Error on opening jmeter script - jmeter

Whenever I'm trying to open jmeter script then it's showing the following error.
I already kept plugging in lib/etc folder but the error is still there. Please provide me the solution of this as soon as possible.

Sometimes file is corrupted, you should save your file before executing, JMeter save latest file,
Try open latest file saved in backups folder.
Since JMeter 3.0, JMeter automatically saves up to ten backups of every saved jmx files.
Next version backup will be saved automatically on every run.

Check all plugins are there. do you have a copy of the error message as they should help understand which plugin is the issue "missing".
Also if you have downgraded jmeter then you will also have an issue opening newer jmx files and they cant be opened by older versions.
So maybe a long shot but download the latest version and add your plugins in and try to open the jmx in that.


Cypress not loading an updated file

Cypress is not reading my updated script. I make a change in WebStorm. Cypress starts to load the file but then refreshes and loads an old file. It does not load the updated spec. I then check the file using the Open in IDE link in Cypress and it shows me the newly updated spec. Why is Cypress loading an old file and not running the updated one?
I've updated Cypress to 4.12.0. Closed it, reopened and still it does not run the file that I have in the Integration directory. And the old file it does run is not in the Integration directory. So why is it trying to run that file. I thought Cypress only executes files in the Integration directory
Switching back to version "^7.6.0" fixed it.

open recent option disabled in jmeter

When I open jmeter, the load file option that is open recent file is not working.It is disabled.What should I do.I tried deleting jar files one by one in lib folder but it did not help. I am using jmeter version 4
JMeter uses Java Preferences class to store the list of recently opened files
On Windows "Recent Files" are being stored under the following path in Windows Registry
On Linux most probably it would be:
On MacOSX it should live under:
Your user must have access to this location (i.e. you may have to run JMeter as Administrator once) to get the storage created. On Linux/Unix systems the user should have read/write permissions to the given location.
If preferences don't exist or are empty - you will not be able to see anything.
Given you mentioned you deleted files from "lib" folder you might remove something critical by accident which may cause JMeter malfunction. So consider reinstalling JMeter from downloads page and re-installing missing plugins with dependencies using JMeter Plugins Manager

Files uploaded via FTP aren't showing changes on Squarespace Developer Mode

My squarespace site is in developer mode. I download files, like the .region, .less, and .conf files and edit them locally. I upload these files and expect to see a change on the squarespace site.
Up until yesterday this was working, then I made a mistake in one of the LESS files and got an error about incorrectly parsed JSON in the .conf file where the LESS file was included. I got a whole ton of errors from this, and have since then fixed both the LESS file and the .conf file.
However, the issue is that my squarespace site is now not registering that any changes have been uploaded, despite the fact that my FTP files are successfully being uploaded and downloaded from the FTP server.
I have also not seen any updates to my Git on the developer mode tab since this error was registered.
My question is how to fix this, and how to start seeing edits done locally to region, etc, files again.
You can try to turn off the developer mode and then turn it on back.

JetBrains PhpStorm - Synchronize with FTP server

When I create a new project from existing files, in my case FTP, the application downloads the files and uploads my changes. But I miss the option which looks whether the files ON THE SERVER changed and synchronzizes it or notifies me.
Is there any option like this? I mean it's really necessary, for example when my colleague works on my project on the server with another tool like Notepad++. In this case when I would open PhpStorm, it overwrites the newer file on the server with the old without checking.
That option does not exist yet, but there is a running issue on Jetbrains, might want to check it out:

Visual-SourceSafe error - unable to finish writing a file

We use Nant to automate our builds. Everything was working fine until about a week ago when the rains caused our power to go out and the build server had to be re-booted. Now, we get the following error whenever we attempt a build:
<message><![CDATA[SourceSafe was unable to finish writing a file. Check your available disk space, and ask the administrator to analyze your SourceSafe database.]]></message>
<stacktrace><![CDATA[ at SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSItemClass.Get(String& Local, Int32 iFlags)
at NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.SourceSafe.GetTask.ExecuteTask()]]></stacktrace>
We ran the Analyze utility on the VSS database and there appears to be plenty of room on the build server, but no luck. Any ideas? I'm at a loss.
My problem was that the current file was empty... I wrote a comment on it and everything worked ok
Ok, here is the resolution. It turns out that somehow, the version of an app.config file that was referenced in the build script was corrupted (all the previous versions, actually), which caused the VSSGet error. Updating the version to the current version fixed the errror.
I had this issue when I tried to migrate a Source Safe database to Subversion, using VSS2SVN.
This error is related to the message
There is a diff chain size mismatch in file '' (bdaaaaaa) at version (versions earlier than that version can no longer be retrieved from the database).
that may be reported by the Source Safe tool analyze.exe.
If you look into the history of the file and try to Get a version that is older than the one reported by analyze.exe, the message of this question is shown.
Microsoft provided hotfix KB927887 for cases where this was caused by XML files toggling BOM inclusion, but I did not try to apply it.
See also Message: SourceSafe was unable to finish writing a file
