Android Things static ip or wifi peap - raspberry-pi3

I tried to set static ip from command shell but after reboot raspberry lost configuration.
I also tried to configure the WiFi peap in the wpa_supplicant.conf file but I did not get any results.
Do you have any suggestions on how to solve these problems?

I hardly found documentation about this, but it seems like Android Things will only work if its address is given by a DHCP.
Even if you set it manually with the ifconfig command, it will return an error and the IP you just set will not be usable...


Why did my IP randomly start defaulting to IPv6 (and my private IP change)?

I am working on fixing a Javascript WebRTC script that gets my IP address (private, not public). It was working yesterday, then it didn't do anything at night and wasn't working this morning, and now all of a sudden it's working again. However, my private IP address seems to have changed. I do a lot of work with Javascript and Node.js, and one of the things I do with Node.js is host servers. Now, to have others be able to see that server, I need to give them my private IP. So, I have it memorized. (I'll write the first couple of digits: 10.0....). Now, when I went to run $ ipconfig in terminal (I'm on a windows), I'm getting another IP address. I checked my server, and sure enough, it's now on a new private IP, 192.16.... and it seems like my IPv6 is now my default IP. Is there a reason for this new switch? I didn't update my computer or anything like that, the switch happened as I was testing the IP tool.
Any explanation for this would be amazing. Thanks!
Also, when I go to the IP2Location demo, it uses my IPv6, and it says I am in Washington, Seattle, when I actually am in Wyoming. What is going on here?
This happened to me a month ago. It was in the morning, my WiFi was having trouble, and so I switched my WiFi to a little AT&T WiFi box, and didn't think anything of it. However, I was testing my PHP server, and, although the server wasn't throwing any errors, my IPv4 private IP wasn't showing my server. I scratched my head for a couple of minutes, and then ran ipconfig. Sure enough, my IP had changed.
An IP address changing could be:
You moved locations
You changed your WiFi
and much more.

Anyone used Unified Write Filter (uwfmgr) and netsh together? I'm seeing some off things after running netsh and then rebooting

I've have a Win10IoT Enterprise image I've built.
It is running with Unified Write Filter enabled on the system (C:) volume.
I have the following registry exclusions added to the system disk (the only protected volume) to allow changing IP addresses via netsh to persist and be saved through the filter.
When I boot the machine with the uwf filter ON I do the following actions....
Run netsh to set a static IP, Subnet, and gateway
Verify the commanbd worked with ipconfig
Check the NIC card GUI in Windows and also verify it looks good there.
Everything at this point looks great. I now reboot the machine (uwf filter still on).
When the machine reboots I check the IP address again via ipconfig and the NIC GUI to verify they are still good.
This is when things get odd. The ipconfig looks fine, but in the GUI window the IP is listed as the last static IP address I set with the uwf filter OFF ( in this example). If I click the advanced settings there are two address listed under the IP Addresses, my expected address as well as the old
Some more info, the machine will respond to pings to but will not respond to I'm guessing there is another registry setting somewhere that is getting reverted causing the GUI to not update correctly. Anyone have any ideas?
Post reboot images....
I had the same problem.
But when I add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi to my exclusion list, it works

Bash-Ubuntu 18.04-ROS-Melodic: Ping to IP address does not return anything

I have a Velodyne Puck 16 sensor that I have been trying to connect to ROS Melodic for the past few days. My OS is Ubuntu 18.04. I was able to find out the address of the lidar using WireShark, as it is possible to see below:
So the IP is:
After very very carefully following the installation procedure in the official documentation everything I was trying was unsuccessful.
So I decided to apply a simple ping procedure to the address of the lidar:
ping it does not return any package of information despite it seems connected.
The problem I have is that, despite I know the IP address of my Velodyne 16 using Wireshark, the lidar does not answer to a simple test as the ping of the id.
Steps I followed:
1 Configure your computer’s IP
Below the connection procedure: I created a velodyne_interface connection, see below:
Existing Connection
2 Connecting your computer to LIDAR through terminal
emanuele#pc:~$ sudo ifconfig enp109s0
Add a static route to the LIDAR's IP address.
emanuele#pc:~$ sudo route add enp109s0
3 Checking the configurations [Problem is here]
To check the connection open your web browser and access the following sensor’s network address.
The problem is that I never get to see the webpage showing the lidar data. Basically I never get to see the page below provided in the official documentation:
What is happening? Why is that happening?
There is probably some problems with the routing. You can try debugging the routing issues, some googling will probably help there. Some commands which might help pinpoint the problem tracepath -n and ip route list.
The easiest solution to your problem would be to just configure the "velodyne_interface" you created to the same subnet as your velodyne lidar. So in the "velodyne_interface" set your ip to for example. Connect to the "velodyne_interface" connection, verify that you have the ip you set by typing ip a or ifconfig in some terminal and you should be able to access the Velodyne web interface from From there you can configure the velodyne sensor networking to the settings you like.

Connecting to localhost on mac with an ipad

I would like to connect an ipad to localhost:5000 on my macbook. The purpose is that I would like to test how my website looks on the ipad. I followed the steps I found on numerous websites, meaning
I got the name (or ip address) of the macbook with
ipconfig getifaddr $(route -n get default|awk '/interface/ { print $2 }')
which gave So this is the internal ip address within the network created by my rooter. My ipad is also within that network.
I turned off the firewall on the mac. I did not think that is necessary, but I did it anyway.
I went to System Preferences -> Sharing -> enabled Remote Management (here one can find the computer name, but it doesn't make a difference whether I use the ip address or the computer name)
Now I should be able to connect to the localhost on the mac with
but this does not work. I get the message
This web page is not available
I use a Mac book running High Sierra, 10.13.6. Any idea what I might do wrong?
EDIT: Still no luck with this, but I got something working with
ngrok http 5000
see This works for what I need...
As long as the devices are on the same network, that should work. If they are not, you would have to enable port forwarding.
Try restarting both devices, then rechecking the IP address.
Make sure the server is running with no errors.
Also verify that you can access the page from the MacBook itself.
Aside from that, I don't know why it would not be working.

Putty error : Unable to open connection to hostname : Host does not exist

I am using Putty to ssh into some of the servers that I work on. I am able to connect all others except the one. Although I was able to connect to it before. Whenever I try connecting to it, it always give me error:
Unable to open connection on myhost: Host does not exist
My firewall is off and I have even re-installed putty but that did not fix it. When I tried connecting to the same server using putty on some other windows system, I was able to do so. I searched regarding this on Internet but did not find much relevant.
I am running putty on Windows 7.
What can be the possible issue?
As I understand you have three computers involved. At the same time one connection is working and the other one fails. So we can exclude that the ssh daemon on your linux box is hanging.
In lack of knowing their real names I will call your computers linuxbox (this is the computer you want to ssh into), win7ok (that is the computer that you are able to ssh from using putty) and win7fail (that obviously is the computer you can't connect from).
Please do a tracert from both Win7 computers:
tracert linuxbox.your.domain
tracert linuxbox
Add the results to your question as it will help us find out what is happening.
Perhaps it is also a good idea to determine the ip address of the linuxbox from win7ok:
ping linuxbox
nslookup linuxbox
Then try to connect from win7fail by using the ip address of the target computer, perhaps it is only a DNS problem (which might be as nmap is failing too).
To make all of this easier to understand for us please provide the real names of the computers as you use them in putty.
For me the problem was with the Url of the reposity. Check remote URL. It must start with, not https://.
I used nslookup and then used the ip address it gave me to connect and it worked
I had a similar problem with GitExtensions. The solution was to remove the https url and replace it with git#gitlab....
I just went through this. I have a Cisco VPN I need to use to get through to the Linux machine I wanted to login to and check.
No Putty session would get through using the machines name.
An nslookup on the windows machine yielded the correct address.
I too connected right in via the ip address.
I tried to Google the error and it failed, so I suspected the wireless.
Disconnected and reconnected my WiFi and all was good.
I did it fast enough that open connections stayed open.
And new connections refering to DNS names worked fine.
Seems like maybe some cached DNS addresses were stale.
Your DNS cache stores the locations (IP addresses) of web servers that contain web pages which you have recently viewed. If the location of the web server changes before the entry in your DNS cache updates, you can no longer access the site.
Following CLI command will do the trick:
ipconfig /flushdns
