How do I retrieve a specific image from a specific link? (Programming Beginner) - image

I'm a programming beginner - so apologies if this question is not appropriate. I have tried my best to search the internet for an answer for the better part of today.
I'm trying to retrieve the image from this link:
I am using the code below: (I know it fetches all of the images.)
My question is - why does this code work on this link: but not on this link: ?
import urllib2
import os
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
URL = ""
default_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),"Pictures")
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(URL).read())
imgs = soup.findAll("img",{"alt":True, "src":True})
for img in imgs:
img_url = img["src"]
filename = os.path.join(default_dir, img_url.split("/")[-1])
img_data =
f = open(filename,"wb")
I would like to fetch the image from this link:
I am currently getting no images with the above code from this link. It works with other links though.

this is because the img tags inside that url don't have the alt attribute, which you are defining for filtering those img tags with:
imgs = soup.findAll("img",{"alt":True, "src":True})
that list returns empty.


HexaPDF add font when importing other document's page

I have app that adding texts for original pdf and generate new pdf.
All is good until I have page that contain different font, then target pdf have no glyphs(boxes instead of characters), when source_doc saved, it displays font properly.
Perhaps something to do with how .import method work but i did not found way :/
Here is part of code:
target_doc =
source_doc ="source.pdf")
page = source_doc.pages[0]
canvas = page.canvas(type: :overlay)
# ... some code filling the doc with the text
font_file = "new_font.ttf"
canvas.font font_file
canvas.text(text, at: [x, y])
# back to default font
canvas.font(FONT_FAMILY, size: FONT_SIZE)
source_doc.pages.each { |page| target_doc.pages << target_doc.import(page) }
I have tried to .add font to target_doc but it did not added(tried before and after import)
In the target_doc.fonts I can see font loaded in loaded_fonts_cache and in glyphs.
Anyone has any clue how can I import pages including font used in it ?
Document used:
In order to import page with missing information(like new fonts), need to call this method before importing pages to a new pdf, after source_doc.fonts.add(font_file) because this info available only after all glyps are known to the source document.
Thanks to Thomas, author of HexaPDF <3

GSAP Scrolltrigger Parallax Sections

I'm kind of newbie and and I'm starting to be very fascinated by GSAP animations...
I found this with the code and everything:
My problem is that in this animation I have some random pictures, but I want to use some local images that I have instead. Any suggestion of what to change?
I'm using Vue 2 and I put already the JS in the mounted :)
Thanks in advance!
I know that I should change this part but I don't know how = `url(${i})`;
I tried to duplicate this = section.querySelector(".bg");
with: = section.querySelector(".bg"); = section.querySelector(".bg2") = section.querySelector(".bg3");
and then here : = "url('myImagePath')"; = "url('myImagePath')"; = "url('myImagePath')";
Nothing happens...if I put the imagepath inline style on the html I lose the animation.
First, your Q not related to vue.
Next inspect your code (For errors -- your main mistake is item inside a forEach loop - the path should be related to each iteration).
One way (DRY) to change the images from random images is to get the data-attribute of each bg item inside the forEach "section" loop.
One way to solve this.
Change the path from random path: = `url(${i})`;
To specific one for each iteration:
/*#### NEW CODE ####*/
let image_path =;
// Get images path from data attribute = `url(${image_path})`;
Read more:
GSAP UtilityMethods:

Reading image file (file storage object) using OpenCV

I am sending an image by curl to flask server, i am using this curl command
curl -F "file=#image.jpg" http://localhost:8000/home
and I am trying to read the file using OpenCV on the server side.
On the server side I handle the image by this code
#app.route('/home', methods=['POST'])
def home():
data =request.files['file']
img = cv.imread(data)
fact_resp= model.predict(img)
return jsonify(fact_resp)
I am getting this error-
img = cv.imread(data)
TypeError: expected string or Unicode object, FileStorage found
How do I read the file using OpenCV on the server side?
I had similar issues while using opencv with flask server, for that first i saved the image to disk and read that image using saved filepath again using cv.imread()
Here is a sample code:
data =request.files['file']
filename = secure_filename(file.filename) # save file
filepath = os.path.join(app.config['imgdir'], filename);
But now i have got even more efficient approach from here by using cv.imdecode() to read image from numpy array as below:
#read image file string data
filestr = request.files['file'].read()
#convert string data to numpy array
file_bytes = numpy.fromstring(filestr, numpy.uint8)
# convert numpy array to image
img = cv.imdecode(file_bytes, cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
After a bit of experimentation, I myself figured out a way to read the file using CV2.
For this I first read the image using PIL.image method
This is my code,
#app.route('/home', methods=['POST'])
def home():
data =request.files['file']
img =['file'])
img = np.array(img)
img = cv2.resize(img,(224,224))
img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
fact_resp= model.predict(img)
return jsonify(fact_resp)
I wonder if there is any straight forward way to do this without using PIL.
So incase you want to do something like ,
file = request.files['file']
img = cv.imread(file)
then do it like this
import numpy as np
file = request.files['file']
file_bytes = np.fromfile(file, np.uint8)
file = cv.imdecode(file_bytes, cv.IMREAD_COLOR)
Now you don't need to do cv.imread() again, but can use this in the next line of codes.
This applies to OpenCV v3.x and onwards
Two-line solution, change grayscale to what you need
file_bytes = numpy.fromfile(request.files['image'], numpy.uint8)
# convert numpy array to image
img = cv.imdecode(file_bytes, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

kivy: possible to use buffer as image source?

I've got code along the lines of the following which generates a new image out of some existing images.
from PIL import Image as pyImage
def create_compound_image(back_image_path, fore_image_path, fore_x_position):
back_image_size = get_image_size(back_image_path)
fore_image_size = get_image_size(fore_image_path)
new_image_width = (fore_image_size[0] / 2) + back_image_size[0]
new_image_height = fore_image_size[1] + back_image_size[1]
new_image = create_new_image_canvas(new_image_width, new_image_height)
back_image =
fore_image =
new_image.paste(back_image, (0, 0), mask = None)
new_image.paste(fore_image, (fore_x_position, back_image_size[1]), mask = None)
return new_image
Later in the code, I've got something like this:
from kivy.uix.image import Image
img = Image(source = create_compound_image(...))
If I do the above, I get the message that Image.source only accepts string/unicode.
If I create a StringIO.StringIO() object from the new image, and try to use that as the source, the error message is the same as above. If I use the output of the StringIO object's getvalue() method as the source, the message is that the source must be encoded string without NULL bytes, not str.
What is the proper way to use the output of the create_compound_image() function as the source when creating a kivy Image object?
It seems you want to just combine two images into one, you can actually just create a texture using Texture.create and blit the data to a particular pos using Texture.blit_buffer .
from kivy.core.image import Image
from import Texture
bkimg = Image(bk_img_path)
frimg = Image(fr_img_path)
new_size = ((frimg.texture.size[0]/2) + bkimg.texture.size[0],
frimg.texture.size[1] + bkimg.texture.size[1])
tex = Texture.create(size=new_size)
tex.blit_buffer(pbuffer=bkimg.texture.pixels, pos=(0, 0), size=bkimg.texture.size)
tex.blit_buffer(pbuffer=frimg.texture.pixels, pos=(fore_x_position, bkimg.texture.size[1]), size=frimg.texture.size)
Now you can use this texture anywhere directly like::
from kivy.uix.image import Image
image = Image()
image.texture = tex
source is a StringProperty and is expecting a path to file. That's why you got errors when you tried to pass PIL.Image object, StringIO object or string representation of image. It's not what framework wants. As for getting image from StringIO, it was discussed before here:!topic/kivy-users/l-3FJ2mA3qI
You can also try much simpler, quick and dirty method - just save your image as a tmp file and read it normal way.

Drupal - displaying image in theme template from iids value only

I'm trying to theme one of my content types, which has images uploaded to each instance using the image attach module.
Using the developer module, I've found the iids value of the uploaded image (eg 305), but i'm having trouble finding out how I can actually display the image in my code. This line outputs the node id of the image which has been uploaded, but how can I then use that?
$image = $node->iids[0];
I've tried using hook_image, but I can't seem to get that working...
Thanks for any help.
This did the trick...
$nodeid = $node->nid;
$get_image = db_query('
SELECT p.filepath as imagefilename
FROM {image_attach} i
LEFT JOIN {image} a ON i.iid = a.nid
LEFT JOIN {files} p ON a.fid = p.fid
WHERE i.nid = %d AND p.filename = "recipe_thumb"', $nodeid);
$obj_image = db_fetch_object($get_image);
$imagefilename = $obj_image->imagefilename;
