Joomla Cache issues - caching

I get 500 Internal server error several times on some pages, since my site was moved to a new server.
The problem automatically resolves after a few seconds (sometimes several seconds).
also when I clear joomla page cache, the problem resolves.
After installing jotcache and replace it with joomla page cache issues resolves but I want to use joomla page cache; because it's faster.
How can I fix this problem?
Joomla 3.8.2 ;
PHP 5.6 ;
MariaDB 10.2 (in old server mysql 5.5 )

You are probably using progressive caching, which is the worst type of Joomla caching and you most likely do not need it. Switch to Joomla conservative caching and see if that fixes the problem.


Magento 2 Bundle Product Cache

I'm working on a site developed by a third party, which is Magento 2.1 and uses bundle products heavily. Most of the bundles are made of 260 child products as a choice, and inevitably makes loading the product page for them incredibly slow.
On Mage 1 it was simple enough to use Full Page Caching to cache the bundle product options and speed up the load with pre-caching, but FPC in Mage 2 is clearly very different.
The main slowdown appears to be from the form and options blocks called in the catalog_product_view.xml for the theme, as they iterate over all the child products before rendering the page, so I've tried adding;
To those specific blocks, but it's made no difference.
Anyone have any other idea's for how to cache Magento 2 bundle product pages?
I've just tried plugging the database into a fresh install of Magento 2.1 and can see that bundle products are being added to the var/page_cache directory. On the client server, the only thing being written to that directory are tags and header info.
So then new angle... why would Magento 2 not write any FPC html to the page_cache directory? Something higher up the tree has erroneously has cacheable=false set against it perhaps? I'll get digging
Sorry, I cannot comment your last post.
Do you try to use Varnish as the HTTP cache ? Magento recommendation is to use Varnish and Redis as cache backend.
So I found the issue, and it was a mistake made by the people who built the site, and the module creators of magepal magento2-googletagmanager. In both instances, the blocks had;
in the layout XML. Setting this on any block on a page will stop the whole page from cacheing. So remove that line, and add;
$this->_isScopePrivate = true;
In to the blocks __construct function. Problem solved.

have to keep manually clearing cache in joomla

I am working on a Joomla 3.3.6 site and after making changes to articles I have to keep manually clearing the cache
This was not the case before we had issues server side
Is their something I can do
My system settings are:
cache off
cache handler file Time 15
Please help its driving me crazy

memcache slows down joomla site

I have been trying to enable memcache caching for my joomla site but all page loads are really slow.
What should I check to troubleshoot this issue. I'm using joomla 2.5.6 php 5.3
Memcache is slow with Joomla 2.5. The short answer is: use memcache*d* PHP module, not memcache.
Long answer:

Codeigniter 2.0.2 built-in caching is slower than 1.7.2

I'm not sure with the built-in web page caching in CodeIgniter 2.0.2 I am using.
I just upgraded my CI version from 1.7.2
It did not have any problem at all before, the page loads really fast.
but it takes the same to load the cached page, after it is cached on CI 2.0.2
I already checked the file has been created in /application/cache folder after the page load.
It seems like it doesn't load the cache file.
Anybody has the same problem?
How can I solve this?

Joomla memcache session problem

Hi i have some troubles with memcached + joomla. I installed and started memcached => joomla options cache type memcache (write memcache options) and session type - memcache too. Save all options and after cann't login to site and administration. In error log nothing, when i change cache to database i can login, where is the problem?
What version of Joomla are you running and what is the browser / server combination?
I'm assuming you've cleared the browser cache after making these changes?
Some web servers, especially shared hosting, don't cycle as quickly as we'd like and I've experienced a lag in the time cache settings in Joomla are changed, and when they take effect...
this problem is very simple! go to your directory of joomla.
and open the file into the joomla folder:
with it opened change the line:
public $session_handler = 'memcache';
public $session_handler = 'database';
Alright? I hope that helped you.
Don't use memcached for session cache. Use database or file cache for sessions.
