linecache error while creating python exe - py2exe

I am trying to create an exe of my Python application using py2exe. I am getting this error: "Import error: No module named linecache"
I've tried everything that has been suggested on this forum in the past, but nothing works. Please help.


Installing GLPK/CBC

I am new to Pyomo and would love to use it and call GLPK or CBC. However, I am struggling to get any of them working, perhaps I am not able to install and call them correctly. I am using windows and would appreciate any input.
Here is an error message I am receiving:
"Could not locate the 'glpsol' executable, which is required for solver 'glpk'"
I am using python 3.6.

read-the-docs: ImportError despite dependency being set in

Consider this build error:
I see lines like: ImportError: No module named swisseph and invalid signature for automodule (u'jyotisha\n :members:'). My does include pyswisseph as a dependency already.. What's a good fix?
PS: My local sphinx build seems fine.
Following #steve-piercy's tip and the FAQ, I was able to get past this error - I just needed to to enable the virtualenv feature in the Admin page of my project.
The install then fails for another (as yet undebugged reason) - but that's separate.

Sencha build due to sass target

I am trying to build a Sencha app but I am getting the following errors:
[ERR] The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
Problem: failed to create task or type x-compass-compile Cause: The
name is undefined. Action: Check the spelling. Action: Check that any
custom tasks/types have been declared. Action: Check that any
/ declarations have taken place.
I looked into the Ant scripts and it appears that the issue is around the SASS process using Compass.
I can confirm that Compass v1.0.3 is installed.
After that, I am not a Sencha expert so am stuck. How can I fix this issue please?
Thank you.
I ran into this error too. I had just upgraded to Sencha CMD Download page
It looks like you're using Sencha Touch and it's probably 2.x. There's a component called "Compass extension" in the installer that needs to be checked.
If you didn't install the ruby, Install the ruby2.X. Ruby is required to build the sencha application and set 'ruby' to your system path variable.
eg: check your ruby version with ruby -v

win32 folder not found after "easy_install pywin32"

ImportError: No module named win32api this is the error i am getting. and looking at other posts i know that pywin32 is what missing from my virtualenv.
i tried easy_install pywin32.. but it didnt install the "win32" folder and win32api is part if win32 and i still get importError error.
i dont want to isntall the .exe (pywin32-219.win32-py2.7 fixes) which as mentioned in other posts since i will be making changes to the source and running it though automation hooks.
i am using python 2.7.6 version
easy_install " 219/pywin32-219.win32-py2.7.exe solved the problem. Thanks

Error executing the result of cx_freeze using pycrypto

I am trying to freeze a Little python program using pycrypto library in Windows. Last version of everything including cx_freeze.
After running >python build apparently everything goes nice.
But running the exe file generated reports the following error : ImportError: cannot import name _AES
The error is reported by file which is part of pycrypto lybrary.
I have copied the pycrypto structure in the same directory where is and I played with the contents of making a lot of subtle changes but I always get the same error.
Does someone know what I am missing?
