Powershell script on mac error - macos

Just downloaded powershell trying to run a script on Mac and received the following error. Would appreciate any help from anyone familiar for a non-windows user. :)

The script you are running is not compatible with MacOS. It is trying to pull in resources that are only on Windows.
For Information on the Meltdown/Spectre vulnerability on MacOS, see Apples post: About speculative execution vulnerabilities in ARM-based and Intel CPUs

The Step by Step instructions are here:
Supports Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, Debian 8, Debian 9, CentOS 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, OpenSUSE 42.2, Fedora 25, Fedora 26, Arch Linux, and macOS 10.12.
For Linux distributions that are not officially supported, you can try using the PowerShell AppImage. You can also try deploying PowerShell binaries directly using the Linux tar.gz archive, but you would need to set up the necessary dependencies based on the OS in separate steps.
All packages are available on our GitHub releases page. Once the package is installed, run pwsh from a terminal.
Is this and new install and was install successful?
How or what commands did you run to install it, meaning following the defined steps.
You do not say what you are doing that caused this error and or is this a script you wrote or downloaded and are trying to use.
Point of note PoSH Core does not have all the features of Windows PowerShell, at least not yet. So, you have to work in those confines.
If this is from the install, you'll have to remove and reinstall.


How do I install Pterodacty local on my maschine

I am attempting to install the Pterodactyl Panel on my local machine for development designing purposes. I am running Windows 10 Pro.
From the Pterodactyl installation documentation page, Here are some OS that can run Pterodactyl:
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04
CentOS 7, 8
Debian 9, 10, 11
And the way of installation is also mostly using the linux command. From here it can be concluded, maybe Pterodactyl can not be installed / running on Windows.
Try to use something like a vps or linux vm to run Pterodactyl, if it's just for development don't need to use too high specs.
Source: https://pterodactyl.io/panel/1.0/getting_started.html#picking-a-server-os

Anaconda3 Installation on Ubuntu 21, on Raspberrypi 4

I am following instructions to teach myself qiskit (Quantum computing developer Kit) from https://qiskit.org/documentation/getting_started.html, which requires Anaconda 3. For this learning exercise I plan to use a RPi4 running Ubuntu 21.X on it. I installed 64-Bit (AWS Graviton2 / ARM64) Installer (413 M). The installation hit a block when at the prompt to initialize conda , I get an error: line 477: 5128 Illegal instruction $PREFIX/bin/conda init which is further described as an open issue here on GitHub.
Would like to know if anyone have had success with Anaconda on RPi4b and even better, have been able to use qiskit on any OS. [I see the mambaforge / mini forge options but I am not sure qiskit is going to be compatible for conda versions provided by mamba/miniforge.]
Thank you.
You can't use Anaconda installer on RPi4 as it was compiled for AWS Graviton2 architecture.
Have you tried miniforge? It should work fine on RPi4

What operating systems are supported by Substrate?

I've completed the following tutorial on an Ubuntu server...
I then tried it on a Red Hat distro (CentOS (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)) but it failed to compile.
Prompted me to ask what OS's are supported by Substrate?
Thanks in advance :)
The Getting Started guide lists macOS (BSD), Ubuntu/Debiant, and Arch Linux as preferred distributions. It also says Windows is supported, though not preferred (due to Windows lacking a Bash-style shell by default).
That doesn't mean other distros won't work - if "it failed to compile" then your machine is missing some dependency. The platform is built using Rust (for the service) and JS+npm for the front-end GUI - so it follows that Substrate should run on any platform that Rust (and npm) will run on (i.e. every modern distro of Linux).

How to access anaconda prompt in ubuntu terminal installed in windows 10?

I have recently added the ubuntu terminal in my windows pc since certain packages were only supported in linux. Now for example if I were to access my packages that are present in my conda environments in my windows os through the linux terminal would it be possible? Will it still function the same way or do I have to manually install everything via the ubuntu terminal as well.
If I do have to install everything manually again, where will all the stored data be present? Which directories should I access?
How does this ubuntu terminal work exactly? Does it work in a similar manner if I were to dual boot it?
Yes, you can access all the packages from Ubuntu terminal. You don't have to install everything all-together again. WSL or Ubuntu on Windows can seamlessly integrate with windows. Even though Linux systems have different directory structure, Ubuntu terminal (or bash or WSL or Ubuntu for Windows) happen to maintain the directory structure for windows. So anything you install on Ubuntu terminal will be installed as to windows terms. But I wouldn't recommend mixing these two as it's very tricky. And also, WSL and dual-booting Ubuntu with windows are far from close. You can know more about it if you search online.
I would personally recommend installing Ubuntu as it makes programming a billion times easier. You don't have to install Ubuntu replacing windows. You can just install Ubuntu on a separate hard drive and just specify which drive to boot from on system start-up. If you use a laptop and don't have two drives, then create a new volume and use it as if it were an original drive.

What is the difference between Bash and Ubuntu terminals on Windows 10

I recently installed Ubuntu for Windows and now inside the Start Menu there are 2 new items:
This terminal opens in:
This terminal opens in:
What is the difference between the two?
For example, we want to install Git and Utils, RVM (Ruby) then clone a Git project and deploy via SSH with Capistrano commands. Should that be run with Bash or Ubuntu as above?
Also, should the commands be run in system32 or C:/ folder when inside the terminal?
The Bash terminal is the old style (prior to Windows 10 v1790 a.k.a. Fall Creator Update). It resides in %LocalAppData%\Lxss and is managed using lxrun.exe.
The Ubuntu terminal is the new style, downloaded from Microsoft Store. The launcher part is a Windows App (%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApp) and its data resides in %LocalAppData%\Packages.
Those are two isolated installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux and do not interfere with each other. Practically you need only one of them, so choose one at your own preference.
I personally dislike the Windows Store version as it can be easily removed, which isn't a good thing for a productivity environment.
I was trying to delete the legacy "Bash on Windows" and wasn't unable to because lxrun.exe is not available in my system. But in case anyone needs it, here's how:
If you wish, you can manually delete your legacy instance. This may be required if you encounter issues uninstalling the legacy distro using lxrun.exe, or are running Windows 10 Spring 2018 Update (or later) which do not ship with lxrun.exe.
To forcefully delete your legacy WSL distro, delete the %localappdata%\lxss\ folder (and all it's sub-contents) using Windows' File Explorer, or the command-line: (using PowerShell)
rm -Recurse $env:localappdata/lxss/
The git bash vs the Ubuntu bash.
Basically there is nothing much different except maybe the versions of the bash. Because bash is bash. It's most likely different versions of bash were installed at different times for different purposes on the PC. And they will also likely be found in different folders on the PC.
Run the following code from the two different shells. This returns the version of bash:
On this PC, using the two terminals (MinGW and Ubuntu) returned the following versions of bash: (see image link below)
5.0.17(1) - release
4.4.23(1) - release
It's likely most people using PCs that have been around a while will find that there are two (or more) different versions of bash installed on their PCs. On this PC, the older version of bash was installed some time back.
That older version of bash might have been installed when Cygwin was installed on this PC. Or maybe the older version of bash was installed when Git was installed long ago. It really doesn't matter now. On this PC, bash is found in at least these following locations:
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe
C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe
The Windows 10 on this PC was updated. Specifically, the WSL kernel was updated from WSL to WSL2. Part of this update involved turning on some Windows features, including the: Windows Subsystem for Linux.
There was an old (virtual) version of Ubuntu (18.04) that had been installed on this PC some time back. But that old version of Ubuntu went away with this update. This WSL2 update changes the way Linux (Ubuntu) operates on this PC. After the WSL2 update, Ubuntu was installed from the Microsoft Store. This is Ubuntu 20.04.
This WSL2 update and the newly installed version of Ubuntu also installed a newer version of bash on this PC. And this newer version of bash is the newer version of bash that is showing above.
Another good way to understand the difference between these two versions of bash would be to enter the following into each shell:
type ping
The result should clearly show that one version of bash is providing the source from Windows while the other version of bash provides the source from Ubuntu.
ping is /c/windows/system32/ping
ping is /usr/bin/ping
Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words. Attached below are two of the new Windows Terminals side by side.
These terminals show the two different versions of bash. Echo returns the older version of bash being used in the MinGW shell and Echo returns a newer version of bash being used in the Ubuntu shell.
