How to delay a command substitution in a shell script? - bash

I have a bash script that in a nutshell generates a file via other command (works fine) and then later in the script I do a wc command on the file generated. My problem is that i'm using command substitution on the wc command and when I execute the script it is executing this substitution immediately rather than waiting for the file to be generated earlier in the script. What are my options?
The script is a shell program to run Oracle SQLLoader to load data into an Oracle Table. The SQLLoader command generates a file with rejected records and I am trying to do a word count on it. This is my code:
# Set variables
program_name="My Program Name"
d=`date "+%Y%m%d"`
t=`date "+%H%M"`
# Check if data file exists, count records
if [ -f ${input_dir}/${input_base}*.${input_ext} ]; then
data_file_name=`ls -1rt ${input_dir}/${input_base}*.${input_ext} | head -1 | cut -c 32-100`
echo "Data file name: " ${data_file_name}
echo "Data file base: " ${data_file_base}
no_of_recs=`expr $(wc -l ${input_dir}/${data_file_name} | cut -c 1-8) - 1`
echo "DEBUG no_of_recs: " ${no_of_recs}
echo "----------------------------- ${program_name} ------------------------------------------"
echo "----------------------------------- Error report : ------------------------------------------------"
echo "Please place your Data files in the UNIX directory => "${input_dir}
echo "${program_name} Process exiting ..."
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
exit 1
# Run SQL*Loader
echo "==> Loading Data...into MY_TABLE table"
# Create a temporary control file to pass the data file name in
cat $XX_TOP/bin/${control_file} | sed "s/:FILENAME/${data_file_name}/g" > $XX_TOP/bin/${data_file_base}_temp.ctl
# NOTE: The following sqlldr format is used to "hide" the oracle user name and password
sqlldr errors=100000 skip=1 control=$XX_TOP/bin/${data_file_base}_temp.ctl data=${input_dir}/${data_file_name} log=${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.log bad=${bad_dir}/${data_file_base}.bad <<-END_SQLLDR > /dev/null
apps/`cat ${DB_SCRIPTS}/.${ORACLE_SID}apps`
echo "DEBUG exit_status " ${exit_status}
# Remove temporary control file
rm -rf $XX_TOP/bin/${data_file_base}_temp.ctl
# Check for Errors
if [ -f ${bad_dir}/${data_file_base}.bad ]; then
echo "----------------------------- ${program_name} ------------------------------------------"
echo "----------------------------------- Error report : ------------------------------------------------"
grep 'Record' ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.log > ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.rec
grep 'ORA' ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.log > ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.err
paste ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.rec ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.err ${bad_dir}/${data_file_base}.bad
echo "<---------------------------------End of Error Report---------------------------------------------->"
# Count error records
no_of_errs=$(wc -l ${bad_dir}/${data_file_base}.bad | cut -c 1-8)
no_of_recs=$(expr ${no_of_recs} - ${no_of_errs})
# Remove temp files
rm ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.rec
rm ${log_dir}/${data_file_base}.err
rm ${bad_dir}/${data_file_base}.bad
echo "Bad File not found at ${bad_dir}/${data_file_base}.bad"
if (( ${no_of_errs} > 0 )); then
echo "Error found in data file..."
# Archive the data file if no errors
mv ${input_dir}/${data_file_name} ${archive_dir}/${data_file_base}_$d"_"$t.${input_ext}
echo "Data file archived to ${archive_dir}"
echo "----------------------------- ${program_name} ------------------------------------------"
echo "Total records errored out :" ${no_of_errs}
echo "Total records successfully read :" ${no_of_recs}
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Final Exit Status
if [ ${exit_status} -eq 1 ]; then
echo "==> Exiting process...Status : ${exit_status}"
exit 1
The file referenced in the if condition check is the file generated, so I'm checking if the file exists and then running the wc on it. I know that it's executing prematurely because this wc error appears in my script output before it should:
Data file name: Import_20171213.csv
Data file base: Import_20171213
DEBUG no_of_recs: 27
==> Loading Data...into MY_TABLE table
wc: 0653-755 Cannot open /interface/inbound/hr_bad/Import_20171213.bad.
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Dec 21 12:42:39 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 27
Program exited with status 2
In the code, the wc command on the .bad file is performed after the sqlldr section, yet the log shows the error occurring before sqlldr is invoked.
Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks!

You aren't seeing all of the output you expect - anything after the call to SQL*Loader is missing - and the error from wc is coming in the wrong place, before instead of after the Username; prompt. But it shouldn't be erroring giving the construct you've used - if the file doesn't exist the if test should stop that line being reach.
The issue is that it isn't seeing the end of the heredoc. All of the commands beyond the start of the heredoc are being executed as part of the heredoc processing but aren't going anywhere or being displayed to the terminal (as expected), and something in the way that is all being evaluated is causing the wc to run unexpectedly, even though the file doens't exist. You're seeing the stderr output from that.
And that is all happening before SQL*Loader starts, so you see the Username: prompt from that afterwards.
From comments it seems the heredoc-ending END_SQLLDR is really indented in your actual code, which isn't reflected in the posted question. As you used the <<- heredoc form that implies it's indented with spaces rather than tabs. That is causing that to not be recognised as the end of the here doc.
From The Linux Documentation Project:
The closing limit string, on the final line of a here document, must start in the first character position. There can be no leading whitespace. Trailing whitespace after the limit string likewise causes unexpected behavior. The whitespace prevents the limit string from being recognized.
Removing the whitespace so that is the first thing on the line will fix it.


Why am I not finding any output files in the desired location?

I am trying to write a processing script and I am stuck at the beginning. It does not seem to be wrong but I cannot simply understand where the error is as it is completing the execution but not giving any output. Any debugging help?
# Call with following arguments
# sh <output_basename> <fastq folder> <output_folder_loc>
#Create an output directory
mkdir $outloc/$bn"_processed"
echo "output directory for fastq $outloc/$bn"_processed" ..."
echo "$fout ..."
echo "performing assembly to create one fastq file for each read mates ..."
zcat $floc/*R1*.fastq.gz > $fout/$bn_R1.fastq
zcat $floc/*R2*.fastq.gz > $fout/$bn_R2.fastq
echo "done"
Run command:
sh S_13_O1_122 /home/vdas/data/floc/Sample_S_13_O1_122_S12919 /home/vdas/data/OC/RNA-Seq/STAR_run/mut_out
I do not see any wrong in the code and it is also runnning without error but still am not getting any output. Can anyone point me the problem?
First try to change two lines like this:
mkdir -p "$outloc/${bn}_processed"
mkdir -p is good when $outloc directory doesn't exist yet.
you could test your arguments (the following may be only in bash, but do work when bash is invoked as /bin/sh)
if [ ${#var} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "var is not defined" >&2
exit 1
that will test that the variable has some length, you might want to test other aspects as well, for instance does
ls $floc/*R1*.fastq.gz
produce any output?
# Call with following arguments
# sh <output_basename> <fastq folder> <output_folder_loc>
#Create an output directory
mkdir $outloc/$bn"_processed"
echo "output directory for fastq $outloc/$bn"_processed" ..."
echo "$fout ..."
echo "performing assembly to create one fastq file for each read mates ..."
echo $floc/*R1*.fastq.gz
echo $fout/$bn_R1.fastq
zcat -v $floc/*R1*.fastq.gz > $fout/${bn}_R1.fastq
zcat -v $floc/*R2*.fastq.gz > $fout/${bn}_R2.fastq
echo "done"
this may be wath you want,

Unrar and Progress Bar Bash

I'm trying to extract a RAR file in a destination directory with the unrar command, but I don't want to display the normal file list that unrar shows when executing. What I want to do instead, is show a progress bar that shows the process in percentages using a dialog --gauge, but so far I only get the error
syntax error: unexpected end of file
Here's the code I'm using:
cmd="$(unrar x "$file" "$dest")" &>/dev/null
fc="$(unrar l "$file" | wc -l)" # get file count inside RAR file
fc="$((fc-10))" # file count has 10 extra lines, remove them
i=0 # index counter
for f in "$cmd"; do
pct="$(( 100*(++i)/fc ))" # calculate percentage
cat <<EOF
Extracting file "$f"...
) | dialog --title "Extracting Files" --gauge "Please wait" 7 70 0
So far, the code extracts the files in the dest folder, but they don't show the dialog box, and show the error unexpected end of file after completing the file extraction. It doesn't show any files being extracted which is to be expected by using &>/dev/null but I cannot get the dialog box to display properly.
I got this code from various examples I found online, but so far I cannot make it work. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Well, since no one has answered my question, I'm gonna answer it myself. I Finally managed to make the program work, it extracts the files, prints the pathnames of the files being extracted, and display the gauge bar filling correctly as each file is extracted. Here is the code:
dest="testing" # destination directory
fc="$(unrar l "$file" | wc -l)" # get file count inside RAR file
fc="$((fc-10))" # file count has 10 extra lines, remove them
i=0 # index counter
unrar x "$file" "$dest" | while IFS="" read -r in ; do
# extract the pathname of file being extracted
f=$(echo $in | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
echo "XXX"
echo "$f..." # Display file name in the dialog box
echo "XXX"
echo "$pct %" # Show percent
pct="$(( 100*(++i)/fc ))" # Calculate current percent
) | dialog --title "Extracting Files" --gauge "Please wait" 8 75 0
This next part is supposed to capture the result of executing the extraction of the .RAR file, however I'm unsure if at this point I'm just capturing the result of the execution of the dialog box or that of the unrar command. What I want to do is control the flow the script in case the unrar command fails, I'm not entirely sure of how I should proceed, but right now, after the line where I display the dialog, I put the following if-then:
if [ "$?" ]; then
echo "Command successful"
Is this correct or should I move the if-then block to somewhere else in the code?
In the meantime, Imma work in a way to make this script work like a kind of prettied up unrar command, where you can specify the file name to be extracted and an optional destination directory, that way I'll be able to eliminate the need to specify a destination directory
This is the current code I'm using for the solution of my own question. So far the code seems to be handling errors just fine. I have tested it only with the "File already exist" kind of errors that halts the execution of the script to wait for input from the user, and CRC errors for the cases where you have partitioned the compressed files in various parts and one of them is missing.
dest="testing" # destination directory
fc="$(unrar l "$file" | wc -l)" # get file count inside RAR file
fc="$((fc-10))" # file count has 10 extra lines, remove them
i=0 # index counter
# I have to redirect the output from 0 to 1 because when there's a
# "file already exists" kind of error, unrar halts the execution of the
# script to wait for user input, so I have to process that message inside
# of the loop
unrar x "$file" "$dest" 0>&1 2>&1 | while IFS="" read -r in ; do
# we got a "file already exists" message?
if [[ "$f" == *"already"* ]]; then
echo "Error" # display an error message
break # exit the while loop
# extract the pathname of file being extracted
f=$(echo $in | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
echo "XXX"
echo "$f..." # Display file name in the dialog box
echo "XXX"
echo "$pct %" # Show percent
pct="$(( 100*(++i)/fc ))" # Calculate current percent
exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} # exit with status message we got from unrar
) | dialog --title "Extracting Files" --gauge "Please wait" 8 75 0
# if PIPESTATUS[0] is not equal to zero, it means there was an error
if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "There was an error." # display a message
exit 1 # exit with status 1
# if command was successful, display a message
if (( "$?" == 0 )); then
echo "Command executed correctly $?"
So far, I'm not doing anything with the errors, I'm just interested in detecting them and returning messages to the scripts that call this one. It seems to be working just fine, but I know there has to be a better way to do this. What are your thoughts?

Error with fi in if then else shell script

There is a shell script with if, then, else. Here is the part of the code, it's not the whole, just the part:
DAYOFWEEK=$(date +"%u")
if [ "$DAYOFWEEK" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "OK. It's Monday. We are running a weekly backup on Mondays."
echo "`date` - Deleting weekly remote backup files."
sftp -oPort=199 $SFTPUSER#$SFTPSITE <<EOF;
cd user;
cd weekly;
ls -al;
rm *;
echo "DONE"
rsync -ave "ssh -p 199" /root/backups/files/$THESITE/daily/
echo "No weekly backups today"
I get en error:
./ 120: ./ Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "fi")
It doesn't like fi and I don't understand what is wrong with this.
The EOF terminating your sftp commands must start at the beginning of the line and must not be terminated by ;
What is happening is that sftp continues to consume the rest of your shell script including the fi before returning control leaving your if condition unterminated as the fi has been incorrectly treated as an sftp command.
Remove spaces or tabs before EOF and the ; after all of the sftp commands including the EOF terminator and you should be good to go.

how can a bash script which is in a pipe detect that it's data source has died.?

I am working on a horribly old machine without logrorate.
[ Actually it has busybox 0.6, which is 'void of form' for most purposes. ]
I have openvpn running and I'd like to be able to see what it's been up to. The openvpn I'm using can output progress info to stdout or to a named log file.
I tried and failed to find a way to stop it using one log file and start it on another. Maybe some SIGUSR or something will make it close and re-open the output file, but I can't find it.
So I wrote a script which reads from stdin, and directs output to a rotating log file.
So now all I need to do is pipe the output from openvpn to it.
Job done.
Except that if I kill openvpn, the script which is processing its output just runs forever. There's nothing more it can do, so I'd like it to die automatically.
Is there any way to trap the situation in the script "EOF on STDIN" or something using "find the process ID which is feeding my stdin", or whatever?
I see that this resembles the question
"Tee does not exit after pipeline it's on has finished"
but it's not quite that in that I have no control over the behaviour of openvpn ( save that I can kill it ). I do have control over the script that receives the output of openvpn, but can't work out how to detect the death of openvpn, or the pipe from it to me.
My upper-level script is roughly:
vpn_command="openvpn --writepid ${sole_vpn_pid_file} \
--config /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf \
--remote ${VPN_HOST} ${VPN_PORT} "
# collapse sequences of multiple spaces to one space
vpn_command_tight=$(echo -e ${vpn_command}) # must not quote the parameter
# We pass the pid file over explicitly in case we ever want to use multiple VPNs.
( ./${launchAndWaitScriptFullName} "${vpn_command_tight}" "${sole_vpn_pid_file}" 2>&1 | \
./ 10000 /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log ) &
if I kill the openvpn process, the "" one stays running.
that is:
# #file
# #brief rotates stdin out to 2 levels of log files
# #param linesPerFile Number of lines to be placed in each log file.
# #param logFile Name of the primary log file.
# Archives the last log files on entry to .last files, then starts clean.
# #FIXME DGC 28-Nov-2014
# Note that this script does not die if the previous stage of the pipeline dies.
# It is possible that use of "trap SIGPIPE" or similar might fix that.
# #copyright Copyright Dexdyne Ltd 2014. All rights reserved.
# #author DGC
# The location of this script as an absolute path. ( e.g. /home/Scripts )
scriptHomePathAndDirName="$(dirname "$(readlink -f $0)")"
# The name of this script
scriptName="$( basename $0 )"
. ${scriptHomePathAndDirName}/
# Includes /sbin/
# Reads config file
# Sets up vpn_temp_directory
# Sets up functions to obtain process id, and check if process is running.
# includes vpn-script-macros
# Remember our PID, to make it easier for a supervisor script to locate and kill us.
echo $$ > ${vpn_log_rotate_pid_file}
echo " is exiting now"
rm -f ${vpn_log_rotate_pid_file}
trap "( onExit )" EXIT
# Currently remember the 2 previous logs, in a rather knife-and-fork manner.
# The primary log file exist, rename it to be the rotated version.
if [ -f "${logFile}" ]
mv -f "${logFile}" "${logFileRotate1}"
# The log files exist, rename them to be the archived copies.
if [ -f "${logFileMinus1}" ]
mv -f "${logFileMinus1}" "${logFileMinus2}"
if [ -f "${logFile}" ]
mv -f "${logFile}" "${logFileMinus1}"
if [ -f "${logFileRotate1Minus1}" ]
mv -f "${logFileRotate1Minus1}" "${logFileRotate1Minus2}"
if [ -f "${logFileRotate1}" ]
mv -f "${logFileRotate1}" "${logFileRotate1Minus1}"
rm -f "${LogFile}"
rm -f "${logFileRotate1}"
while true
while [ ${lines} -lt ${linesPerFile} ]
read line
lines=$(( ${lines} + 1 ))
#echo $lines
echo ${line} >> ${logFile}
mv -f "${logFile}" "${logFileRotate1}"
Change this:
read line
to this:
read line || exit
so that if read-ing fails (because you've reached EOF), you exit.
Better yet, change it to this:
IFS= read -r line || exit
so that you don't discard leading whitespace, and don't treat backslashes as special.
And while you're at it, be sure to change this:
echo ${line} >> ${logFile}
to this:
printf %s "$line" >> "$logFile"
so that you don't run into problems if $line has a leading -, or contains * or ?, or whatnot.

Assigning variables causes SFTP to fail

I'm trying to write a shell script that grabs a set of parameters from a text file and then performs SFTP based on those parameters. Basically, I'm taking a daily webstats log and moving it to a central location.
The issue I'm having is that the SFTP fails based on the way I am assigning variables. I have debugged and found that the while loop works correctly by echoing out the loop of variables. The error I get is that the connection is closed.
source /home/ntadmin/webstats/bin/webstats.profile
source /home/ntadmin/webstats/bin/webstats.blogs.profile
DATE=`date +%m%d%Y`
SOURCE_FILE="`echo $WS_BC_SOURCE_FILE | sed -e 's/mmddyyyy/'$DATE'/'`"
#Step 1 SFTP
echo 'SFTP complete'
echo 'SFTP failed!'
exit 1
#Step 2 - Check that ftp was successful (that the files exist)
echo "FTP of $WS_BLOG_SOURCE_VAR/$SOURCE_FILE from $WS_BC_SERVER1 was successful"
echo "FTP of $WS_BLOG_SOURCE_VAR/$SOURCE_FILE from $WS_BC_SERVER1 was not successful!"
exit 1
done < blogs_array.txt
exit 0
There is not enough information to determine what was wrong, but here is a debugging method.
Try replace the actual sftp command in perl script with a debug script like this, you should be able to locate the problem quickly.
print "arguments passed to $0\n";
while (defined $ARGV[$i]) {
print "arg ".($i+1)." is <$ARGV[$i++]>\n"
