Code::Blocks How to specify SSDC debugger for PIC micro-controllers? - debugging

I'm using SSDC Compiler for PIC micro-controllers, and it supposed to have a supported debugger called (SDCDB). Although, in compiler settings it shows Invalid Debugger in debugger option. So, how can I specify the SDCDB to be my default debugger. And, is there any problems using GDB with SDCC compiler?

This only answers part 1 of your question. I don't know what happens when you use gdb with SDCC.
You will need to be an admin user for this
Look for options_sdcc.xml in %programfiles%\CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\compilers
Open the file in an editor. Look for DBGconfig on the windows platform. Set the value to sdcdb.exe


Is there any flex ("Fast LEXical analyzer") debugger out there?

I'm studying "Compilers" and we work on Flex to program.
I create *.lex files (with any editor), convert them into lex.yy.c via flex, and then compile to a.exe using gcc.
Writing lex code in an editor like Notepad/Codeblocks/... is not only hard because everything is just BLACK, but also there is no debugging system.
The gcc compiler does tell about errors, but what i'm looking for is something i can go line by line with the code (in runtime) and see what's going on with the variables. Like the command F10 in Visual Studio.
Does anybody know a suitable program for this? Thanks alot
Concerning hightlighting, using gedit(The default GUI editor on Ubuntu and some other Linux variants) or even vim will provide that for you, you don't have to use plain notepad.
As for the debugging, yes there's what's called the GNU Debugger (aka GDB) which allows you to do typical debugging jobs after you've compiled your code, you can step line by line and examine certain variable values.
Before doing that, first compile your program with the gcc flag -g to add debug symbols to the complied result, then run gdb yourProgramName, this will run GDB and you'll be able, using certain commands, to do whatever debugging tasks you want.
I once wrote a little guide to help people get started with GDB, it might be useful.

Debugger command line arguments in Code::blocks

When debugging a program in Code::blocks, how do you specify command line arguments to be sent to the program being debugged. I can't find where to set this for the life of me and google searches bring up settings for debugging the compiler itself, rather than programs written in the compiler. It would be a strange thing to leave out.
Ah, looking with a visual studio head on. It's not in the project settings dialog but off the project menu:
Project->Set Programs Arguments

Debugging with Bochs + GDB: "cannot find bounds of current function"?

I'm working on writing an OS and I'm running into problems trying to debug my code. I'm using GDB to connect to Bochs' GDB stub to "remotely" debug my kernel. Connecting works fine, as does loading debugging symbols from the kernel file. I set a breakpoint for the kmain function, which is successfully located, and the debugger breaks correctly (inside my kernel). However, I can't "step" or "next" through my code, nor can GDB apparently determine which line of code is the current line.
When I try to "step", I get the following message: "Cannot find bounds of current function". This is the only error message I get at any point.
My code is being compiled in GCC with the -g flag (I've tried other types of debugging information using GCC options; none have worked.) I have tried looking through the GDB manual , as well as searching for the answer, and I'm totally stumped. Any help would be amazing.
Well, I got debugging working, but I had to switch emulators. I was able to get GDB working with Qemu, even though I also had problems doing that. To get GDB to connect to the Qemu gdbserver, I had to pass the following option to Qemu: "-gdb tcp::1234,ipv4". Took me forever to figure that out... Debugging works perfectly now!
Googling throws up "This is because when you attached to gdbserver, the process under
debug has not completed the C start-up code" describes the process for when you are coding for embedded devices, maybe this will help?
If you find the answer please post here as I'd like to know what the solution to the problem is too.
I don't know why but bochs with gdb-stub enabled seems to be picky with the config options. On some system following options will break it:
--enable-x86-64, --enable-vmx

Qt Creator Debugging

I'm using QT Creator on 3 platforms to create platform independent software. However, I'm getting a segmentation fault with the exact same code in Windows only. That doesn't sound so bad because I can use the debugger. Except, no matter how many breakpoints I set or where I set them, they are ignored by the debugger. I am 100% sure that my control flow is going through the breakpoint but not breaking the flow.
Any thoughts? How can that happen?
Doh! I was using Cmake with Qt and I failed to set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable. That was it!

Debugging assembly

How do I debug assembly code? I'm on Linux and have gdb handy. I know I can watch registers. What are some methods for debugging assembly code?
You can of course use breakpoints just as with C or any other compiled language, too. This article describes the process of debugging an assembly program a bit.
Using the "disassemble" gdb command you can see the assembly code that is about to be executed. This, in conjunction with watching registers, can give you insight into what the CPU is really doing.
Of course you can use nm command with a parameter of executable elf file, it will shows you the available labels with address. From this you can set a breakpoint on a specific address, then execute a single instruction by using "si" debug command.
