Time Complexity of Binary Search? - algorithm

If I divide array size by 3 what will the running time of Binary search.

With binary search you typically search in a sorted random access data structure like an array, by discarding half of the array with each comparison. Hence, in k steps you effectively cover 2^k entries. This yields a complexity of at most log2(n) of n elements.
With landau symbols, the base of the logarithm disappears because it is a constant: O(log2(n)) = O(log(n) / log(2)) = O(log(n)).
Now, if you, for some reason, can not only discard half of the values, but two thirds, by always knowing in which third the needle will end up in, this means you cover 3^k many entries in k steps.
Hence, you get log3(n). But this again reduces to the same time complexity as log(3) is a constant: O(log3(n)) = O(log(n)/log(3)) = O(log(n)).

It would be still log n assuming your array is sorted.


Counting Sort has a lower bound of O(n)

The running time of counting sort is Θ (n+k). If k=O(n), the algorithm is O(n). The k represents the range of the input elements.
Can I say that the Counting sort has a lower bound of O(n) because the algorithm takes O(n) time to compute a problem and that the lower bound of O(n) shows that there is no hope of solving a specific computation problem in time better than Ω(n)??
Well yes since T(n,k) = Theta(n+k) then T(n,k) = Omega(n+k). Since k is nonnegative we know that n + k = Omega(n) and so T(n, k) = Omega(n) as required.
Another perspective on why the lower bound is indeed Ω(n): if you want to sort an array of n elements, you need to at least look at all the array elements. If you don’t, you can’t form a sorted list of all the elements of the array because you won’t know what those array elements are. :-)
That gives an immediate Ω(n) lower bound for sorting any sequence of n elements, unless you can read multiple elements of the sequence at once (say, using parallelism or if the array elements are so small that you can read several with a single machine instruction.)

Will it work to sort an array in O(n) when an element occurs more than n / 2 times?

Assuming the comparison of elements in array takes O(n), would it be possible to sort the array in O(n) if an element occurs more than n / 2 times?
Actually it should be possible because there is this median algorithm which will find the middle value of an array, or am I wrong?
Assume the smallest element in the array occurs more than n / 2 times, let's say ceil(n / 2) + 1. Then there are still n - (ceil(n / 2) + 1) ~ n / 2 = O(n) elements to be sorted, which still takes O(n log n) time.
Even if an element occurs more than n/999 times, the complexity is not O(n) because sorting the remaining elements is still O(n log n).
The complexity does not tell you how much time you algorithm will take to complete, it is an indication to how much this time will change when you change n, even if the factor of this change is small.
However, some distributions can influence complexity, for example if you know that only m values are allowed (then aO(n) algorithm consists in using registers to count the occurrences of each allowed value).

Time complexity for n-ary search.

I am studying time complexity for binary search, ternary search and k-ary search in N elements and have come up with its respective asymptotic worse case run- time. However, I started to wonder what would happen if I divide N elements into n ranges (or aka n-ary search in n elements). Would that be a sorted linear search in an array which would result in a run-time of O(N)? This is a little confusing. Please help me out!
What you say is right.
For a k-ary search we have:
Do k-1 checks in boundaries to isolate one of the k ranges.
Jump into the range obtained from above.
Hence the time complexity is essentially O((k-1)*log_k(N)) where log_k(N) means 'log(N) to base k'. This has a minimum when k=2.
If k = N, the time complexity will be: O((N-1) * log_N(N)) = O(N-1) = O(N), which is the same algorithmically and complexity-wise as linear search.
Translated to the algorithm above, it is:
Do N-1 checks in boundaries (each of the first N-1 elements) to isolate one of the N ranges. This is the same as a linear search in the first N-1 elements.
Jump into the range obtained from above. This is the same as checking the last element (in constant time).

A data structure for counting integers within some range?

Given n integers in the range [1, k], preprocesses its input and then
answers any query about how many of the n integers have values between a and b, where 1 ≤ a, b ≤ k
are two given parameters. Your algorithm should use O(n + k) preprocessing time.
Your algorithm is reasonably good, but it can be made much faster. Specifically, your algorithm has O(1) preprocessing time, but then spends O(n) time per query because of the linear cost of the time required to do the partitioning step.
Let's consider an alternative approach. Suppose that all of your values were in sorted order. In this case, you could find the number of elements in a range very quickly by just doing two binary searches - a first binary search to find the index of the lower bound, and a second search to find the upper bound - and could just subtract the indices. This would take time O(log n). If you can preprocess the input array to sort it in time O(n + k), then this approach will result in exponentially faster lookup times.
To do this sorting, as #minitech has pointed out, you can use the counting sort algorithm, which sorts in time O(n + k) for integers between 1 and k. Consequently, using both counting sort and the binary search together gives O(n + k) setup time and O(log n) query time.
If you are willing to trade memory for efficiency, though, you can speed this up even further. Let's suppose that k is a reasonably small number (say, not more than 100). Then if you are okay using O(k) space, you can answer these queries in O(1) time. The idea is as follows: build up a table of k elements that represents, for each element k, how many elements of the original array are smaller than k. If you have this array, you can find the total number of elements in some subrange by looking up how many elements are less than b and how many elements are less than a (each in O(1) time), then subtracting them.
Of course, to do this, you have to actually build up this table in time O(n + k). This can be done as follows. First, create an array of k elements, then iterate across the original n-element array and for each element increment the spot in the table corresponding to this number. When you're done (in time O(n + k)), you will have filled in this table with the number of times that each of the values in the range 1 - k exists in the original array (this is, incidentally, how counting sort works). Next, create a second table of k elements that will hold the cumulative frequency. Then, iterate across the histogram you built in the first step, and fill in the cumulative frequency table with the cumulative total number of elements encountered so far as you walk across the histogram. This last step takes time O(k), for a grand total of time O(n + k) for setup. You can now answer queries in time O(1).
Hope this helps!
Here is another simple algorithm:
First allocate an array A of size k, then iterate over n elements and for each integer x increment A[x] by one. this will take O(n) time.
Then compute prefix sum of array A, and store them as array B. this will take O(k).
now for any query of points(a, b) you can simply return: B[b]-B[a]+A[a]

Why to consider binary search running time complexity as log2N

Can someone explain me when it comes to binary search we say the running time complexity is O(log n)? I searched it in Google and got the below,
"The number of times that you can halve the search space is the same as log2 n".
I know we do halve until we find the search key in the data structure, but why we have to consider it as log2 n? I understand that ex is exponential growth and so the log2 n is the binary decay. But I am unable to interpret the binary search in terms of my logarithm definition understanding.
Think of it like this:
If you can afford to half something m times, (i.e., you can afford to spend time proportional to m), then how large array can you afford to search?
Obviously arrays of size 2m, right?
So if you can search an array of size n = 2m, then the time it takes is proportional to m, and solving m for n look like this:
n = 2m
log2(n) = log2(2m)
log2(n) = m
Put another way: Performing a binary search on an array of size n = 2m takes time proportional to m, or equivalently, proportional to log2(n).
Binary search :-
lets take an example to solve the problem .
suppose we are having 'n' apples and every day half of the apples gets rotten . then after how many days the apple count will be '1'.
first day n apples : a a a a .... (total n)
second day : a a a a..a(total n/2)
third day : a a a .. a(total n/(2^2));
so onn..............
lets suppose after k days the apples left will be 1
i.e n/(2^k) should become 1 atlast
applying log to base 2 on both sides
k=log n;
in the same manner in binary search
firstly we are left with n elements
then n/2
then n/4
then n/8
so on
finally we are left with one ele
so time complexity is log n
These are all good answers, however I wish to clarify something that I did not consider before. We are asking how many operations does it take to get an array of size 1 from size n. The reason for this is that when the array size is 1, the only element in the array is the element which is to be found and the search operation can be terminated. In other words, when the array size becomes 1, the element that was searched is found.
The way binary search works is by halving the search space of the array and gradually focusing on the matching element. Let's say the size of array is n. Then, in m operations of halving the search space, the size of the array search space becomes n/2^m. When it becomes 1, we have found our element. So equate it to 1 and solve for m.
To summarize, m = log2(n) is the number of operations it would take for the binary search algorithm to reduce the search space from n to 1 and hence, find the element that is searched.
