multiple ScrollView not working on xamarin forms - xamarin

Multiple ScrollView is not working on my content page Xamarin how to solve this?
i added two scrollviiew in my content page,but the second one is not scrolling.

Do not put a ListView inside a ScrollView.
Avoid placing a ListView inside a ScrollView for the following reasons:
The ListView implements its own scrolling.
The ListView will not receive any gestures, as they will be handled
by the parent ScrollView.
The ListView can present a customized header and footer that scrolls
with the elements of the list, potentially offering the functionality
that the ScrollView was used for. For more information see Headers
and Footers.
If you need more ListView on some Page you should use one ListView with Group.


How to scroll a ListView to the bottom of the page?

I have a XAML page in Xamarin Forms. I create a Grid in code behind dynamically,after loading my data. After creating the Grid I need my ScrollView to scroll to the bottom of the page, how? How can I load my grid without scrolling of it ...?
I use
scroll.ScrollToAsync(lastLabel, ScrollToPosition.End, true)
but I do not get any result.

OnScroll Event in ListView using Xamarin Forms

I have a listView and when the receive a message, the listview should scroll to the end only, if it already in the end.
To make it clear, if the user is seeing old message, the listview shouldn't scroll to the end automatically, but if the is already on the on the listview when receiving a message the listview should automatically scroll to the end.
So I have to get the actual position of the ListView, I didn't see any property or method similar to get this position on the API.
So I was thinking if is possible to override an event like OnScroll, so I can save the current position of the ListView without using custom render.
This can be done using XamarinForms?
ListView doesn't fire Scrolled events like ScrollView does, but it does fire ItemAppearing and ItemDisappearingevents that you may be able to use to keep track of which items are currently visible.

Android: Improving performance of a ListView containing Horizontal ScrollView in each row

I have a listview that contains a horizontal scrollView inside each row.
Now when getView() is called for each position in the listView, I am creating and adding views (relative layouts) to the horizontal scrollView. This getView() is pretty cramped.
I am trying to improve the performance of my listview.
I do not store each of the views inside my horizontal scrollView for each position in list view as that would amount to storing all the views that go into the whole listView. This i wouldn't be taking advantage of view re-use feature.
But then how do i improve the performance as I am having to create the views inside the horizontal scrollView every time get view is called and that itself is quite heavy.
If i store these internal views (relative layouts) in a map (position, list of views) and then in get view just call that position get all the internal views and feed to my horizontal scroll view?
I am confused about this. could someone please help me in improving the performance here.
The main concept of Listview is to reuse the child components.
Basically, what you are doing could be wrong. HorizontalScrollview consumes a lot more memory than ListView, and I'm assuming that the getView() method is doing a lot of work.
My Suggestion:
Listview should be replaced with ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView should be replaced with ViewPager or HorizontalListView.
Note: If you want a perfect answer post a screenshot

Detect last visible nscollectionview item prototype

How is it possible to detect in NSCollectionView when the last item is visible on scrolling ?
I was looking for a similar solution as this but NSCollectionView doesnt have a similar layout methods.
Any hints ?
It is possible to get noted when the scroll view has scrolled by registering for boundsDidChange notification of the document view as described here Callbacks When an NSScrollView is Scrolled? .
That way one can check which part of the content of the collection view is displayed.

WebBrowser as ListItem and scroll

This question about WP8 project.
I have a LongListSelector with pictures and html formatted text below. Currently each pictire implemented as an Item of the list. The last Item with browser has its own template and shows WebBrowser instead of picture.
I am expected this item behave such as TextBox which I can scroll by interacting with LongListSelector.
But this WebBrowser has it's own scroll inside and intercepts any surrounding scrolling events. Thus whenever I scroll down the list to show WebBrowserControl to the whole screen, I can't go back to the pictures.
Please help me with this issue. What is the appropriate solution? I need a separate pictures since want to implement "Clicked" logic on top of it. And I want to have WebBrowser too (but prefer to behave it similar to RichTextBox (which I can't find in WP8))
USE ListBox.ItemTemplate along with DataTemplate and inside dataTemplate we could custom create xaml tag !
