Taco roadmap - Update 11 with Cordova 7 support - visual-studio

Are there any plans by Microsoft to release a Taco Update 11 with native Cordova 7, Node 4.x support?
Is Taco still an active project since the last update was two years ago?

I think it is safe to assume Microsoft has abandoned TACO platform, putting their focus in this space to Xamarin.
As you pointed out, the last update to the tool was 2 years ago, Jan 2016.
The last entry in The Visual Studio Blog ("The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team") was 15 months ago, Oct 2016.
According to his LinkedIn profile, Jordan Matthiesen, who was Program Manager for VS Taco, is now Program Manager for Visual Studio For Mac.
For myself, a Visual Studio user for 27 years, I have switched to using Cordova CLI and Visual Studio Code on Mac.

After a few try i have found a way:
Follow this steps:
install nodejs 4.8.7 on your machine
in visual studio go under tools>options>"Tools for apache cordova"
and deflag chekbox "use a sandboxed version of NodeJS"
Edit taco.json file of your project and set "cordova-cli": "7.1.0"
Open a new console and install cordova on your machine (npm install
-g cordova#7.1.0)
For android build:
open prompt, digit android and press return
dovnload API 26 SDK from tool
download gradle 2.x and put bin folder in your system path
install jdk 1.8.x and set java_home system var to it

For those that still use TACO for visual studio, I found the following instructions to update Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova for VS 2017 to use Cordova #7.1.0 and Cordova-Android #6.3.0
It tells you how to find the old toolset (6.3.1) and how to replace it with a new version, and also how to update android to API level 26.
It also shows you how to create your own custom toolset, which I haven't tried, but sounds very useful.


Visual Studio: Android SDK Setup (API Level 19 and 21,22,23)

I have this problem with the setup of Android SDK in Virtual Studio Community 2015. Whenever I try to install or repair VS, I always get problems with the setup of API Level 19 and 21,21 and 23. It always says that the packages were not downloaded and I should check my internet connection. However, my internet connection is working perfectly. I have seen many other users having similar problems, but none of the proposed fixes work for me. I have reinstalled VS twice and repaired it like 3 or 4 times. I checked my Java version and my proxy settings or tried installing them via the Android SDK Manager/alongside Android Studio. So far without any luck. I hope I have not overseen any fixes.
Unfortunately, the log is very long, so I can´t post it here (if you have any suggestions where I can post it, please tell me!). In the links you will find two screenshots of the error message I get.
Can you help me?
All I did was install Java SE Development Kit 8u151 from Oracle (Apparently VS 2015 uses Java 7 instead of 8) and then run VS 2015 as administrator and modify. The third party SDK's (19, 21, 23 & 22) were available and all installed correctly. Wish I had of known this before multiple installs and eventually a reinstall of my OS ...suppose I could have done with a clean slate though.
I was able to solved the problem above using the suggestion and comment of #Richard_Norton and #bugzapper from, https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/780c0b11-41da-4935-9ae5-dadf38292b51/android-sdk-setup-api-not-installed?forum=vssetup .
I uninstall the older version of Java SE Development Kit which is not Version 8.
I download and install the Java SE Development Kit Version 8 which you can get in here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html .
Then after that i modify Visual Studio 2015 to Install Android SDK Setup (API Level 19 and 21), and 23.
I Hope, this answer can help future someone who is encountering this kind of problem.
Refer to the error message, you can have a try with the following methods:
Open Android SDK Manager and click Tools-Options… and check the option “Force https://... Sources to be fetched using https://...” and try to download those android SDK packages again. If you already tried this before, you can ignore it.
Check this blog: Visual Studio 2015 install failures (Android SDK Setup) behind a Proxy and follow the steps as below to fix it:
• BEFORE installing Visual Studio, create a file at this location: %USERPROFILE%.android\androidtool.cfg
• In the androidtool.cfg file that you just created, place those contents that you can find from the blog. Make sure to update “http.proxyPort” and “http.proxyHost” in the file!
• Install Visual Studio normally
Have a look at this similar issue: Visual Studio 2015 setup issue with Android SDK – hack it!, if you found the same root cause: all google repositories don’t have this package anymore on your side, you can try to create your own repository contains this missing package and let Visual Studio setup “think” he download the package and unzip it successfully.
BTW, the installation log file can upload to https://onedrive.live.com/ and share the link here.
Just start the SDK Manager from Visual Studio's menu (Tools/Android/Android SDK Manager...) and select the desired API level you do want and download them!
Anyhow, check with the SDK Manager, this is THE tool to get the Android SDK and at times you will need to update stuff through it!

Visual Studio 2015 does not install Android SDK tools for Api 19,21,23 etc for Xamarin

I am moving towards Xamarin for cross-platform application development. I already had VS2015 installed, I downloaded Xamarin tools(vstoolsforxamarin.exe) from their website and when I install them after a long wait VS says "setup completed with errors"and it does not download and install Android SDK for API 19,20,23, It always say:"Please check your internet connection and try again" and i am sure that my internet connection doesn't get disturbed during all this process. I have tried this 3 times now, tried by uninstalling VS2015, installing it again but got the same error. What is the problem that is causing this? I already have Android Studio installed, with its SDK manager. Any help would be appreciated, that to get Xamarin running in VS2015.
I already had Android Studio and its SDK on my system, going to Tools>Options>Xamarin from Visual Studio and giving path of the Android SDK solved my problem. Read this answer on StackOverflow somewhere!
Seems like this issue is caused because Visual Studio is trying to download thrid-party libraries (Android SDK). You can fix this from Control-Panel
Have a look at this post.
Make sure you have installed Java JDK, I had similar issue reported here
Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Reports Internet Connectivity Issue while there is no issues with networking
As mwilson64 answered in response to Android SDK Setup API not installed (same as linked above on "Have a look at this post."), my steps to resolve:
Create file %USERPROFILE%.android\androidtool.cfg
Paste the following into new file (created in step 1):
# Settings for Android Tool
# Last updated: Wed May 19 17:09:27 UTC 2017
Replace values in proxyPort and proxyHost with your company's proxy settings.

Migrating driver project from VS2013 to VS2015 community

Long time reader first time poster here.
I'm a Linux developer trying to get started on Windows development in my new job. I knew it would not be trivial but the first thing I'm trying to do is complete and integrate a netvmini port driver (started by a co-op student) into one of their C++ apps. I am struggling to get the build environment going...
The project was started in Visual Studio 2013 with a Windows 7 target. When I now open it in Visual Studio 2015 and try to build the solution I get:
"Unknown or unsupported property value Win7 for TargetVersion"
for each project. This also happens if I set the configuration to Win8 (both release and debug). If I set it to Win 8.1 I get:
"An SDK corresponding to WDK version '8.1' was not found. Please install the SDK before building"
I have installed every WDK and SDK I can lay my hands on from Windows 7 to Windows 10 using both the web and the VS2015 installer. I have even installed Visual Studio 2013 again but I can't even seem to get the WDK to integrate with that.
The end goal here is to be able to build this (and hopefully debug remotely in kernel mode) from my Windows 10/VS2015 workstation for targets from Windows 7-10. Any advice or documentation that details how to integrate new build platforms into VS would be helpful (all the MS documentation just tells me what I can do if I install this or that, but not HOW to do it)
I also had the same problem after running the Project Upgrade tool.
I discovered when making new configurations that "Win7" and "Win8" TargetVersion are now "Windows7" and "Windows8".
The upgrade tool does not make that change for you but I was able to manually edit my upgraded project with those changes and got it to build for all targets.
I discovered that the installer doesn't install the windows 10 SDK by default. So all the installing of other SDK's was useless. I Also found out that by installing the Win 10 SDK through the VS 2015 installer it integrates and allows me to build for targets back to windows 7 in VS 2015.

How to install Xamarin.Android for Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 offline

I want to install Xamarin for Android Development in Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise.
While installing, Xamarin told me that I was missing a lot of features, so it would download and install them for me. The download size was around 2GB, and I have a really slow internet.
I wanted to know if there is a way to download Xamarin and all required components separately, using some download manager like IDM, and then be able to use it later to re-install/install on another PC.
Also, I was able to find offline setups for JRE and JDK, and also Android Studio and Android SDK/NDK, but still, the download size is around 1.5GB, which I presume is for the required Android SDK libraries, APIs and tools.
So, I am just asking for a guide on downloading all the components and store them for installing later.
According to the official docs (whose pictures are outdated, by the way) you should login to your account and then head to the download page where you could find links to different versions of Xamarin.
I did so, but all that's available there are older versions of Xamarin Studio and the universal installer. Similar searches on the Xamarin Forums yielded no results as well.
There's a way to find the direct URL for each installer by checking the XML used by the Platform Installer (located at \AppData\Local\Temp\Xamarin\downloads\InstallationManifest.xml). I haven't tested whether installing them separately will work or not, but it probably will. Just make sure to install them in the right order (and to install the Android SDK/NDK after installing Xamarin.Android)
Here are the links to the latest versions, as of today:
Android SDK
Android NDK (x64)
Xamarin Studio
Xamarin for Visual Studio
It'd be good if someone with a Mac could help me find the URL for Xamarin.iOS, but that's a start :P
You can download this XML file and find the link of latest version of all required components.I did this and the latest links are :
Java JDK 1.7
Android SDK 24.4.1
NDK 10 (32) or NDK 10 (64)
Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015
Intel HAXM 6.0.1
Microsoft MSBuild Tools 2015.0
You don't even need to login for download them.
After 1st web install, backup %tmp%\Xamarin\downloads\ , then on a new Windows:
Uninstall Java 1.8 if exists.
Manually install Java JDK 1.7u71 + GTK# + Android SDK (Install for anyone).
Extract NDK to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-ndk-r10e", or make NTFS junction to it (not to run out of C: space later).
Run XamarinInstaller having just *.zip files in %tmp%\Xamarin\downloads\, when you see that current download is "XamarinStudio", disconnect Internet (you can delete the NDK now).
When you see above the progress bar: "Downloading Xamarin Studio", you can close the web installer.
Manually install Xamarin.VisualStudio, and if you want, XamarinStudio.
Step 4 require Internet, but noting to download.
To make NTFS junction, from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android" prompt:
mklink /j android-ndk-r10e T:\android-ndk-r10e
where T: can be USB drive, but not Network drive.
I know it's a link only answer (copyright!), but there are step-by-step instructions including screenshots of how to do that:
Installing Xamarin Made Easy with Offline Installation
I've not tried it, but it should help you.
Found this:
Links to XML files with direct links to necessary components for Xamarin, including Xamarin for Visual Studio (version 4.5, for VS 2013 and 2015).
Another link I found:
I had installed Xamarin Studio 5 and then it autoupdated its components (to Xamarin Studio 6.3 and the mentioned VisualStudio Tools 4.8).
Then in the "AppData/Roaming/Xamarin X.X" I found a folder for temp downloads. There was the MSI file.
Then I just searched for this exact MSI name to get a direct link.
(on this site https://itblogdsi.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-23.html)
There's actually some info about releases and MSI names and it has Xamarin.VisualStudio_4.9.0.1538920.msi so replace this part in the MSI link above.
It's for VS 2015 only.

Is it possible to create a Windows 8 Store App from Visual Studio 2013?

So, I have a Windows 8.1 machine with Visual Studio 2013 installed. Whenever I go to create a new Windows Store project I do not see any options to create a new Windows 8 Store app, rather than Windows 8.1 Store App. However, I have no problem opening existing Windows 8 Store App Projects.
Is it possible to create a Windows 8 Store App project from Visual Studio 2013 when running on Windows 8.1?
It's easy - create a new 8.1 project and remove the following lines from the .csproj file:
Reopen the file and voila - it's a Windows 8 project!
Additionally, you might want to change the following as well:
In MainPage.xaml:
- <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
+ <Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
In Package.appxmanifest:
- <m2:VisualElements
+ <VisualElements
- Square150x150Logo="Assets\Logo.png"
- Square30x30Logo="Assets\SmallLogo.png"
+ Logo="Assets\Logo.png"
+ SmallLogo="Assets\SmallLogo.png"
- <m2:SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
+ <SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
- </m2:VisualElements>
+ </VisualElements>
If this doesn't work - it might mean that the project files have further changed in current versions of VS and you might need to install VS 2012 (Express should do) and create a project in that. You can then work on it in the new version of VS.
Is it possible to create a Windows 8 Store App project from Visual Studio 2013 when running on Windows 8.1?
No. You need to use Visual Studio 2012 to create the Windows 8 project, then open it in VS 2013. This can be done in Windows 8.1, but requires installing VS 2012 side by side with VS 2013.
I did the following:
It's easy - create a new 8.1 project and remove the following lines from the .csproj file:
Reopen the file and voila - it's a Windows 8 project!
But it's not Voila. Reloading the project after this edit puts up a dialog saying VS2013 needs an update, and directs you to the MS Download site (assumedly to download the Phone 8.0 SDK.
I made completely sure I had the Phone 8.0 SDK installed with VS2013 installer. I even went so far as to remove (with 2013 installer) and re-add. Still this behavior persists. I'm now downloading the 8.0 SDK, which is installing 2012 Express of course. We'll see if that helps, but it seems like this shouldn't be necessary. What am I missing?
It didn't resolve the behavior. Now, I load up the solution and it won't load the project. The project has the notation (update required). When you select download update from the context menu, it just takes you to MS Downloads--no idea what needs to be downloaded.
Can someone please explain the highly voted answer above? I'm running Win 8.1 Pro with VS2013 Premium (Phone 8 SDK installed)...and I now have the VS2012 Express install that came with the regular Phone 8.0 SDK download. Thanks.
As Reed said, you cannot create Windows 8 App store project in Visual Studio 2013 and you need to have VS2012 installed too. But as a trick you can make a copy from an existing Win 8 app project and modify it. It is not very neat solution but works if you do not want to install VS2012 as well.
You need to use Visual Studio 2012 to create the Windows 8 projects.
Based on my own experience if you don't have do developer a Windows 8 version, just focus on 8.1. For me only 3% of the sales are generated by the Windows 8 version. I only backported my 8.1 app for experience sake.
You cannot developer Windows 8.0 application using VS 2013. You have to install VS 2012 for Windows 8.0.
