sed replace spaces in directory names - bash

I'm trying to replace space with - in directory names, not file names on macOS. I have the following:
cd ~/foo
for directory in **; do
if [[ -d $directory ]] && [[ -w $directory ]]; then
sed -i '' 's/ /-/g' "$directory"
However I'm getting an error in-place editing only works for regular files.
How can I replace spaces in directory names?

sed is meant for search and replacement on files and not on directories in Linux/Unix. The -i flag in sed is used to make the text replacement on-the-fly on a file, the action simply does not make sense for a directory. You probably meant to change the name of the directory using sed on the filename and eventually use mv to rename the actual directory with the replaced string.
But you could just use mv in the first place with shell native features to replace white space with a - character.
for directory in **; do
if [[ -d $directory ]] && [[ -w $directory ]]; then
mv -- "$directory" "${directory// /-}"

To rename directory, you must use command mv
cd foo
for directory in **; do
if [[ -d $directory ]] && [[ -w $directory ]]; then
newdir=`echo "$directory" |sed 's/ /-/g' `
if [ "$directory" -ne "$newdir" ]
mv -- "$directory" "$newdir"

sed is versatile but I suggest you use a more specialised tool such as rename:
rename 's/ /-/g' "$directory"
Also you're very likely to try and rename already renamed directories (and thus no longer existing). I suggest you use find options -depth (depth first) and -execdir (execute command inside directory, to avoid affecting parent directories):
find foo -depth -type d -execdir rename 's/ /-/g' {} +

directory=`echo $directory | sed 's/ /-/g'`


How to change extension of multiple files using bash script

I need a bash script to recursively rename files with blank extensions to append .txt at the end. I found the following script, but I can't figure out how to make it recursive:
for file in *; do
test "${file%.*}" = "$file" && mv "$file" "$file".txt;
You can delegate the heavy lifting to find
$ find . -type f ! -name "*.*" -print0 | xargs -0 -I file mv file file.txt
assumption is without extension means without a period in name.
If you don't mind using a recursive function, then you can do it in older Bash versions with:
shopt -s nullglob
function add_extension
local -r dir=$1
local path base
for path in "$dir"/* ; do
if [[ -f $path && $base != *.* ]] ; then
mv -- "$path" "$path.txt"
elif [[ -d $path && ! -L $path ]] ; then
add_extension "$path"
return 0
add_extension .
The mv -- is to protect against paths that begin with a hyphen.

Recursive Shell Script and file extensions issue

I have a problem with this script. The script is supposed to go trough all the files and all sub-directories and sub-files (recursively). If the file ends with the extension .txt i need to replace a char/word in the text with a new char/word and then copy it into a existing directory. The first argument is the directory i need to start the search, the second is the old char/word, third the new char/word and fourth the directory to copy the files to. The script goes trough the files but only does the replacement and copies the files from the original directory. Here is the script
for file in `ls $1`
if [ -f $file ]
if [ "$ext" = "txt" ]
sed -i "s/$2/$3/g" $file
cp $file $4
elif [ -d $file ]
funk $file $2 $3 $4
if [ $# -lt 4 ]
echo "Need more arg"
exit 2;
funk $cw $a $b $od
You're using a lot of bad practices here: lack of quotings, you're parsing the output of ls... all this will break as soon as a filename contains a space of other funny symbol.
You don't need recursion if you either use bash's globstar optional behavior, or find.
Here's a possibility with the former, that will hopefully show you better practices:
shopt -s globstar
shopt -s nullglob
funk() {
local search=${2//\//\\/}
local replace=${3//\//\\/}
for f in "$1"/**.txt; do
sed -i "s/$search/$replace/g" -- "$f"
cp -nvt "$4" -- "$f"
if (($#!=4)); then
echo >&2 "Need 4 arguments"
exit 1
funk "$#"
The same function funk using find:
funk() {
local search=${2//\//\\/}
local replace=${3//\//\\/}
find "$1" -name '*.txt' -type f -exec sed -i "s/$search/$replace/g" -- {} \; -exec cp -nvt "$4" -- {} \;
if (($#!=4)); then
echo >&2 "Need 4 arguments"
exit 1
funk "$#"
In cp I'm using
the -n switch: no clobber, so as to not overwrite an existing file. Use it if your version of mv supports it, unless you actually want to overwrite files.
the -v switch: verbose, will show you the moved files (optional).
the -t switch: -t followed by a directory tells to copy into this directory. It's a very good thing to use cp this way: imagine instead of giving an existing directory, you give an existing file: without this feature, this file will get overwritten several times (well, this will be the case if you omit the -n option)! with this feature the existing file will remain safe.
Also notice the use of --. If your cp and sed supports it (it's the case for GNU sed and cp), use it always! it means end of options now. If you don't use it and if a filename start with a hyphen, it would confuse the command trying to interpret an option. With this --, we're safe to put a filename that may start with a hyphen.
Notice that in the search and replace patterns I replaced all slashes / by their escaped form \/ so as not to clash with the separator in sed if a slash happens to appear in search or replace.
As pointed out, looping over find output is not a good idea. It also doesn't support slashes in search&replace.
Check gniourf_gniourf's answer.
How about using find for that?
funk () {
local dir=$1; shift
local search=$1; shift
local replace=$1; shift
local dest=$1; shift
mkdir -p "$dest"
for file in `find $dir -name *.txt`; do
sed -i "s/$search/$replace/g" "$file"
cp "$file" "$dest"
if [[ $# -lt 4 ]] ; then
echo "Need 4 arguments"
exit 2;
funk "$#"
Though you might have files with the same names in the subdirectories, then those will be overwritten. Is that an issue in your case?

Rename file names in current directory and all subdirectories

I have 4 files with the following names in different directories and subdirectories
tag0.txt, tag1.txt, tag2.txt and tag3.txt
and wish to rename them as tag0a.txt, tag1a.txt ,tag2a.txt and tag3a.txt in all directories and subdirectories.
Could anyone help me out using a shell script?
$ shopt -s globstar
$ rename -n 's/\.txt$/a\.txt/' **/*.txt
foo/bar/tag2.txt renamed as foo/bar/tag2a.txt
foo/tag1.txt renamed as foo/tag1a.txt
tag0.txt renamed as tag0a.txt
Remove -n to rename after checking the result - It is the "dry run" option.
This can of course be done with find:
find . -name 'tag?.txt' -type f -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" ${1%.*}a.${1##*.}' -- {} \;
Here is a posix shell script (checked with dash):
visitDir() {
local file
for file in "$1"/*; do
if [ -d "$file" ]; then
visitDir "$file";
if [ -f "$file" ] && echo "$file"|grep -q '^.*/tag[0-3]\.txt$'; then
newfile=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.txt/a.txt/')
echo mv "$file" "$newfile"
visitDir .
If you can use bashisms, just replace the inner IF with:
if [[ -f "$file" && "$file" =~ ^.*/tag[0-3]\.txt$ ]]; then
echo mv "$file" "${file/.txt/a.txt}"
First check that the result is what you expected, then possibly remove the "echo" in front of the mv command.
Using the Perl script version of rename that may be on your system:
find . -name 'tag?.txt' -exec rename 's/\.txt$/a$&/' {} \;
Using the binary executable version of rename:
find . -name 'tag?.txt' -exec rename .txt a.txt {} \;
which changes the first occurrence of ".txt". Since the file names are constrained by the -name argument, that won't be a problem.
Is this good enough?
jcomeau#intrepid:/tmp$ find . -name tag?.txt
jcomeau#intrepid:/tmp$ for txtfile in $(find . -name 'tag?.txt'); do \
mv $txtfile ${txtfile%%.txt}a.txt; done
jcomeau#intrepid:/tmp$ find . -name tag*.txt
Don't actually put the backslash into the command, and if you do, expect a '>' prompt on the next line. I didn't put that into the output to avoid confusion, but I didn't want anybody to have to scroll either.

Bash rename extension recursive

I know there are a lot of things like this around, but either they don't work recursively or they are huge.
This is what I got:
find . -name "*.so" -exec mv {} `echo {} | sed s/.so/.dylib/` \;
When I just run the find part it gives me a list of files. When I run the sed part it replaces any .so with .dylib. When I run them together they don't work.
I replaced mv with echo to see what happened:
./AI/Interfaces/C/0.1/ ./AI/Interfaces/C/0.1/
Nothing is replaced at all!
What is wrong?
This will do everything correctly:
find -L . -type f -name "*.so" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' FNAME; do
mv -- "$FNAME" "${}.dylib"
By correctly, we mean:
1) It will rename just the file extension (due to use of ${}.dylib). All the other solutions using ${X/.so/.dylib} are incorrect as they wrongly rename the first occurrence of .so in the filename (e.g. is renamed to, or worse, ./libraries/ is renamed to ./libraries/libTemp.dylib-1.9.3/ - an error).
2) It will handle spaces and any other special characters in filenames (except double quotes).
3) It will not change directories or other special files.
4) It will follow symbolic links into subdirectories and links to target files and rename the target file, not the link itself (the default behaviour of find is to process the symbolic link itself, not the file pointed to by the link).
for X in `find . -name "*.so"`
mv $X ${X/.so/.dylib}
A bash script to rename file extensions generally
find -L . -type f -name '*.'$1 -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
echo "renaming $file to $(basename ${file%.$1}.$2)";
mv -- "$file" "${file%.$1}.$2";
Credits to aps2012.
Create a file e.g. called ext-rename (no extension, so you can run it like a command) in e.g. /usr/bin (make sure /usr/bin is added to your $PATH)
run ext-rename [ext1] [ext2] anywhere in terminal, where [ext1] is renaming from and [ext2] is renaming to. An example use would be: ext-rename so dylib, which will rename any file with extension .so to same name but with extension .dylib.
What is wrong is that
echo {} | sed s/.so/.dylib/
is only executed once, before the find is launched, sed is given {} on its input, which doesn't match /.so/ and is left unchanged, so your resulting command line is
find . -name "*.so" -exec mv {} {}
if you have Bash 4
shopt -s globstar
shopt -s nullglob
for file in /path/**/*.so
echo mv "$file" "${file/}.dylib"
He needs recursion:
function walk_tree {
local directory="$1"
local i
for i in "$directory"/*;
if [ "$i" = . -o "$i" = .. ]; then
elif [ -d "$i" ]; then
walk_tree "$i"
elif [ "${i##*.}" = "so" ]; then
echo mv $i ${i%.*}.dylib
walk_tree "."

How do I copy directory structure containing placeholders

I have the situation, where a template directory - containing files and links (!) - needs to be copied recursively to a destination directory, preserving all attributes. The template directory contains any number of placeholders (__NOTATION__), that need to be renamed to certain values.
For example template looks like this:
Destination becomes like this:
What I tried so far is this:
# first create dest directory structure
while read line; do
dest="$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's#__PLACEHOLDER__#project1#g' -e 's#__FILENAME__#customer#g' -e 's#template#destination#')"
if ! [ -d "$dest" ]; then
mkdir -p "$dest"
done < <(find ./template -type d)
# now copy files
while read line; do
dest="$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's#__PLACEHOLDER__#project1#g' -e 's#__FILENAME__#customer#g' -e 's#template#destination#')"
cp -a "$line" "$dest"
done < <(find ./template -type f)
However, I realized that if I want to take care about permissions and links, this is going to be endless and very complicated. Is there a better way to replace __PLACEHOLDER__ with "value", maybe using cp, find or rsync?
I suspect that your script will already do what you want, if only you replace
find ./template -type f
find ./template ! -type d
Otherwise, the obvious solution is to use cp -a to make an "archive" copy of the template, complete with all links, permissions, etc, and then rename the placeholders in the copy.
cp -a ./template ./destination
while read path; do
dir=`dirname "$path"`
file=`basename "$path"`
mv -v "$path" "$dir/${file//__PLACEHOLDER__/project1}"
done < <(`find ./destination -depth -name '*__PLACEHOLDER__*'`)
Note that you'll want to use -depth or else renaming files inside renamed directories will break.
If it's very important to you that the directory tree is created with the names already changed (i.e. you must never see placeholders in the destination), then I'd recommend simply using an intermediate location.
First copy with rsync, preserving all the properties and links etc.
Then change the placeholder strings in the destination filenames:
TEMPL="$PWD/template" # somewhere else
DEST="$PWD/dest" # wherever it is
mkdir "$DEST"
(cd "$TEMPL"; rsync -Hra . "$DEST") #
trap "rm -f $MyRen" 0 1 2 3 13 15
cat >$MyRen <<'EOF'
newfn="$(echo "$fn" | sed -e 's#__PLACEHOLDER__#project1#g' -e s#__FILENAME__#customer#g' -e 's#template#destination#')"
test "$fn" != "$newfn" && mv "$fn" "$newfn"
chmod +x $MyRen
find "$DEST" -depth -execdir $MyRen {} \;
