Here's how my camera operates:
When taking a video recording, the camera will automatically segment into a new file chapter once it has reached a certain size. These files when put together with editing software will play seamlessly as if they were never chaptered, and when played back from the camera directly will also play through as one continuation.
Which results in the video being split into three video files:
$ ls -1
Which may be placed in a directory alongside segments from another video. For example:
$ ls -1
In order to use ffmpeg to concatenate the same continuous segments, I need to write a file listing the filenames of the videos I want to concatenate. So I'm finding the files with the same last four characters:
find . -name "*0119*" -execdir echo '{}' ';' | xargs -n1 echo file > concat_list.txt
But is there a way to figure out, from the videos' data or metadata, which of these files are segments of the same video?
I want to create 'm3u8' file from the list of ts files. How can I do it?
I did search in google & read documentation of ffmpeg but I didn't find anything.
It's not clear which of the following cases you're asking about, so here's a quick answer for both:
If you're starting with a single file that contains your content
This is the most common case. In general, there are three steps to creating a playable HlS stream from source material.
for each desired output level (let’s say Bitrate for simplicity), you need to create a collection of segmented .ts files.
For each output level you need a playlist manifest (m3u8) that contains the list of segment files making up the content.
For the whole stream you need a single master manifest (another m3u8) that lists the playlists.
FFMpeg can do all three of these.
If you're starting with a collection of .ts files
If you really are starting with a collection of .ts files, you could either hand-build an m3u8 file as described in the previous answer, or you could write a script to do it.
In either case, there are some considerations for the .ts files:
If the segment files do not belong to an uninterrupted sequence (as they would if they were transcoded from a single source clip for use in HLS), you’ll need to insert EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tags between segments that don’t have the same encoding characteristics or that don’t have monotonically increasing PTS (presentation timestamp) values.
While the segments don't need to all be the same length, the longest one must not exceed the (integer) number of seconds specified in the EXT-X-TARGETDURATION tag.
"For VOD content, the average segment bit rate MUST be within 10% of the AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH attribute"
When you've built your m3u8 file, it helps to run it through a validator to find any problems.This is a lot easier than scratching your head wondering why an HLS stream plays poorly or inconsistently across players/browsers.
mediaStreamValidator on macOS is very good
Also consider the online tool at Theo:
You probably want a HLS structure. There's a lot of documentation at Apple (IIRC it was invented by Apple and then got adopted widely), e.g. a draft RFC and a page with example streams.
HLS consists of two levels: a master M3U8 which references other M3U8 which in turn reference the .ts files. You can omit the master M3U8 and just provide the "second level".
As a starting point, it may look something like this:
#EXTINF:10, no desc
#EXTINF:10, no desc
#EXTINF:10, no desc
The EXT-X-TARGETDURATION specifies how long each .ts file is (they must all be of the same length). It may either be a relative or absolute path.
Can be done with a bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "#EXTM3U" > $file
echo "#EXT-X-VERSION:3" >> $file
echo "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:24" >> $file
echo "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:10" >> $file
for i in `find *.ts -type f | sort -g`; do
l=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 $i)
echo "#EXTINF:$l," >> $file
echo "$i" >> $file
echo "#EXT-X-ENDLIST" >> $file
I know that image resizing on the command line is something ImageMagick and similar could do unfortunately I do only have very basic bash scripting abilities so I wonder if this is even possible:
check all directories and subdirectories for all files that are an image
check width and height of the image
if any of both exceeds X amount of pixels resize it to X while keeping aspect ratio.
replace old file with new file (old file shall be removed/deleted)
Thank you for any input.
Implementation might be not so trivial even for advanced users. As a one-liner:
find \ # 1
~/Downloads \ # 2
-type f \ # 3
-exec file \{\} \; \ # 4
| awk -F: '{if ($2 ~/image/) print $1}' \ # 5
| while IFS= read -r file_path; do \ # 6
mogrify -resize 1024x1024\> "$file_path"; \ # 7
done # 8
Lines 1-4 are an invocation of the find command:
Specify a directory to scan.
Specify you need files only.
Per each found item run file command. Example outputs per file:
/Downloads/391A6 625.png: PNG image data, 1024 x 810, 8-bit/color RGB, interlaced
/Downloads/STRUCTURED NODES IN UML 2.0 ACTIVITES.pdf: PDF document, version 1.4
Note how file names are delimited from their info by : and info about PNG contains image word. This also will be true for other image formats.
Use awk to filter only those files which have image word in their info. This gives us image files only. Here, -F: specifies that the delimiter is :. This gives us the variable $1 to contain the original file name and $2 for the file info. We search image word in file info and print file name if it's present.
This one is a bit tricky. Lines 6-8 read the output of awk line by line and invoke the mogrify command to resize images. Here we do not use piping and xargs, as if file paths contain spaces or other characters which must be escaped,
we will get xargs unterminated quote errors and it's a pain to handle that.
Invoke the mogrify command of ImageMagic. Unlike convert, which is also ImageMagic's command, mogrify changes files in-place without creating new ones. Here, 1024x1024\> tells to resize image to have max size of 1024x1024. The \> part tells to preserve aspect ratio, so that the final image will have the biggest side of 1024px. Other side will be smaller than that, unless the original image is square. Pay attention to the ;, as it's needed inside loops.
Note, it's safe to run mogrify several times over the same file: if a file's size already corresponds to your target dimensions, it will not be resized again. However, it will change file's modification time, though.
Additionally, you may need not only to resize images, but to compress them as well. Please, refer to my gist to see how this can be done:
If your goal is just to reduce big images in size, e.g. bigger than 300K, you may:
find /path/to/dir -type f -size +300k
and as before combine it with mogrify -strip -interlace Plane -format jpg -quality 85 -define jpeg:extent=300KB "$FILE_PATH"
In such case new jpg files will be created for non-jpg originals and originals will need to be removed. Refer to the gist to see how this can be done.
You can do that with a bash unix shell script looping over your directories. You must identify all the file formats you want such as jpg and png, etc. Then for each directory, loop over each file of the given list of formats. Then use ImageMagick to resize the files.
dirlist="path2/directory1 path2/directory2 ...."
for dir in $dirlist; do
cd "$dir"
imglist=`ls | grep -i ".jpg\|.png"`
for img in $imglist; do
convert $img -resize "200x200>" $img
I am trying to split several video files (.mov) into 30 second blocks.
I do not need to specify where the 30 seconds start or finish.
EXAMPLE- A single 45 second video ( will be split into (30 seconds), (15 seconds). Ideally, I can remove audio too.
I made an attempt, using bash (osx), but was unsuccessful. It did not split the video into multiple parts- instead it just seemed to modify the original file (and made it into a length of 1-2 seconds):
find . -name '*.mov' -exec ffmpeg -t 30 -i \{\} -c copy \{\} \;
You can use FFmpeg's segment muxer for this.
ffmpeg -i input -c copy -segment_time 30 -f segment
Depending on where the video keyframes are, each segment won't start at mod 30 secs. You'll have to omit -c copy for that.
Also, FFmpeg does not do in-place editing. Your bash script seems to present the input name for output as well. That won't work.
I have a camera taking time-lapse shots every 2–3 seconds, and I keep a rolling record of a few days' worth. Because that's a lot of files, I keep them in subdirectories by day and hour:
I'm writing a script to automatically upload a timelapse of the sunrise to YouTube each day. I can get the sunrise time from the web in advance, then go back after the sunrise and get a list of the files that were taken in that period using find:
touch -d "$SUNRISE_START" sunrise-start.txt
touch -d "$SUNRISE_END" sunrise-end.txt
find images/"$TODAY" -type f -anewer sunrise-start.txt ! -anewer sunrise-end.txt
Now I want to convert those files to a video with ffmpeg. Ideally I'd like to do this without making a copy of all the files (because we're talking ~3.5 GB per hour of images), and I'd prefer not to rename them to something like image000n.jpg because other users may want to access the images. Copying the images is my fallback.
But I'm getting stuck sending the results of find to ffmpeg. I understand that ffmpeg can expand wildcards internally, but I'm not sure that this is going to work where the files aren't all in one directory. I also see a few people using find's --exec option with ffmpeg to do batch conversions, but I'm not sure if this is going to work with image sequence input (as opposed to, say, converting 1000 images into 1000 single-frame videos).
Any ideas on how I can connect the two—or, failing that, a better way to get files in a date range across several subdirectories into ffmpeg as an image sequence?
Use the concat demuxer with a list of files. The list format is:
file '/path/to/file1'
file '/path/to/file2'
file '/path/to/file3'
Basic ffmpeg usage:
`ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt ... <output>`
Concatenate [FFmpeg wiki]
use pattern_type glob for this
ffmpeg -f image2 -r 25 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -an -c:v libx264 -r 25 timelapse.mp4
ffmpeg probably uses the same file name globbing facility as the shell, so all valid file name globbing patterns should work. Specifically in your case, a pattern of images/201?-??-??/??/201?-??-??-????-?? will expand to all files in question e.g.
ls -l images/201?-??-??/??/201?-??-??-????-??
ffmpeg ... 'images/201?-??-??/??/201?-??-??-????-??' ...
Note the quotes around the pattern in the ffmpeg invocation: you want to pass the pattern verbatim to ffmpeg to expand the pattern into file names, not have the shell do the expansion.
I'm trying to cross-fade several audio files together with a 3 second cross-fade and join them together in to one file with sox.
I can join several files together by the command below but not sure how to cross fade between each one:
sox $(ls /tmp/a*.wav | sort -n) /tmp/out/out.wav
I can cross fade two files with the commands below but not sure how to combine the first line that joins several files together with the second line that splices / cross fades
sox 100hz.wav 440hz.wav out.wav splice $(soxi -D 100hz.wav),3
I found this question but the answer doesn't work for me.
crossfading a group of audio files with sox splice
I don't know if you are aware of the script offered by sox. You could just use it successively:
./ 1 440.wav 660.wav auto auto && ./ 1 mix.wav 880.wav auto auto
Or if you want to crossfade a high number of wav files, to use all files in a directory you could use a shell loop, something like this:
for file in *.wav
if [ $i -eq 1 ]
cp $file mix.wav
else $crossfade_dur mix.wav $file auto auto