Length of time representation in Go - go

Under Unix, I'm working on a program that needs to behave differently depending on whether time is 32-bit (will wrap in 2038) or 64-bit.
I presume Go time is not magic and will wrap in 2038 on a platform with a 32-bit time_t. If this is false and it is somehow always 64-bit, clue me in because that will prevent much grief.
What's the simplest way in Go to write a test for the platform's time_t size? Is there any way simpler than the obvious hack with cgo?

If you really want to find the size of time_t, you can use cgo to link to time.h. Then the sizeof time_t will be available as C.sizeof_time_t. It doesn't get much simpler.
package main
// #include <time.h>
import "C"
import (
func main() {
Other than trying to set the system time to increasingly distant dates, which is not very polite to anything else running on that system, I don't know of any way to directly query the limits of the hardware clock in a portable fashion in any programming language. C simply hard codes the size of time_t in a file provided by the operating system (on OS X it's /usr/include/i386/_types.h), so you're probably best off taking advantage of that information by querying the size of time_t via cgo.
But there's very few reasons to do this. Go does not use time_t and does not appear to suffer from 2038 issues unless you actually plan to have code running on a 32-bit machine in 2038. If that's your plan, I'd suggest finding a better plan.
I presume Go time is not magic and will wrap in 2038 on a platform with a 32-bit time_t. If this is false and it is somehow always 64-bit, clue me in because that will prevent much grief.
Most of the the Year 2038 Problem is programs assuming that the time since 1970 will fit in a 32-bit signed integer. This effects time and date functions, as well as network and data formats which choose to represent time as a 32-bit signed integer since 1970. This is not some hardware limit (except if it's actually 2038, see below), but rather a design limitation of older programming languages and protocols. There's nothing stopping you from using 64 bit integers to represent time, or choosing a different epoch. And that's exactly what newer programming languages do, no magic required.
Go was first released in 2009 long after issues such as Unicode, concurrency, and 32-bit time (ie. the Year 2038 Problem) were acknowledged as issues any programming language would have to tackle. Given how many issues there are with C's time library, I highly doubt that Go is using it at all. A quick skim of the source code confirms.
While I can't find any explicit mention in the Go documentation of the limits of its Time representation, it appears to be completely disconnected from C's time.h structures such as time_t. Since Time uses 64 bit integers, it seems to be clear of 2038 problems unless you're asking for actual clock time.
Digging into the Go docs for Time we find their 0 is well outside the range of a 32-bit time_t which ranges from 1901 to 2038.
The zero value of type Time is January 1, year 1, 00:00:00.000000000 UTC
time.Unix takes seconds and nanoseconds as 64 bit integers leaving no doubt that it is divorced from the size of time_t.
time.Parse will parse a year "in the range 0000..9999", again well outside the range of a 32-bit time_t.
And so on. The only limitation I could find is that a Duration is limited to 290 years because it has a nanosecond accuracy and 290 years is about 63 bits worth of nanoseconds.
Of course, you should test your code on a machine with a 32-bit time_t.
One side issue of the 2038 Problem is time zones. Computers calculate time zone information from a time zone database, usually the IANA time zone database. This allows one to get the time offset for a certain location at a certain time.
Computers have their own copy of the time zone database installed. Unfortunately its difficult to know where they are located or when they were last updated. To avoid this issue, most programming languages supply their own copy of the time zone database. Go does as well.
The only real limitation on a machine with 32-bit time is the limits of its hardware clock. This tells the software what time it is right now. A 32-bit clock only becomes an issue if your program is still running on a 32-bit machine in 2038. There isn't much point to mitigating that because everything on that machine will have the same problem and its unlikely they took it into account. You're better off decommissioning that hardware before 2038.

Ordinarily, time.Time uses 63 bits to represent wall clock seconds elapsed since January 1, year 1 00:00:00 UTC, up through 219250468-12-04 15:30:09.147483647 +0000 UTC. For example,
package main
import (
func main() {
var t time.Time
t = time.Unix(1<<63-1, 1<<31-1)
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/QPs1m6eMPH
0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
219250468-12-04 15:30:09.147483647 +0000 UTC
If time.Time is monotonic (derived from time.Now()), time.Time uses 33 bits to represent wall clock seconds, covering the years 1885 through 2157.
Package time
Proposal: Monotonic Elapsed Time Measurements in Go


How many bytes are in a golang time object

I am having to store a time object in an array of bytes in a go project I am working on and have to declare the size of the array up front. I can not find the length in bytes referenced anywhere. At this point, I am planning on using the time.MarshalBinary() from the time library to convert it to bytes and manually figuring it out. But I wanted to know if anyone has any reference to the number of bytes this is and if time.MarshalBinary() is the best method to use for converting to bytes.
The answer to this question is not as straight forward as it might seem. It depends a lot on how much detail you need to preserve in your marshaling.
As pointed out in another answer, you can simply use unsafe.Sizeof() to determine the in-memory size of a time object, but this has little resemblance to the actual marshaled size, for the simple reason that it contains a pointer. If we look at the definition of time.Time we see:
type Time struct {
// wall and ext encode the wall time seconds, wall time nanoseconds,
// and optional monotonic clock reading in nanoseconds.
// From high to low bit position, wall encodes a 1-bit flag (hasMonotonic),
// a 33-bit seconds field, and a 30-bit wall time nanoseconds field.
// The nanoseconds field is in the range [0, 999999999].
// If the hasMonotonic bit is 0, then the 33-bit field must be zero
// and the full signed 64-bit wall seconds since Jan 1 year 1 is stored in ext.
// If the hasMonotonic bit is 1, then the 33-bit field holds a 33-bit
// unsigned wall seconds since Jan 1 year 1885, and ext holds a
// signed 64-bit monotonic clock reading, nanoseconds since process start.
wall uint64
ext int64
// loc specifies the Location that should be used to
// determine the minute, hour, month, day, and year
// that correspond to this Time.
// The nil location means UTC.
// All UTC times are represented with loc==nil, never loc==&utcLoc.
loc *Location
Whether you care about the timezone info stored in loc, is application dependent. If you always store UTC times (usually the best approach), then you can ignore this bit entirely, which means you can get by storing just the two uint64s.
But even these two fields depend on whether or not you're using a monotonic clock. When marshaling data, you almost certainly do not care about the monotonic clock, whether or not it's encoded in those bits.
What this means is that, in most cases, you should be able to store a full time object in 64 bits (8 bytes), plus a timezone indicator, if necessary.
Further, depending on the precision you need, you may be able to store only the seconds field (discarding sub-second precision), which needs only 33 bits. If you only care about minutes or days, you could use even less space.
You can use usafe.Sizeof to get the size in bytes of a variable. I did this
package main
import (
func main() {
t := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("a: %T, %d\n", t, unsafe.Sizeof(t))
Looks like its 24 bytes! :)
Also MarshalBinary looks like it works, although it depends on where you are sending it and how you want to unmarshal it. It may be easier to simply convert it to a string then use that if you are using it in Javascript or something.

Can the value of std::chrono::system_clock::time_point change based on the timezone?

I have been writing unit tests for a class in our codebase that basically converts date, time values from std::string to std::chrono::time_point and vice versa, for different kinds of timestamps (yyyy-mm-dd , hh:mm:ss.ms etc).
One way I tried to test whether a std::chrono::system_clock::time_point returned by a function in our codebase as the same as one created in the unit tests was to do something like this -
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_TimePoint{}; // == Clock's epoch
auto foo = convertToString(n_TimePoint); //foo is std::string
auto bar = getTimePoint(foo);
ASSERT_EQ(m_TimePoint, bar);
This was on Ubuntu , now the constructor should return a time point as UTC Jan 1 00:00:00 1970. Now when I used ctime() to see the textual representation of the epoch it returned Dec 31 19:00:00 1969. I was puzzled and checked that EST(my system timezone) is equal to UTC-5.
Once I created the object as -
std::chrono::duration d{0};
d += std::chrono::hours(5);
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_TimePoint{d}; //== clock epoch + 5 hours
All worked fine.
My question is it possible for the system clock epoch to be adjusted based on the system timezone?
There's two answers to this question, and I'll try to hit both of them.
system_clock was introduced in C++11, and its epoch was left unspecified. So the technical answer to your question is: yes, it is possible for the system_clock epoch to be adjusted based on the system timezone.
But that's not the end of the story.
There's only a few implementations of system_clock, and all of them model Unix Time. Unix Time is a measure of time duration since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, excluding leap seconds. It is not dependent on the system timezone.
The C++20 spec standardizes this existing practice.
So from a practical standpoint, the answer to your question is: no, it is not possible for the system_clock epoch to be adjusted based on the system timezone.
One thing that could be tripping you up is that system_clock typically counts time in units finer than milliseconds. It varies from platform to platform, and you can inspect what it is with system_clock::duration::period::num and system_clock::duration::period::den. These are two compile-time integral constants that form a fraction, n/d which describes the length of time in seconds that system_clock is measuring. For Ubuntu my guess would be this forms the fraction 1/1'000'000'000, or nanoseconds.
You can get milliseconds (or whatever unit you want) out of system_clock::time_point with:
auto tp = time_point_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now());

What's the difference between time.Now() and time.Now().Local()?

I'm trying to understand what the difference is between time.Now() and time.Now().Local(). I started by printing them out on my laptop (running Ubuntu 18.04):
which gives me
2018-12-23 19:57:08.606595466 +0100 CET m=+0.000583834
2018-12-23 19:57:08.606667843 +0100 CET
I'm not sure what the m=+0.000583834 is. Maybe the difference between my machine and the NTP servers?
I then checked out the docs on .Now() and .Local(), which read:
Now returns the current local time.
Local returns t with the location set to local time.
Both of them return local time, so I'm still unsure what the difference is. I tried searching around, but I couldn't really find definite answers.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
time.Now().Local() sets the time's Location to local time. time.Now() is already set to local time, so there's no net effect except that m bit.
The m portion is the Monotonic Clock.
Operating systems provide both a “wall clock,” which is subject to changes for clock synchronization, and a “monotonic clock,” which is not. The general rule is that the wall clock is for telling time and the monotonic clock is for measuring time.
A monotonic clock is basically a simple count since the program started. m=+0.000583834 says that time is 0.000583834 seconds after the program started.
time.Now().Local() explicitly strips the monotonic clock...
Because t.In, t.Local, and t.UTC are used for their effect on the interpretation of the wall time, they also strip any monotonic clock reading from their results. The canonical way to strip a monotonic clock reading is to use t = t.Round(0).

Time as a Signed Integer

I've been reading up on the Y2038 problem and I understand that time_t will eventually revert to the lowest representable negative number because it'll try to "increment" the sign bit.
According to that Wikipedia page, changing time_t to an unsigned integer cannot be done because it would break programs that handle early dates. (Which makes sense.)
However, I don't understand why it wasn't made an unsigned integer in the first place. Why not just store January 1, 1970 as zero rather than some ridiculous negative number?
Because letting it start at signed −2,147,483,648 is equivalent to letting it start at unsigned 0. It doesn't change the range of a values a 32 bit integer can hold - a 32 bit integer can hold 4,294,967,296 different states. The problem isn't the starting point, the problem is the maximum value which can be held by the integer. Only way to mitigate the problem is to upgrade to 64 bit integers.
Also (as I just realized that): 1970 was set as 0, so we could reach back in time as well. (reaching back to 1901 seemed to be sufficient at the time). If they went unsigned, the epoch would've begun at 1901 to be able to reach back from 1970, and we would have the same problem again.
There's a more fundamental problem here than using unsigned values. If we used unsigned values, then we'd get only one more bit of timekeeping. This would have a definitely positive impact - it would double the amount of time we could keep - but then we'd have a problem much later on in the future. More generally, for any fixed-precision integer value, we'd have a problem along these lines.
When UNIX was being developed in the 1970s, having a 60 year clock sounded fine, though clearly a 120-year clock would have been better. If they had used more bits, then we'd have a much longer clock - say 1000 years - but after that much time elapsed we'd be right back in the same bind and would probably think back and say "why didn't they use more bits?"
Because not all systems have to deal purely with "past" and "future" values. Even in the 70s, when Unix was created and the time system defined, they had to deal with dates back in the 60s or earlier. So, a signed integer made sense.
Once everyone switches to 64bit time_t's, we won't have to worry about a y2038k type problem for another 2billion or so 136-year periods.

Determining Millisecond Time Intervals In Cocoa

Just as background, I'm building an application in Cocoa. This application existed originally in C++ in another environment. I'd like to do as much as possible in Objective-C.
My questions are:
How do I compute, as an integer, the number of milliseconds between now and the previous time I remembered as now?
When used in an objective-C program, including time.h, what are the units of
Thank you for your help.
You can use CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() but bear in mind the clock can change between two calls and can screw you over. If you want to protect against that you should use CACurrentMediaTime().
The return type of these is CFAbsoluteTime and CFTimeInterval respectively, which are both double by default. So they return the number of seconds with double precision. If you really want an integer you can use mach_absolute_time() found in #include <mach/mach_time.h> which returns a 64 bit integer. This needs a bit of unit conversion, so check out this link for example code. This is what CACurrentMediaTime() uses internally so it's probably best to stick with that.
Computing the difference between two calls is obviously just a subtraction, use a variable to remember the last value.
For the clock function see the documentation here: clock(). Basically you need to divide the return value by CLOCKS_PER_SEC to get the actual time.
How do I compute, as an integer, the number of milliseconds between now and the previous time I remembered as now?
Is there any reason you need it as an integral number of milliseconds? Asking NSDate for the time interval since another date will give you a floating-point number of seconds. If you really do need milliseconds, you can simply multiply by that by 1000 to get a floating-point number of milliseconds. If you really do need an integer, you can round or truncate the floating-point value.
If you'd like to do it with integers from start to finish, use either UpTime or mach_absolute_time to get the current time in absolute units, then use AbsoluteToNanoseconds to convert that to a real-world unit. Obviously, you'll have to divide that by 1,000,000 to get milliseconds.
QA1398 suggests mach_absolute_time, but UpTime is easier, since it returns the same type AbsoluteToNanoseconds uses (no “pointer fun” as shown in the technote).
AbsoluteToNanoseconds returns an UnsignedWide, which is a structure. (This stuff dates back to before Mac machines could handle scalar 64-bit values.) Use the UnsignedWideToUInt64 function to convert it to a scalar. That just leaves the subtraction, which you'll do the normal way.
