How to setup Xdebug in Sublime Text 3? - debugging

I'm using Linux 16.04, my PHP version is 7.0 and version of Sublime Text is 3.0. I followed few tutorials on the topic but none became fruitful to me.
In my case after pressing Ctrl + Shift + P, choosing install Package when I search Xdebug nothing shows.
Any kind of suggestions are welcomed.

Currently I've found two xdebug packages in sublime-text
Xdebug - Only for Sublime Text 2
Xdebug Client - For both Sublime Text 2 and 3
So if you did not found any package suggestion then following could be occurred:
Xdebug Client May be already installed in your sublime text.
Make sure that 'Xdebug Client' is not in ignored_packages of your sublime text settings file.


R file opening in Spyder but not opening in RStudio

I have downloaded 'data_preprocessing_template.r' file from internet for learning purpose. When I opening the file in Rstudio it opens but code not visible, I am pasting screen-shot below for reference->
But the code is visible when I open the same file in Spyder, screen-shot is attached for reference.
Why it is happening? Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestion.
You can install Cran for windows
below steps will be useful.
1.Open website link
2. Download R 3.6.1 for windows
3. Then Install it . (optional :- restart your system )
Hope this will helpful.

Gnome Shell extensions not loading, no error message available

I have two gnome-shell extensions that don't appear to be loading after upgrading to 3.24. In gnome-tweak-tool they have a warning sign icon with "Error loading extension", and nothing else. I tried using looking glass (lg), and it just says "Error", and that the extension "has not reported any errors".
How can I debug the extension to find out why exactly it's not loading?
I found the error in the systemd journal:
$ sudo journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell
Just simply run this on terminal:
and enable it to make the extensions work.
Works perfectly with GNOME 40
As mentioned on the Github page.
A Shell reload is required. Press Alt+F2 r Enter and the extension has to be enabled with gnome-tweak-tool or with dconf.
As mentioned on Dash to Dock's User reviews. Make sure you disable Ubuntu Dock if you are using this in Ubuntu, otherwise you are going to have conflicts.
To disable Ubuntu Dock type the following in terminal:
gnome-extensions disable
I also experienced the same error. I think I will like to state the procedures that I took to make mine to work, and then you can check to see if you got it wrong somewhere.
Here are the steps
First install the Gnome shell extensions package from the terminal
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions
And then reboot your system. After that, start GNOME Tweaks and you’ll find a few extensions installed. You can just toggle the button to start using an installed extension.
Next, go to GNOME Extensions website (GNOME User Themes Extensions) and download the extension with the latest version (Although, I often prefer to download the version next to the latest version, since it may be more stable).
Extract the downloaded file to the ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions (home/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions) directory. You can press Ctrl + H to show hidden folders. Create the extensions folder if you don't have it yet.
Now restart GNOME Shell. Press Alt+F2 and enter r to restart GNOME Shell.
Restart GNOME Tweaks tool as well. You should see the manually installed GNOME extension in the Tweak tool now. You can configure or enable the newly installed extension here.
That's all
I hope this helps
Loging in without wayland works for me.
My extension was not enabling. I just log out and log in back and ran this command.
gnome-extensions enable
It worked in my case.

Sublime Text 3 "Package Control Can't Be Found"

I'm using Sublime Text 3 Build 3083 and I just opened up the app today and tried to use some packages I installed and none of them seemed to be working. When I listed the packages and tried to open one (Package Control for example) I see the error “Package Control can’t be found.”
This is happening with all of the packages in my Installed Packages folder /Users/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages Has anyone experienced this and if so how can it be fixed? Thanks!

Adding Sublime Text back to gitbash command line

I'm new to programming and bash scripts, so this might be an easy question.
A while back, I installed Sublime Text 2 and did something with my system's Path, so that whenever I type
$ sublime_text
it would either open or create in the current folder with Sublime.
However, if I do that now, I get an error message that "This build of Sublime has expired."
Any ideas on what I need to do now?
You may be using a beta build of Sublime Text 2. Update your application and make sure you have the latest version by downloading the latest build from here

Sublime Text 2 and Xdebug

I'd like to use Xdebug with Sublime text 2, I've installed the Xdebug package, now what do I do next? I also have Xdebug installed as a PHP module and its working fine, because I can debug through my Komodo IDE.
You need to download xdebug plugin for sublime text which can be done easily with the help of package manager for sublime text.
after that
- Shift+f8: Open XDebug quick panel
- f8: Open XDebug control quick panel when debugger is connected
- Ctrl+f8: Toggle breakpoint
- Ctrl+Shift+f5: Run to next breakpoint
- Ctrl+Shift+f6: Step over
- Ctrl+Shift+f7: Step into
- Ctrl+Shift+f8: Step out
you can try this plugin
have not had time to test it myself though
if you do, it would be nice to report your experience

