis cluster in ubuntu server using ssh. I don't have sudo permissions to install something in the server.
When I was trying to use the command to create the cluster.
./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1
I got the error as follows
./redis-trib.rb command not found.
I know that I need to install ruby gems to solve the issue. since I dont have sudo permisiion, can you suggest an alternate way to configure it.

Cloudera Installation Error I want to know can we cloudera manager for Hadoop single node Cluster on ubuntu?

I am using ubuntu 12.04 64bit, I installed and ran sample hadoop programs with single node successfully.
I am getting the following error while installing cloudera manager on my ubuntu
Refreshing repository metadata failed. See
/var/log/cloudera-manager-installer/2.refresh-repo.log for details.
Click OK to revert this installation.
I want to know can we install Cloudera for Hadoop's Single node cluster on ubuntu. Please response me that Is it possible to install cloudera manager for single node or not. Or else Am i want to create multiple nodes for using cloudera with my hadooop
Yes, CM can run in a single node.
This error is because CM can not use apt-get install to get the packages. Which tutorial do you follow?
However, you can manually add the cloudera repo. See this thread.
