Problems with Ajax calls and serialization macOS Chrome - ajax

I have been testing a piece of code that I use for the purpose of auto saving the stuff from the site. It was achieved with ajax calls and serializing all the fields that are being displayed. It does work perfectly on all the major browsers on Windows e.g. Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge etc. However, when it comes to mac there seems to be an issue with Chrome. Does anyone know something about the bug with macOS, Chrome and ajax/ data serialization that has been reported?


AJAX OPEN in FirefoxDeveloperEdition fails to work like firefox or chrome

Please tell how the APP ID is involved and how it can be changed.
I have been working on Ajax. The application, all in javascript at the client, works great on firefox, safari, and chrome, but not on FirefoxDeveloperEdition.
The issue is at exactly the statement. It does not work on FirefoxDeveloperEdition. In the console I get the error ":" --- that is all, just the colon. As I said, that statement works perfectly on Firefox. I have the most recent version of all apps.
The selection of XMLHttpRequest is working the same in both Firefox and FirefoxDeveloperEdition. Either FirefoxDeveloperEdition is not backward compatible or not meant to be, and I cannot tell which.
Help desired.

safari mobile got a negative http error status on ajax

A safari error quite strange -which does not occur on firefox nor chrome nor... iexplore- : negative code status on very specific ajax requests.
There is absolutely no log on apache and the exact same requests works perfectly on other browsers.
Some have reported from the latest safari on iPhones, I reproduced the issue on my computer using version 5.1.7
The code making the request is the same on all browsers, using latest jQuery.
Any idea, even silly, is welcome x_x

Cross domain ajax does not work with redirect in mobile safari

I'm experiencing this issue that's mentioned in this WebKit bug:
The issue is with mobile Safari, it works with Google Chrome and Firefox. The same code where I redirect a cross domain ajax request works with Google Chrome and Firefox, but doesn't with mobile Safari.
As I understand the bug was filed in WebKit version 525:
And solved in WebKit version 528 (I figured this since a different regression bug was opened on the same issue):
But with my mobile Safari on an iPhone device, the redirect is denied, even though I have mobile Safari with WebKit version 534 (a much later version).
Has anyone experienced this behavior, and is there a solution to this?
Note: I do have the cross domain (CORS) headers defined (since it is working in Google Chrome and Firefox).
Edit: The same issue with Safari for Windows.
I've encountered the same issue with several mobile browsers (Safari, Chrome/Dolphin on Android).
I've no solution for the 302, but I found a workaround:
the Java framework we use can either redirect or forward POST responses, so we changed it to forwards mode.
Using forwards result in a 200, so the AJAX success handler (we use jQuery) can retrieve the data properly.
Hope this helps.

AJAX not working in IE7

We have a lot of AJAX in our pages. Mostly it's been in our internal systems, so we haven't tested it with a lot of browsers. But at the moment we're developing a major feature, that will use AJAX, for our customers and we testing it more thoroughly. One of the tests have been in IE9 running IE7 mode, which worked just fine. But when we took a machine running a real IE7 browser, we discovered that AJAX only works once on any of our pages. It seems that after a part of the page is re-rendered with ajax, all javascript events in the part of the HTML that was re-rendered stops working. It's impossible to get even a javascript alert() box to appear.
Since we only have one machine with IE7, we would like to know if anyone can verify that this is a real problem, and not just a problem with this one machine of ours?
And if it is a real problem, what did you do to fix it? 10 % of our users still use IE7, so cutting that browser just isn't a workable solution.
We decided to get a new server and set it up with Windows XP. Even though we don't support it, we tested it in IE6 and it worked. Then we installed IE7 and it worked too. Guess our old test server is all messed up some how. So all works in IE7 after all.
Thank you for the suggestions all.
Personally I intend to forget about older browsers, but I usually use the jQuery library for my AJAX requests since I usually use jQuery anyway for specific animations etc.
jQuery supports these browsers:
Firefox 3.6, 5.0.x, 6.0.x
Internet Explorer 6+
Safari 5.0.x Opera Current - 1
version Chrome Current - 1 version
Because jQuery AJAX is very much part of the jQuery library as anything else, I assume that the jQuery AJAX is supported by these browsers as well.
AJAX calls are cached in IE. Use "cache: false" in the ajax call options.

Mootools domready called twice

I can't seem to work out why my domready function is being called twice.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
Its on a joomla 1.6 installation (mootools 1.3) with a joomlart t3 template and a couple of ja modules. Other than that I have my own custom component, nothing special. With a bunch of code that runs when dom is ready. I'v spent many an hour trying to work out why domready is executed twice but to no avail.
Anyone got any ideas on what may be causing this? Or experienced something similar?
After some further testing on PC in Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari I found the issue is only present on Chrome and Safari. Being a Mac user using both Chrome and Safari for my dev I assumed it was an issues in all browsers (stupid assumption on my part). I'm running Chrome 12.0.742.112 and Safari 5.0.5 (6533.21.1) if you still dont get the same results as I described above.
Looks like the template is using a bunch of Javascript to handle layout functions, not a good practice for just these reasons. I'd consider another template/rework the functionality in PHP.
