How to merge webm video with mp4 video with transperency? - ffmpeg

I have 1080p webm video and 500x300 mp4 video. How could I place muted mp4 video on top-center position of webm video with transparency? The output file format needed ".webm". Here what similar code I found, but it uses two mp4 videos and second video scales full width on front of first one:
ffmpeg \
-i in1.mp4 -i in2.mp4 \
-filter_complex " \
[0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=480x360[top]; \
[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=480x360, \
format=yuva420p,colorchannelmixer=aa=0.5[bottom]; \
[top][bottom]overlay=shortest=1" \
-vcodec libx264 out.mp4
Output log:

ffmpeg \
-i in1.webm -i in2.mp4 \
-filter_complex " \
[0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[base]; \
[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, \
format=yuva420p,colorchannelmixer=aa=0.5[overlay]; \
-map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:a copy -shortest out.webm
The output file won't have the input webm's transparency but it can be done if required.


FFMPEG zoom-pan multiple images

I am trying to stitch multiple images with some zoom-pan happening on the images to create a video.
ffmpeg -f lavfi -r 30 -t 10 -i \
color=#000000:1920x1080 \
-f lavfi \
-r 30 -t 10 \
-i aevalsrc=0 \
-i "image-1.png" \
-i "image-2.png" \
-y -filter_complex \
[bg][v2]overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0, 5)'[bg];\
[bg][v3]overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,5, 10)'[bg];\
[1:a]amix=inputs=1:duration=first:dropout_transition=0" \
-map "[bg]" -vcodec "libx264" -preset "veryfast" -crf "15" "output.mp4"
The output is not as expected, it only zooms only on the first image, the second image is just static.
FFMPEG version - 4.1
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=#000000:1920x1080:r=30:d=10 \
-f lavfi -t 10 -i anullsrc \
-i "image-1.png" \
-i "image-2.png" \
-filter_complex \
-map "[bg]" -map 1:a -vcodec libx264 -preset veryfast -crf 15 -y "output.mp4"
For lavfi sources, it's best to set frame rate and duration where applicable within the filter.
Since you're not looping the images, -t won't have any effect. Since zoompan will set fps in its output, you can skip input rate setting. And since it's a single image, setpts before zoompan has no relevance. It should be set only on the zoompan whose timestamps need to be shifted.
Since you've only one audio, no point sending it to amix - there's nothing to mix with! Just map it directly.

FFmpeg add a text to last image only

I managed to create a video from set of non-sequential images and attached an audio to it. Also I added a "Copyright" text on top right hand corner so that the text appears throughout the video. However, I would like that text to appear only on the last image. How should I change my code below to address this?
ffmpeg \
-thread_queue_size 512 -f image2 -pattern_type glob -framerate 1/3 \
-i '*.jpg' \
-i 'audio.mp3' \
-c:a aac -c:v libx264 \
-vf scale=640:480, format=yuv420p, drawtext="text='Copyright':fontcolor=white:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=w-tw-5:y=5" \
-preset medium \
Isolate the last image from the glob and then concat it:
ffmpeg \
-pattern_type glob -framerate 1/3 -i '*.jpg' -framerate 1/3 -loop 1 -t 5 -i last/img.jpg -i audio.mp3 \
-filter_complex \
"[0:v]scale=640:480,setsar=1[v0]; \
[1:v]scale=640:480,setsar=1,drawtext=text='Copyright':fontcolor=white:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=w-tw-5:y=5[v1]; \
[v0][v1]concat=n=2:v=1:a=0,fps=25,format=yuv420p[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 2:a -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -shortest -movflags +faststart video.mp4

How to assemble three videos with cross fade using FFMPEG

I am trying to assemble 3 videos (static title) (main feature) (static trailer). The title and trailer are encoded text with the main feature being h264 encoded (at 6Mbs). The title and trailer have nul audio encoded. The specific goal is a crossfade between the three segments. I have concat working fine, but adding crossfade is causing me issues.
How does setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+(4/TB)[v2]; work?
This code puts it together, but the bit rate and errors are wrong.
ffmpeg -y -i title.mp4 -i vid.mp4 -i trailer.mp4 -f lavfi -i color=black:s=1920x1080 -filter_complex \
"[0:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=out:st=04:d=2:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; \
[1:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=in:st=0:d=2:alpha=1,fade=t=out:st=6:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+10/TB[v1]; \
[2:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=in:st=0:d=2:alpha=1,fade=t=out:st=2:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+20/TB[v2]; \
[3:v]trim=duration=30[over]; \
[over][v0]overlay[over1]; \
[over1][v1]overlay[over2]; \
[over2][v2]overlay=format=yuv420[outv]" \
-vcodec h264_videotoolbox -b:v 6000k -maxrate 6000k -bufsize 6000000 -map [outv] merge.mp4

Add different filter parameters to multiple images

I have this command to generate a slideshow with zoompan from a list of images, but it applies the same zoompan to all pictures.
ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i img%03d.jpg -i 1.mp3 -c:a aac -c:v libx264 -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "zoompan=z='if(lte(zoom,1.0),1.2,max(1.001,zoom-0.0015))':d=100" out.mp4
How can I get it to have different zoompan parameters for each image?
Input each image individually and provide a separate zoompan per image. Then concatenate with the concat filter.
ffmpeg \
-i img001.jpg \
-i img002.jpg \
-i img003.jpg \
-i audio.mp3 \
-filter_complex \
"[0:v]zoompan[v0]; \
[1:v]zoompan[v1]; \
[2:v]zoompan[v2]; \
[v0][v1][v2]concat=n=3:v=1:a=0,format=yuv420p[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 3:a -shortest out.mp4
You'll need to adapt this example to use whatever zoompan values you want.

Run FFMPEG multiple overlay commands in one command

I'm using ffmpeg to do more operation on one video
the operation that i want to do is add many text in difference time, audio and image.
i can do all of them but not in one command, Do all separately
any suggestions to do multiple text , overlay image and audio in one command
To achieve the commands provided in comments in one execution, use
ffmpeg –i input.mp4 –i img.png -i audio.mp4 -filter_complex \
"[0:v][1:v]overlay=15 :15:enable=between(t,10,20), \
drawtext=enable='between(t,12,3*60)': \
fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefon‌​t/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Test Text'[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 2:a -acodec copy -qscale 4 -vcodec mpeg4 outvideo.mp4
To add more drawtext filters, insert them after the first drawtext filter e.g.
ffmpeg –i input.mp4 –i img.png -i audio.mp4 -filter_complex \
"[0:v][1:v]overlay=15 :15:enable=between(t,10,20), \
drawtext=enable='between(t,12,3*60)': \
fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefon‌​t/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Test Text', \
drawtext=enable='between(t,12,3*60)': \
fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefon‌​t/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Text2'[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 2:a -acodec copy -qscale 4 -vcodec mpeg4 outvideo.mp4
