Cannot select Cordova Global on Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

I have a cordova app on visual studio 2017. VS2017 uses Cordova 6.3.1 however I need to use Cordova version 7.1.0.
So I had to install cordova globally as specified in this link
Then I opened config.xml from my project and went to change Toolset Name, but it shows "Global Cordova Version (not currently installed)"
Any help to fix this issue?

If you have already installed Node.js, you can install Cordova 7.1.0 by typing this in a command line interface window (cmd.exe):
npm install -g cordova#7.1.0
Now, because changing the CLI version is not as reliable as we would want, I suggest to follow these steps to create your new app in Visual Studio 2017:
Go to File > New > Project > Blank App (Apache Cordova)
Open config.xml in View Code mode and find this:
<engine name="android" spec="5.2.1" />
Replace with:
<engine name="android" spec="6.3.0" />
Where 7.1.0 is your globally installed Cordova version.
Select Device as target.
Now Build > Build Solution
Save, close and reload the project. When you access config.xml in designer mode you'll see Global Cordova 7.1.0 as the selected toolset.
In order to build you may need to use the external Android SDK Build Tools (API 26) instead of the ones provided by Visual Studio (API 25).
Use the Android SDK Manager to manage versions, no need to get Android Studio for this.
Remember to follow the guidelines from Microsoft when changing the CLI on existing projects. However I strongly recommend creating a new one and then importing your files and adding your plugins to avoid potential problems.


Xamarin.forms project in Mac terminal without Visual Studio

I'm trying to build a job for Xamarin.forms project in mac terminal without UI method. but, not sure which are the tools are mandatory to be installed. Could anyone help here ?
Installed : Dotnet Core 6 version of visual studio SDK
Build need to be fully in terminal(mac-command line)
Need to do without visual studio application
Why not try build the app from the command line using MSBuild and see what errors it gives you. That way, you can find out what's missing and add things until it builds.
I'm using this command to build my apps from Windows (you may need to change a few things on Mac):
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe" C:\Projects\MyApp\src\MyApp\MyApp.iOS\MyApp.iOS.csproj /p:Platform=iPhone /p:BuildIpa=true /p:IpaPackageDir=C:\Projects\MyApp\artifacts\App_iOS /p:IpaPackageName=MyApp.ipa /p:ServerAddress= /p:ServerUser="Username" /p:ServerPassword=123456SafePassword /p:ContinueOnDisconnected=false /p:Configuration=Release /restore /target:Build /verbosity:Normal
Here's some useful info on Continuous Integration with Xamarin.

Flutter windows build: Nuget is not installed

I uninstalled Visual Studio 2019 and installed it as 2022.
I reinstalled Flutter.
When building Flutter desktop, the following problem is repeated.
If I run it in another project, it works without any problem.
Launching lib\main.dart on Windows in debug mode...
Building Windows application...
Nuget is not installed.
Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version.
1- make sure you have installed Visual Studio
NuGet Package Manager (PM UI and PM Console) is included with Visual
Studio. The latest NuGet releases are delivered as part of Visual
Studio updates.
HOWEVER: nuget.exe itself is not included with any version of Visual Studio.
so you need to download the latest NuGet Windows x86 Commandline from
3- put it inside the flutter sdk folder or any folder you like
4- copy the folder path
5- in windows serach, search for env so you can put it as system variables. edit path with a new line and past the folder path
6- restart android studio
7- congrats
there's a video on youtube for the exact steps:
Although I don't know why it would work without this error message on the same machine, I recently ran into this issue as well. The way I fixed it was to download the nuget executable and add it to my path.

Visual Studio not recognizing installed Core SDKs

I have three versions of .NET Core installed on my machine:
However, both VS2017 and VS 2019 return the following error when I execute dotnet --version command:
PM> dotnet --version
dotnet : Did you mean to run dotnet SDK commands? Please install dotnet SDK from:
I can create a solution targeting .NET Core but when I create a Console App targeting .NET Core, for example, the Debug button is labeled Attach instead of Start as usual, and Start Debugging and Start Without Debugging commands in the Debug menu are disabled.
What I tried so far:
Added "C:\ProgramFiles\dotnet" to system PATH variable.
Modified VS2019 using VS Installer.
Restarted several times.
I did have several other version of .NET Core but uninstalled them since I had no solutions targeting these versions and wanted to clean up.
I only left 2.2.300 and 3.0.100 and when I used VS Installer to modify VS2019 it added SDK 2.1.700.
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue without completely removing Visual Studio and installing from scratch?
Apparently x86 version(s) of .NET Core SDKs must be installed as well. After installing 3.0.100 x86 dotnet --version command works fine and I can build and debug .NET Core projects...

Xamarin vstool build cannot find NuGet MSBuild targets

I recently converted my Xamarin.Forms app from PCL to Net Standard format.
All of my projects now use PackageReference in the csproj file. Which means no more package.config or package.json.
We use TFS 2015 to build, sign, package our .ipa and .apk files. After conversion, the default MSBUILD build steps do not work as they look for mdtool and the new Visual Studio has vstool instead. So, I updated the build steps to use new tools via command line.
All my projects are NetStandard now (including iOS and Android).
I can successfully restore NuGet packages using restore MySolution.sln -force on Mac build server. But when I run vstool build MySolution.sln after that, I get this error:
error: NuGet packages need to be restored before building. NuGet
MSBuild targets are missing and are needed for building. The NuGet
MSBuild targets are generated when the NuGet packages are restored.
I am able to successfully run the nuget restore and vstool build locally on the build machine. But only when TFS runs the command via agent, it shows that error message.
Builds: TFS 2015 on Mac agent running Visual Studio 7.5
According to the error and your description, you need also check if your build agent has corresponding capability to support vsbuild.
Take a look at this related question MacOS - Visual Studio Support and give a try with this workaround:
As a work around we set the Xamarin.iOS variable manually in the build
agent and changed the mdtool path in the Xamarin iOS Build step to
Besides you could also try to use the suggestion from Matt in the comment above.
Ok. I was finally able to get a successful iOS build on Mac server. This is the setup that works,
Using PackageReference in iOS .csproj
No package.config, project.json, or AssemblyInfo.cs file.
Running nuget restore .sln before building the iOS project.
Build solution using <path-to-vstool>\vstool build .sln -c:<configuration>
Now, I am working on the Windows machine for Android setup. Once I have that working, I will post my findings here.

how to update cordova-ios version in visual studio 2015 cordova project?

I'm developing ios app using cordova template in visual studio 2015.
I have configured mac book as described in this link .
Installed xcode version is 8.3.
when i try to run app in an ios simulator , getting following error. so, how to fix this, please help .thanks.
Error: Remote build error from the build server Build failed with error Remotebuild requires your projects to use cordova-ios 4.3.0 or greater with XCode 8.3. Please update your cordova-ios version.
From this link you can see how to update cordova:
npm update -g cordova
On next link you can find instructions for ios cordova update. Basically its just removing ios platform and adding it back again for projects built with Cordova 4.x version:
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios
For older versions use:
cordova platform update ios
Visual Studio 2015 was forcing the 4.1.1 version for cordova-ios.
This worked for me on the command line:
cordova platform add ios#4.3.1
cordova-ios 4.3.1
Note: And i deleted the "bld" folder from the cordova project root.
This is what worked for me in Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
1) Delete the platforms / ios folder in the root folder of your project
2) In the platforms folder, edit the platforms.json file manually with the version you want, in my case it was:
"android": "5.2.1",
"ios": "4.3.0"
3) Update your config.xml file in your project like so:
<engine name="ios" spec="4.3.0" />
4) Run your project.
