Visual Studio Code line number difficult to read - format

For most dark themes the line number of visual studio code are too dark and difficult to read. How to make it brighter?
That is, how to format the line numbers in terms of font weight, brightness...

You could easily change their color and brighten them for your theme via:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorLineNumber.foreground": "#ffff",
In your setting.json. vscode reference: theme colors for an editor


how can i customize in Visual Studio the autocomplete color in the popup

Either this is found in Tools Options Fonts and Colors, or it's something editable with Visual Studio Color Theme Designer 2022 (an extension from Microsoft DevLabs).
As you can see, the word cast is white on pale-blue, which is very hard to read (and impossible at smaller scale). I have not been able to locate the setting that will adjust this.
I found a process: the blue in the picture is #FFC4D5FF. In the Theme editor, sorting by Color, I found about 50 items colored with this color. Among those is it
Cider -> ListItemMouseOver?
SearchControl ->PopupControlMouseOverBackgroundGradientMiddle2?
I have no clue. I changed all of them to #FF2362FF. Apply/save, and go to my editor, and I get:
So one of the 50 items is the thing I needed to change. Who knows what else changed. The labels are all very obscure to me. In the event something of these is trouble, I'll have to delve more deeply into the set of elements.

Visual Studio 2015/17 Indentation Lines Color

I have spent a long time trying to find out how to change the indent guidelines for visual studio, as the bright gray is really too distracting. I managed to change +/- collapse line, but not the indentation colors.
These are what I am talking about:
They are part of the Productivity Power Tools 2017. This is what they have on their docs:
If you prefer not to see the lines, you can easily turn them off in Tools-Options-Text Editor-General-“Show structure guide lines”. You can also alter their color via the Text Editor “Block Structure Adornments” display item in Fonts and Colors.
But it seems to be outdated. The color setting is now called Structure Guidelines

Change color of smart tag

Smart tags are almost impossible to see when using the dark theme on visual studio 2012. how do i change the color of smart tags.
Going to tools>options>environment>fonts and colors>smart tags does not work
just to be clear, in the image above, i am talking about the small blue box under the 't', not the red squiggly line
It's in Tools/Options/Environment/Fonts and Colors:
Show settings for: Text Editor
Display Items: Compiler Error
You can change the Item Foreground property to get the color of the squiggly to change.
Microsoft confirmed it as a problem and has added this defect to their backlog:
I don't have visual studio in front of me, but I believe that is under the text editor options.
As far as I can remember that color is hard-coded to a constant, so you can't change it. Use Ctrl + . to invoke smart tags when there is one on the screen, it is much easier than hunting it down via the mouse.

How do I change the line spacing in Visual Studio 2012?

Is it possible to change the spacing between lines in the Visual Studio 2012 code editing area? After having worked with IntelliJ IDEA for a while, I got accustomed to a slightly larger line spacing (1.2), and I want to achieve the same effect in VS12.
For comparison, the top one is IDEA with 12 pixels spacing between lines, the bottom one is VS12 with 10 pixels spacing:
I find the IDEA version much easier to read, even if it's just 2px difference. Does anyone know?
I've found a workaround which works pretty well, partly alread described in this comment.
You need to download and install TypeLight (free for personal use), and open the Consolas.ttf file inside. To adjust the line spacing, go to Font -> Metrics -> Advanced and change the "Line Gap" to your desire (I changed "Type Line Gap" as well, but I have no idea what this actually does). I experimented a bit with a values and found around 730 to be similar to the 12 pixels spacing in IDEA.
To distinguish the modified font from the regular Consolas, I suggest changing the name of the font under Font -> Names (to "Consolas Spaced" or something). Save the font, double-click the file and choose "Install" from the preview dialog. Then (re)start Visual Studio, choose your modified font and you're done.
As of Visual Studio 2019 (16.10.0) it is now possible to change the line spacing directly in the options under Text Editor => General:
Can't change directly in Visual studio.
--> BUT You CAN change line height of font, the font you're using.
Step 1: install Fontforge.
Step 2: Open Fontforge after install finished, go to:
Element->Font Info ->OS2 -> Unit.
Change 4 value: Down win, up win, top N, down horizontal by multiplied by the desired ratio. Sample: ratio 1.5 or 2 ..etc...
(it means: if default 800, you multiple with ratio 1.5 --> result is 1200, you change 800 -->1200)
--> click OK to save setting.
Step 3: Go to File -> Generate font --> Generate with ttf format.
Step 4: Install the font just created and change font in Visual Studio.

VS2010 - Font colors for numbers in SQL scripts

sql script screenshot
OK, see the numbers? I can barely see them because my Visual Studio 2010 theme has the backround as almost-black, and the numbers show up in the default color, which is black. I can't figure out which setting changes the color for a number in a .sql file. Does anyone know?
Change the "Literal" and/or the "Number" color in Tools\Options...\Environment\Fonts and Colors.
