how to sort a file in bash whose lines are in a particular format? - bash

all lines in file.txt are in the following format:
player16:level8|2200 Points
player99:level8|19000 Points
player23:level8|260 Points
how can I sort this file based on points? looking for the following output
player99:level8|19000 Points
player16:level8|2200 Points
player23:level8|260 Points
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

sort is designed for this task
sort -t'|' -k2nr file
set the delimiter to | and sort by the second field numerical reverse order

You've tagged it as perl so I'll add a perlish answer.
perl's sort function lets you specify an arbitary comparison criteria, provided you return 'positive/negative/zero' depending on relative position. By default the <=> operator does this numerically, and the cmp operator does that alphabetically.
sort works by setting $a and $b to each element of a list in turn, and performing the comparison function for each pair
So for your scenario - we craft a function that regex matches each line, and extracts the points value:
sub sort_by_points {
#$a and $b are provided by sort.
#we regex capture one or more numbers that are followed by "Points".
my ($a_points) = $a =~ m/(\d+) Points/;
my ($b_points) = $b =~ m/(\d+) Points/;
#we compare the points - note $b comes first, because we're sorting
return $b_points <=> $a_points;
And then you use that function by calling sort with it.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub sort_by_points {
my ($a_points)= $a =~ m/(\d+) Points/;
my ($b_points) = $b =~ m/(\d+) Points/;
return $b_points <=> $a_points;
#reads from the special __DATA__ filehandle.
chomp ( my #list = <DATA> ) ;
my #sorted_list = sort {sort_by_points} #list;
print join "\n", #sorted_list;
player16:level8|2200 Points
player99:level8|19000 Points
player23:level8|260 Points
For your purposes, you can use <> as your input, because that's the magic file handle - arguments on command line, or data piped through STDIN (might sound weird, but it's the same thing as sed/grep/awk do)

If you ask for Perl solution:
perl -F'\|' -e'push#a,[$_,$F[1]]}{print$_->[0]for sort{$b->[1]<=>$a->[1]}#a' file.txt
but using sort is far simpler
sort -t'|' -k2nr file.txt


bash: transform scaffold fasta

I have a fasta file with the following sequences:
And I want to split the all sequences in the file that contain multiple N at the site where it occurs and make two sequences out of it.
Expected solution:
my (inelegant) approach would be this:
perl -pe 's/[N]+/\*/g' $file | perl -pe 's/\*/\n>contig1\n/g'
of course that also replaces the N of the sequence header and creates headers without a sequence. As a plus, it would be nice to number the new 'contigs' from 1 to x in case there are multiple sequences with N.
What do you suggest?
I'd suggest to use split instead of trying to get a regex just right, and in a script instead of a brittle and crammed "one"-liner.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
my $file = shift #ARGV;
die "Usage: $0 filename\n" if !$file; # also check submitted $file
my $content = do { # or: my $content = Path::Tiny::path($file)->slurp;
local $/;
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
my #f = grep { /\S/ } split /(?<!>)NN+/, $content;
say shift #f;
my $cnt;
for (#f) {
say "\n>contig", (++$cnt), ":\n$_";
This slurps the file into $content since NN+ can span multiple lines; Path::Tiny module can make that cleaner. The first element of the obtained array needs no >contig so it is shifted away.
The negative lookbehind (?<!...) makes the regex in split's separator pattern match NN+ only when not preceded by >, thus protecting (excluding) header lines that may start with that. If headers may contain consecutive N which are not right after > then you need to refine this.
I expaned your perl one-liner a bit:
cat file.fasta | \
perl -pe 's/\n//g unless /^>/; s/>/\n>/g;' | \
perl -pe 's/N+(?{$n++})/\n>contig${n}\n/g unless /^>/'
the first part is to remove newlines between bases, the second part is to replace continuous 'N'.

awk store a pattern result to a shell array variable

I am trying to store the result of a pattern matched by awk to a shell array variable. Here's a simplified example of the same:
declare -a array1=()
declare -a array2=()
#variable for counting array index
# need help with line below
# $2 below is the second set of characters which is a floating point number
awk -F 'string1_to_search' '{$array1[count1++] = $2}' $READ_FILE
awk -F 'string2_to_search' '{$array2[count2++] = $2}' $READ_FILE
#count++ indicates post increment of count variable
#do something with the array
any suggestions would be helpful.
Something roughly like this, then?
awk '/string1_to_search/ {
count["id1"]++; sum["id1"] += $2 }
/string2_too/ {
count["id2"]++; sum["id2"] += $2 }
# ...
END { for (k in count) printf("%s: sum %f/count %i = avg %f\n", k, sum[k], count[k], sum[k]/count[k]) }' inputfile
I seem to recall there was a clever way to calculate a rolling variance without keeping the entire input set in memory; or else just collect the values space-separated value["id"] = value["id"] " " $2 and split into a list and loop over it near the end. Alternatively, simplify this to only examine one search string at a time and run it multiple times (let's hope then the input isn't very big). Or switch to Perl, which will easily let you collect lists of lists and other nested structures.
Obviously break out common functionality into separate functions so you don't have repeated code ... I suppose it's actually clearer like this, but if you find bugs, or need other changes, you only want to have to change one place in the code.
another method to do it is making awk print the number which can be passed to an array variable in bash like this :
mapfile -t array1 < <( awk -F 'string1_to_search' '{print $2}' "$READ_FILE" )
Later for taking out mean, variance and SD we can use bc tool from within the bash

Replace and increment letters and numbers with awk or sed

I have a string that contains
fastcgi_cache_path /var/run/nginx-cache15 levels=1:2 keys_zone=MYSITEP:100m inactive=60m;
One of the goals of this script is to increment nginx-cache two digits based on the value find on previous file. For doing that I used this code:
# Replace cache_path
PREV=$(ls -t /etc/nginx/sites-available | head -n1) #find the previous cache_path number
CACHE=$(grep fastcgi_cache_path $PREV | awk '{print $2}' |cut -d/ -f4) #take the string to change
SUB=$(echo $CACHE |sed "s/nginx-cache[0-9]*[0-9]/&#/g;:a {s/0#/1/g;s/1#/2/g;s/2#/3/g;s/3#/4/g;s/4#/5/g;s/5#/6/g;s/6#/7/g;s/7#/8/g;s/8#/9/g;s/9#/#0/g;t a};s/#/1/g") #increment number
sed -i "s/nginx-cache[0-9]*/$SUB/g" $SITENAME #replace number
Maybe not so elegant, but it works.
The other goal is to increment last letter of all occurrences of MYSITEx (MYSITEP, in that case, should become MYSITEQ, after MYSITEP, etc. etc and once MYSITEZ will be reached add another letter, like MYSITEAA, MYSITEAB, etc. etc.
I thought something like:
but it can't works cause MYSITEGG is a static value and can't be used.
How can I calculate the last letter, increment it to the next one and once the last Z letter will be reached, add another letter?
Thank you!
Perl's autoincrement will work on letters as well as digits, in exactly the manner you describe
We may as well tidy your nginx-cache increment as well while we're at it
I assume SITENAME holds the name of the file to be modified?
It would look like this. I have to assign the capture $1 to an ordinary variable $n to increment it, as $1 is read-only
perl -i -pe 's/nginx-cache\K(\d+)/ ++($n = $1) /e; s/MYSITE\K(\w+)/ ++($n = $1) /e;' $SITENAME
If you wish, this can be done in a single substitution, like this
perl -i -pe 's/(?:nginx-cache|MYSITE)\K(\w+)/ ++($n = $1) /ge' $SITENAME
Note: The solution below is needlessly complicated, because as Borodin's helpful answer demonstrates (and #stevesliva's comment on the question hinted at), Perl directly supports incrementing letters alphabetically in the manner described in the question, by applying the ++ operator to a variable containing a letter (sequence); e.g.:
$ perl -E '$letters = "ZZ"; say ++$letters'
The solution below may still be of interest as an annotated showcase of how Perl's power can be harnessed from the shell, showing techniques such as:
use of s///e to determine the replacement string with an expression.
splitting a string into a character array (split //, "....")
use of the ord and chr functions to get the codepoint of a char., and convert a(n incremented) codepoint back to a char.
string replication (x operator)
array indexing and slices:
getting an array's last element ($chars[-1])
getting all but the last element of an array (#chars[0..$#chars-1])
A perl solution (in effect a re-implementation of what ++ can do directly):
perl -pe 's/\bMYSITE\K([A-Z]+)/
#chars = split qr(), $1; $chars[-1] eq "Z" ?
"A" x (1 + scalar #chars)
join "", #chars[0..$#chars-1], chr (1 + ord $chars[-1])
/e' <<'EOF'
...=MYSITEQ:... # P -> Q
...=MYSITEZQ:... # ZP -> ZQ
...=MYSITEAAA:... # ZZ -> AAA
You can use perl's -i option to replace the input file with the result
(perl -i -pe '...' "$SITENAME").
As Borodin's answer demonstrates, it's not hard to solve all tasks in the question using perl alone.
The s function's /e option allows use of a Perl expression for determining the replacement string, which enables sophisticated replacements:
$1 references the current MYSITE suffix in the expression.
#chars = split qr(), $1 splits the suffix into a character array.
$chars[-1] eq "Z" tests if the last suffix char. is Z
If so: The suffix is replaced with all As, with an additional A appended
("A" x (1 + scalar #chars)).
Otherwise: The last suffix char. is replaced with the following letter in the alphabet
(join "", #chars[0..$#chars-1], chr (1 + ord $chars[-1]))

remove only *some* fullstops from a csv file

If I have lines like the following:
how can I replace all instances of ,., with ,?,
I want to preserve actual decimal places in the numbers so I can't just do
sed 's/./?/g' file
however when doing:
sed 's/,.,/,?,/g' file
this only appears to work in some cases. i.e. there are still instances of ,., hanging around.
anyone have any pointers?
This should work :
sed ':a;s/,\.,/,?,/g;ta' file
With successive ,., strings, after a substitution succeeded, next character to be processed will be the following . that doesn't match the pattern, so with you need a second pass.
:a is a label for upcoming loop
,\., will match dot between commas. Note that the dot must be escaped because . is for matching any character (,a, would match with ,.,).
g is for general substitution
ta tests previous substitution and if it succeeded, loops to :a label for remaining substitutions.
Using sed it is possible by running a loop as shown in above answer however problem is easily solved using perl command line with lookarounds:
perl -pe 's/(?<=,)\.(?=,)/?/g' file
This command doesn't need a loop because instead of matching surrounding commas we're just asserting their position using a lookbehind and lookahead.
All that's necessary is a single substitution
$ perl -pe 's/,\.(?=,)/,?/g' dots.csv
You have an example using sed style regular expressions. I'll offer an alternative - parse the CSV, and then treat each thing as a 'field':
use strict;
use warnings;
#iterate input row by row
while ( <DATA> ) {
#remove linefeeds
#split this row on ,
my #row = split /,/;
#iterate each field
foreach my $field ( #row ) {
#replace this field with "?" if it's "."
$field = "?" if $field eq ".";
#stick this row together again.
print join ",", #row,"\n";
This is more verbose than it needs to be, to illustrate the concept. This could be reduced down to:
perl -F, -lane 'print join ",", map { $_ eq "." ? "?" : $_ } #F'
If your CSV also has quoting, then you can break out the Text::CSV module, which handles that neatly.
You just need 2 passes since the trailing , found on a ,., match isn't available to match the leading , on the next ,.,:
$ sed 's/,\.,/,?,/g; s/,\.,/,?,/g' file
The above will work in any sed on any OS.

How can I sort after using a delimiter on the last field in bash scripting

for example
suppose that from a command let's call it "previous" we get a result, this result contains lines of text
now before printing out this text, I want to use the sort command in order to sort it using a delimiter.
in this case the delimiter is "*"
the thing is, I always want to sort on the last field for example if a line is like that
I want my sort to sort using the last field, in this case on numberstext
if all lines were as the line I just posted, then it would be easy
I can just count the fields that are being created when using a delimiter(suppose we have N fields) and then apply this command
previous command | sort -t * -k N -n
but not all lines are in the same form, some line can be like that:
as you can see, I always want to sort using the last field
basically I'm looking for a method to find the last field when using as a delimiter the character *
I was thinking that it might be like that
previous command | sort -t * -k $some_variable_denoting_the_ammount_of_fields -n
but I'm not sure if there's anything like that..
thanks :)
Use sed to duplicate the final field at the start of the line, sort, then use sed to remove the duplicate. Probably simpler to use your favourite programming language though.
Here is a perl script for it:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $regex = qr/\*([^*]*)$/o;
sub bylast
my $ak = ($a =~ $regex, $1) || "";
my $bk = ($b =~ $regex, $1) || "";
$ak cmp $bk;
print for sort bylast (<>);
This might work:
sed -r 's/.*\*([^*]+$)/\1###&/' source | sort | sed 's/^.*###//'
Add the last field to the front, sort it, delete the sort key N.B. ### can be anything you like as long as it does not exist in the source file.
Credit should go to #Havenless this is just his idea put into code
