Unity: How to draw GUI texture under UI elements? - user-interface

In Unity: How can I draw GUI texture (GUI.DrawTexture) on my 2D application and at the same time have some UI buttons to appear over the drawn GUI and also to be able to interact with these buttons?

Use Unity's LineRenderer and Image or RawImage because GUI.DrawTexture is from IMGUI and should only be used to make Editor plugins or tools.
I tried it but it didn't get what i want from it (LineRenderer is
drawn under all UI elements which is the opposite of GUI.DrawTexture )
The problem is how you setup the Canvas. The default Canvas Render Mode is "Screen Space - Overlay". When the Canvas is set to "Screen Space - Overlay", it will display on top of everything.
Change your Canvas Render Mode to "Screen Space - Camera" then add your main camera to the Canvas' "Render Camera" slot. You can also use "World Space" as Render Mode. LineRenderer should now display on top of the Canvas.


Unable to Move the Canvas or Change Any of the Transform Values

I am using Unity 5 and I started to make a menu scene. When I made the canvas, all of values under the Rect Transform component are locked and it says "some values driven by Canvas." The only thing I can change is the z position when using the gizmo in the editor. I can't reset the position or anything. Why is this happening?
This means that the canvas's canvas component has it's render mode set to Screen space - overlay. This forces it to be the size of the screen. Change it to World Space and it will allow you to resize it and move it around.
Changing the Render mode is not an ideal solution; neither is Overlay mode the reason why this is happening at all. World Space is just a render mode that changes the way your whole UI behaves and would mean a whole different set up and a whole lot more work just to get a child UI object to move independently.
Here is the description of what World Space is for from the Unity site:
In this render mode, the Canvas will behave as any other object in the
scene. The size of the Canvas can be set manually using its Rect
Transform, and UI elements will render in front of or behind other
objects in the scene based on 3D placement. This is useful for UIs
that are meant to be a part of the world. This is also known as a
“diegetic interface”.
The Rect Transform usually gets locked because it is a child of another Canvas Object which controls its Transforms. The way to fix this is to overwrite it by adding a “Layout Element” component to it. From there you can configure it to work the way you like and it can have transforms independent of the Parent UI Object.
For full details, see this Unity support page: https://support.unity3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000179163-How-to-overwrite-Width-and-Height-values-that-are-driven-by-a-Layout-Group-in-runtime-
Canvas is depend on game tab in your window panel.
Adjust panel by use of close tab or resize panel or doc game panel.
It will help you make default 800 X 600 canvas.

How to have text scale properly in Unity for all screen sizes?

So I am making a scene in Unity where I have text, and I have created a canvas and text box and everything... but when I change the size of the game preview window, the size of the text changes too. This makes the text impossible to read on small screens as it is too small! How can I make the text the same size for all screen sizes?
Also, when I change the size of the Game preview window in Unity, is it the same as changing the screen size? Or is it simply scaling everything?
Changing the game view in Unity is only useful for checking how the UI looks with different aspect ratios, not different resolutions.
You can control how the UI scales with the Canvas Scaler component (you will find it on the Canvas GameObject):
You will likely want to use the "Scale With Screen Size" mode.

How to create auto blur effect on mouse hover

I was browsing the home page of canva.com
I was surprised by the UI effect of hover blur effect on the home screen. How can we develop such a feature on our website. Is it using CSS3 or some other javascript plugin libraries.
They use a blurred background image, a canvas and an unblurred version of the image. Moving the mouse 'draws' (a portion of) the sharp image onto an otherwise transparent canvas. This makes it look like some kind of magic, when in reality it's just selectively copying a src image onto a canvas. I imagine a second, off-screen canvas is used to allow the 'drawn' lines to have their opacity faded. This canvas is then used to blend the copied image with the blurred image. Look into "canvas blending modes"

Unity 4.6 GUI with rendertexture for upscaling - events in wrong location

I am trying to use the new 4.6 Unity GUI system to create a bit of UI. I want to make this UI at a resolution of 400x300, then render to a texture which will then be drawn to the screen at a resolution of 800x600 (so double resolution). The problem is this: It doesn't work. The rendering is okay and I can correctly upscale the render texture and have it drawn to the screen, but the UI events aren't received in the correct position, and I can find no way to get around this.
Player resolution is 800x600 Render texture resolution is 400x300
Main camera, called "UI Camera" renders to this texture (at 400x300)
Canvas set to "Screen Space - Camera" pointing at "UI Camera". Under this is a button which is set to stretch to all sides (so fullscreen, 400x300)
A second camera, called "Upscaling Camera".
Another canvas set to "Screen Space - Camera" pointing at "Upscaling Camera".
This canvas has it's GraphicRaycaster component removed. Under this is a RawImage displaying the render texture.
When I play, the UI is correctly rendered to the rendertexture, and then displayed on screen at 2x resolution, filling the screen. What is not working is the events - the button can only be interacted with when the mouse is in the lower-left quarter of the screen.
Conceptually, this makes sense. The button is occupying a space from (0, 0) to (400, 300) (starting at the bottom left of the screen), and now my player's resolution is 800x600, this rectangle only covers the bottom left corner. I get that.
So, with all that said, what can I do to fix this? I can't set the EventCamera on the GraphicRaycaster, so that's out. My next thought was to be somehow fudging the mouse positions. But honestly, I have no clue where to go.
(And in case somebody has a better way of doing this - I'm looking at a game working in 400x300 resolution which needs to be pixel-perfect. If I were to resize all my UI externally, that would mean that in-engine, they are essentially running on a half-pixel grid. Same goes for using the CanvasScaler component.)
Cheers for any help.

UI doesn't show up in #Screen tab in Unity 4.6

I have just upgraded Unity to version 4.6 and tried to create a button by Create -> UI -> Button.
However, this button doesn't show up in #Screen tab but it does in Game tab.
Please look at the screen shoot below:
Another question is: The default width and height when creating a new button is 160 x 30. When I change the source image with my own image button, I have to change the width and height parameters in rect transform. Is there any faster way to automatically obtain new width and height based on the image which I insert?
Thank you very much!
First, double click the button in your hierarchy and see that it indeed does not show in the Scene view, excluding any kind of zoom problem. (By the way, I'm assuming you mean "Scene" and not "Screen", right?) Things in different cameras or canvases might have very different scales but appear correctly in the Game view. I don't know how used you are to Unity, so I'm sorry if this sounds obvious. :)
Next, check the dropdown labeled "Layers" on top of Unity's editor, to the right of the Play, Pause and Step buttons. See if the layer of your button (which in this case is "UI") is visible. It should have an open eye icon next to it.
Regarding your other question, after dragging your sprite to the Image component, you can press the "Set Native Size" button, which will set the size of your object to the dimensions of your Sprite. Regarding the new UI, I think this is as automatic as it gets. Note that "Set Native Size" will only appear if your Image type is set to Simple (probably what you want) or Filled in the component.
I had the same problem before and here's a possible solution.
By default, the editor camera (Scene Tab) renders the World Space,
so your Canvas component's render mode should be set to "World Space".
The problem may only occur when you're trying to (or supposedly) render your UI in Screen Space - Overlay or Screen Space - Camera in the Canvas component.
So if you want to properly edit UI objects in the scene tab/window; set the Canvas component's render mode to World Space.
We don't have this problem in Unity 4.x before because I think Unity automatically renders any render mode from the Canvas component, however, that doesn't happen in Unity 5.x. I'm guessing it's either intentional that they do that or it's a bug on Unity UI feature.
