During my first steps with Tarantool I am wondering how to do basic things.
Imagine that I am storing the following registers:
s:insert(1,'{"name": "foo name", "phone": "foo phone"}')
s:insert(2,'{"name": "barname", "phone": "bar phone"}')
Is there something similar to autoincrement primary key in SQL databases so I do not need to enumerate the indexes?
Something like not specifying the primary index at all in Tarantool 1.6.
There is a (deprecated) auto_increment function, which you could use like:box.space.bigspace:auto_increment{'Fld#1', 'Fld#2'}.
Fld#1 and Fld#2 are the contents to place into a new tuple.
See here. Since Tarantool 1.7.5, it is recommended to use sequences though, which are interesting in that they let you specify how you'd like your keys generated. Basically once you set up a sequence, you assign it to a space, and it autoincrements whenever you add a new tuple.
I am new to ElasticSearch (you will figure out after reading the question!) and I need help in designing ElastiSearch index for a dataset similar to described in the example below.
I have data for companies in Russell 2000 Index. To define an index for these companies, I have the following mapping -
"mappings": {
"company": {
"_all": { "enabled": false },
"properties": {
"ticker": { "type": "text" },
"name": { "type": "text" },
"CEO": { "type": "text" },
"CEO_start_date": {"type": "date"},
"CEO_end_date": {"type": "date"}
As CEO of a company changes, I want to update end_date of the existing document and add a new document with start date.
(1) For such dataset what is an ideal id scheme? Since I want to keep multiple documents should I consider (company_id + date) combination as id
(2) Since CEO changes are infrequent should Time Based indexing considered in this case?
You're schema is a reasonable starting point, but I would make a few minor changes and comments:
Recommendation 1:
First, in your proposed schema you probably want to change ticker to be of type keyword instead of text. Keyword allows you to use terms queries to do an exact match on the field.
The text type should be used when you want to match against analyzed text. Analyzing text applies normalizations to your text data to make it easier to match something a user types into a search bar. For example common words like "the" will be dropped and word endings like "ing" will be removed. Depending on how you want to search for names in your index you may also want to switch that to keyword. Also note that you have the option of indexing a field twice using BOTH keyword and text if you need to support both search methods.
Recommendation 2:
Sid raised a good point in his comment about using this a primary store. I have used ES as a primary store in a number of use cases with a lot of success. I think the trade off you generally make by selecting ES over something more traditional like an RDBMS is you get way more powerful read operations (searching by any field, full text search, etc) but lose relational operations (joins). Also I find that loading/updating data into ES is slower than an RDBMS due to all the extra processing that has to happen. So if you are going to use the system primarily for updating and tracking state of operations, or if you rely heavily on JOIN operations you may want to look at using a RDBMS instead of ES.
As for your questions:
Question 1: ID field
You should check whether you really need to create an explicit ID field. If you do not create one, ES will create one for that is guaranteed to be unique and evenly distributed. Sometimes you will still need to put your own IDs in though. If that is the case for your use case then adding a new field where you combine the company ID and date would probably work fine.
Question 2: Time based index
Time based indices are useful when you are going to have lots of events. They make it easy to do maintenance operations like deleting all records older than X days. If you are just indexing CEO changes to 2000 companies you probably won't have very many events. I would probably skip them since it adds a little bit of complexity that doesn't buy you much in this use case.
If I need to check a field in a table against an array of possible strings (using Postgres with the Sequel gem), what's the fastest way to do so? I've tried building a regular expression from the array with |'s inbetween each entry, and then using it to search the table using .where, but it's slow... and I'm hoping there may be a faster way.
If your field can be equal to one of multiple words, you can use :
SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN ('apple', 'banana', 'carrot', 'dog', ....)
PostgreSQL will probably not use an index for a regular expression lookup with |s, which would explain the slow speed on large datasets. The IN operator is what you want to use, as it should be able to use an index lookup (assuming the appropriate index). In Sequel:
DB[:table].where(:field=>['string1', 'string2', 'string3'])
Note: it will be very appreciate if you tell me why you think this is a shit question by comment. Please do not just down vote and not telling why..
We know there is the concept called type under index. But I do not know why we need it.
Firstly I thought we use it to organize data. Like we have index like below:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/customer/USA/_bulk?pretty' -d '
{"name": "John Doe" }
{"name": "Jane Doe" }
But in the above situation, we can always eliminate the type, move it to the json body like :
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/customer/_bulk?pretty' -d '
{"name": "John Doe","country":"USA" }
{"name": "Jane Doe","country":"USA" }
In this way we can always add a field to replace the type.
Then I thought it may be performance related. I thought If you split the data into different type, then there is less data under each type. So the performance to query each type should be better. But it is also not like that.
The performance of elasticsearch index is related to the shard. So even you split the data into different type, it still stored under the same sets of shards.
Then why we need type?
First of all, although elastic search determine types of fields on runtime, but once it has assigned a particular type to a field it would always expect same type of value for that field. So you need multiple types if you need to store different type of data. Secondly it allows for storing multiple types with difference mappings in single index. Besides it makes querying on a particular type easier if you are sure about its schema.
From my understanding of ES , type is something we can relate to table concept in a relational database. In which a database can be said as group of related tables. Likewise in ES,index is a group of related types each type in index holds documents that share some common property or fields.
In your example,for a index say Customer we can have different employees from different countries like USA,india,UK etc. Customer records from each country can be grouped under different types so that it will be organized. And when we run a search query for customers in a particular country we will need to run that query on type USA only. We don't need to lookup in the whole index to get the data of customers from USA.
Another example : Let’s assume you run a blogging platform and store all your data in a single index. In this index, you may define a type for user data, another type for blog data, and yet another type for comments data. So we are logically organizing the data to different types and looking up to the required type whenever we do a search.
So in general,type is a logical category/partition of your index whose semantics is completely up to you. It can be defined as documents that have a set of common fields.
You may refer to this post for better understanding https://www.elastic.co/blog/index-vs-type
I am using elasticsearch as a document database and each record I create has a guid id that the system uses for the record id. Business people want to offer a feature to let the user have their own auto file name convention based on date and how many records were created so far this day/month.
What I need is to prevent duplicate user file names. Is there a way to setup an indexed field to be unique? Like a sql unique constraint?
You'd need to use the field that is supposed to be unique as id for your documents. By default a new document with existing id would override the existing document with same id, but you can switch to op_type=create in order to get back an error if a document with same id already exists.
There's no way to have the same behaviour with arbitrary fields though, only the _id field works that way. I would probably consider handling this logic in the application layer instead of within elasticsearch.
One solution will be to use uniqueId field value for specifying document ID and use op_type=create while storing the documents in ES. With this you can make sure your uniqueId field will have unique value and will not be overridden by another same valued document.
For this, the elasticsearch document says:
The index operation also accepts an op_type that can be used to force a create operation, allowing for "put-if-absent" behavior. When create is used, the index operation will fail if a document by that id already exists in the index.
Here is an example of using the op_type parameter:
$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/es_index/es_type/unique_a?op_type=create' -d '{
"user" : "kimchy",
"uniqueId" : "unique_a"
If you run the above request it is ok, but running it the next time will give you an error.
You can use the _id in the column you want to have unique contraint on.
Here is the sample river that uses postgresql. Yo can change the Database Driver/DB-URL according to your usage.
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_river/simple_jdbc_river/_meta -d "{\"type\":\"jdbc\",\"jdbc\":{\"strategy\":\"simple\",\"poll\":\"1s\",\"driver\":\"org.postgresql.Driver\",\"url\":\"jdbc:postgresql://DB-URL/DB-INSTANCE\",\"user\":\"USERNAME\",\"password\":\"PASSWORD\",\"sql\":\"select t.id as _id,t.name from topic as t \",\"digesting\" : true},\"index\":{\"index\":\"jdbc\",\"type\":\"topic_jdbc_river1\"}}"
So far as to ES 7.5, there is no such extra "constraint" to ensure uniqueness using a custom field in the mapping.
But you still can walk around it via your own application UUID, which could be used directly explicitly as the _id (which is unique implictly) to achieve your goals.
PUT <your_index_name>/_doc/<your_app_uuid>
"a_field": "a_value"
Another approach might be to generate the string you store in a field that should be unique by integrating an auto-incrementing integer. This way you ensure from the start that your field values are unique.
You would put your file name together like this:
<current day/month>_<auto-incremented integer>
Auto-incrementing integers are not supported by Elasticsearch per se but you could mimic them using this approach. If you happen to use node.js you can use the es-sequence module.
I dont want to use _id as the primary key, but want to define my own key. How can I do it using mongoid given the following mongo object.
class Product
include Mongoid::Document
If you wanted to use key with another name as primary key, then you can't do that. Every document has to have a key named _id, value of which will be primary key index entry. This is how MongoDB works.
Value of _id field doesn't have to be an ObjectID, though. You can have whatever you like there (except for array, IIRC).
From the MongoDB site:
"In the MongoDB shell, ObjectId() may be used to create ObjectIds. ObjectId(string) creates an object ID from the specified hex string."
There is a code example there as well
Sergio Tulentsev got it right, _id doesn't have to be ObjectID.
However, I'm afraid that Lynn Langit's answer may be misleading. It's true that 'ObjectId(string) creates an object ID from the specified hex string', but the string here has to be a valid ObjectID. You cannot create an ObjectID from your meaningful string.