I am trying to write a jasmine karma test for following code.
However I am able to get the unit test done for the $timeout function.
function onDataChange(e) {
$timeout(function () {
if ($scope.hasAccess) {
//Do Something
The unit test call to onDataChange with Param able get inside the function but not timeout.
I am trying to use the global hook afterEach to close the browser after each test, but once the first test completes it does not perform the global afterEach. Here is an example of my global.js, any help would be amazing!
module.exports = {
afterEach: function (browser, done) {
browser.end(function () {
documentation says it'll run after each test suite, not after each test, so that might be what you're experiencing :)
I would like to make pause each test.
I've create this function:
But when I run tests, I will get error:
TypeError: browser.pause is not a function
Why ? In tests browser.pause is function.
The answer, provided by beatfactor, on the linked GitHub issue, is
When using afterEach you need to use the done callback argument always if you want to use the browser object. That is for backwards compatibility. So you need to do either:
afterEach(browser, done) {
// ...
I've written on GitHub as issue and I've got a solution: https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/issues/921
afterEach(done) {
// ...
instead of
afterEach(browser, done) {
// ...
When using afterEach, if you want access to the browser object then you need to add the done callback argument after browser to your function.
So your function should look like this:
afterEach(browser, done) {
// ...
Note that you have to call done() to signify the completion of the test.
If you only have one argument in afterEach then it's the done argument.
afterEach(done) {
// ...
In other words, if you write
afterEach(browser) {
// ...
browser is actually the done callback. You've named it browser but that's not what it is.
My dear friend you have to do "something" and then pause!
(i.e. assert the url and then pause!)
Does it works?
I want to build a test that makes sure the Jasmine Test is using a file called SpecRunner.html".
How do I do that?
You can check window.location (at least if you are running tests in browser).
Quick POC code:
describe("File name", function () {
it("ends with SpecRunner.html", function () {
var fileName = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop();
For now I have the following code...
it("takes a long time", function(done) {});
Problem is when it times out I get the following message...
Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout
specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
Can I change this message to something more specific?
That is an error regarding your test, not an error of the code you're testing. If your test is properly written, you shouldn't encounter that error. The test itself is timing out. If you're writing a test to see how/whether some code times out, you would write the test to handle that, rather than the test just throwing an error because you didn't call done() in time.
// this function times out if passed "true" as second argument
function testThis(done, shouldTimeout) {
setTimeout(function() {
shouldTimeout || done();
}, 500);
it("timed out", function(done) {
var timedOut = false;
setTimeout(function() {
testThis(function() {
// this shouldn't be called because we're telling `testThis` to timeout
timedOut = true;
}. true);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 505);
If you needed to wait a long time to see if something times out, you can change how long Jasmine will wait before a test throws a timeout error by changing jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000;
Jasmine does have a mock for setInterval and setTimeout that let you run that code synchronously, and saves all that wasted time waiting.
I am currently writing tests protractor and I was wondering if there is some possibility to cancel test execution as soon as something in the beforeEach fails (and return some useful message like "precondition failed: could not login user").
I.e. I have some helper methods in the beforeEach that login the user and then do some setup.
1) login user
2) set some user properties
Obviously it does not make any sense to execute the 2nd step if the first one fails (actually its quite harmful as the user gets locked which is not nice). I tried to add an "expect" as part of the 1st step, but the 2nd step was still executed -> fresh out of ideas.
Strictly answering your question and without external dependencies:
beforeEach(function() {
// 1) login user
// This works on Jasmine 1.3.1
if (this.results_.failedCount > 0) {
// Hack: Quit by filtering upcoming tests
this.env.specFilter = function(spec) {
return false;
} else {
// 2) set some user properties
it('does your thing (always runs, even on prior failure)', function() {
// Below conditional only necessary in this first it() block
if (this.results_.failedCount === 0) {
it('does more things (does not run on prior failure)', function() {
So if 1 fails, 2,3,4,N won't run as you expect.
There is also jasmine-bail-fast but I'm not sure how it will behave in your before each scenario.
jasmine.Env.prototype.bailFast = function() {
var env = this;
env.afterEach(function() {
if (!this.results().passed()) {
env.specFilter = function(spec) {
return false;
then just call:
(credit goes to hurrymaplelad who wrote an npm that does just that, however you don't need to use it)
jasmine-bail-fast does exactly what you did overriding the specFilter function, but does it on afterEach. So it will only fail after the first "it" is run. It won't help solving this specific case.
with jasmine2 we can set throwOnExpectationFailure to true.
For example in protractor config:
exports.config = {
onPrepare: () => {