Working example of react-apollo 2.0 with redux-form - redux-form

With Apollo 2.X removing redux integration in favor of apollo-cache-inmemory
Wondering if there are any example apps using redux-form along with newer apollo-client react-apollo stack?

I ended up using and . So I have avoided using redux in my app.


Is there any benefits of using #nestjs/class-validator package instead of class-validator?

In NestJS application, right now I am using class-validator to validate DTO and request payload. Is there any benefits if I shift to #nestjs/class-validator?
I found both packages are same.
Later I found #nestjs/class-validator is maintained by nestjs which is especially designed for nestjs projects.
And #nestjs/class-validator is more updated/maintained one.
as of now, #nestjs/class-validator is just a fork to keep class-validator dependencies up to date.
You can see all of non-updates changes here:

Spring Thymeleaf server-side pagination

I've been trying to implement a sever-side pagination for my project using Spring and Thymeleaf, I was able to read things about how I can make this posible, one is through the use of dandelion datatables wherein I was able to make the integration successful but only in the client side. The second one i tried is using an example I found at which was successful but was a bit complicated. Other examples I find are from this and other sites are old, I need a recent example on how I could implement server-side pagination in Spring using thymeleaf and JPA. It would also a big help if it would involve the use of JQuery datatables because of its features.
I was able to do this with Spring-Data's pagination and the Thymeleaf dialect here
Should do exactly what you want I think.

Which version of spring-social-facebook fits to which Facebook Graph API version?

How can I find out, which version of spring-social-facebook uses which version of Facebook's Graph API?
Is there a chance to configure the API version in spring-social-facebook?
I'm asking this, as in the moment (31.10.2016) the newest version of spring-social-facebook is not compatible to the actual facebook API. An exception is thrown: "(#12) bio field is deprecated for versions v2.8 and higher".
In the moment I'm only developing - but I am unsure, how to avoid this kind of error in a release version. How can I make sure, that changes in facebook's API don't crush my application?
In order to know which Facebook’s Graph API version is implemented by a spring-social-facebook release you could see the official announcements on spring site: i.e. 2.0.0.RELEASE implements v2.3 of Facebook’s Graph API, 2.0.3.RELEASE implements v2.5, and so on.
In v2.0.3.RELEASE of spring-social-facebook was introduced the method FacebookTemplate.setApiVersion(String apiVersion): you have the possibility to set the Facebook’s Graph API version in order to use the same one configured on your facebook app. In detail, when the getBaseGraphApiUrl() method is called the url is dinamically built with the api version provided by the setApiVersion method ("" + apiVersion + "/").
Unfortunately, although no one forbids you to provide a Facebook’s Graph API version greater than the target version implemented by a spring-social-facebook release, you have no guarantee that everything works properly (i.e. you cannot resolve the bio field problem setting the api version with value 2.8 by setApiVersion method) then this is not a solution.
To answer your last question, I suggest you to implement this workaround, wait the next spring announcement and use the next spring-social-facebook release when it will be fully compatible with the api version of your facebook app (v2.8 I suppose), so you'll be able to use all the api (i.e. facebook.userOperations().getUserProfile()) without errors.
Moreover, your facebook app will still use v2.8 of Facebook’s Graph API (even if a new version of Facebook’s Graph API will be released) and then the spring-social-facebook release that you'll use (for example in a production env) will continue to be fully compatible with it.

Sonarqube missing API after upgrade from 5.2 to 5.4

After upgrading from 5.2 to 5.4 it seems the 'addContainerExtension(..) method has been completely dropped since 5.3.
We relied on this method for injecting our own custom rules. The method does not seem to have been marked deprecated - its purely missing from the API
Our usage of this method is
for (ProjectDefinition pd : context.projectReactor().getProjects()) {
Any suggestions / help appreicated ?
This API was used to inject some components from the scanner to each module pico container (mainly MavenProject). We have dropped this dangerous feature.
But you don't need to use this to contribute your own rules. Simply pass your extensions in the getExtensions() method of your Plugin class.

where is #Equals annotation in playframework 2.0?

I am trying to validate the equality of password with confirmPassword field in a registration form.
I am aware that in v.1(precisely v.1.2.4), you can do this using #Equals("confirmPassword") annotation.
However the same functionality seems to be missing in v2.0.
Am I missing out on something or v2.0 doesn't implement this anymore?
Have a look at Forms Validation for Play 2.0, specifically the Constraints section. The class contains several built-in validation annotations according to the documentation. They made a lot of changes between the 1.* and 2.* versions.
