How to post image with content in Yammer through share button - yammer

I have need to know how to post content with image and site url to Yammer.
I am using Yammer share button and used below code:
document.getElementsByClassName('modyammer-share-cust')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
pageUrl: '<?php echo $post_url; ?>',
I'd like to know:
How to post image with content
why it's rendering html content as it is, not evaluating html code


AJAX call with nodeJS and express successful, but not displaying data

I have recently migrated from a codeigniter framework, to a nodejs with an express framework. Our codeigniter site had a lot of JS as it was, and we made a lot of AJAX calls because it is a single page app. We are messing around with node and express now, and I cannot get a simple AJAX call to function. It could be a lack of understanding of node, it could be something else. We are using openshift to host. We are using hogan-express as a template.
var express = require('express');
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
var path = require('path');
var SampleApp = function() {
var self = this;
self.initializeServer = function() { = module.exports = express(); {'views', __dirname + '/views');'view engine', 'html');'html', require('hogan-express'));
//'layout', 'layout') # use layout.html as the default layout;'dev'));;;;;'stylus').middleware(__dirname + '/public'));, 'public')));
There is more code in this file, I am only including the relevant code (I think).
<div id="button">
<button id="testbutton">Push Me!</button>
<div id="populate">{{title}}</div>
<div id="null">{{>part}}</div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('#testbutton').click(function (){
type: 'POST',
success: function(result){
error: function(){
alert("well this is embarassing... if the problem persists please let us know at");
app = require('../server');
app.get('/', function(req, res){
});'/test', function(req, res){
res.locals = {title: 'Horray'};
res.render('ajax', {partials:{part:'part'}});
<p> pass me in!!</p>
So basically what I am trying to do is when the button is clicked I want the ajax call to show a partial view. The way we are going to structure the site is to have one single page, and have the ajax calls render different views based on the buttons that the user clicks. So here is the interesting part: I get the success alert from the ajax call, but the {{title}} and the {{>part}} never show up. However, when I go to the console and click 'network', and then click 'test' (the url to my ajax call), the response shows the divs populated with "Horray" and "pass me in!!". Sorry for the length, and thank you for any information you can provide us.
If you are calling your resources with ajax (as you are doing) then you get the response to your ajax function. After successful call you need to render the view in your client side JS code.
What I mean is that your code works as expected, but your backend cannot update your browsers view. You need to do it client side or load the whole page again from the server.
Your success hander could be something like this:
success: function(result){
You can just send the JSON. You need to send the json via send not render. Because render is supposed to deliver the full HTML page. May be .ejs file.
For example:
res.send should be used to pass json to your page. And on your page you have to use the JSON to populate the HTML dynamically.

Ajax username and date Instagram API

Currently, I'm trying to create a page using instagram's api, showing recent pictures with a specific tag, as well as the user who posted it and the date posted. I'm also trying to have the infinite loading functionality, with ajax loading in more instagram posts as the page reaches the bottom.
Heres a link to the live site
Clicking the red yes will skip the video, and go straight to the instagram feed.
I'm currently using Christian Metz's solution found here,
I am also having an issue with posting the date, in the first initial load, as well in the ajax loads. I was previously able to use this following code, before trying to implement Christian's php/ajax solution.
var date = new Date(parseInt([i].created_time) * 1000);
<p class='date'>"+(date.getMonth()+1)+"/"+date.getDate()+"/"+date.getFullYear()+"</p>
I guess what I don't understand, is how the ajax loading function, is actually functioning. How would I also pull the name, and date through the ajax loading success function as well?
type: 'GET',
url: 'ajax.php',
data: {
tag: tag,
max_id: maxid
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
// Output data
$.each(data.images, function(i, src) {
$("#instafeed").append('<img src="' + src + '">');
// Store new maxid
$('#more').data('maxid', data.next_id);
The data parameter of the success handler function is populated from whatever JSON ajax.php returns and the structure will match accordingly. It looks like the images attribute of that object only has an array of URLs for the images and no other data.
You'll need to update this section of the PHP script to return more than just the array of URLs for the images and also include the additional data retrieved from the Instagram API.
Try updating the last part to this:
echo json_encode(array(
'next_id' => $media->pagination->next_max_id,
'images' => $media->data
Then you'll have full access to all the media data, not just the URL.

send hyperlink query string to server and get result using jquery ajax

i am making a simple site in php. I have a product page and there is a link on product page that says add to wishlist so when a user clicks on that link the product is posted to the server and the page is redirected from the backend. but I want to do it using jquery ajax so that my page is not reloaded. can somebody please provide a snippet of code on how to do that ?
data : "the query string",
success: function(result){
// success code.
return false; // prevents the default behavior of anchor click.
The best way to learn jQuery, is to visit the API site. (Which seems to be down at the moment)
The ajax category
$('body').on('click', '', function(){
// What you want here.
return false;
This will catch any click on anchors with the foo class under <body> no matter when they were created("runtime" or with the page load) .

Uploading Image Using JQuery And Django

Before you continue reading, trust me when I say I have read all the other posts on this subject, and none of them helped.
I am trying to add image upload functionality to my website. I want to upload the image
via an ajax post. I cannot get this working.
Here is what I have:
HTML - i have a special setup so that an image is displayed instead of a stupid button
and the text field. I am also using the onChange event to automatically submit when I have hit "OK" after selecting the image.
<form id="add-picture-form" method="POST" action="/api/upload_image/" enctype="multipart/form-data">{% csrf_token %}
<div class="thumbnails" style="width:400px;">
<label class="cabinet BrandHeader">
<input type="file" class="file" id="upload-photo" onChange="$('#add-picture-form').submit();" />
$('#add-picture-form').submit(function() {
//var filename = $("#upload-photo").val();
var photo = document.getElementById("upload-photo");
var file = photo.files[0];
type: "POST",
url: "/api/upload_image/",
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
data: {'file': file.getAsBinary(), 'fname' : file.fileName },
success: function(){
alert( "Data Uploaded: ");
return false;
Finally my django view that is hit when you post to /api/upload_image/
def ajax_upload( request ):
print request.POST
print request.FILES
return http.HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps([True]), mimetype='application/javascript')
I have tried to write the image to binary, but I cannot open that data that has written.
Why is uploading an image using javascript so hard? I am an idiot and just not using a simple solution? If so, please tell me what is the best way to use jQuery to upload an image in Django.
Try the jQuery plugins Uploadify or SWFUpload. Someone even did the Django integration for you, see: and
I'm not that familiar with django but I think the issue is that uploading a file via AJAX isn't as simple as you might think.
There are several methods of getting around this, but I recommend using one that already exists. Since you are using jquery, I would recommend the jquery forms plugin:
The plugin supports file uploading out of the box, and really all you'll need to do is wire it up to your form:
see also: How can I upload files asynchronously?

Reloading everything but one div on a web page

I'm trying to set up a basic web page, and it has a small music player on it (niftyPlayer). The people I'm doing this for want the player in the footer, and to continue playing through a song when the user navigates to a different part of the site.
Is there anyway I can do this without using frames? There are some tutorials around on changing part of a page using ajax and innerHTML, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head aroung getting everything BUT the music player to reload.
Thank you in advance,
Wrap the content in a div, and wrap the player in a separate div. Load the content into the content div.
You'd have something like this:
<div id='content'>
<div id='player'>
If you're using a framework, this is easy: $('#content').html(newContent).
This syntax works with jQuery and ender.js. I prefer ender, but to each his own. I think MooTools is similar, but it's been a while since I used it.
Code for the ajax:
'method': 'get',
'url': '/newContentUrl',
'success': function (data) {
// do something with the data here
You might need to declare what type of data you're expecting. I usually send json and then create the DOM elements in the browser.
You didn't mention your webserver/server-side scripting language, so I can't give any code examples for the server-side stuff. It's pretty simple most of time. You just need to decide on a format (again, I highly recommend JSON, as it's native to JS).
I suppose what you could do is have to div's.. one for your footer with the player in it and one with everything else; lets call it the 'container', both of course within your body. Then upon navigating in the site, just have the click reload the page's content within the container with a ajax call:
var page = $(this).attr('page');
// Using the href attribute will make the page reload, so just make a custom one named 'page'
<a page="page.php">Test</a>
The problem you then face though, is that you wouldnt really be reloading a page, so the URL also doesnt get update; but you can also fix this with some javascript, and use hashtags to load specific content in the container.
Use jQuery like this:
<div id="content">Content</div>
<input type="submit" id="generate" value="Generate!">
<div id="player">...player code...</div>
What you're looking for is called the 'single page interface' pattern. It's pretty common among sites like Facebook, where things like chat are required to be persistent across various pages. To be honest, it's kind of hard to program something like this yourself - so I would recommend standing on top of an existing framework that does some of the leg work for you. I've had success using backbone.js with this pattern:
You can reload desired DIVs via jQuery.ajax() and JSON:
For example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
<a href='one.php' class='ajax'>Page 1</a>
<a href='two.php' class='ajax'>Page 2</a>
<div id='player'>Player Code</div>
<div id='workspace'>workspace</div>
$arr = array ( "workspace" => "This is Page 1" );
echo json_encode($arr);
$arr = array( 'workspace' => "This is Page 2" );
echo json_encode($arr);
jQuery('.ajax').click(function(event) {
// load the href attribute of the link that was clicked
jQuery.getJSON(this.href, function(snippets) {
for(var id in snippets) {
// updated to deal with any type of HTML
jQuery('#' + id).html(snippets[id]);
