How Do I Delete A Target In Xcode 9? - xcode

Xcode 9 is quite similar to Xcode 8.
I'm building Apple's Open Source IOGraphicsFamily.
In the Products group there is a target called iogdiagnose. Its source produced many compiler errors when I tried to build all my targets, so I removed the group with iogdiagnose's source from my project.
But the iogdiagnose target is still there. It produces a link error - missing main.
Google failed to yield insight. There was the same question for Xcode 6.1, but Xcode 9 is quite different from 6.1.
Building the IOGraphicsFamily driver stack has been a huge PITA. I need my own build so I can enable the driver stack's kprintf logging.

Simply right-click on the target and click on Delete.

I deleted the target by editing the project.pbxproj that's in the .xcodeproj bundle.
That worked just fine however but there must a GUI to delete targets.
The great thing about Xcode is that Apple keeps us sharped-eyed by rearranging the GUI in profound ways with each new release.


OS X Framework Library not loaded: 'Image not found'

I am trying to create a basic OS X Framework, right now I just have a test framework created: TestMacFramework.framework and I'm trying to import it into a brand new OS X Application project.
I have built the .framework file and imported it into the new project, The framework appears to link okay, and I can reference the public header file I added to the framework build phases section.
However, when I try to run the container Application I get the following Error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/TestMacFramework.framework/Versions/A/TestMacFramework
Referenced from: /Users/samharman/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestMacContainer-dzabuelobzfknafuhmgooqhqrgzl/Build/Products/Debug/
Reason: image not found
After a bit of googling I realised I needed to add a Copy Files section to my container application build phases, so I have done this and set it up like so...
However, I am still getting the runtime error. I'm obviously doing something wrong here, but the Apple developer library resource for this references Xcode 2, so isn't very helpful!
What have I missed?
I can see in the build log that my TestMacFramework.framework is being copied into the .app contents/frameworks directory, but it isn't being installed to the Library/Frameworks directory on the HD
The build links correctly if I manually copy the TestMacFramework.framework into the Library/Frameworks directory
[Xcode 11+]
The only thing to do is to add the framework to the General->Frameworks, Libraries And Embedded Content section in the General tab of your app target.
Make sure you select the 'Embed & Sign' option.
[Xcode v6 -> Xcode v10]
The only thing to do is to add the framework to the Embedded binaries section in the General tab of your app target.
So I managed to get it working, it's quite simple when you have the right instructions. What I was looking for was a 'private' framework which lives in the App bundle rather than being written to the system library folder.
Building The Framework
Add a target to create a Cocoa Framework
Within that targets 'Build Settings' configure the 'Installation Directory' to '#executable_path/../Frameworks'
Build library, and access the .framework from the archive or products directory
Including The Framework
Drag the created .framework file into the Xcode Project, be sure to tick 'Copy Files to Directory'
In the containing applications target, add a new 'Copy File Build Phase'
Set the 'Destination' to 'Frameworks'
Drag in the created .framework
It was quite simple for me, i just added my framework to my embedded binaries under app targets
The options above where not possible for me to include.
I solved it by specifying the Runpath Search Path
This is on the 'Build Settings' tab.
In the 'Linking' section.
Change 'Runpath Search Paths' into $(inherited) #executable_path/Frameworks
I ran into the same issue but the accepted solution did not work for me. Instead the solution was to modify the framework's install name.
The error in the original post is:
dyld: Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/TestMacFramework.framework/Versions/A/TestMacFramework
Referenced from: /Users/samharman/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestMacContainer-dzabuelobzfknafuhmgooqhqrgzl/Build/Products/Debug/
Reason: image not found
Note the first path after Library not loaded. The framework is being loaded from an absolute path. This path comes from the framework's install name (sometimes called rpath), which can be examined using:
otool -D MyFramework.framework/MyFramework
When a framework is embedded into an app this path should be relative and of this form: #rpath/MyFramework.framework/MyFramework. If your framework's install name is an absolute path it may not be loaded at runtime and an error similar to the one above will be produced.
The solution is to modify the install name:
install_name_tool -id "#rpath/MyFramework.framework/MyFramework" MyFramework.framework/MyFramework
With this change I no longer get the error
Deleting derived data saved it for me
None of these issues solved this for me. The problem in the end was pretty easy. It looks like its a pretty major Xcode bug which I have logged the problem and fix under Apple bug: 29820370. If you are struggling (as it seems like there are several pages of problems similar to this ) then it would be great if you can raise a bug on bug reporter: and reference the bug I raised to gain visibility. I want to make Xcode back into the pleasure that it was before - and this is something I am sure Xcode should have fixed itself.
Here is the fix:
1. Open Keychain - go to Apple Worldwide Developer Cert.
2. Double Click on it
3. Change the permission level from "always trust" to use System Defaults
4. Save and close it
5. Restart Xcode, Clean and build your project and it should be gone.
Screenshot below of the correct settings:
Hope this helps!
When you drag a custom framework into a project under Xcode 10.1, it assumes that the framework is a system framework and puts the framework into "Link Binary With Libraries" section of "Build Phases" under your target.
System frameworks are already on the device so it is not copied over to the device and thus cannot execute at runtime so KABOOM (crash in __abort_with_payload, and disinforming error: "Reason: image not found"). This is because the framework code is not copied to the device...
In reality, to have Xcode both link the custom framework and ensure that it is copied along with your code to the iOS device (real or simulator) the custom framework needs to be moved to "Copy Bundle Resources". This ultimately packages the framework along with your code executable to be available on the device together.
To add a custom framework to a project and avoid the Apple crash:
Drag custom framework into your iOS project file list
Click ProjectName in Navigator -> TargetName -> "Build Phases" ->
Link Binary With Libraries disclosure triangle
Drag custom framework out and down to "Copy Bundle Resources" section below (Xcode now moves the framework reference, fixed in Xcode 10)
Run in simulator or device
The custom framework thus gets copied along with your code to your target device and is available at runtime.
[editorial: you would think Xcode would be smart enough to figure out the difference between one of it's system frameworks which need not be copied to the device and a custom framework that is, oh I don't know, in the project root directory hierarchy... 🙄]
Xcode 11 :
in Xcode 11 add framework into General->Frameworks, Libraries And Embedded Content
after adding make sure you select Embed & Sign option
There should be a 'Run Script' into 'Build Phases' with this: '/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks'
On the 'Input Files' of that 'Run Script', you should add the path to your libraries. Like this:
If you accidentally reset your keychain, this can occur due to missing Apple certificates in the keychain. I followed this to solve my problem.
I had the same issue and was able to fix by re-downloading the WWDR (Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority).
Download from here:
If you are using Xcode 11, ensure that you have the framework added in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed Content under Target settings - General. Change Embed status from - 'Do not Embed' to 'Embed & Sign'
What solved it for me was changing abstract_target to target for the main target in my Podfile. I had previously set it to abstract_target and this caused the described error. Now it works like a charm
I faced this issue with Xcode 13 betas with the UniformTypeIdentifiers.framework. The app failed to run on iOS versions lower than 13.
The below approach fixed the issue :
Go to the target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> Add the framework -> Add the status as "Optional"
The above worked perfectly for me! Hope this helps!
For Xcode 8, some stale products will be removed from derived data folder refer to this solution.
Apple: In macOS 10.12 and later, Xcode cleans up stale derived data, precompiled headers, and module caches. (23282174)
The Xcode build system supports stale file removal of some types of build artifacts that were produced in a previous build, but have since been removed from the project.
Base on the author's thought, I found this build log from my case.
Remove stale build products
/bin/rm -rf /Users/usename/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-esvvhwwwwngijeemhatmklwzoxnb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
/bin/rmdir /Users/usename/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-esvvhwwwwngijeemhatmklwzoxnb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
After creating a new copy file phase and copy the target stale framework to Frameworks destination, the above removal log disappears after rebuilding.
Just clarify my situation and reason, hope it's helpful for someone.
For me this was the solution, after many hours of searching!!
For some reason, well into the development of a Swift 2.3 custom Framework, Xcode 8 had removed the DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE setting from the project.pbxproj file. A little walk into the Build Settings / Dynamic Library Install Name Base setting back to #rpath fixed it.
I found that this issue was related only to the code signing and certificates not the code itself. To verify this, create the basic single view app and try to run it without any changes to your device. If you see the same error type this shows your code is fine. Like me you will find that your certificates are invalid. Download all again and fix any expired ones. Then when you get the basic app to not report the error try your app again after exiting Xcode and perhaps restarting your mac for good measure. That finally put this nightmare to an end. Most likely this has nothing to do with your code especially if you get Build Successful message when you try to run it. FYI
Got the issue when trying Xcode 9 beta and going back to Xcode 8. A simple Clean on the target resolved the issue.
I had the same issue for a different reason.
I've created a new configuration to Debug and Release (under PROJECT -> Info tab -> Configuration).
And I had to change my pod frameworks shell script (Pods-"appName" , under Targets Support Files) to make it work.
[Xcode 9]
The only thing that worked for me:
Target > Build Phases > [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks
Uncheck "Show environment variables in build log" and "Run script only when installing"
I tried many fixes, but what worked for me was to delete a missing target listed in the build tab of the build scheme. You can get to it by opening the edit window of the current scheme.
Edit: My UI testing target was not working as well, and the solution I found was to delete it and generate it again.
open xcode -> general -> Embedded Binaries -> add QBImagepicker.framework and RSKImageCropper -> clean project
just add QBImagePicker.framework and RSKImageCropper.framework at embedded binaries worked for me
I think there is no fixed way to solve this problem since it might be caused by different reason. I also had this problem last week, I don't know when and exactly what cause this problem, only when I run it on simulator with Xcode or try to install it onto the phone, then it reports such kind of error, But when I run it with react-native run-ios with terminal, there is no problem.
I checked all the ways posted on the internet, like renew certificate, change settings in Xcode (all of ways mentions above), actually all of settings in Xcode were already set as it requested before, none of ways works for me. Until this morning when I delete the pods and reinstall, the error finally gonna after a week. If you are also using cocoapod and then error was just show up without any specific reason, maybe you can try my way.
Check my cocoapods version.
Update it if there is new version available.
Go to your project folder, delete your Podfile.lock , Pods file, project xcworkspace.
Run pod install
I experienced that problem only when running on real device (iPhone SE). On simulator project worked as expected.
I did try all fixes from this very thread and from here.
None of those worked for me.
For me problem was solved after restarting iPhone (sic!).
I did:
clean build folder,
clean derived data,
delete app from device,
reboot device
And it finally works. :)
If every other solution fails don't forget to try it out.
Xcode 11 :
Build Phases -> Embed Frameworks
This might happen with Pod Frameworks.
I was facing the same issue with AnswerBotProvidersSDK.framework and my mistake was, I set Run Script checked for Install builds only in targets build phases.
Incorrect settings:
Correct Settings:
For me for some reason xCode (12.5 up to this moment) decided that my Notification Service Extension Target should not have correct paths to frameworks. I suspect that this is happened after I've updated from xCode 12.1 to 12.5.
So I was getting the same error related to one of my internal frameworks. To fix this problem do the following:
go to Project's General Tab
Select your target (in my case it was Notification Service Extension Target)
Make sure that Framework and Libraries section contains your missing framework. I've left it Embed Without Signing in my NSE Target, but it is also was added with Embed & Sign to my primary app target
Keep your target selected and switch to Build Settings tab
There in a search bar enter LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS (make sure that All possible settings will be displayed and not just Basic)
You will see Runpath Search Paths and it was empty for me.
Add 3 following values there:
This is what helped me.

Apple Mach-O Linker Error even with the .m files added to Compile Sources of Build Phases

I know this is some typical beginner question to use Xcode, but it's just confusing.
Basically, I git cloned a project from github. (forked)
Both projects are updated fairly recently,
AppRTCDemo.xcodeproj some refactoring 18 hours ago
and the readme says:
To build XCode iOS app only:
project location: webrtc-ios/ios-example/AppRTCDemo.xcodeproj
Open the XCode project and set target for iPad
Build and run
Should work without changes
but, end up with many warning and errors.
Yes, I understand Apple Mach-O Linker Error typically occurs when *.m files are not added to Compile Sources of Build Phases, so I confirmed that.
It looks like the whole *.m files are included there (see the last attached image), so I know nothing to do more.
Can anyone give advice on this issue? Thanks in advance.
As I understand you are trying to build app to the iPad simulator.
Seems like this project doesn't work in iOS simulator, only on real device
Here is how Xcode looks like when I use real device - no errors:
Here is how Xcode looks like when I use iOS simulator - lots of errors like in your question:

'Compile Sources' not updated while dragging files to a project in Xcode 4.3.2

I am just not sure if this is a bug in Xcode 4.3.2 or is it supposed to be this way.
When I upgraded to Xcode 4.3.2 some time back and dragged some files onto a newly created project, it repeatedly threw linker errors while compiling. All the required frameworks were already linked. Turned out, that these errors disappeared when I went and manually added the .m files that I had manually dragged onto the project, in the Build Settings - Compile Sources.
I have done the same thing in previous versions of Xcode and never had to update the manually update the compile sources myself. I would assume that if any .m file is dragged into the project, the compile sources should be automatically updated.
I don't have any previous version Xcode currently available with me where I can test it, but would like to know if this really is a bug in Xcode 4.3.2 or is there something else that I am missing.
'Add to Targets' needs to be checked while dragging files on to the project.
First : whatever Thunder Rabbit said
Second: I never encountered any problems dragging the .m file but i did encountered problems by dragging an SDK file such as for twitter etc. For that I had to change the library search path in Build Settings.
Third: I also encountered Strip errors in one of the SDKs, the solution of which I mentioned in this question: error in generating archives
Hope the information helps

"Relative to Current SDK" doesn't work mixing Mac Framework and iPhone static library

I have a framework of code I maintain. It's got mac and iphone objective-c code. And some of it is shared. I'm not having any problems with code. It's a problem with Xcode.
Let's just call my framework "AwesomeKit" for this problem.
The first thing I did was create an xcode Framework project called "AwesomeKit". Add source files to it, link against the common mac frameworks: foundation, cocoa, carbon, etc. It compiles fine.
Then, add a new "static library" target, let's call it "AwesomeKit-iPhone" and set the base SDK in the build settings to iphone device 3.1.3.
The problem comes when I try to add "Existing Frameworks" to the AweseomKit-iPhone target.
First change the current build target to AwesomeKit-iPhone.
Right click on any group and select "Add > Existing Frameworks..."
Choose UIKit.framework
UIKit will immediately be highlighted red, as if it's missing. It is indeed missing because Xcode uses the "Relative SDK" setting from the "Mac OS 10.6" SDK. When it should be using it relative to the current target's base sdk iphone device 3.1.3.
What the heck? Has anyone experienced this? This is really annoying.
I found the solution to this. You have to edit the project.pbxproj file inside of the project.xcodeproj directory. Find any entries like "SDKROOT = XXX" and change it to you real base root. It's probably best to look another project.pbxproj file that has it correctly set. I've used this on multiple occasions now and works like a charm. Usually there's 2 or more of the SDKROOT entries in project.pbxproj.
I think I've seen your problem. I'm still new myself to this, but what I've found when universal static libraries for both simulators and devices is that it's best to keep the Xcode Active SDK set to "Base SDK" rather that selecting an SDK. IN that mode, the current SDK is the SDK of the currently selected target.
Active SDK is rather like overriding the sdk on the command line. If yoy set it, SDK settings on targets will be overridden.
So im my case I wanted two targets to be run at the same time, one using the simulator sdk which compiles for i386 architecture and the other pointing at the device sdk which builds a universal lib for armv6/armv7 architectures.
I have seen the red not found stuff and I seem to remember that doing this, made it go away. I also had the project SDK set to a device rather than Mac. Remember that targets override this so it's a good way to ensure that Xcode is pointing at the right sdk without effecting the settings on targets and the ultimate build.
I'm in the same boat right now, XCode keep tacking the wrong SDK in front of the frameworks. This is project with both OSX and iOS targets. But there's seems to be something really wrong with my Project Build settings. Your screenshots don't show them, but you may want to check them. In my case, many entries are duplicates. So I have two categories "Architectures", totally identical. If I change one, the other changes along with it. This could be related to the problem with the wrong SDK being chosen. I think the project file is corrupted, and I'm now trying to figure out if I can fix it manually.

Xcode makefile or compilation options

I am new to Xcode. Once I configure my C++ command line application to build, and it builds successfully, I have sometimes no clue about how Xcode calls GNU C++.
Is it possible to get the makefile that Xcode creates or how to see the compilation options created by Xcode?
Xcode doesn't actually create a makefile; among it's other functionality, Xcode replaces make. But you can see all the options, etc., Xcode uses to build you code. Just open the project in Xcode, and select Get Info from the File menu. Browse the resulting dialog box for almost anything you could possibly want to know about Xcode build settings.
Or you could use a tool likePBTOMAKE, an OS X application that can convert Xcode projects into makefiles, but it hasn't been updated in a few years.
