Bash function - second parameter in a function not taken - bash

For some reason I cannot pass the 2nd parameter to a function which is on a another file, exactly here:
$lsValidLocal | xargs -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'Push "{}" "**$inFolder**"
The Push function on does not read the 2nd parameter $inFolder.
I tried several different ways, the only working way till now is exporting the variable to make it globally accessible (not a good solution though)
#other machine
export otherachine="IP_address_otherachine"
. /home/ec2-user/
export lsValidLocal="lsValid $inFolder"
echo $inFolder
$lsValidLocal | xargs -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'Push "{}" "$inFolder"'
function Push() {
local FILE=$1
local DEST=$2
scp $FILE $otherachine:$DEST &&
rm $FILE ${FILE}_0 &&
ssh $otherachine "touch ${FILE}_0"
function lsValid() { #from directory
local DIR=$1
ls $DIR/*_0 | sed 's/.\{2\}$//'
export -f Push
export -f Pull
export -f lsValid

The problem with the code you have written is that $inFolder is inside single quotes (') which will prevent it being expanded.
$lsValidLocal | xargs -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'Push "{}" "**$inFolder**"'
This will be executed as three separate layers of processes
bash <your scrpit>
\xargs ...
\bash -c Push ...
Your code is not transferring the value across from the outer shell to inner shell... But you are expanding the variable inFolder using the inner shell. As you correctly point out it can be done with an exported environment variable.
The alternative is to have the outer shell expand it before passing to xargs.
$lsValidLocal | xargs -n 1 -I {} bash -c "Push '{}' '**$inFolder**'"
Notice I have reversed ' and " to allow $inFolder to be expanded before xargs is called.


Cannot get bash function call to work inside another bash call with xargs in it [duplicate]

I am trying to use xargs to call a more complex function in parallel.
echo $1
return 0
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 |xargs -n 1 -P 10 -i echo_var {}
exit 0
This returns the error
xargs: echo_var: No such file or directory
Any ideas on how I can use xargs to accomplish this, or any other solution(s) would be welcome.
Exporting the function should do it (untested):
export -f echo_var
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
You can use the builtin printf instead of the external seq:
printf "n%04g\n" {1..100} | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
Also, using return 0 and exit 0 like that masks any error value that might be produced by the command preceding it. Also, if there's no error, it's the default and thus somewhat redundant.
#phobic mentions that the Bash command could be simplified to
bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
moving the {} directly inside it. But it's vulnerable to command injection as pointed out by #Sasha.
Here is an example why you should not use the embedded format:
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
Sun Aug 18 11:56:45 CDT 2019
Another example of why not:
echo '\"; date\"' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
This is what is output using the safe format:
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
This is comparable to using parameterized SQL queries to avoid injection.
I'm using date in a command substitution or in escaped quotes here instead of the rm command used in Sasha's comment since it's non-destructive.
Using GNU Parallel is looks like this:
echo $1
return 0
export -f echo_var
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
exit 0
If you use version 20170822 you do not even have to export -f as long as you have run this:
. `which env_parallel.bash`
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | env_parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
Something like this should work also:
function testing() { sleep $1 ; }
echo {1..10} | xargs -n 1 | xargs -I# -P4 bash -c "$(declare -f testing) ; testing # ; echo # "
Maybe this is bad practice, but you if you are defining functions in a .bashrc or other script, you can wrap the file or at least the function definitions with a setting of allexport:
set -o allexport
function funcy_town {
echo 'this is a function'
function func_rock {
echo 'this is a function, but different'
function cyber_func {
echo 'this function does important things'
function the_man_from_funcle {
echo 'not gonna lie'
function funcle_wiggly {
echo 'at this point I\'m doing it for the funny names'
function extreme_function {
echo 'goodbye'
set +o allexport
Seems I can't make comments :-(
I was wondering about the focus on
bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
The 1st substitutes the {} as an arg to bash while the 2nd as an arg to the function. The fact that example 1 doesn't expand the $(date) is simply a a side effect.
If you don't want the functions args expanded , use single single quotes rather than double. To avoid messy nesting , use double quote (expand args on the other one)
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -0 -L1 -I {} bash -c 'printit "{}"'
Fri 11 Sep 17:02:24 BST 2020
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -0 -L1 -I {} bash -c "printit '{}'"

Why I am not getting a value when i call a function within another in a bash script

I have a function that generates a random file name
#generate random file names
get_rand_filename() {
if [ "$ASCIIONLY" == "1" ]; then
printf \\$(printf '%03o' ${AARR[RANDOM%aarrcount]});
# no need to escape double quotes for filename
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[ -~]' | tr -d '[$></~:`\\]' | head -c$((MINFILENAMELEN+RANDOM%MAXFILENAMELEN)) #| sed 's/\(["]\)/\\\1/g'
printf "%s" $FILEEXT
export -f get_rand_filename
When I call it from within another function
echo "the target dir recieved is " $fD
echo "the file name is "$CFILE
export -f cf
when I call
echo "$targetdir" | xargs -0 sh -c 'cf $1' sh
I only get the FILEXT (no random file name)
when I call
cf "$targetdir"
I get a valid result
I need to be able to handle spaces in the $targetdir and file name string.
echo "$targetdir" | xargs -0 sh -c 'cf $1' sh
You should invoke bash rather than sh. Function exporting is a bash feature.
$ foo() { echo bar; }
$ export -f foo
$ sh -c 'foo'
sh: 1: foo: not found
$ bash -c 'foo'
Also, get rid of the -0 option since the input isn't NUL-separated. Use -d'\n' instead. And quote "$1" for robustness.
echo "$targetdir" | xargs -d'\n' bash -c 'cf "$1"' bash
Actually, you could use -0 if you change the input format.
printf '%s\0' "$targetdir" | xargs -0 bash -c 'cf "$1"' bash
For what it's worth, mktemp creates random temporary files, and does it safely. It makes sure the file doesn't already exist and then creates it to prevent anybody else from snatching up the name in the split second between the name being generated and it being returned to the caller.

Calling a nested function in xargs (on MacOS) [duplicate]

I am trying to use xargs to call a more complex function in parallel.
echo $1
return 0
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 |xargs -n 1 -P 10 -i echo_var {}
exit 0
This returns the error
xargs: echo_var: No such file or directory
Any ideas on how I can use xargs to accomplish this, or any other solution(s) would be welcome.
Exporting the function should do it (untested):
export -f echo_var
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
You can use the builtin printf instead of the external seq:
printf "n%04g\n" {1..100} | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
Also, using return 0 and exit 0 like that masks any error value that might be produced by the command preceding it. Also, if there's no error, it's the default and thus somewhat redundant.
#phobic mentions that the Bash command could be simplified to
bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
moving the {} directly inside it. But it's vulnerable to command injection as pointed out by #Sasha.
Here is an example why you should not use the embedded format:
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
Sun Aug 18 11:56:45 CDT 2019
Another example of why not:
echo '\"; date\"' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
This is what is output using the safe format:
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
This is comparable to using parameterized SQL queries to avoid injection.
I'm using date in a command substitution or in escaped quotes here instead of the rm command used in Sasha's comment since it's non-destructive.
Using GNU Parallel is looks like this:
echo $1
return 0
export -f echo_var
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
exit 0
If you use version 20170822 you do not even have to export -f as long as you have run this:
. `which env_parallel.bash`
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | env_parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
Something like this should work also:
function testing() { sleep $1 ; }
echo {1..10} | xargs -n 1 | xargs -I# -P4 bash -c "$(declare -f testing) ; testing # ; echo # "
Maybe this is bad practice, but you if you are defining functions in a .bashrc or other script, you can wrap the file or at least the function definitions with a setting of allexport:
set -o allexport
function funcy_town {
echo 'this is a function'
function func_rock {
echo 'this is a function, but different'
function cyber_func {
echo 'this function does important things'
function the_man_from_funcle {
echo 'not gonna lie'
function funcle_wiggly {
echo 'at this point I\'m doing it for the funny names'
function extreme_function {
echo 'goodbye'
set +o allexport
Seems I can't make comments :-(
I was wondering about the focus on
bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
The 1st substitutes the {} as an arg to bash while the 2nd as an arg to the function. The fact that example 1 doesn't expand the $(date) is simply a a side effect.
If you don't want the functions args expanded , use single single quotes rather than double. To avoid messy nesting , use double quote (expand args on the other one)
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -0 -L1 -I {} bash -c 'printit "{}"'
Fri 11 Sep 17:02:24 BST 2020
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -0 -L1 -I {} bash -c "printit '{}'"

How to set a bash variable in a compound xargs statement

I am looking for a way to set a variable in the statements passed to xargs. The value is to be manipulated in one of the commands. Using a file or another utility is an option but I am not sure why setting the bash variable in the sequence is always coming up as empty.
$ ls c*txt
codebase.txt consoleText.txt
$ ls c*txt | xargs -i bash -c "echo processing {}; v1={} && echo ${v1/txt/file}"
codebase.txt consoleText.txt
processing codebase.txt
processing consoleText.txt
The example above distills the question to the basics. I was expecting the behavior to be something like this but inline:
$ fname=codebase.txt; echo ${fname/txt/file}
Thank you.
This line is resolving ${v1/txt/file} to a value before the command is executed:
$ ls c*txt | xargs -i bash -c "echo processing {}; v1={} && echo ${v1/txt/file}"
And that means the bash -c doesn't even see ${v1/txt/file}
In this line the single quotes inhibit the variable substitution so echo processing {}; v1={} && echo ${v1/txt/file} is actually passed to bash -c as a parameter:
$ ls c*txt | xargs -i bash -c 'echo processing {}; v1={} && echo ${v1/txt/file}'
You could accomplish the same thing by escaping the dollar sign:
$ ls c*txt | xargs -i bash -c "echo processing {}; v1={} && echo \${v1/txt/file}"

Using export -f with xargs not working [duplicate]

I am trying to use xargs to call a more complex function in parallel.
echo $1
return 0
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 |xargs -n 1 -P 10 -i echo_var {}
exit 0
This returns the error
xargs: echo_var: No such file or directory
Any ideas on how I can use xargs to accomplish this, or any other solution(s) would be welcome.
Exporting the function should do it (untested):
export -f echo_var
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
You can use the builtin printf instead of the external seq:
printf "n%04g\n" {1..100} | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
Also, using return 0 and exit 0 like that masks any error value that might be produced by the command preceding it. Also, if there's no error, it's the default and thus somewhat redundant.
#phobic mentions that the Bash command could be simplified to
bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
moving the {} directly inside it. But it's vulnerable to command injection as pointed out by #Sasha.
Here is an example why you should not use the embedded format:
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
Sun Aug 18 11:56:45 CDT 2019
Another example of why not:
echo '\"; date\"' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
This is what is output using the safe format:
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
This is comparable to using parameterized SQL queries to avoid injection.
I'm using date in a command substitution or in escaped quotes here instead of the rm command used in Sasha's comment since it's non-destructive.
Using GNU Parallel is looks like this:
echo $1
return 0
export -f echo_var
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
exit 0
If you use version 20170822 you do not even have to export -f as long as you have run this:
. `which env_parallel.bash`
seq -f "n%04g" 1 100 | env_parallel -P 10 echo_var {}
Something like this should work also:
function testing() { sleep $1 ; }
echo {1..10} | xargs -n 1 | xargs -I# -P4 bash -c "$(declare -f testing) ; testing # ; echo # "
Maybe this is bad practice, but you if you are defining functions in a .bashrc or other script, you can wrap the file or at least the function definitions with a setting of allexport:
set -o allexport
function funcy_town {
echo 'this is a function'
function func_rock {
echo 'this is a function, but different'
function cyber_func {
echo 'this function does important things'
function the_man_from_funcle {
echo 'not gonna lie'
function funcle_wiggly {
echo 'at this point I\'m doing it for the funny names'
function extreme_function {
echo 'goodbye'
set +o allexport
Seems I can't make comments :-(
I was wondering about the focus on
bash -c 'echo_var "$#"' _ {}
bash -c 'echo_var "{}"'
The 1st substitutes the {} as an arg to bash while the 2nd as an arg to the function. The fact that example 1 doesn't expand the $(date) is simply a a side effect.
If you don't want the functions args expanded , use single single quotes rather than double. To avoid messy nesting , use double quote (expand args on the other one)
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -0 -L1 -I {} bash -c 'printit "{}"'
Fri 11 Sep 17:02:24 BST 2020
$ echo '$(date)' | xargs -0 -L1 -I {} bash -c "printit '{}'"
