How do I share Redis key/values across multiple instances with rackup/Sinatra? - ruby

I'm trying to use Redis as my session store, which seem to work just fine. However I can't figure out how to let multiple instances of Sinatra access the same session. This is what I have in my
require 'redis-rack'
use Rack::Session::Redis, :redis_server => "redis://#{ENV['REDIS_HOST']}:6379/0"
I must be missing an argument to set this, but the documentation is lacking for this case:
Maybe that's not what I want to achieve this behavior?
The end goal is to be deploying my Sinatra application with docker to a clustered environment so I can release new versions without downtime. So whatever let's me share the rack session between multiple instances works. I suppose I could create a redis object manually and not use the session keyword, just seems like the wrong way to do it.


Access to Express.js and Prisma console

So im building app based on Express and using Prisma ORM. What i need is to SSH to a server, open up express.js console and create new db entry using prisma. Something similar to python shell for Django or rails console for Rails. Is there a solution for this of any kind?
Like I pointed in the comment there is a way ( kind of ) to get access to a running express instance. If that's all you need follow:
How can I open a console to interact with Express app?
Express doesn't exactly have a feature like rails console which is a framework feature in that case.
That said, I question the long term implication of this approach. If you really just need to seed some data, write an "init" script, and call it after you ssh into a server or using some CI/CD approach. This is more re-usable, since you can even pass a json file to the script to load dynamic data.
Also, Prismajs has an official way to seed the data ( if that's what you need) that you can leverage:
If you are able to run to code on your machine and point the remote database, then you can use node --inspect to debug in a chrome console. Which should give you about the same effect as a rails REPL

How do I configure Sinatra to use structure.sql instead of schema.rb?

I've got a Sinatra app that I'm setting up with a database using ActiveRecord.
Due to one of the quirks of this database (namely a string primary key), I want to use a SQL schema (structure.sql) instead of a Ruby one (schema.rb). I don't mind that this restricts me to using a specific database flavour, we use Postgres for everything anyway.
To achieve this in Rails, I would put config.active_record.schema_format = :sql in config/application.rb. How do I do the same thing in Sinatra?
It's easy to configure your database by hand with Sinatra. We like to build our tables in MySQL instead of using ActiveRecord Migrations.
You'll have to create your database models by hand instead of using generators and you'll add this line to manage your connection:
This is super easy. We typically read in the settings from a YAML file. It gets complicated when you want to write automated tests. Here's a blog I wrote about how to set up automated tests with Sinatra, MiniTest, and ActiveRecord.
Since you are still using active record, you can just add next line to your config (I put it under config/initializers/active_record.rb).
ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format = :sql

Using redis with heroku

This is my first time using redis and the only reason I am is because I'm trying out autocomplete search tutorial. The tutorial works perfectly in development but I'm having trouble setting up redis for heroku.
I already followed these steps on the heroku docs for setting up redis but when I run heroku run rake db:seed I get Redis::CannotConnectError: Error connecting to Redis on (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
I'm not very familiar with heroku so if you guys need any more information let me know.
I've completed the initializer steps shown here and when I run heroku config:get REDISCLOUD_URL the result is exactly the same as the Redis Cloud URL under the config vars section of my Heroku settings.
Following the documentation, I then set up config/initializers/redis.rb like so:
$redis = => ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"])
Just to check, I tried substituting the actual URL for redis cloud inside the if block instead of just the REDISCLOUD_URL variable but that didn't work. My error message hasn't changed when I try to seed the heroku db.
It’s not enough to just create a $redis variable that points to the installed Redis server, you also need to tell Soulmate about it, otherwise it will default to localhost.
From the Soulmate README you should be able to do something like this in an initializer (instead of your current redis.rb initializer, which you won’t need unless you are using Redis somewhere else in your app):
Soulmate.redis = ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"]
Looking at the Soulmate source, an easier way may be to set the REDIS_URL environment variable to the Redis url, either instead of or as well as REDISCLOUD_URL, as it looks like Soulmate checks this before falling back to localhost.
Your code is trying to connect to a local Redis instance, instead the one from Redis Cloud - make sure you've completed the initializer step as detailed in order to resolve this.

Multiple iDempiere instances in one server

I need to install multiple iDempiere instances in one server. The customized packages are different in build and the db they are using. Is there any way to deploy both of it in one server and access like localhost:8080/client1, localhost:8080/client2 . Any help appreciated.
When I want to reference several application servers I need to copy the path of various installations
and change the database name and port of each application :
/opt/idempiere-server-production/ (on port 8080 for example) for production
/opt/idempiere-server-test/ (on port 8081 for example) for test
the way you said is not possible, because the idempiere server for webapp is known as
Running multiple instances of idempiere on a single server is not too difficult.
Here is what you need to take care of:
Install the instances into different directories. The instances do not need to share any common files. So you are just fine making a full installation for each instance.
Make sure each instance uses its own data base. Use different names for the instance data bases.
Make sure the idempiere server instances use different tcp ports.
If you really should need to use a single port to access all of the instances you could use a http server like apache or ngnix to do define virtual hosts. Proxying or use of rewrite rules will then allow you to do the desired redirections. (I am using subdomains and apache mod_proxy to do the job)
There is another benefit to using subdomains for browser access: If all your server instances use the same host name the client browser will sometimes not be able to keep cookies from different instances apart, which can lead to a blocked session as discussed here in the idempiere google group.
Use different DB user names. The docs advise not to change the default user name Adempiere and this is ok for a single instance installation. Still if you use a single DB user for all of your instances you will run into trouble once you need to restore a database from a backup file. The will delete and recreate the DB user which is not possible when the user owns more than one DB.
You can run all of your instances as services in parallel. Before the installation of another instance rename the service script: sudo mv /etc/init.d/idempiere /etc/init.d/idempiere-theInstance. Of course you will need to do some book keeping work wth the service controller of your OS to ensure that the renamed services are started as desired.
The service controller talks to the iDempiere server via the OSGI console. For this to work without problems in a multi instance environment you need to assign a different telnet port number to each of the instances: in the editor of your choice open the file /etc/init.d/iDempiere. Find the line export TELNET_PORT=12612 and change the port number to something else.
Please Note:
OS specific descriptions in this guide are for Ubuntu 16/18 or Debian, if on another OS you need to do some research.
I have been using the described approach to host idempiere versions 5 and 6 for some time now and did not have any problems so far. Still make sure you do your own thorough tests if you want to go that route.
If you run into any problems (and maybe even manage to solve them) please report back to the community. (by giving your own answer to this question or by posting to the idempiere google group) Thanks!
You can have as many setups on your server as you like. When you run the setup to create your properties, simply chose other web ports for each installation. You also may need to slightly change the webservers configuration if they have some default ports.

How to use Datamapper in conjunction with Heroku Scheduler?

I have a Postgres database that I manipulate using Datamapper on my ruby web server. I am trying to incorporate Heroku Scheduler to update parts of the database every 10 minutes. However when it tries to execute the script it keeps giving this error:
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dm-core-1.2.0/lib/dm-core/repository.rb:72:in `adapter': Adapter not set: default. Did you forget to setup? (DataMapper::RepositoryNotSetupError)
The database is initialized when the server starts up, so why can't this script update the database like I would normally do in the rest of the code.
For example the script being called by the scheduler will contain lines such as:
User.update(:user_x => "whatever")
Is there a certain require statement I absolutely need?
First, you need to point the scheduled process to your database, so include the Datamapper.setup, but don't migrate or initialize.
Then you need to read the database. You probably want datamapper to create object models, just like your app uses. I've been using dm-is-reflective for that.
require 'data_mapper'
require 'dm-is-reflective'
dm = DataMapper.setup(:default, ENV['DATABASE_URL'])
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
is :reflective
p User.fields
