Oracle Forms toolbar size - oracle

When creating a menu in Oracle Forms 6i, you can set a property for each menu option to be visible or not in the horizontal menu toolbar. You can also set the icon for the button on the toolbar and the text to display when hovering your mouse over it.
What I cannot find is the properties for the toolbar itself. It doesn´t seem to be possible to change the size, color or any other property for the toolbar.
I specifically want to change the size of the icons, since being an old tool, it was designed by default to work with 16x16 icons, but with current screen resolutions, the toolbar looks way to small.
Using larger icons doesn´t do the trick, since it just cuts the icon to 16 by 16.
Am I missing something? is it possible to adjust the toolbars properties?

Adjusting the size of the toolbar is a new feature in Forms 12c. It is not available in earlier versions.
"do you have any source for this?"
I saw Michael Ferrante (the Forms Product Manager) talk at UKOUG on Monday. So straight from the horse's mouth :) The Forms 12c New Features guide is here: page 12 is the page which will break your heart.


Scene Builder preview shows all objects much larger than end result

Here we have a preview of a window in Scene Builder behind the actual result when run with Netbeans. You can also see that my minimum sizes are set to USE_PREF_SIZE, with the values being auto-filled when I adjust the size of the window. The size difference between the windows is the first obvious difference.
Further, you'll notice that everything inside the window is smaller as well, all buttons, tables, fonts, etc.
I'm using Netbeans 8.2, Scene Builder 11.0.0, and JDK 8 update 251. Any ideas?
Figured it out! Hopefully this will be of some use to another aggravated user somewhere in the world.
The issue for me is that Windows was automatically scaling NetBeans. I found this resource for how to stop it:
Windows 10 does this for you now. Right click on your Netbeans shortcut (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\NetBeans) and select Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab and then select Change High DPI Settings. From there, check the Override High DPI Scaling box and set it to System.

Getting the width of the icon area of a context menu

I need to get the width of the icon area of a context menu using the Windows API (>= Windows XP if this matters). What I mean by icon area you can see in this question, there is an image. It is a space reserved for icons on the left side of the menu.
I scanned through the wealth of information you can get via SystemParametersInfo and GetSystemMetrics, but found nothing. But there has to be some default value, right? How could I get it?
A native win32 menu does not really support icons so you can't really call it the icon area. In a basic menu the size of that area is SM_CXMENUCHECK wide (Plus SM_CXEDGE for padding probably) For Vista+ you might be able to find some better metrics with the MENU_POPUP* constants and GetThemeInt. AFAIK the exact layout and border constants required to replicate classic Win95+ menus are not documented.
Since you are talking about icons I assume you want to add icons to your menu so your width should probably be max(yourIconWidth,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK)) + padding. This old MSJ article is probably the best menu owner draw tutorial out there, and codeproject has its own menu article section with several different owner draw implementations. (MS Office and Visual Studio use custom stuff as well)
As a final note, since you said XP+ you should be able to use HBMMENU_CALLBACK and only worry about the icon and not the rest of the menu drawing...

MFC: Scrollable Panel/Sub-windows containing controls

Whats the best way to create a 'scrollable panel' in MFC (C++) ? In the past I have displayed different windows "attached" or "on top" of my main dialog window as a means of display different pages of an application. What I want to do this time is create a panel of controls that can be scrolled (because the virtual size of the panel is bigger than the size of the panel itself).
Can anybody recommend any good articles or tutorials on how best to do this?
You can create an independent scrollbar control on the side of your dialog. Respond to the messages in the dialog to move your controls. Since the child windows will crop themselves to the parent client area, feel free to move them completely off the dialog as they scroll off the page.
If you place the controls in a CScrollView or a CFormView they will be automatically scrollable inside the view area.

How to remove/hide vertical and horizontal scrollbars from eclipse editor?

I'm using Eclipse and I would like to remove scrollbars from the editor.
(I usually partition my screen with multiple opened editors. I want to save space.).
Is there an easy way?
I'm using Windows 7.
That an oldie:
bug 27096 mentions the presence of scrollbar for StyleText since 2003, and is a duplicate for:
bug 34928 - Editors show scrollbars even when source has just 1 line with 1 char (also 2003)
Simply put, the StyledText widget has no API to show scrollbars only when necessary.
This is a SWT limitation.
For all mac users:
Apple menu > System Preferences, then click General > Show scroll bars
Select “Automatically based on mouse or trackpad.” i voila :)

Vista/Win7 Listview "View Slider"

In Vista and Windows 7 almost any time the system uses a standard Listview (ie: Explorer Windows) it's accompanied by a little split button that shows a slider when the split is clicked that allows you to switch between the different views available for that listview (Tile, Details, List, etc.) as well as sliding smoothly between icon sizes (from 32x32 is to 256x256) using the top half of the slider.
This is a cool little bit of functionality, so I was wondering: Is that control available to developers, and if so what is it called and where is it documented? (Win32/C++ preferred)
Turns out in Windows 7, the explorer window is no longer a standard listview (though it does an extremely good job of looking like one). Open Spy++, point it at an explorer window list pane, and you'll see a classname of "DirectUIHWND" instead of the old "SysListView32".
The actual slider itself is indeed a real ComCtl32 slider; so you could perhaps roll your own; but as far as I know there's no way to reuse the existing explorer pane's functionality.
