Parent pom usage in build.gradle - maven

I have a need to convert the maven project to gradle project. All is going fine, but there is one problem that I faced, in the current project we are using dependency management throw parent pom of maven and in gradle as long as I researched there is no possibility to do so. I was thinking to convert somehow parent pom to maven bom and use in build.gradle because I know that gradle can use maven boms.
Do anyone have better ideas how to accoplish that ?
Or may be someone also had this kind of problem, can suggest best ways to do it ?

You could use my gradle-maven-transform plugin to transform your pom.xmls into gradle scripts.
You can use the DependencyAggregator to find versions which are common across all projects and generate a root build.gradle containing the common versions.
Each project script can then reference a version variable from the root project instead of hard coding
You might choose to use nebula dependency recomnender plugin to manage common versions. The maven-transform plugin can generate scripts to support this style of declaration too
Whilst you are evaluating the gradle build you "apply" the generated gradle scripts in your gradle build. During this time both maven and gradle builds will work in parallel. Once your happy with the gradle build you copy paste the generated scripts into your build.gradle files and ditch maven for ever! Yay!


When working on a project and one of it's dependency in parallel how to load it from the file system

I'm working on a java dependency that I publish on GitLab via gradle. In parallel I also work on some projects dependent of it.
When I need to do a change in the parent I have to wait for my CI/CD to be over before I can keep developing the childs. There is most certainly a way to tell gradle 'check there before online' but all I've found until now is to do that with local jar but not raw source files.
I tried most of the things in How to make Gradle repository point to local directory but without success as gradle is excepting a maven repo structure with some pom.xml files.
So how could I achieve something like this ?
After rethinking the problem and studying a bit more gradle/maven I found the solution.
Just execute the task gradle publishToMavenLocal in the parent project. Then in the dependent project add mavenLocal() to your list of repo. That's all you have to do.
I'm still looking for a way to make gradle build and publish the parent automatically on the child's build. But it's already much more practical like this?

How to use custom gradle plugin without publishing it to maven/ivy repositories?

I have 2 gradle projects. One is my custom gradle plugin and the other one is project which uses this plugin.
I know I can build my custom plugin, publish it to some repository and use it in my other project but is there any way how can I set something like "dependency" for my plugin (in build.gradle of my other project) and use it without need of building/publishing it somewhere?
To get and idea what I am trying to accomplish, here is some code which hopefully demonstrates the idea:
buildScript {
dependencies {
compile project(":my-gradle-plugin")
apply "my-gradle-plugin"
You can do that if your plugin project can be moved inside buildSrc of the project that wants to include it. In that case, the plugin will be by default on the classpath of the project.
If that plugin is shared between multiple projects, you will need to produce the binary and then reference it. Note that a local repository can be used, it does not have to be a remote one. One advantage of using a local repository is that Gradle will not cache the resolved plugin and thus any update, even without a version change, will be picked up immediately.

How to implement a Maven base pom file concept using Gradle?

In Maven one can use the base pom file concept( - the file everyone would then reuse
Is it a similar concept in Gradle? We use Gradle to build Java projects
You should take a look at this answer
Basically, the parent project can hold the role of "parent POM" and thanks to Gradle's allprojects, subprojects and extra properties mechanisms, you can reproduce Maven's main behavior. Also you can split your configuration in several .gradle files and include them with apply from. Finally, regular and custom plugins can be defined in the parent project, for target or all sub-projects.

Is there any easy way to generate mave pom file from ant build

I have a ant build.xml file , how can i directly create a maven pom.xml which is exactly equivalent of build.xml file ? I know that I can create a maven project and move the folder of build.xml to appropriate folder of maven directories, But is there any automated way of doing this ?
ANT and MAVEN are different so there is probably no such complete automation really.
Still there are some attempts to automate it (see: and its forked repositories).
Another approach may be to create a pom.xml file and use to include the ANT script in it.
The simple answer is no. There is no easy way to generate a POM.
In my opinion switching to Maven is best left to new projects with little or no legacy to defend. In short Maven is a highly opinionated build tool that follows a standardized build workflow. ANT, on the other, ANT is gloriously configurable... resulting in no two builds working the same way :-)
A secondary problem is that few ANT builds properly record the origin and version of their 3rd party dependencies...
In most cases you are better off keeping the existing ANT build logic and introduce dependency managment using a plugin like Apache ivy. This allows an ANT project to properly integrate with a Maven repository infrastructure. This further enables collaboration with other teams using alternative build tools like Maven, Gradle or SBT.
Related answers:
Migrating complex project from Ant to Maven - How to handle unusual folder structures?
Maven or Ivy? Which one is better with a system already in production? And the other differences?

Gradle - Single build.gradle with dynamic dependencies

So we have a huge multi-project codebase with structure like below:
Each project has a build.gradle file which has 80% of the code same with only dependencies section changing for all the projects.
What I want to achieve:
I want to create a parent project named "BuildAllProjects" which would be the ONLY project having build.gradle, settings.gradle and and propose to have a properties file for mentioning the dependencies of each project, something like:
and then use the gradle expand[] properties to dynamically fill the dependencies for the project which I am building, so for instance, if I am building AR, I may want to run:
gradle -PAR build
which will read dependencies for "AR" from the properties and expand in the form :
dependencies {
compile name 'j2ee'
compile name 'commons-lang'
Do you guys think this is possible or is this the WORST way of achieving it? I am new to GRADLE overall and information provided above is based on knowledge that I have acquired in a weeks time. Please provide your suggestions to implement this at the BEST of gradle.
Layering a properties file based build language on top of Gradle's build language doesn't strike me as desirable. Instead, I recommend to focus on writing clean and DRY Gradle build scripts. You can learn more about Gradle's powerful abstraction capabilities (configuration injection, script plugins, buildSrc, custom plugins and extensions, etc.) in the Gradle User Guide.
In a typical multi-project build, subproject build scripts mostly contain dependency declarations, whereas most other configuration happens in the root build script and/or script plugins.
